J! ii MS BIG SCORE TURNED IN Washington is Defeated 18 to New York Cleveland is Slill in Lead 8 y ST. LOUIS, May 6: Cleveland Indians maintained their lead in the American League by defeating St. Louis Browns again yesterday. Washington Senators dropped into fifth place by losing 18 to 8 in the heaviest scoring game of the season to the New York Yankees. Yesterday's scores: National League Philadelphia 4. Boston 6. New York 8. Brooklyn 0. Cincinnati 4, Chicago 8. American League Chicago 7. Detroit 3. Cleveland 11, St Louis 5. Boston 1, Philadelphia 4. Washington 8, New York 18. NO SVflMMING MEET There was no quorum on account of other m,,'vs beluT on. so the general meeting of the Prince Ru On a charge of creating a disturbance. Herbert Mitchell 'was fined $2, with option of two days' Imprisonment by Magistrate Mc-Clymont In city police court this morning. Ia Detroit tome months ago a ywog man noticed acme parking case in the doonray of a clothing warefmae waiting to l expreiwed On walking round the corner he aaw an eiprcM deli very t ruck (landing idle. It w hmeh hour and everyone was away. Jumping into the teat be drove uw-k to the clothing warehouse. Calaaty eignJng the express book he loaded the caaee cm tie truck be had to you --in thia way. Wltea you touch some fruit, a rhoeiate or aUaruit, your print leave gprmaon tle food. In vour mouth theae rerrea multiply a million fold awl quirkly attark votir ayatem. Theae germa come from touching tlJnga other harula have touched -money, a book, a telephone or aome playing cards. All day long vou run thia danger. life Extenaiun Inatitute liata 27 diaeaaca which may be airead by the hand ia thia way. Cold are among them. Avoid this Danger with Lifebuoy While we cannot avoid coming in contact with germ we ran avoid the danger of infection by waahing, our han4a jaith the right aoap many time a day 'tad imrtii-uiarly liefore meal. Net a wraah -w ith jtiat any good aoap but with lifebuoy - lifebuoy contain a germicUe. laluratory teat prove that it wit) kill or make dormant even deadly genna, where ether aoap fail. Stops Body Odour CHICK HAFEY LEFT AT HOME Will Work Out Daily During Absence of .St. Louis Cards ST. LOUIS. May 6: When the Cardinals took to the road this week, they left behind their slug during their absence, will work out dally at Sportsmen's Field. The team Is due back home again on May 28. CHAMPION IS WINNER M.ixle ltosenbloom Outgenerals Lea Lomskl in Portland Bout PORTLAND, May 6 Fighting a crafty defensive battle. MaxIeRos-enbloom, the light heavyweight champion, last night held off th? aggressive attack of Leo Lomskl of Aberdeen. Washington, and took jthe decision In a ten round bout. Lomskl nut un a hard battle but Rosenbloom in control of the!shootlnB on these pert Swlnunliw Club, scheduled for . wm was w" " tuuwul last night, was postponed to a later ,' slt " u ana gave a dat. I pretty exhibition of ring general- ' .'ship. Lomskl put up a better showing than mlsht luv. been ..peeled!?"' At ,lh,,r "i"' and wu on the attaek all the way.,"c",we" n : W,,A '"' Some of the experts figured wrong- '.,7 6 T, . ,1 . it,. 1 the ball to some definite member of his hands Lomskl looks far fromlthl' , being near "the end of the trail."!. Daring Thief Raids Warehouse in Daylight Finger Print Caught Him atolen and drove away with several hundred dollars worth cf clothing. So daring was the theft that he might never have been trared but et-ru found a finger print on the aaine page aa hia fake denature in the, tx- rtM twok. 1 1 proved to Iw that or a well known gingtter. Throwing out their drag-net the jwlire soon caught Mm. - His fmfcr print waa the mean of sending him to jail for a long term. Your Prints on Food Danger! Thw aVory u not tokl to warn you I Once you have uwsl Lifebuoy, you gaiMt sUalng. o are not a thief, will rraliie why millions of wople the ww do not need a warning. But you I wrld over u it for this splendid do need to be told of the dangers in I protection. And lifebuoy ia a wonder-finger print your prints. f ul help in caring for vour complexion. 1 bey may bring a dangerous diaeaae i It is a blend of two delightful palm oila aud it soft, alujiidant, healing lather penetratea deeply into the pore of your akin, making it glow with health. Protection against Odours There ia no tierfuiu in lifelxioy, juai an eiira-eieau scent oi aalrty which diaapear at owe but tell you it marine and protect. A bath with lifebuoy before you itart the day' woik aaaure you againat body odour tor many nours. Why not tine a aoap which combine ao any advantage! Voil will find it liar- ticularly good for children, for it helpi to heal eut and cratcbe which other- wine might liet'ome infected. Keep it alway on the twain and for the bath. Iet everyone in ybtif home enjoy it and learn to adopt the lifel-uoy halit. Oct aeveral cak- rom your dealer to-day ao that you will alway have some on lurid. Ltver IlrollMta UiuiUil, TorobUi Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicido 54 WIN AGAIN IN SOCCER Uorden Street Takes Handsome Lead In Junior League Borden Street defeated the High glng outfielder, Chick Hafey. who. School by 1-0 in their second victory of this half of the junior Footoaii League series. This win, added to that over Booth School on Saturday, gives them a handsome lead. The outstanding player of the game was Morgan In goal for Borden. Borden's back game was stronger than the High School's because the former were always quick 'to clear the ball from the danger i area In front of their goal by quick vigorous kicks to the side lines. They were never guilty of kicking the ball across their own goal mouth. Nakamoto and Harold Fisher were strong defensive players for Borden. While Suehlro, the High School goalkeeper, gave a good account of himself, the rest of the back division was not working together as a unit. This lack of cohesion allowed the High School goal to be left wide open to attack several times. Oood goal-keeping and weak Borden occasions were the only things that saved High from a severe beating. At such times the High back division were very slow to rush in and clear the ball Igame for High School. Although he shot weakly, he passed the ball well, and he attacked persistently. More vigorous support from his In side men would have resulted in several scores. I Real action began towards the i middle of the second half when Borden forwards, led by Dungate land Wilson, began repeatedly to ' penetrate the High defence. Wilson broke quickly and threatened twice. Hardy went In on a clear goal but shot weakly. Then Wilson was allowed to repeat the same thing. He went In close and outguessed Suehlro to score the winning goal. High School now attempted desperately to even the score but they did not have the punch. Borden did not make the mistake of playing a defensive game. They held their lead by a strong offensive combined with their persistent habit of clearing the ball to the side lines when play !was dangerous to their goal. ! Borden Morgan; Fisher, Currie; Wllliscroft. Nakamoto, Naylor; Lindsay, Wilson, Hardy, Campbell, ; Dungate. High Suehlro; Walters, Davles; Erickson, Blake, Ritchie; Marshall, Hill, Cross, Welle. Fisher. I J 1 Referee, J. Campbell. Baseball Standings National League St. LouUT New York Chicago Boston Pittsburg .... Philadelphia w. .11 .11 10 .11 :.. 9 ,. 6- Brooklyn , 5 .Cincinnati i 2 DRIVER IS L. 3 S 6 7 9 10 12 14 American League W. L. Cleveland 12 6 New York 10 8 Philadelphia 8 7 Chicago 9 8 Washington ..10 9 'Detroit 9 10 Boston 6 10 St. Louis 5 11 Pet. .788 .689 .625 .611 .500 .375 .181 .125 Pet. .667 .556 .633 .529 .526 .474 .375 .311 TO BLAME Coroner's Jury Brings In Finding in Connection With Death of New Westminster C.lrl . NEW WESTMINSTER, May 6: One of two motorists who figured In a collision of automobiles here two weeks ago as a result of which one 'of the vehicles mounted the sidewalk and killed Audrey Ooss was held responsible for the fatality, yesterday by the coroner's Jury investigating the girl's death. The jury found that one of the drivers was travelling at an excessive rate of speed when the crash occurred, THE DAILY NEWS SOFTBALL IS PLAYED General dffice and Round House teams both made thelrfirstTippffltrif command of the situation Batteries were Boulter and Amey , for General Office and Tullpch and Peterson for Round House. i Round House and Station are scheduled to meet in the next game Friday evening. 1 TO DECIDE ON FIGHT Depends on City Council Whether Cleveland Gets Title Bout . National BwreAtion Association's Cleveland will actually get the Softball League last right ana1 the ,m!":5S"l? 'JSR . T bout- onf JjJlya will be decided next former won by a score of 21 to 6 It J Mond the city couriCn votes was rather one-sided yet not a bad to on an amendment re-game. General Office was always in cent cut fop the Box. lng Commission on the proceeds. BASEBALL SCORES Pacific Coast League San Francisco. 6; Mollywood, 5 Seattle, 0; Portland, 2. Will Improve SIR TOM Nrhnnl lirniinris Jrwt Hoot Ii naygrounas 10 nc liniargcu By the Expenditure of $950 " Relief Money r-Er" city council, at its special r meeting last night, decided to spend. a balance of $1250 left over from the recent Eleventh Avertue and sewer relief worfes, $300 on cinder sidewalks and $950 in improving the Booth School playgrounds. This money has to be spent at ! once or returned to the government I at Victoria, so this work will be "done. The Booth grounds work will be In collaboration with the school board. ; H-n i ui uir - . . ininn i st e i ii mi in .. Vachl Squadron In Enti, ,,"; tlHVUI K H till, i in ... -MiNDOrft-Mav jsi. t.lnlnn tho f, ",c to . be the next wml Jive organliation k'S world, whose mem iim Bre . ted to fly the Roy,; Thomas' election l, Ki-heouw take place on ThuicUv. Get the Ab rtaainj Davs $ ,fr0RWARDwlTH CANADA JJJ IJk. STRONGER ...fhan any ofher fire MOST makes of tires are stronger than they were two or three years ago . . . they have to be to stand up under the 'gruelling punishment of today's harder driving. But remember this important fact . . . tho modern Dominion Royal is. 1 8 per cent stronger than any other I ' i What does this mean to YOU ? It moans that Dominions on your car will give you greater mileage and less trouble. It means that Dominions have a big margin of extra strength to endure road shocks ... to withstand curb and deep-rut abrasion ... to endure the strain of sudden stops ... to resist the scorching heat of high speeds. Your car deserves these stronger Dominion Tires . . . and the added protection of Dominion Inner Tubes. Here is a combination of strength and ' dependability that will relieve your mind of all tire trouble . . . and enable you to enjoy thousands of care -free miles. 18 per cent extra strength represents 18 per cent greater valuo . . . but Dominions cost you no more than ordinary tires. Buy Dominion quality! Another Reason Whu THE BIG SWING IS TO DOMINtmN iHriiRi'iam Seal of araBBBr-iBr-aBraaBneBwBaBBBBBBBBaBBiBBi'ai n TIRE Sfrencffh LUUiAaUalUXl AJJLU0l I I"! a I KiL M &9 P JO