i 'II fAOl ax THE DAILY NEWS way i J,, C I G The wlnnlngi of Gallant Fox in 1930 Mrrre the greatrat of any thoroughbred In turf history for single aaon the world! rerord for succrasful racing Mild and Fran rant urret ALETTES The Salvation Army Annual Self -Denial Appeal VltM Help The Army of the Helping Hind. tht Salvation Army claims your asitance in its world-wide fight Igainit wrong and aortal misery. Your gift will be pataed on to the lick and suffering and sinful and thereby help to make a better wcrlJJ Mate your reaponit your utmost effort. Campaign From April 25 to May 10. SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $.3.2?' No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 -at per M....... $2.75 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PIIONE 580 District News ALICE ARM The Alice Arm branch British Columbia Chamber Mines, at Its annual meeting las', week, elected the following officers for the year: president Morris Peterson; vice-president E Moss; secretary-treasurer A. D. Yorke; executive Nell Forbes and Ous Anderson. M. Santl. who has been restoring at Anyox since last summer, returned to Alice Arm last week. Mr. Rivera, who was In charge of the cook-house at the Tidewater The Alice Arm Athletic Associa tion held a successful hard times party at the club house last Fri day evening. There was a good The monthly business meeting of i the Woman's Auxiliary to St. Michael's Anglican Church was held Burrard Street In a cigarette, as in n Iiotkc race, quality tells! Thoroughbreds that have the right Mood in their veins, are the ones thai win the richest stakes. And cigarettes like Turrets, that are exactly right in quality anil flavour, jire t lie ones that .hold the records for popularity with discriminating smokers. After all, nothing can replace good, honest . tnhacco; grown anil rieueil right out in the field under nature's own s u n 1 i g h t n o t h i n g artificial altoiit that and the high quality i "inbred.". M ' lAVh .HI- VAIHAHII- PMkm TT Many Teachers . Qke RECORD SPEAKS fi? ITSELF HERE'S WHERE MODERN WOMAN IS GIVEN BREAK i MOSCOW, Russia, May 6: Soviet j Russia boasts of being the only na-I tlon In the world where women are I given an equal opportunity with of the men In military aviation. of SEATTLE CASES OPENING FRIDAY Five Defendants in Puget Sound Savings & Loan Indictments Coming Up SEATTLE. May 6: All five defendant lit the Puget Sound Savings 5i Loan Association Indictments will be arraigned In Superior Court Friday afternoon. -Adblph Linden, Indicted on ten counts, la Molybdenum mine, which has been seeking to have his trial first closed down, left last week for Vancouver. Out Of Work In Saskatchewan REOINA, May 6: Eight hundred school teecheifc are unemployed In Saskatchewan, It was announced here yesterday. yesterday afterpoon in the QqQ(1 pr'lcc Pait uuuev. At Ketchikan For. King Salmon Ullu6l'..,"(l" "c ! KETHItlKANr Miv fl Tlie nrp -i ." Through In 1932 vailing price for King salmon here &r ! Monday wax 12.7c pound for' red and VANCOUVER. May 6: The Bur- 4c for white. There were several rard Street brjdtsevthe new span of bots In. False Creek.whlch Is designed to relieve traffUjHm..Oranvllle Street "brldce. is wecWditp beucornnleted. Pola Negri ItT Hollywood Now i Former Star of Silent Film Going Into Talkies HOLLYWOOD, May C:-Pola Negri, former star of the silent films. ,1s back In Hollywood with the in-.tentlon of going into thc talkie game. S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Oars Trucks Tractors Tires t- Accessories Oas & Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 KETCHIKAN AIRPLANE TIIAGEDY CAME AS ANGLING PARTY WAS TAKING OFF LAKE TO GO HOME (Continued from Page One) both legs above the knees, ore ihoulder. and arm shattered and ride rljhed; O C.' V-- Alexander had both legs broken below the knees while Pllui James Dodson sustained "one broken-leg and broken nose. Alexander and Dodson will recover providing Infection has not set In. The three survivors of the crasn here yesterday afternoon tnii:Miii;atiMiaifni:iKB!:nan.aii Wednesday cc uiursuay " TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 PJU. CLAUDETTE COLIJERT and ' FREDERIC MARCH In he Alaska Salmon Packers' Cor- Said to be Succcss Germany No poration. The plane Sitka was here t jiorc rjiood j at night enroute down the coat. to meet the jnotorshlp Northland BERLIN. May 6 Bloodless surg-md take off that vessel Oil Skin- ery may result from local dlscov- ntr, president of the Aaska Sal- erie whereby electric sparks may i the right to mix mon Packers' Association, who is be used instead of the knife. Ad- coming from Seattle, ana rusn nun verse effects that electric sparks to Ketchikan. had formerly on the nerves may be ; Arrangements had not been com- removed, it Is said, oleted yesterday at Ketchikan for . ' birlal of Steve Seltg. a former ather and nd ""nthTi are said to have also met Mnt deaths. Including a brother. Wl'llam Sells', who was run down Hi killed by a train at Cow Hay Vre several years ago. News of. Moving Picture Star Suffered "Wig's death came as a shi'k to Shock in Automobile Accident many friends In Prince Rupert In New York yesterday. j The wrecked plane, reported to NEW YORK. May 0 Ronald Col-be a total loss, was a Stinson Jun- man. noted moving picture star Is lor monoplane belonging to the PI- making good recovery from shock oneer Airways of Ketchikan. It as a result of an automobile accl-was well known In Prince Rupert, dent on Sunday night. The rescue plane, belonging to the Alaska-Washington Alaska-Washington Airwavs Airwavs was piloted by Oene Meyring with Wofni- ShftrfaOP aicl lac Wadmah as air engineer. It. " Frank nk Is the same plane which Pilot An- -eel Eckmann used In the Renahan search last winter, being a slater ihlp of the one lit which P'lot. Renahan and his party were lost last fall. The Meyring plane, which arrived of Prince Rupert. Sellgs ftoU fnlmnn several others of hli IxUIldlU VsUlIIldai Is Recovering In California Unusually Little Snow On Moun , tains This Spring SAN FRANCISCO, May ft A ser- .rwn xvcuuu. conuauoa uwU ious water shortage Is feared in he coast this morning, expecting varl0U8 part 0f California this o meet the Northland today be- lununer unleM vn Is a good deal kweirii umnuit u , : ot m There in an unuaual hnrt High praise will be 'voiced tor Me of on thc mounUln of ne vaiour 01 ruoi James uoaann tw. .wi. , n so valiantly attempting to res- :ue his passengers despite thc gony of his own broken leg. None SENSATION but one of great strength and courage could have accompisbed his feat of dragging the three .... . ... helpless men to the beach from "rtonai Arcnivea 01 ahoiiso may he wrecked plane, splmtmg hl iwn leg and then starting to pad- lie away for help. I twas another if those epics of courageous young ivlators. RECALL IS IMPENDING Sufficient Names on Seattle Docu ment Are Proved By j Enumerators 8EATLE, May 6. Success of the recall proceedings against Mayor Frank Edwards loomed as enumerators announced that the necessary 22.690 signatures on the petition for recall had been proven. The petition was then closed to supporters of Mayor Edwards who had sought to stage a withdrawal campaign. BELICIOUS f...i. fla- awri:ii.u iiii: ajaaraaaaaa f O T1" verV ,c' of I chewing relltvn Jl- nervouineia lUOIlllr IOothea the ( 1 over-wrought. pleasure and benefit In WRBGIEYS CHEWING GUM cu EXPECTED Cause Stir in Spain MADRID. May 0: Sensational revelations will. It is expected, be made as a result of the publication of personal archives bf King Al fonso XIII, former monarch of Spain. The provisional government is at present guarding thc docu menu with secrecy although It Is suggested they will cause a stir on being made public. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOli ' SKF.ENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese I lll.SH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City dunnybrook .Butter "HONOR AMONQ JUOVERS" wiTH CHARLIE RUGGLES ANlifilNGER KOGEKs The beautiful secretary falls in love with her rich bachelor bo wncn love anu business mix can you guess what hann Comedy "ONE YARD TO GO" Novelty "MAKE UP YOUR MIND- ADMISSION 20c & 63c Feature Starts at 7 m ,a .... ire now in hospital at Ketchikan gj THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15q & 40c where they were reported yester- A PARAMOUNT PICTURE J'OX Mils - - - I! Him 3 rrjmre atari; t M FKI- & SAT- Maric "'"sler L Polly Moran in day to W holding their own. Th m "REI)lci.c thL three tin Injured men men a8 as well well as as Se smmfmmxmmmmmmmmmtmmmmiM ng's body were taken to Ketchikan by the rescue plane - which went out to search Monday morning after the Dodson plane had failed to return as expected. AI Dano and C: J. Alexander were both cannery managers for ELECTRIC SURGERY ASK BOOST FOR RATES NEW YORK. M;r r ted on Wall Stree: the large rallw.n States are about tewtate Commen r Can You Beal Butter and Egg Specials THE I1EST PRICES SINCE IV 3-lb. brick Foreatvllle Creamery L per lb. Woodland. DrookflrU! Cresta Butter, per : Butter 14-lb. box SOOB Nows the t them- Local Frsafc - 3 dec ... 3. C. Freeh Extras 3 doz. .... B.C. Freeh Firsts 3 dost .. . L J.C. Fresh Pallets 3 doc. .. 1 'resh Secon&s Oi"! 3 doe. Rhubarb Fresh per lb B.C. Carrot 7 lbs; Outch Maid Salad Dr A B.C. Product. 31c 33c Mussallem's Cash aiil Carry Stores "Where Hollars Have More Ck -. ..- til I" ''S 1?' Telephones 3G0 tr.i 11 80c It: uvv 25c 43c CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD UI'KKATINU (i. T. I. 20.000.TON FLOATING UKVDOC'K tnglneern. Machinists, Hoilermakcra, Hlarksmlths, rtlB Makers, Founders, Woodworkers Ktc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PUONES 43 AND 385 ,rPhone 566 Rupert Motors Oarage and ScrvK - SU DODGE and BANTAM AI'STIN Dlslributon avn nnY W0 . to