I page rout. THE DAILY NWV8 Tuesday. January J ; SCHMELING Showdown In Matter of World's Heavyweight Crown Is NSW YORk, Jan. 6: The final showdown, it Is expected, will come today In the matter of bringing the world's heavyweight boxing crown Into competition again. Max Schmeling, the titleholder, is expected to announce whether or not he intends to box Jack Sharkey in New York in the summer. Insistence is growing that Schmeling should do this fight or else relinguish the crown. So far, Schmellng's manager has held out that Sharkey is not good enough for the German. i If Schmeling does not accept the bid to meet Sharkey, it is likely that j he will take on in Chicago the win-1 ner of the forthcoming Primo Car-1 nera-Young Stribllng affair. Washington Wins Basketball Game Defeated Whitman 41 to 26 at Se attle Last Evening SEATTLE, Jan. 6: In the first of a two-game series, a Washington basketball quintet scored a 44 to 26 Other places had found such a sys tem of little if any service. In view , of this, Mr. Forde was not prepared to recommend such a system here. The letter was filed without BILLIARD SCHEDULE Following is the schedule of the Prince Rupert Billiard Association for the second half of the season: Jan. 6 Legion vs. Elk. Jan. ft Biks ts. Grotto. Jan. 13 Grotto vs. Legion. Jan. 16 Elks vs. Legion. Jan. 39 Legion vs. Grotto. Jan. 23 Grotto vs. Elks. Jan. 27 Legion vs. BIk. Jan. 30 Elks vs. Grotto. Feb. 3 Q rot to vs. Legion. Feb. 6 Elks vs. Legion. Jan. 10 Legion vs. Grotto. Feb. IS Grotto vs. Elks. Feb. 17 Legion vs. Elk. Feb. 20 Elks vs. Grotto. Feb. 24 Grotto vs. Legion. Feb. 27 Elks vs. Legion. Mar. 3 Legion vs. Grotto. Mar. 6 Grotto vs. Elk. Mar. 10 Legion vs. Elk. Mar. 13 Elks vs. Grotto. Mar. 17 Grotto v. Legion. Mar. 20 Elks vs. Legion. Mar. 24 Legion vs. Grotto. Mar. 27 Grotto vs. Elk. SCALE OP CHARGES The following Is the scale of charges made for reading notice: Marriage and Engagement announcements S2. name. Birth Notice 60c. Funeral Notice fl. Card of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flower 10c per Mrs. Neva Frisk Malaby and C.iaries W. Paddock, once known as world's fastest human, were nmnled in home of bride's father, Pasadena, Calif., publisher. Paddock is now studying law and conducting sport column on newspaper. DATE SET iART GAGNE FOR FIGHT Ragshaw and Wendle to Meet On Friday, January 16 Local boxing fans will not have Hockey Last Night By Defeating Portland VANCOUVER, Jan. 6: Vancouver forged Into undisputed possession of first place in the Pacific Coast Hockey League last night by defeating Portland Buckaroos one to nil. The Seattle Eskimos are now two points i behind the Lions with Portland In third place, two points behind Se-i attle. TO CONTINUE HERFLIGHT Amy Johnson Undaunted By Accident In Forced Landing North of Warsaw on Sunday I ,- u T&TFi f,-n iii iu pimm-ii WIl .ly iiHtriwawTM n-wm rllGH PAID Former Prince George ' Man Now One of Big Lights In Professional Hockey World vlctorv over Whitman. Kimprinr lonS to wait for the big fight be- i In a syndicated cartoon in the Re- speed and height won the day for tween BIllv Bagshaw and Benny Blna Star, of high paid hockey play- the locals. ' wendle, the date for the match hav-1 ers who Belong to clubs of the Ca- Breakwater Is The second half of the Billiard League season starts tonight. Lineups are as follows: Andrews (Legion) vs. Balagno i Elks). Murray vs. Stephens. Tinker vs. Mitchell. Zieman vs. Young. Baptle vs. Williscroft. McDonald and Smith, spares. DR. LATIMER LOSES CASE Supreme Court Refuses to Restore His Name to List of Practising Physicians VICTORIA, Jan. 6: The British Columbia Court of Appeals today refused to restore professional status to Dr. Victor E. Latimer, Pen- ticton phystelan, whte name was stricken off the list of the British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons for alleged unprofessional conduct. The Court upheld a finding of the BRINGING UP FATHER ASK VOLUNTEERS Villi 1U TO SEARCH FOlt MISSING MAN ' A meeting of the executive of the fair board yesterday afternoon set the date for the annual meeting on Monday next and also gave final consideration to the auditor's report which will be presented to the general meeting and will show a I good balance on hand on the operations of the year. It was reported to the board that the roof of the exhibition building ! was leaking badly. This will be left : for the attention of the new board; W. II. Sherman, 1930 president, was in the chair. j ing been definitely set for a week nadian section of the National Hoc-1 Cork Province, nil. from next Friday. Key League is a drawing of "Art" The outcome of the fight between j Gagne. big, gun this season on the these two clever local lads is al- club of the Ottawa Senators. Gagne lmnrarfirnnlA ready the subject of much interest-.formerly lived at Prince George UUvvuwiv ing discussion and Federal Public Works Engineer Re-plies to Suggestion of City Council a keen contest where he was In the service of the is assured. The boys are scheduled i Canadian National Railways. He la to go ten rounds and the match will . now one of the real big stars In pro be staged at the Empress Social i fesslonalTiockey. I Club Boxing Arena. I The preliminaries will be selected A letter from J. P. Forde, district from a number of the most prom engineer for the federal department ising Jad& In the jelty Including Pete j of public works, read at last night's Holm, Johnny McLeod, "Chuck" j meeting of the city council, stated Hlckey, Pete Chenoskl. Herbie Mor- ! that, owing to the, great depth of gan, Howie Keefe, Vernon Row?, the water of the harbor here, the Rupert Fong and Pat Clanton. proposal of establishing a floating - breakwater in connection with the 7 4 iiiat t ryiri new fishermen's floats here would , v A Jl illlVrrC be impracticable. Owing to the great w KJ T LiL fluctuation of tides here, any booms 1 in r n i TTT"I or logs fastened by slack chains j I IrAllilMfli would drift about so as to endanger LiLtllLiJ iLH VJ both vessels moored at the floats ; and boats passing In the falrwav. I Took First Place In Pacific Coast! SPORT CHAT Vancouver Stocks (OourtMjr S. D. Johnston Co.) B. C. Silver, 1. nil. Bayview, nil, 1. Big Missouri, 42, 43. Cotton Belt, 16, 20. George Copper, nil, 65. Golcnda, 35, nil. Gtindlew, 3, 5. Irfdepernlence, 1, 2. Indian, 1V4, 2. Intel Goal & Coke, 13, 20, Koognay Florence, nil, 1. L. iJjL., nil, 1. Lakavlew, nil, Lucky Jim, 1, nil. Mohawk, ' Morton Woolsey, nil. National Silver. 2, 2fe. Noble Five, 6, 5V4. Oregon Copper, 5, 5. Peng Oreille, 87, nil. P&Sjer; 69, 70. Porter-Idaho, 7V4, 8. Reeves Macdonald, 22, 25. Topley Richfield, 1, 1V4. -Woodbine, lVfe, Ift. George Enterprise, 5, 10. OILS A, PCon., 33, all Calmont, 26? 30. Dalhousie, 50, nil. Devenish, 4, 7. Fabyan Pete, 2, nil. Home, 1.90, 1.95. Royallte, 15.50, 15.75. United. 28, 29. Mercury, 35, 36. Merland, 15, 17. Hargal, 12, 15. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert Januarv 6, 1931 The city police are making a dcterm'hed drive against bootleggers. There was quite a number of mdirai mhiiuii that rir T.aiimor alleged ODriitors of blind niss uu WARSAW. Jan. 6: Despite a' had administered narcotic drugs to before Magistrate Carss In city po-mlsha'p 60 miles north of here when Mrs. Helen Oliver for an Improper l0 court ttday. the smashed the undercarriage of .purpose and denied Dr. Latimer's ' her plane in making a forced land- appeal for restoration of hi name Out of a chaotic mass of ad- Ing late Sunday, Miss Amy Johnson, 1 to the register of licensed practl- amantine rock, the waterfront of British aviatrlx, Intends continuing tioners. The appeal was heard re- Prince Rupert is gradually beginner much opposed flight to Peiping, cently In Vancouver. ! ning to take form. Two wharven China, as soon as repairs can be ef- i Mr. Justice McPhlllips dissented are at present under construe -fee ted here. . from the majority judgment. tlon. COMPLETED An appealls being made for ; a posse tofF&rcrf foftUi&.ybung Teh Italian Trans-Atlantic Planes Doukhobdr who took to the woods a few days ago as a re- i suit of religious fervor and who is thoueht will die of exoosure. Arrive Tfils Afternoon at Natal, Urazil HI? companion who was cut- NATAL, Brazil. Jan. 6:-Ten ships jf General Italo Balbo's transit -! Lin wood with him reported this afternoon to Rev. A'. Wil- Atlantic airplane fleet of twelve son and steps are liky to be dropped down on Natal harbor this made for a .thorough" search. afternoon. The first four to land Volunteers miaht'tipply fo him completed the flight from Bolama. or to Max Helffirorief. West Africa, in 17 Hours and 15 ... " .Tilnutes. ;' ' . : 4. 4 One ship was forced down by en- . glne trouble off 81. Paul's Rocks Executive of Fair Board Has and was taken in tow by an Italian cruiser. The twelfth ship had not reported since passing Fernando do Nor-onha, 125 miles from the mainland. Final Meeting Officers For Moose Legion Election Took Place LaW Night-Walter Howarth Is New Head of Orgaiifcatioii ! Moose Legion No. 45 of this city elected offfcers for 1031 as follows: i - Past Great North Moose, W. B. McCallum. i Great North Moose; Walter How- ! arth. South Moose, Richard Long. East Moose, Oscar Sather. West Moose, Ted Rorvlk. Herder, Fred Scadden. Treasurer, N. Mumlta, Ouidlng Moose. Fred Haftly. i After the lodge meeting, a social ; hour was enjoyed with music and refreshments. District News BURNS LAKE Stanley Carrier last week re-celyed from the British Columbia Poultry Association a silk badge and cash prize in recognition of having won first place In the local poultry club competition. Stanley was a member of the lcoal stock judging team which carried off premier honors in tfce Provincial Poultry judging corftest held In Vancouver last fall. Mist B. Lancaster has resignd from the staff of the Burns Lake Hospital and will visit her home at Fort Fraser before proceeding to the prairies to take a new position. Nohr Hauer, local musician, has Joined the ranks' of the musical composers with flla wJtz corn-position named "Moonlight on the Bablne." RELIEF OF WORKLESS continued from page 1) Macdonald expressed himself rs being heartily In accord with tho' plan which had been proposed. The motion was carried. At the suggestion of Mayor Orrr.e a resolution- was passed oh motion of Aid. Collart. seconded by Aid Black, expressing appreciation to Commindaht Wflllam Kerr of th Salvation Army for his work tn connection with Hhe handling of the unemployed. Aid. Pullcn brought up the cast of W. Radman, a man with wife and family! who had feoeritly lost his all in being burned but and i was now in need. Tfil case was) Jeft to the mayor to look Into. i Hi I 61 il ' iiiR I!!lil!i!lilPit. .m 1 mm mm $ u & wmmm - 1 :usi:::::::R::::ni:BBr in::::::::::::::::J; ttiiHHH u m K jiP . WONDERFUL WHISKY SPECIAL " LIQUEUR Also Ihe De Luxe Whisky EXTRA SPECIAL LIQUEUR Diillllod, Blended and Bollled in Scollat Yhis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or oy the Government o: British Columbia. Gyproc Makes Summer Homes FIRES AFE! pROTECT your family by A nuking your Summer home draught-proof, dust-proof and fire-safe. The new improved Gyproc, that dott not hum will render you this service at small cost. Use It for structurally strong walls, ceilings and partitions. You can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. It is easily and quickly applied, is a permanent asset, and is vastly superior to other building materials. Your dealer's name Is listed below. Ask him today for full information on Gyproc Wallboard or send for interesting free book "Build-ing and Remodelling-with Gyproc" GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Vancouver B.C PTE By George McManus