PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, January 6. lwi obiirfB For All Home Baking The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous U upert B SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUPERT, RC. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert YDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Hoilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 FOR SALE 5 ROOMED HOUSE Close In, 2 Bedrooms, Fireplace, Coal and Electric Range. Fully Modern, Hot Water Heating. G C C ft ft Sec us lor terms vwjoUU 7 KOOMED HOUSE Fully Modern. Hot Air Furnace. Ql ftftft Fifth Avenue East. Very easy term VTtjUUU 9 ROOMED HOUSE Fully Modern. Fine Harbor 7 Cftft View. Terms arranged vjOUU McCAFFERY, GIIJRONS & COLLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 Brilliant Jewelry for the years gayest season! With the holiday season comes a constant round of social activities. Parties, dances, dinners, theatre, opera! You'll be there, of course. And weve assembled here just the right pieces of smart, moHrrn jewelry to wear with you- newest (rocks! . . . Brooches, rings, pendants, bracelets that will delight you as much as their moderate prices will surprise you. Come in soon. John Bulger Ltd! 1 Prince Rupert, H.C. ( Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results School Children At Port Clements Stage Xmas Tree PORT CLEMENTS. Jan. 6. The school children put on a very good Christmas entertainment here. The program opened with a little playlet of the Manger Scene with Mary and Joseph, an adorine shen- herd, and an angel appearing in a vision to some children while slntr- Ing carols Instead of quarrelling on Christmas Eve. This was followed by a Junior School program of sones. recitations and solos, an da charming duet by tne Mayer twins. - The seniors by this time had had sufficient time to dress ud as French settlers of the early Eighteenth Century and, assisted by Mr. ana Mrs. Jones and little Robin Mayer, put oh a little historical sketch entitled "The Seigneur Holds Court at Longpre Village." This went with a swing, despite the fact that each senior had three or four roles a piece and the Seigneur and his secretary had to make much evident "patter" to cover awkward situations. Again the Junior School (not one over seven years of age) came nobly to the rescue and did folk dances and games with an abandon that carried the house with them, whilst the Seniors, with feverish haste, prepared for the tlt-blt of the per formance "Snow White and Rose tied." The four seniors who faced a southeaster two days nrevlous to ob- iuln trees and moss were amply re paid when the woodland scene appeared In all its glory. Delia Pelton's "Snow White" was very charming and showed much real dramatic power, while Doreen Allen Interpreted "Rose Red" ex- :eedlngiy well. That .horrid man of the woods was so well depicted by Ernest Chapman that the whole au dience was glad to see him over thrown by the noble Bear Prince Sergius de Bucy. When the curtain, which was a work of art manipulated very ably by Dune Cameron, went down for the last time, it fell on some very happy children who were experiencing the Joy of Port Clements Christmas Tree PORT CLEMENTS. Jan. 6: The annual community Christmas Tree was held here under the auspices or the church. The school children put on a very good entertainment, having been very ably trained by their teacher. Mrs. N. L. Jones, who had written an original sketch surrounding the incident of the Babe of Bethlehem. The accompanists were Mrs. George Mayer and Dave Crocker who also provided incidental music for the plays. Rev. R. P. Graham made an excellent chairman, and gave a short address upon "The Spirit of Christmas." After the children's entertain ment a messenger arrived with a telegram from Santa, saying all was well and he would arrive within a few seconds of Its receipt. Then the Jolly old fellow arrived and ascen ded the platform where he found a wonderful tree full of magic fruits and pleasure-giving gifts for the children. The grown-ups were not forgotten but given many comical presents which caused much merriment. This opportunity was seized by many to send both Mr. and Mrs. Jones gifts as many feel very sad at their unpreventable departure. By their unselfishly giving up much of their spare time, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Jones have won the love and respect of their fellows. Once there was a feeling of great consternation when Santa turning to reach something from the tree, a terrific explosion was heard, but, on facing the crowd once more he still had: "A little round nose "And a little round belly, "That shook when he laughed "Like a bowl full of Jelly." The last good-byes fading away, the ladles of the community distinguished themselves with having provided a feast fit for the joyous occasion. Then Mr. Crocker came forward with a very pretty box (an artistic product of Mrs. Oscar Duiflap) containing a sum of money, a gift, he said, from the community at large as a token of their appreciation of the work done by both Mr. and Mrs. Noel Lewis Jones during their sojourn of three and a half years in the district. After three rousing cheers and a tiger for the Jones', who replied by giving the same for Port Clements, the social continued till almost midnight. Miss Wlnnlfred Spooner, English aviatrix, after her plane had crashed in Italy on flight to Cape Town, South Africa. DECEMBER FIRE REPORT Fire damage during Decembei totalling $200, which was fully cov ered by Insurance, was reported to the city council last night by Fin Chief D. H. McDonaJd in his monthly report report. There were four calls during the month. The usual inspections had been made of equipment which was found to bf in good order. Expenditure of the department for the month total led $1,077. CLEARING SPECIAL WE ARE MAKING GOOD REDUC TIONS BEFORE STOCK TAKING THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP Malkln's Best Coffee per lb Malkln's Best Tea per lb ftn!i in Hood Oats (China Ware) Per Package 10c ' Pineapple Sliced 2's 9 tins for 55c 55c Malkln's Best Jams All 7flp varieUes, 4's, per tin Robin Hood Flour 19's Per Sack $1.83 Rapid OATS This quality Is hard to beat Si.OO Fresh Fruits ami Vegetables at Reduced Prices Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 117-123 FIFTH AVENUE EAST Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 RESNER BLOCK DENTIST Must Live Up To Letter Of Gov't Rules A letter from C. L. Monroe, gov ernment agent, informed the city council last night that, in the administration of direct relief to unemployed, each party, be It federal government, provlncs or municipality, was required to pay its own costs. This was the reply to a query of the city if government assistance would be forthcoming should a salaried relief officer be appointed by the city. The city would have to pay his entire salary, it was pointed out. Neither could there be any modification of the requirements In the matter of forwarding certificates and other documents to Ottawa in regard to relief, Mr. Monroe's communication stated. The city had endeavored to eliminate some of the "red tape" in this regard. Speed Up Eleventh Ave. Work Urged Aid. Rudderham Suggests That Council Delay It No Longer Than Necessary Aid. Rudderham urged at last night's meeting of the city council that the necessary bylaw providing foe the surfacing of Eleventh Avenue be put through without delay so that this work may be proceeded with immediately on conclusion of. the grading which is now being carried out as relief work. To have the street closed any longer than was absolutely necessary would work a hardship .pn many residents In that vicinity, Aid. Rudderham felt. Father of Don YelflsDead Thomas Harry Yelf Succumbed On Board Steamer Going From Vancouver to Victoria Thomas Harry Yelf of Norwich, Eng.. who, with his wife, arrived in Victoria seven months ago to visit with his son, Donald H. Yelf, formerly of Prince Rupert, died on Tuesday of last week aboard the steamer Princess Joan while travelling from Vancouver to Victoria. The funeral took place on Saturday In Victoria with Canon A. E. deL. Nunns offic iating. TUES. & WED. TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. Paul Whiteman in "King of Jazz" With John Roles, Laura1 taPlanle and Jeanic Lang Selected as the Most Beautiful Picture Yet Produced A Gorgeous Spectacle With Wonderful Music and All in Color COMEDY,-"FIT TO BE WED" PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:20 and 9:20 THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY With MATINEES ON THURSDAY and SATURDAY "AFRICA SPEAKS" Rupert Fish & Chip Shop Announces the Installation of a new range that gives snappy three-minute service Conic everyone and enjoy a real treat of Fish and Chips, Piping Hot Lodges, Etc. catered to. Coffee, tea, bread, etc. served with fish and chips, only 35c. Open 4 pjn. week days until midnight. Saturdays 12 noon until midnight, R. R. STRACHAN, PROP. 201 Third Avenue West Phone Black 9JG Greater Tire Values give you a better buy Never were tire values as great as they are today. For nowhere can you get more mileage, easier steering and safer traction, more dependability and more beautv than in these Dominion Royals at our interesting low prices I DOMINION ROYALS S. E. Parker Ltd. FORD DEALERS ill Uftmffl Di It ' 7 , age. He was born In London, Eng., , :Thls afternoon's train, due from l but had lived in Norwich practical- the east at 3.30. was renortwi thi . The late Mr. Yelf was 70 years of i ly all his life. , morning to be on time. Illl (III FOOD MILEAGIs y FUELING the household machine is an important item these days. After all, on the road of daily life, most of ijhavo to got tho last mile out of every dollar we spend. High food mileage means careful buying . . . thoughtful selection of the foods that not only suit the tastes and physical needs of the family, but the pocketbook as well. That's the value of advertising. Every day, here in your paper, arc presented new and .interesting food ideas. Now ways of preparing old reliable favorites. New combinations of the foods tho family needs ... in ways they'll like. Standard, unvarying (luality-ithtstandtngVcaturd-of advortiged merchandise in general' '.: . . and of food products in particular. Quito a factor in getting high food mileage 1 Hi Keadjhc food advertising here 'in"yb'ur '' 4 . isi 'li'ily Paptylj. i!Jfiowu tjtfwatt$ to higher food mileage. ' ' '