f AO THRg J fee largest North Yellow label Salada 60ct a lb Brown label Salada ?Octs a lb 'Fresh from the gardens1 Salada Tea is sold by Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores $ 1 .00 VALU One regular 50c box DAY DKEAM FACE POWDER and your selection of a jar of COLD CKEAM, VANISHING CREAM or bottle. of ALMOND CREAM Both For 59c Dfia Pioneer Drii&fisLs Phones 81 & 82 Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson Si VWIiam .Method Phone Blue 329 FOR SALE AUDITORIUM Fun Hall, 50x100 Maple Floor, clumped for both skating and (U!,' -iiir; 200 pairs skates; or-l and piano; ideal place for bcmiinu alleys; none here. M.ikt- me an offer. s.NAr ton cash Apply Auditorium, 215 6th Av. CLEANING & PRESSING Ladles' anil CSenllemen's Tailoring KcasonabU Prices M. T. LEE CO. 3rd Ave. W. Phone G63 Next llcnson Studio PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! UNO THE TAILOR H Second Ave. Phone Gl!) UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITEU Mm mm lfve iTInce Itiipcrt f or VsiMWiimt T o.mu rvmiv Tl -ksii.w. 1.80 lM. Arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. TN.S. I'AKIiKNA liVF.IIV ritlOAV MIIINKillT , Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight upprox. wUy ulllngi to Port 8lmpmii. Alice Arm. AnyoK, SWwart nd NM River i-olnt Sunday. B OO p.m. rurthr information ragnrrtiug hi -.'i kihI ti.kriji t rniMT ll'TMIT AHEM V sale in Third Ave. & Fulton St, !SL Comfortable Rooms pol KTKil'. tHmmMt ot . . . ' whttWwmtn, aawtialna fou.1, rom-fartaMa nam at aiy .51 . . . ami omy la UarU frata thaatra antl thapa . . . ! Ihaaa ara raaaana rnuMgh ar tawn at Iba Uroatcnur. G rosvenor -ihej'ricndlii Hotel VANCOUVER.. B.C..., SWIMMING GALA Auspices Prince Rupert Swimming Club SALT LAKE Sunday Commencing 2:30 p.m. Sharp 'Swimming and Diving Events for Men, Women and Children HOYS' HANI) In Attendance Good sitting accommodation on boats. Watch for list of events in Friday's paper. Rr "Mil Aveiiu. nionr Local Items Baseball tonight Ellcs vs. Nati Sons. Dlnnerware. onrna, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Swihimingr-. Gjila, Salt Lakes on Sunday at 2:30. Boys' Band In attendance. Silver collection. 105 A charge of Intoxication against Leonard Davis was dismissed by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. Jack Stevens returned to the city on, the Prince Charles this morning after a business trip to Massett -and other Queen Charlotte Island points. The city police this morning is sued a warning In connection with the practice of speeding cars alone Eleventh Avenue road. Speeding drivers will be prosecuted and their licenses cancelled. Herbert Oreen and William Ross, Indians, were each fined $15 and costs, with option of fourteja days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning for Intoxlcaton. S. S. Salvor just finished unloading full cargo of Xanalmo-Wcllington Coal which will be ; sold for cash as follows: Single screen $12.25 per ton. Double Screen $13.50 per ton. Albert Si McCaffery, Phone 116. tf. Miss Ruth Hanson, who has bem spending the summer vacation here with her parents. Rey. and Mrs. John H. Hanson, will leave on tomorrow's train on her return to Mlneapolls where she will resume her school teaching duties. Enroute East she will spend a day in Winnipeg. The new Masonic Temple on Sixth Avenue East near Bowser Street Is beginning to take def Inlce iorm. joists ana scannings on uis second floor are going on while the siding Is being put up on trw ground floor. Completion of i!"c new building Is expected by late fall. The Prince Rupert Rotary Club did not hold Its regular weekly luncheon weekly today but. Instead there will be a dinner tomorrow night in conectlon with the Visit to the. city of Morgan Eastman ot Vancouver district governor, this to be followed by a theatre party of members, their wives and guests. Mr. Eastman wii: -arrive in the city tomorrow morning from Vancouver. Week-End Specials Snowdrop Hard Wheat Q-j Off Flour, 49-lb. sack vXu Fraser Valley Strawberry or Cflp Raspberry Jam, 4-lb. tin Malkln's Bast Plum Jam A tin 4-lb. tin Malkln's Beet Orange Mar- tlVU IZfip malade, 4-lb. tin Malkln's Best Peas -i Cp site 3, per tin Blue Mountain Pineapple OCfa 2'a. 2 tins Many Flowers Toilet Soap QCp 4 cakes AOK, Kraft Cream Cheese A Of Mb. pkg IV K, Quaker Green Beans 2's 1(p 3 tins till Red Arrow Sodas 9 (in per pkf Kelloftg's Corn Flakes 1 ftp xUU per pkg Lux Soap Flakes 1 ftr per pkg. xu Woodland Butler Quarters Qf per lb OVl, Sunnybrook Creamery Qflo BuUer,-3-lb. brick OVL Field Tomatoes A ftn -xvv 5-lb. basket Oood Size Oranges QCJo .5 doa .' Alberta Market P. GAMULA. l"oprfetor I ifth Streett Phone" 208 THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, August 20, 1931 Glasses fitte t reglitered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. For driving to thp common dan ger, Ray Ingram was nnea $10 by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. Mrs. William HaVtle of Port Cle ments was a passenger aboard the Prince Charles today going through for a trip to Vancouver. R. G. Johnston, manager of In verness Cannery, arrived in the city from the river on yesterday after noon's train, being on a brief business visit to town. , G. W. Johnstone of Stewart & Mobley Ltd. returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from one of his periodical business trips to Skeena River cannery points Mrs. P. D.'Rice returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning after having made the round trip to Stewart, Anyox anl Massett Inlet points. John McOllllvray, for theft of rope at Cow Bay, was fined $15 with option of seven days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymor In city police court yesterday afternoon. Mrs. William Asselstlne and children of Premier, who have been holidaying at Tlell, arrived In the city on the Prince Charles thi morning from the Islands and wtr proceed home on the ss. Prince George tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hoadley of Verno i who have been visiting at Alic Arm with their son, F. H. Hoadlev arrived in the city from the nortr. on the Prince Charles this morning and will proceed' from here tr Vernon by train.""" TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Oak Davenport. al chair In good cSndltlqn. Cheap Phone Red 218. : 218 WANTED 4 or five room unlurn ished house, close in. Apply Bo 98, Dally News. ' ' DRIFTED from Digby Island Ure skiff. Finder please apply o Olson. Box 933. 2?-3 lULsJUBilBlattaK KIU: KIUlaUaUB SAVE By Buying Quality Foods at These Prices Picnic Hams Swift's 23c average 5Vj lbs. per lb Butter No. 1 Alberta 47c creamery, 2 lbs. Pearl White Soap Mado In 25c B.C., 7 bars Snowdrop Family Fibur 70c per 24-lb. sack 135 per 49-lb. sack Lux F6r all fine laundering. Buy a supply at this price 25c 3'pkgs Ginger Snaps Hcd Arrow, 15c new. stock, per lb. . Cornflakes Quaker 9c per pkg Soup Campbell's Tomato 10c per tin r i lit- m w.tAi. I vumpueu s, uuier varieties 25c Soup. 2 tins (Now packed in Canada) Coconut Brittle Freeh and OCp vavaawavMs V Cut Oreen Beans- -Quaker .25c choice quality No 2, 3 tin- Whcatlets 9c!r lOK' per 5-lb. cotton sack. Campfirc Marshmallows , Q?p Jt,l per 3-lb. tin . FJIESH VKGISTAllLES Golden Bantam Conw 45c per doz Green Beans 7c per lb , Bunch Beets 5c per bunch Bunch Carrots 4c j per bunch Outdoor Tomatoes 25c 3 lbs Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 5G ONE QUALITY THE BEST Family Shoe Store ANNUAL SALE Boys' School Boots Solid Leather SALE PRICE $3.45 Boys' Dress Shoes Regular $5.75 SALE PRICE $3.95 Mens Work Boots Panco or Leather sole SALE PRICE $3.85 Women's Shoes Value to $8.50 SALE PRICE $4.85 Women's Onyx Shoes All Styles and Sizes. Values $8.50 to $10.00 SALE PRICE $6.85 to $7.95 ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles' Novelty Dance Augustas, adies refreshments, dents. 50o. Eagles' Social and Smoker Sep-ember 10. - Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. HUGH L. DICKEY. M.I). SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Koyal Hotel HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PKUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth 8U. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, Prop THE HOTEL UOKTII WHILE Hot & Cold Vitr; etm Ht 75c PEIt DAY AND UP Trlrphont tl Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Guests Say They Are. i Women's Shoes 100 Paii-s of Women's Shoes. Assorted Styles and Sizes SALE PRICE $2.95 Women's Shoes A Group of 200 Pairs of High Grade Footwear. All Styles, Colors and Heels SALE PRICE $3.95 Men's Shoes Men's Brown and Black Oxfords in a Splendid Range of Styles SALE PRICE $3.95 All Our Large Stock Included in a Store-Wide Reduction , ..... SALE Exclusive Agents Hartt Shoes CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'EHAriNU (J. T. I 20.000-TON FLOATING DHYDOCK knjtinms, Machinists, Uollerma.ens Hlarksmittu, I'attcrn Makers. Founders, Woodworker, "Etc EIJJCIUIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our riant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAI11NE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PUONES 43 AND 38S WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate ot 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 If your paper dues nut i Growing Girls' Shoes Patent Strap Regular $4.95 SALE PRICE , $3.45 Arch Support 1 anoes For Women SALE PRICE $5.95 Ladies Evening Shoes Gold and Silver Kid SALE PRICE $5.95 Outing Shoes at Reduced Prices Men's Shoes and Oxfords Black and Brown. Values to $10.00. SALE PRICE lyjTOiJUaUOJ'tUtUaf arrive, telephone the office