PAC52 TWO A V ' ' 11 " 1 . i ,, , . , . , . . , i . . i ... . I II I II 1 II i-rwrTj-Tm.--. t-. - ANNETTE IS HERE ! She has given me specific instructions to Sell positive and absolute Every Article in Mock bo here goes, r ormer Prices Slashed to a Whisper !. H W imaiUMIII I ill llll iIMMMMMaMm.mZ!!!llfI!i!f n T7 i f iffifniin iiiBiiw FRIDAY & SATURDAY SELLING New FALL COATS 200 -All New Dresses! Just from the Manufacturers Bought by Annette for Vancouver's exclusive trade. Every one of them gorgeously trimmed with full furred collars and cuffs; the very newest fall materials including the new weaves in camel hairs. A complete range of sfaes up to 46. The regular prices should be S35.00 to $65.00. And we are closing them out at Close Out Prices Brought up by Annette from Vancouver Wednesday on the Prince George, part of the new stock intended for the Vancouver store, but since the lease is sold at a very substantial profit, we can afford to include them in the closing out of this fine stock. Not a garment in the lot that any lady would not be proud to wear; all new materials; all the very late dame fashion's newest shadings all sizes included. But this is a positive close out, so out they go Friday and Saturday at Close Out Prices of from $19.50 to $32.50 I 1 $3.95, $5.95 P t, 12.95 You'll Get Prices!! You'll Get Bargains!! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY- You'll Get Values!! Mac Arthur. A Shipment of New Shoes Close to 200 pairs; all the leathers; all the sizes. Don't miss seeing these for value as there are shoes worth $7.00, $8.00 and $9.00 regular. Friday and Saturday We are to close them out at per pair S3.98 IS H M X " 1 - 33 The New Travel Tweed Dresses They are all here now, wfth Vancouver stock, in a complete line of colorings and a full range of sizes. $19.50 should be the price. We are to close them out at $12.95 I Only 75 House Dresses AH nifty new pattern dresses; the sizes are fully assorted. Out they go at Close Out Price of g(Jc 50 SUMMER DRESSES $.3.95 Regular values; all the sizes, and a mighty good assortment of summer materials. Close d1 or Out Price tM.&D It is a Positive Shame to Sell New Merchandise at These Slubstantial Mark Downs!! MacArthuri HATS! HATS! About 30 in the lot, all new chic models, including velvets and felts, assorted colorings. Every one a picture for style. Out they go at $2.95 and $3.45 HANDBAGS! 25 or 30 new style handbags, assorted leathers and colors. Values to $5.00 and Sfi.OO. The Close Out Price is $1.98 and $2.98 El WANTED! 500 Clever Husbands, Sweethearts or The Hoy Friend To give their wives, sweethearts, or gltl frif nil, all the extra cash pos sIHc so that they can take full ad-Tan'ace ot the golden money savins opportunities afforded by Annette's (ienuinc Close Out Sale. A. W. MacARTHUR EVERY LINE AND ARTICLE DRASTICALLY MARKED DOWN A never to be repeated chance to obtain really new and up to the minute merchandise at much under the actual cost of the goods. All Straw Hats Go at $1.00 Including New Panamas VANCOUVER, B.C. EXCLUSIVE LADIES' WEAR