i fW.Qfc TWO THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News PRINCE KUPEKT BKJTISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue , H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor By mall to all parts of Nwthern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period i .,... 3.001 Legal notices, each insertion per agate Uhe ...... .,.....! .151 PUBLICITY j FORRUPERTi Montreal gazette Published Leng-i thy Editorial ArtKh In He., cent Number i By mail to all other parts or British Columbia, thelinUEm-flr ! QlIOiCS Daily NcVS I plre and Uu.ted States, paid in advance, per year ...'.. B.O'JtJ By mail to'all o'har countries, per year jt. .. 7.5d4 (Says Prince Rupert Continue to Progress Steadily Along Path of Prosperity will rise tomorrow. This is th bright side of the picture prite there. The city is the terminus and in the meantime Prince Rupert has an excellent power of the Canadian National Railway, supply with no danger of a present shortage. Under these and u the nearest point in British ...u.. u ia . 1 4::: Columbia to the Orient. It is the tuwuiuuiia wiiy anuuiu xv nut ue ujuuiusuc. Hoist Ship Through Window When tt was derided to exhibit lo a Lontloa department store for b f'liruitma season, the hUtoi c bait-ton water -Una mode) of the ''iimirtian Tariric ui i -iiinT "Uiupi'fks of Britain" which had been featured a few weeks jireviousljr In tbe Urd Mayors Show, It was found neoMMrr to Jlft the modl about thirty (eet In tbe atr so that Hs greq Im mljlrt be safeir admitted to the department store by an upper window. The photographer has aufht the scene just as the moiH ! MUrlng tbe window. Trtffto was blocked tor an hour during the hoisting of the model, which was carried out with complete suoceti the first of a series, wiHMts)ffde-! velop 32,000 horsepower. "The Daily News publishes some facts about Prince Rupert which show that the company is Justified in establishing its electrical enter- centre of the Pacific halibut and 'salmon fishing business, and also of 'extensive mining and lumbering j operations. The harbor is a fine one, ' open all the year round, and boasts the largest fish cold storage plant ' tn the world. There if a modern dry-dock and shipbuilding plant and the grain elevator has a capacity of 1.260,000 bushels. In the neighborhood are twenty salmon canneries, several wholesale houses, export fish houses, retail shops, railway shops, fine modern retail stores, abattoir, mills, etc. The city has good hotels and restaurants, a high school with first-yea"r university classes, four public schools, seven churches, clubs and other social institutions. Premier Tolmle, ln a message of ! Father Charles Webb, O.M.T.! 'parish priest here for the Roman ! Catholic Church, sailed last even-j ing on the Princess Alice for a trip to Vancouver. j NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT WQOfltilnc May Join Up With Premier Extension On ilver Kin? Business Itig Demand : ifpr Telkwa Coal Given alnSsflii'e'e years' additional time to fully explore the ground, Woodbine Gold Mining Co. has renewed an agreement with Charles H, Lake for the property acquired from Mr. Lake and associates and is now entering upon a deal which, it is said, may result in the consolidation of Fremier extension witn vvooanme. imswasannounceu uy iransient aaverus nff on irom page, per ncn ....wf6YJ As ft. lt of the recently pub. . M G : manadntr director of the Wootlbjne, before j '2l) u Mtuuire, jjwiutwijfc, uuenvj wc ir vuwmf, Local readers, per Insertion, per.line .btfjsift$'1-- iiehPd ni'mhpr of Hip Prinre nmver transient display adverting, perJnciperlra! wo rlrt ?ri onS he left the coast a few days agp to conclude negotiations in Classified advertising,' pet Insertion, per word 02 Gazette has written a lengthy edl- , Or four months for , ,.. 1 -00 . torial article about the port under tar lesser penou. pam n aavance, per monm .......... ou!the heading "Power for Prince Ru- City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, Daid in advance $5.00 Contract rale oc application. ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone ,..,,,.86 Member of Audit nureau of Circulations x3aily edition Saturday, Jan. THIS IS THE REASON pert"' as follows: "Prince Rupert, which received Its name little more than a quarter of a century ago, and which was Incorporated as a city in 1910. has for the east with Premier Extension interests. The renewal of it h" Lake agreement was in accor- ' , . dance with the wishes of eastern - TAlKV flM v- , interests associated with Woodbine POLITICS mally opened a new hydro-electric . power plant, In whieh the citizens By-Elceiions In British Columbia are taking great pride. The Daily : Are Discussed Uv Van- 1 News of that city on the Pacific couver Province which northern and i Coast, serves -. t 17, 1931. central British Columbia, has is- In British Columbia, at this sea- sued a special power number, which son, wntn thelasj of , the turkey hpj describes in detail the big under- gone irito'hCthere cam,ei.a touei taking, ipstituted at a cost of S2 0f nolltios in the air. savs the Van- 000,000. The company concerned Is C0UVer Province, editorially. It Is pne beeh built at Falls River. In the second place, even if the serted. Electric power is being gen- but Ood bleM our souia a planthadbeenbuiltbythecity.it WOUld have had no finan-erated at Palls River, brought to j Eoclal beverage .Also, there are racial backers to make it a paying proposition. Money for , the c"y bv ble a da!tancen0.f t0Ty mors that Hon. Finance Minister building would have been borrowed at about six per cent "rPi Tow and dis-'i ' urTey,"81 lrz V. means 01 steel towers, ana so so pis-:hag his to drastic j i.v 1 1 v. 1 1 i i.i i.v t ; ' nude up mind and the would have less than three cent paid income per trlbuted to the consumers, m ac-1 pnW S.0nomi. and that he may on the outlay. The city would have had to pay annually the cordance with its contract, the com- even prop0se dose for us which other three per cent OUt of general revenue, which WOUld Pany has commenced to erect or- aie ound be unpleasant for a have been a veiT considerable burden. namental street lighting standards, most verytjdy but Mr. Pattullo, J . which will be picturesque as well as wn, Tf9ttas unpleasantnew as tle serviceable. The power dam is of LnjeI characteristic of any rascally THE BRIGHT SIDE The bright side of the present situation is tliis. The men ; sona concrete, aesignea as a gravity Tory government. I section, flood discharge being pro-j For tne moment the by-election ! vided for by a spillway 187 feet long I are the.jhlngvFprt Qeorge is in the land two sluice-gates, each 20 by 20 j throes of. it .UraalDoHeeVvatire and reet. Tne nenstocK us a nveuea who have their money in Prince Rupert are men with vis-i$teei pipe six feet in diameter and ion who see a great future for the city apd port. They rea- 765 feet long. The powerhouse is a Jize that while they must take a loss today they will be able 'reinforced concrete structure, the to turn it .into profit before very long To this end they will J J work and while we in Prince Rupert are quietly reposing iwater level This Fails River slant Muu nupmg, uiey win ue wurmiiK 10 vriiig auuui uie touui- tion on which their future profits depend. Profits may be terrible, as our friends the socialists sug- est, but they will help us. The vision of future profits will ring about activity here as sure as the fact that the sun an Independent campaigning in the wild north country just south of "Sixty," And with Mr. Pattullo washing his hands of the whole bustneM. His self-denying abstention, as we understand it is taken on the high eround that, (a) January is no time to held elections in those parts, and that (b) the by-election was sprung, ln the most unscrupulous Tory manner, while he was on his vacation back east. But Mr. Pattullo will make no self-denying ordinance in The Islands. Col. Cy Peck, now serving in his new job as a member of the soldiers' pensions appeal tribunal, is giving up his old constituency, and a three-cornered fight Is threatened, and Mr. Pattullo seee the light of a great hope to reoern the memory of North Vancouver, where the wrong-headed electorate voted for the wretched ;overnment, and to forget the out rage of fort George, where the Grand Old Party sternly washed its handsi " Thrte adventures and excursions will pleasantly occupy our political minds for th next three or four weeks, fc-nd then, when the Ides of February are come, we shall have the session, and the full rigor of the annual game at Victoria. We have not yet been told that lt is going to be a short session, but that forecast is bound to come, and is just as congratulation, expressed the be- bound bc fablfled by event. lief that the power plant would have , ht wU, a far-reaching effect on the Indus- ft statesmanship of British ma development of he city and Cohimblfti to accoralng a prMerit territory, and said that the develop- and one of them will be mcnt indicated a very high confl-1 dence in Prince Rupert as a gate-1 ' way to the great northern area of ; British Columbia. Mayor Orme, who I had the honpr of turning on the j power, expressed similar sentiments, and the Daily News pointed out that mm of wealth and Influence now recognize Prince Rupert as an Important point with a great future Altogether, the big power event brought forth evidences of pride and faith in the community and its future. The advances in a quarter of a century from a wilderness post to a prominent trading centre is a record worth noting, especially at the present time. Like the rest of Canada, Prince Rupert will continue to progress steadily along the path of prosperity. The enterprise and industry of its citizens are assurance of that." which are now prepared to proceed , with the Premier Extension consolidation. The Extension deal would give the Woodbine all the ground between the Indian and the Premier, sweeping from the Big Missouri ridge southward, following, (he ore zone that has made Premier j famous. I g. f. Mesener left Smlthers this week (or Vancouver on business In 1 aonntftlon with the Silver King; .nine In the Bablnes. While in Van- . :the Northern British Colwmbl ?ulr also make arrange- ivu 4. ii 4.11 ,v ii 4.u u of ouown looal signs of the New utllltV the City had and where are the promised industries? prepared to supply apy amount of infaHib3. News frm the provinolal 'nf & Lorraine Mining Co. This is what we have heard recently from several local power up to 100,000 horsepower, it is capita? trie days u fun pf political . . , people. declared that the plant is capable intimation and conjecture. Colonel There W been ft demand for coal Imnwpr thrtP whn do nnt immpdiate Qt Providing sufficient power not Qy fecc, . y.o., is regning ln ThBPQ)Wl to tte wpply and the bunkers in answer, w wp e Aiifro-est suggest tnose u no no not see ?pp immediate on , and dlstrict as to wrg ? h at the Telk mlne have been kept results exercise a little patience. Rome was not built ill a are today but has roUrCe8 calcu- there' There by-election cam- emPty bv "Wial trucks making and it will take to build Prince We tne naul from the mlne to Sm'th- day years Rupert. are uted to meet the needs of Prince palgn on ln Fort 0eorge; and Mr lUSt as satisfied as ever that the city did the right thing Rupert when It has attained the pattpllo'8 Grand Old Party of the ers- Shipments to ouWde poJnU in disposing of its power plant. In the firs would have found it difficult if not impossible t place the City ,nity oi a targe manuiaciunng oppostmn has washed 1U hands of . ""XT tn rnisP twn txv ana a eaP0IX "aaing wun an it Tnere u a terrible storm brewing "'""7;" :, 7 lO fdlW lU ... ,,, . il. ..,u Thoro ic . ... j j hpon S ffieult If not imrjosslble to UiC IWUlllAAO VA Hie , .w. .v. m H nHUT MWf HTlf Hr 1 1, in nftfKlV . r minion dollars lor a new plant sucn as tne one tnat nas no Umlt t0 the possibilities, it is as-, hlntfv, wl' f,ow thP wisiature get a surplus, 'Moose Whist Drive i and Dance Success Some ISO Persons in Attendance at Enjoyable Affair Held Last Night The whist drive and dance hel$L last night by the Moose Lodge proved a very enjoyable affair. About 150 persons were in atten dance during the evening. Prize-winn.ers at whist were Ladies' first. Miss M. pent; second, Mrs. E. J. Urge; third. Mrs. Ceflj Rose; men's first. Godfrey Brohuj second. C. R. BIggart and Percy Smith. After cards, delicious refresh menu were served with P. O. Pe '"rrwi and Abe King in charga, Dancing then followed until the early hours of the morning, sp)en did music bejng furnished by the Premier Orchestra. W. B. McCallum was master of "ercmonles for whist and O tills Ro yer for the dance. J. M. Mtrrlson, presided at the door apd Ifans Langholm was in charge of a c)ock checking room. The eommWec. consisted of Andrew McPonald, Peter Peterson. N. 8. K. Brewftfl and V. E Peterson. Finance and the other will be Beer, Probably, as is the way of leglsla tive sessions, other burning oue tlons will arise, and other crises will powerfully engage our emotions; but certainly it looks now like high times about Finance and about Beer. Hon. Finance Minister Jones, under the stern eye of Mr. Pattullo, will explain if lt is explicable to mortal legislators the virtues of financial retrenchment and reform. And the government, locked in deadly combat with the brewors, will take a strong line on Beer. Altogether, that is to say, politics as usual in the glad New Yearl All m.! ! yacht- Onlka hitting wa er at Wilmington, Dela after being christened by Misses Mar ucrlte and Adele Calais of N Y. ISLAND COAL' Saturday, Janu4M 1 ty; THE "BEAUTY" THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN! Congratulated For Having Undervest TORONTO. Jan 17 One of the city's leading doctors, examining a girl for symptoms of bronchitis, was heard to say tn joyful tones. You've got an undervest on1 young woman. I congratulate you! You're the first sick woman I've Nothing is sadder than a girl who just misses being beautiful, Often the reason is simple--u,u pi( . elimination. . The poisons from constipat ion often causa pimples, sallow sk:n, dull even headaches and ev n serious disease. But every girl can banish tVn evils' of constipation by vain Helloes All-IIiun retrulaiiy. Its bulk sweeps the system i li a . Two tablpoonfuli daily ar a wonderful health prescript u . Try it with milk. Add fruit ,r honey. Delicious when comliin' d with canned peaches. All-Bran is non-fattenlni;. Ask for Kellogg's the orif. inal All-Bran. In the ml. atid-green package. Made 1 Kellogg in London, Ontario. All-Bran seen this winter who adr:.: worn such a thing. That get 'em. you seel "Another thing I notin d patients' conversation an.u the other day. Two wona-i penfd to mention 'pettie r the daughter of one, a t . said: 'What Is a petticoat And she wasn't dumb. Daily News "Want Ads' biii ,iir rultp W. GOOD CO'. BIO LUMPS AND LITTLE LUMPS MANY iMMiplc, vrlicu ordering coal, will icclfy 'ul large lump." Consequently, the deal-r, l)fiK anxious lo pleugr, ha tu crrcn and pick bl roal on urrirul from the ininc. The rrvull U that o Ia often only u narrow market for mnall lumps and to offel tliU, lip must, charge a higher rate for large lump. Ijirge luinpi pr it 111 nil lump . , . of cither N'unulitm-Wf-llilipton or Como (iaU . . , u(0 iih-ntieally the kumti hrut vulup. Thu hy tlfiiianiling (,rge plei). the consumer force the deulcr to chnrcr jnore. rurlhermorp. If your coal i ton lure t jlio oir furnace floor, it hut tl he hroken li t. I'hl trocc tiirtifi u certain amount of the fuel hio iliiKt . . , u further Iimi If you have puhl eitt-a for large lump! Another thing, large lump in your furnace mean large ulr pockcl, whieh hy the draught they create, carry the heat up the chimney. Moro outof-poekcl Iosh! Il !) a pa) to huy "Nuniilino-Wellington'1 or olnx,, Coul, Just "us U". They contain more he:it per dollar and are the nioxt economical fuels for eUher dometie or IiidiiHtrial mi.uiremrutH. Pulnmie theft- ilculerx, They urc nil rfhahh' r,crrhunii, 'hcy urc hig rmpluycrs of luhor and jjiey wjll uUo he gud to nhow you why it will puy oi to Hiipporf Home Industry. Approved Dealers ALIJKHT & McCAFFEltY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117 I'lllLrOTT. IvVITT & CO., LT. Plione C 18 COLLIE HI IS (D U N 5 M U I R) LTD Standard Dank Buildinq. Vancpuver, B.C, LJiU. IWtt- I1WJI 11 niiii.i N