Must Be Rescued From Morass of Economic Depression Into Which It Is Sinking- Imperial Conference May Discuss Proposal OTTAWA, May 15: The coming Imperial conference nttuwa would be an excellent place to start restoration oi the value of silver, J. F. Darling, director of the Midland Bank, told the banking and commerce committee of mp House of Commons today. Something had to be done '.o i pscue the world from the economic morass in which it jikuiK. he declared. He outlined in'ne contemplating the forma- i.'. ir, oi an Empire oanK wmco wouia . pusibie a bl-mttalllc basis of "iit-v silver being restored to Its ( :.t.T alongside gold with a value i o! one to twenty In favor of CONFERENCE PRESIDENT: Rev X, I. Mitchell Named Head on lulled Church For This 1 Province " j 1 rcTORIA, May 15 Rev. Dr. Alii Mitchell, pastor of Shaugh-. Heights United Church, Van- -er. was yesterday elected pre- Ht of the Drtttsh Columbia nicrence of the United Church ' '.inuda. Krv A D. Archibald was elected I' tary of the conference and W P. Bunt, treasurer. WRECK OF AIRPLANE lib oTery Made in Northern Inlet Ilrported to Have Passed Over Langara Island "KtDEOATE. May 16: Tlie k of an airplane found,. recently nr head of one of the northern - is believed to be that of a i which fishermen report hav-M't'n pass over Langara Island .lune. v urdlng to last year's report, a plane came in from the Pacl-' K'oan and passed over the-trol-' fleet which was at anchor. It 1 1 30 pjn Tlie plane headed Hie mainland and considerable . icry has since been attached to ; Property of Oil Promoter Taken r rt V. I TOr LreailOrS 'KLAHOMA CITY. May 15-Per- nrmwrlv nf C P Julian, the UNITED PACIFIC IS BEING SUED FOIl WARES BY CARPENTERS . On behalf of T. Ross Mackay, foreman, and nine other men, who carried out carpenter work In the preparation of a fish wareihouse planned to be used in the co-operative mar- ketlng of halibut here, a writ was Issued out of County Court here this morning by AV. 6. Pulton against the United Pa- , cific Fisheries. The claim is lor $996 in wages. Judge Young granted an Injunction re- straining the United Pacific from transferring any of its assets. 4 PERFORMED OPERATION Kins of Slam Has Cataract On Left Eye Removed NEW YORK. May 15 The King of Siam went under an opera-Ron here Monday, this week, for the removal of a cataract from his left eye. It Is the principal object of His Majesty to this country to have the treatment for his eye which is now blind. A powerful radio has been Installed for the King during his period of convalescence and he expects to be able to hear the stations in Rankok, his capital, as well as from other parts of the world. JJgJ StateS IS Ready to Join in Silver Conference WASHINGTON, D.C.. way in response to overtures made by iia miiriMM minister to Ulllietl States, the 8overnme"1. f " ranee mm i- -- - - WOULD KEEP AMENDMENT PRINCETON. N.J. May 15: i , .,.,. nnvomor A Oowrnor Speaking here, forme. ,A; E. Smith P0 "j" the Eighteenth in a world silver conier-$180,000 Uclpatc rious oU promoter, aggregat -! In value were attached ! ence. ' rday to satisfy Judgments 1 unst iiim In California. RENO WAY NOT LIKED LOS ANOELES, May 15:Wo- ri"'u'-s club" and parent-teachers' oclatlons of this city have Joined " uic movement against tne new,oc rewmeu -r,:i. laws of Nevada. They are in the sake of such staUs as may wi.n i vor of a national divorce law. jto take advantage of it. CHANGE IS NECESSARY Rcconttruction of Economic System is Urged by Pope Pius in Pronouncement Today HOME, Slay 15 Reconstruction of the entire economic sys tem by bringing it back to tiie requirements of social justice so I as to ensure more equitable (lis- I trihution of the united proceeds j of capital and labor was urgrd in an encyclical letter issued today bv Pope Plus, following a radio address. The Pope condemned the concentration of wealth. TO CONFER ON SILVER Meeting of Nations to Re Called, i The government Is also consider-Vashington Hears ling a proposal to introduce a half ! holiday on Saturdays in road work WASHINGTON. May 15: A con- in order to effect economy, ference of the nations will soon be . oallad to go into the silver situation and. If possible, rectify the present degression in the metal. RENO. May 15: United States Senator Key Pitman of Nevada, in a statement here, said that the present low level of silver was due to the action of the British government In having melted down the 'ndlan rupee, reissuing It with less silver content Earnings of Nickel Down Aggregate Little More Than Quarter Than For First Three Months of 1930 MONTREAL. May 15 The International NlcKel Oo. of Canada Ltd. reports net profits for the first quarter of the current year at $1,-660,63? as compared with $4,616,-144 for the corresponding period last year. AGREEMENT ON SUGAR LONDON. May 15 Seven of the world's Greatest suear nroduclni nations have signed an agreement i wnereby thev will endeavor to ..--! nvomrndiinttnn nf xuirnr h limiting the export of the commo i auy. England Not So Hot About New f , rrt , LUSlOmS I reatV LONDON. May 15: The proposed i customs treaty between Germany and and " Austria, Austria, wltn wnn wnicn wnicn Italy luiiy is is now now w have becomc allRned I ijjtnsc strenuously opposed . by rtnd Ceecho-Slovakla and it b , grected wlth mucn cn ngiand. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides foe Wml Saturday, May 16. 1931 High 0:13 ajn. 20:5 It Rupert Raining, light 12:52 p.m. 18:3 ft. rj jid; barometer, 29.77; sea Low 6:49 a.m. 3:9 ft. 18:40 p.m. 7:3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER m A i No. 114. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1931 TRICE FIVE CENTS fl t3 IVER RESTORATION IS ADVOCATED FORCE OF BRUISERS ORGANIZED BY MOSLEY LABOR PARTY c a British Banking Expert Urges Bi-Metallic Basis As Means of Restoring World Prosperity Defeat In Presidential Contest Yesterday Seen : As End of Briand Career PARISL May 15: Some political observers see in the defeat of Aristide Briand in the presidential poll at Versailles of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies yesterday the end of the picturesque career of the great French statesman. Briand withdrew from the contest.qfter the first ballot returned 442 votes for Paul Doumer, Pacifist, against 301 lor himself. The result of the poll caused a sensation -in political circles. That Briand was deeply affected by the result was evident' 'He fainted and was rushed to bed. Wages For Forest Eire Fighters Is Reduced By Government; Will Be Jn Line With Lumber Industry VICTORIA, Mav 15: Compensation for fire fighters was reduced by the provincial government yesterday from ; Canadian 39,200 pound. 8c and wrlland, out.. May lsJoseph 25c an hour with board to the same amount without board, i5 t0 an ;i!IMJK! .' hanged her Whore fire.ilfto. are bleiord .thems. the! Jj2g?5 SSSS SS goveirimenMviii aeuucti.per uay irom nevvagea low feeding them. The change ! lng wages In keeping with those 1 prevailing in the lumber industry Oklahoma City Has Explosion Large Gas Storage Tank Exploded and Hurst Into Flames, I Rocking City ! j OKLAHOMA CITY, May 15 This) city was rocked Wednesday when! a large oil storage tantc near the; fashionable Capitol Hill reslden-j tlal district exploded and broke i Into a large fire. The city was eov- j ered with a heavy pall of black1 oil smoke the same night but the fire was under control. ! ABANDON" COLONIES Republican Government of Spain to Make Change j I MADRID, May 15: Reports ' have leaked out from the new re-I publican government of Spain that It is the intention to aban-I don the monarchlal colonial pol-! Icy. i The first step, It is said, will be to withdraw from Morocco. D 111 D rtei AnmA JLIII aACI-UIIOiUCI tU In California 8ACRAMENTO, May 15 The California state legislature votel yesterday to reconsider the bill substituting the lethal gas chamber for hanging In executions In i i the the state state which whicn the the day day previous previous lit had sent up to the governor for I signature. The Weather 1 Triple Island - Raining, fresh southeast wind; .sea moderate Langara Island Overcast, nvj - derate east wind; sea choppy. IsileaigneH to make fire fight- REGINA CYCLONE Power Lines Went Down and Entire City in Darkness For Three Hours REG1NA, May 15:. A cyclonic blast last night ended a heat wave of the past few days ana1 levelled main power lines and 25 poles in Retina's east side. Scores of workmen struggled today to restore the city's power service. The city was in darkness for three hours. No injuries were reported. ancouver Stocks (QourlMY 8. D. J On.) Big Missouri, 27, nil. Oeorgla River. 3H, 3. George Enterprise, nil. 3. Orandvlew, 3, 4. Independence, nil. 1. Indian Mines. 1. 1. Lakevlew, nil, 1. Lucky Jim. 14. 2. Mohawk, 4, nil. Marmot Metals, nil 4. National Silvtr, 2, 24-Noble Five, 4, 5. Pend Oreille, nil, 1.00. Premier, 70, 73. Reeves Macdonald. nil, 30. Rufus-Argenta, 2, 3. Silver Crest, J. 3. Snowtlake, 2, nil. Topley Richfield. 1. nil. Whitewater, 4. nil. Woodbine, . 1. OILS A. P. Con.. 16, 18. Merland, 104, 114-Mercury, 18, 184. Dalhousle. nil, 30. Fabyan Pete, 2, nil. Home. 55, nil. United, 10, nil. Eastern Stocks Norenda, 22.00, nil. C. P. R.. 28.00, 29.00. Ford A, 10.00, nil. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, May 15: Wheat iwa quoted on th local exchange I today at 61' c. Two-Fisted Young Men Give Physical Support To Political Group They Will Come Into Action When Opponents Threaten-Right of Free Speech Is to Be Actively Defended LONDON, May 15: Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the insurgent Labor group which numbers in its strength nine members of the House of Commons, today announced the organization of a force of two-fisted young men who will give physical support to his program when opponents threaten violence afmeotings and elsewhere. "We are fro- mg 10 ueiena tne ngnt oi iree speech. Sir Oswald de-i clared. ! FISH SALES HANGING Summary American 42.000 pounds. and 4c. osnnwTa,uwrnujm, oxc-nmrK. t 1 1 JVnTB,DmtU4t00j Selma, 6.000. Cold Storage. Sc and . . , , d a tnn n j Borgund. 4.500; Ounda, 200; Joo, Baker. 1,500; Return. 2.000, and II. 1 and R.. 400. 8c and 5c. Hejge H., 6.500. Cold Storage. SPAIN ALL OUIET NOW 'President Zamora Blames Monar- chlsts for Recent Trouble in New Republic MADRID. May 1 President Zamora stated last nlRht that all Bpain was quiet again following disorders of the past few days. The president laid responsibility for the recent anti-clerical disturbances at the door of the monarchists and communists and said that former King Alfonso probablv had a hand In It too. Total damage as a result of the riots Is placed at $50,000,000. Martial law. however, continues In many Spanish cities. Armed guards -hava been ordered to truwk to kill If tt to necessary to do so In order to protect property. A run on the Bank of Spain wtu prevented by armed force. It was reported yesterday thn' an application of Leon Trotsky oxiled Soviet leader, to enter Spain had been denied by the Spanis ambassador at Constatlnople. Th wnublirm government anno mce-that it has seized prooertv of turm-or King Alfonso pending an tnvas titration of his activities sine; 1023 WHITE FLAG SHOWING UP Austro-German Customs Treaty May Re Abandoned, Geneva Hears GENEVA, May 16:-Such a bar- rage of protest has developed 1 ! against the proposed Gorman-Aus- trlan customs treaty that the two nations arr already beginning to 'how the "white flag." FOR TWO jfaridU. . Vtoeent ' KCd this morning Ior murder tegt fa of Edmond Trodeau, a farmer. TI? rVTirTi V U V 1 GOVERNOR General Smcdley Rutler Has Not Reen Asked to Organize Wash- , ington State Police OLYMPIA. May 15 Oovernor Roland H. Hartley has Issued a statement to the effect that, contrary to reports, General Smedley D. Butler of the United States Marines had not been Invited to organize a state police force in Washington. PORTLAND, May 15 General Smedley D. Butler, who Is organ-bung a state pottee force in Oregon, arrived here yesterday from Salem ind will be the guest of Oovernor Julius Meier. He wUI spend some time here In connection with his organization work. NEGLIGENCE IS CHARGED Officials of Kenton Coal Mine Held Responsible For Death of Miner SEATTLE, May IB: Officials of inc of the coal mines at Renton are '( be charged with criminal negll-rence following the verdict of a coroner's Jury which yesterday Investigated the death of Oeorge Sl-non. a miner, who was killed as a esult of coming Into contact with lectrtc wires In an 800-foot shaft. CONVERSION LOAN IS OVERSUBSCRIBED OTTAWA, May If Premier R. B. Bennett announced in the House of Commons last night that the new $260,000,- 000 conversion loan had proved an unbounded success He said I hut applications hud been siinied for more than $300,000,- 000 MM? . t 4 r srv; 4