ft I PAOK IUVR THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, August 20. Nil THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Altemoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor I DAILY KDJ'Kon Thii advertisement Is not pub lishcd or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tin Govern ment of British Columbia. Thursday, August 20, 1931 WHEN YOU CAN'T GET FRESH MILK TAKE KLIMI Because KLIM will give you as much or as little rmlkasyou want, whenever yo.u want It. Simply mix KLIM with water, and you have milk; not a makeshift but real, fresh, dairy milk with ALL THE CREAM, all the nourishment and all the delicious flavour that you Ions for when you're miles away from the nearest dairy. KLIM keeps without ice and is most economical to use. Take it along on your camping, boating or motoring trip. Keep a few tins at the summer cottage. Because It's in powdered form, KLIM weighs only about one-fifth as much as the milk it makes. Send 10c for a trial tin. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED 11S Gtorjt Strtct Toronto 1 COUPON Canadiirt Milk Products Limited, 11S George St., Toronto Please tend me Irte booklet "Camp Cookinj." Name Address hi I - m is PLEASED Prin.-e Oforje Softball Hoys Grate" ful For Reception Accorded Then Here Recently A letter which reads as follows has been received by William Reid, arling s Black Label Lager Beer STU1BLING IS v TO MEET DRMPSKY UEATLE. Auk. 20-Local Dro- moters luve offered W. L. (Young) Stribllng, now in CalU : f drnla, $5,000 to appear against JacI: Decipsey. former world's ; heavyweight champion, in a four-round bout here on Wed nesday of next week. 'MERCHANTS Philadelphia's National League club has purchased Douglas Taltt frnm f ho Atlanta nlnh nf thn firmti IVULJC1 v otn I DriffiiA nna nt tHfl Vlouv1xt did manner ln which they treated tQ phUadelphla B, the enU of the week. "We were all very much pleased i with the reception we received dur-l .lng our stay ln Prince Rupert and ! there Is not one of the boys who would not be glad to make the trip again. Naturally we were disappointed at not winning the cham- i pionshlp but we feel that we would ,iie w meet sucn strong opposition tory 0Vr Harry Dillon. !aga,n- Winnipeg product. I "We would be yery pleased to have jthe Rupert team play us here dur-' lng the Labor Day week-end and if jyou feel that you can make the trip Ion that date we will endeavor to get ; the Kamloops C. N. R. A. team up j I here at the same time and try out the relative merits of the north and ' south lines. I j "In closing we would like lo thank , all our opponents for the splendid j sportsmanship shown during the' Barnes and the following ln partlcu-! lar: W. Reid, chairman C. N. R. A. 1 softball committee; E. Tulloch, cap- i tain C. N. R. A. team, and S. Moran, ; captain, Prince Rupert all-stars and J. Comadlna, umpire." as Pine-Laden Air FOR A BIG TIIIRST... What a relief to get a real quencher like Curling's Black Label Lager Deer as refreshing as a sudden shower after scorching heat ... as invigorating as an October day... as satisfying as a job welldone... as cool ing as the breeze oiT the lake Curling's Black Label Lager Beer With all its quality it coils no mora. BSsM Returning from a successful tour through western United States Charlie Belanger. Canadian light heavyweight champion of Winnipeg and Toronto, signed up to meet "K.O.M White, colored boxer of Chi cago. Last week White scored a vic- another JACK PUT HIM AWAY Former World's Heavyweight Champ Opens Tour With K.O. Over Jack Ueasley RENO, Aug. 20: Jack Demp-sey, former world's heavyweight boxing champion . returning to the ring after an absence of four years to open his barnstorming to'ir of the country here, knocked out Jack Beasley of Oakland, CaU in the second of a scheduled four-round exhibition boxing bout last nightT ROUNDHOUSE WAS WINNER Defeated Biological Station 17 to 8 In Softball Game ELIMINATED Canadian Lcjlon VV'un Football Last Night 2 to 1 I Were Good Value j I chairman of the softball committee Canadian I of the prince Rupert Canadian National Recreation Association, from E. S Foster, captain of the Prince George yanadUn National Recreation Association softball team which recently visited here: "On behalf of the members of the Prince Oeorge C. N. R. A. softball team, who recently played several games in Prince Rupert, I would like to thank the Prince SPORT CHAT Lesion and liniment, to Battle For League Trophy I The Canadian Legion registered a two to one win over the Merchants last evening in the Mobley Cup series and practically eliminated the latter team from arty chance of winning the trophy. The deciding game of the competition takes place Friday evening when the Legion and the Regiment meet. The Lesion had the best of the first half with the hill In their favor. Baptie went close and at the other 1 end Jack stopped A. Dickens, and then headed away Hill's dangerous centre. Vlnk cleared a centre from , Bussanlch. Webster's long pass to ' Bussanlch was returned into the centre but Baptie lost the ball. Vink was lucky enough to get his foot out to turn J. Murray's shot past the upright. Baptie hit the upright a ' moment later. Smith had to run out to stop S. Dickens. Baptie was clever with a quick turn and shot that hit ' the bar from an acute angle. Fol-i lowing a corner kick Baptie got a, goal from a simple-looking shot from close ln. Smith had to save, from Dickens' header and W. Mur- j ray stopped the same player when ( dangerous. A penalty against Mc-! Kay for handling was taken by Bap-1 tie but Vlnk dropped on his knees to j save the shot. Chenoskl got away but shot past. Menzle was safe and I then Vink did well to save from ; Baptia and later on his knees from Campbell. i In the opening moments of the second half a shot hit the upright and rebounded Into play with Vlnk out of position, Bussanlch crossed a good centre but Campbell could not catch the ball. A. Dickens shot over and then Menzle cleared off J. Murray's toe. Murray lost a grand .chance when he shot wildly after (Vink had dropped the ball. Webster was clever and Baptie was playing a strong game. A. Dickens passed to Hill but Smith caught the hitter's header. Then A. Dickens at last got the equalizing goal with a fine shot. uavis sioppea uapue. Tne game i now speeded up a lot and both In last night's C. N. R. A. League teams tried hard for the winnine softball game, the Round House goal. Hill and McKay eot offside and took the Biological Station into then Smith had to run out to save, camp by a score of 17-8. s. Dickens shot over and then the The Round House team's heavy Legion goal had a narrow escape hitting and good fielding made It when A. Dickens hit the crossbar Impossible for their opponents to score or stop them from scoring, although the Biological fellows never stopped trying to get a lead until the final man was put out. Batteries were Brocklesby and Smith for the Biological Station, Boulter and Skattebol for the Round House. The next game will be played on Friday night. Big League Scores National League Cincinnati S, New York 8. St. Louis 2-8, Philadelphia 3-4. Chicago 4-3, Brooklyn 1-5. American League New York 3, St. Louis 7. Washington 5-8, Cleveland Boston 9, Detroit 8. Philadelphia 4, Chicago 2. BOTH BOYS 10-10. "rubber" bout tonight approaches, both Jimmy McLarnln of Vancouver, B.C. ond Billy Petrolle of Fargo, N.D., express confidence that thewlll win. . McLarnln believes he will be able to outgeneral Petrolle " again wlfoe Billy Is quite to deliver a knock-out. Constable Roocrt Gibson has re turned to duty at district head quarters of the provincial pollc J after a month's vacation, Henry was clever nnd gave Hill a nice pass but the centre was cleared. Murray, from halfback, missed a good chance but the ball was returned and, after Vlnk had cleared a centre, the ball came to Bussanlch In a scrimmage and he scored though he must have been very nearlybffslde. Vlnk saved well from Baptie and then Parks missed a good opening though he was well offside. Merchants Vlnk: Menzle. Doug- lias; McKay, Currle, Alan Davis; ;HU1, H. Dickens, A. Dickens, 8. Dic kens, Chenoskl. Leglon-J. Smith; W. Murray. Jack; W, Murray, Webster, Hadden; Bussanlch, J. Murray, Baptie, Campbell, Parks. Referee, J. Johnston; linesmen, B. Hunt, A. Clapperton. Legion Stronger The, Legion had out a stronger team than they can usually field and recorded their second win of the season over the Merchants, the previous win being ln the replayed f In fit nf tha nnmlHUn Tn Vt VhkY l I K h lThey dld most 01 the Pressing and Y Lil 1 JU IVLi were value for their win. Smith had Ian easier time than Vink had. Jack MrLarnln and Petrolle Both Confl-' w ve,1:ylIr,e"a.ble W- Murray dent of Chances In Tonight's , d,d Web " n"d adden " Bout I good halves with the centre giving his forwards many long passes, W. M"rray wrked hard hu tYl0 NEW YORK. Aug. 20:-As their bad,y when he had a couple of good openings. Baptie was the best forward and though he did not shoot much he opened out the play to both wings, Campbell was next best but Parks does not centre early enough. Vlnk stonned some fine shots in AwifJtJ id covfttd fl lis mP Stilly ty tU - ' t),J"lV-ft This advertisement is not published or displayed by tha Liquo, Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. -HWil -I... . i-oiSt. Louis OVRIL makes delicious SANDWICHES Mix a little with creamcheeie or butter and spread as a sandwich paste u NEW LOW PRICES Our prices on Good Tires are the lowest la history. You'll be amazed when we quote pricn on your sire. Exclusive Goodrich Dealers Rupert Motors Bennett Is my shepherd, I am in want. He maketh me to lie down ln railway depots, He leadeth me beide silent factories, He restore th my faith in the Liberal party. He leadeth m; into desolation for his party's sake. Lo, I fear great evil for he Is against me. His politicians and his profiteers they frighten me. He has prepared a reduction in my wages In the presence f prying creditors. He has annointed my income with taxes, My expense account runneth over. Surely unemployment and poverty will follow me all the uy- f Conservative administration, And I will dwell In a fowly rented house for another ftir ' ANONYMOUS. got a good goal. Hill crossed dan gerous centre and H. Dickens was good. Chenoskl did not get enough of the ball and 8. Dickens was good and poor ln turns. Slobley Cup Standing W. L. F. A. P. Regiment 4 3 19 12 8 Merchants 4 4 18 18 8 Leelun t a it ip n Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet. St. LouU 75 43 .637 Chicago 66 62 .560 New York 62 50 Mi Brooklyn 60 so 04 Boston 50 57 .495 Pittsburg. ,.J3 60 .478 Philadelphia .......,..49 60 . .450 CinclnanU 43 75 .363 American League UIC iiv . w . j . . . " .... .... Unmtnn It uougias aeienaea siuDoorniy wun n the former the better. Currle was a Chicago 45 good pivot and McKay tackled clev erly and kept the ball In play. 1 Young Davis is a coming player and marked his wing well. A Dickens! had bad luck with some drives and I Philadelphia Washington New York ... Cleveland Detroit W. 82 70 63 ...55 60 44 L. 31 45 40 59 04 68 70 72 Pet. .726 .609 .570 .482 .439 .409 .391 .380 Phone: SCC Mint Call HI Peace River's Psalm Visitor lo Peace Hiver Tells of His Impressions Continued from vr. worn out from right in: many nails that persist their heads above then pi and so Interfere with the of the public. Then The Legion and the Regiment! " meet on Fridav in th int m. of provide very good pen. the competition. He would be nnv,n brave man vthn moiiiri nitt lvau". ...... ..v nwu.u UhVIlll. w foretell the winner nf nnv batiks and ai- Permanent Foundation much less of any series ln football pce R,Iv" h" taWJ but the Regiment team looks as If fe,rma"e,1t ,?und'tl? , It will win one trophy this season. tr,M' tnroUR1h tJU)' ' Each of the others has already won I a a"d do" a cup and a win for the Regiment ' "amfry nPd ? would give them one but the mat-!",14 n dependf " UT will not be settled till the final ' ture ly SMn' d"' whistle on Friday evening so a good enf onIy ?nei5"K; ' order ,0 bf " game should be seen. ; for any town I one industry alone rann i upon, a fact which uw lis being proven on th i : Southern Alberta and S this year. So Pence Rlv i It is reasonably governs a fair way for success .u' six or seven years time shci brate the t .,!)(' !' r.'VlCCS 1 ;u6'! :i-..1ll- .vIE- ory ut tip iK-;- m In u i'v , fr..iS ,1 C.' day Of Its toon-purs " as a ciiy. uareiui necessary for the early that date so it well behd In public office to, "Annihilate Dreludlce r (i in of Think clearly, set wiui rwn and speed, tet And never repeat a w But doubtless they have been entrusted with ' dsnce of the citizens wlv them. I wish to pay tribute ' who sloaoned Peace R' Heart of an Inland Empu , oni'- 1 UK Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised.