\ Legisietly @ Library “We Hurry” * ‘04 a ye Daily News (AS Phone 76 and 36 Phone 99 We Never Sleep Day and! Night vale PRINCE RUPERT iad ele TT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper M.,H. LARGE | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY NOVEMBER 28, 10919. (Special w The News p ties, New powers of taxation in hibitory laws are on the statute RALWAYMEN'S DELEGATION IU WASHINGTON ill Confer with Director General Spe via U. T. P. Telegraphs.) ULEVELAND, Novy. The t of 500 general chairmen of the great railway brother- hoods which conveged last Mon- fay to consider the offer from Di- ector General Of Railways Hines, led yesterday. This 26- fh ine of Railways Over Siow Freight Proposal. | Premier Oliver Forecasts Probable New Legislation Tells Vancouver People That if Municipalities Make Out Case, They will be Granted New Powers of Taxation; Prohibition Declaration. via G.T.P. Telegraphs VANCOUVER, Nov. 28.—-Speaking at a civic luncheon ten- dered Hon. John Hart, Minister of Finance, and himself, Premier John Oliver announced that if the municipalities of the province. resented @ convincing case for new sources of revenue which they were demanding, the Government would meet their necessi- such a case would be given them in such a way that they would require the municipalities them- selves to take the responsibility for the manner and extent of their exercise, as defined by the legislature. Premier Cliver also stated that as long as the present pro- books they are going to be en- forced to the limit of the Government’s ability. .However the time might come soon when the people would have an oppor- ynity to state what form of law they desired. | * * * * BRITISH LABOR * | ® MEMBERS ASK FOR * \#* A COAL INQUIRY * * mpennnname * | * LONDON, Nov. 28. * \* What is regarded as avote * | * of censure on the Govern- * * ment in connection with * * the contrpol of the coalout- * * put has been moved imthe * * House of Commons by the * * labor members, calling for * * the appointment of acom- * * mittee to inquire into the * * cost of output in their re- * * jation to coal prices. . * * Pe eee eeeeeeee ervice provided all nd spe meeting ended with | of a resolution to} nated loplion ganizations to Washing-| confer with Hines on the} bject, with full power to accept yr reject the offer made on Tues- ay aa IR SERVICE T0 THE FORE ust no Longer be in Subordinate Position Says Seeley. ” ! iv. P. Teegraphe.» LONDON, Nov, 28.— General teley's letter, declaring it is im- P/ssibie for the air service to rontinue in a subordinate posi-. l, Is supported by the West- inster Gazette, which advocates Ministry of Defense to which 'itisters of the land, sea, and "forces should be responsible. HOSPITAL, BOARD WELCOMES MEMBER A.M, Allison, Who Was Recently Appointed to the Hospital Board, Takes Seat Last Night. \ ‘4. Allison, who was recently rented by the Provincial Gov- ' rc 7 the Hospital Board, last on for the first time Presiden ane — welcomed by Stewart ' D. G. Stewart. Mr. ermment a he thought the Gov- the matter made no mistake in a ' of the appgintment. ‘ppointed on the House * In place of his prede- Commit te “O880n, BIG BALTIMORE FIRE BAL, rime RE, ‘Guare | Nov. 26:— The Moves \ ounded by the Howard Wag “nent and. Kutaw Sts. "88 Butted } The loss is 000 'Y tire here yesterday. estimated at $4,900,- lildings formerly oc- * John Hopkins Uni- omMpletely wiped out. bady sin th Goal “Pert : ; The by Died by th "TSitY were The best. Prince ncluded offer ; a me and a half in the slow freight! ' arbitraries | illowances are elim-| WOMEN ARRIVE | nd a committee representing all| Waacs, Wrafs, and Wrens Reach Halifax to Make Canada Their Home. Telegraphe.) The van army of British working women whom demobili- zation has deprived of employ- ment in the old country and who desire to settle in Canada has ar- rived at Halifax. The party is eighty-three in number. During the war they worked in the Wo- men’s Royal Air Force, Womens Royal Naval Force, Women’s Aux. iliary Army Corps, and the Land Army. They are Waacs, Wrat: and Wrens. hese women have now taken to abandon the work of war for the more peaceful pursuits ol domestic service. Of the party six are for British Columbia, PREFER TIDINESS Sons of Canada Debate on Wo- manly Virtues Last Night. Spev.al via G. T. P. OTTAWA, Nov, 28. guard of the under- in a debate “Resvived that a Good-tempered Untidy Woman 1s Preferable to an_ Ill-tempered Tidy Woman” the nays won out al the Sons of Canada Rooms last night. W. E. Thompson and J, ©, Knight presented the case for the affirmative while 8. E, Parker and Mr. Ferguson were the suc- cessful debaters for the negative. The judging was by vote of the audience, After the debate cards were in- dulged in and a general social evening was enjoyd. A BIG APPOINTMENT (Special via G. T.P. Telegraphs. ) WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.—Al- bert Thomas, the Conservative labor leader of France, has been selected as the first Director General of International Labor Offices, under the aegis of the League of Nations. Toys, blocks, games, dolls trains, children’s books, meehan! cal toys, at Tite's Santa Claus | Company, Phone 15. headquarters. tf ERNEST VALPEY WAS COMMITTED Evidence for the Prosecution Heard and Magistrate Sends *Up for Trial. (he preliminary trial of Ernest Valpey, charged with shooting intent bodily injury, was heard before Magistrate Me- the Evidence with to do Mordie in police court this was taken HOSPITAL ASKS — SUM OF $6,500 Campaign to Raise Funds About| . to Be Organized to Clear Pres- jail again awaiting bail being set ent Indebtedness. in the county court by Judge Young. Evidence was, this mooring, heard from Canstable Bailey who testified as to being called to the scene of the shooting and arrest- morning, froin witnesses for tion and the for trial. leb out on the prosecu- prisoner committed Yesterday acccused was $2,000 bail but is iff The General Hospital is organ- izing a campaign for funds. That was reported at the meeting of the board jast night. It was also re- ported that the auditor, D. «; won the accused on the tugtoat Stuart, had gone through the nee. He also said thai books and found that when the|‘"" shot was fired through the joor about six inches above the cily bas paid up its total indebted- ness of $5,100, there will still be a deficit to the end of this month of approximately $6,500. For that keyhole in direction. slanting passed a downward The shot had over the foot of the bed and went reason it was decided to make out through the window, which that sum the objective in the ti eighteen irehes above the oor. lrive for funds. Occupants Evidence. Ek, Andrws and Josephine lRob- THREE MONTHS FOR = agp ee are : that the accused had come ) 1e DRUGS IN POSSESSION door before’ the shesten and made threats as to what he would Kwong Chong Faces Strong Evi-|i0 if the door was not opened. dence and is Found He then left and, in the meantinic, said Guilty. they had vacated the rooin condiictiniaoe through the window. Evidently Kwong Chong was found azuil-| Valpey had come back later and ts by Magistrate MeMordie, in the|did the shooting after they had Police Court this morning, of] left. having morphine in his possess-]| Fujimoto, the proprietor of the Western Rooms, where the affair occurred, testified as to the lock door. Me had--jeft. the the imprison- China i or ion and was fined $200 with option of 3 months ment H. Tom,’ another ore man, was called upon to ore room in the same shape as it was evidence and Constable MeGlin-| the morning of the shooting ‘hy corroborated the evidence| repairing only the broken win- given yesterday morning in the | dow, matter of possession. L. W. Patmore, acting fer the In reviewing the case, L. W.)| accused, said that his client had Patmore. solicitor for the ac-|nothing to say at present. W. !. cused, said that there was little | Williams in closing the presenta- doubt from the evidence but that/tion of the case remarked that accused had drugs in his posses-;in his opinion, it was clearly a sion but he thought that noun for a higher court. ble Duff had been a little rash in - - — that) Hill and Tabrum will save you Family Shoe Stone tf making such statements as the aceused was a ‘dope peddler.' money. Chinese Soldiers Want Treatment Same as For Troops of The Empire Refuse to Go Aboard Blue Funnel Liner at Victoria and Make Demands For Gratuities, and Other Allowances. (Special to The News’ via 6. T. P. Telegrapnhs,: VICTORIA, November 28.—The Chinese soldiers who have heen awaiting transportation at William Head Quarantine Station refused to go aboard the Blue Funnel liner txion. Consul General Yik has left Vancouver for this place to try to straighten out the dispute. The Chinese troops have been in a state of isolation at William Head where they have been camped prior to returning to China under direct charge of the British War Office. Arriving here recently they bombarded the town wilh demands to be considered as colonial troops of the Empire. They want a separation allow- ance for their Oriental wives, gratuities, and eivil dress expenses as well as all back pay accruing as 1! they were British ‘Tommies, The men were ou the west front for three years and two of their number wear military medals. Baltic Coast F ighting Has Been Stopped and Germans Lose Material (Special to The News via O T. P. Telegraphs.) COPENHAGEN, November 28.-— The inter-allied Baltic Gom- is stopped hostilities between the Lithuanians and Ger- mans and Russians, and has directed the combatants to retire to the demarkation line of October 20, according to advices from mission he Kovno., ‘ ’ eo advices add that the Lithuanians only bowed to this de- cision on condition that the German Government agreed to sur- ender all the German and Russian war and railway materials in re ‘ the Baltic area to the Lithuanians. PRICE FIVE GENTS Sending 80,000 Men To British Columbia Kamloops Indian Reserve to be Utilized For Returned Soldiers and Their Families; Indians te be Removed. (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegravns.) VANCOUVER, November 28.—The Kamloops ladian Reserve, at the outskirts of the city, is to be thrown open for a colony of returned soldiers and their families, according to an official an- wouncement lands. from Ottawa. The Indians will be placed on other Co-incident with this news comes an intimation that arrange- ments have been made with the British Columbia 80,000 former by shell shock, asthma and nervo aficted with chest troubles. British Government to place in Imperial soldiers, men disabled us troubles, and especially those PRIORTOBE NEW GOVERNOR, Appointment Expected to be fn- nounced Within Next Few Days. OTTAWA, Noy. 28.——Hon. E.G, Prior, ex-member for Vieloria in the Dominion House of Commo :s, is expected to be appointed Lieut.- Governor of B. C. in a‘few days to succeed Hon. Frank Barnard. Lionel Clarke is to succeed Sir John Hendrie, whose term'‘has ex- pired as Lieut.-Governor of On- tario. WAR VETERANS SELECT _ TWO COMMITTESS Re-establishment and Fisheries Questions to be Dealt With at once. At a special meeting of the Great War Veterans’ Association held last evening, committees were elected to deal with the re- establishment and fisheries ac- tions taken at the last session olf the House of Commons. In the matter of the re-estab- lishment question, Geo, B. Hull, J. M. Ateheson, H. J. Bradbury, J. H. Kelly and 8. D. Thompson were elected as a committee to recom- mend to the association as to what‘ action will be taken by the local branch in dealing with the re-establishment issue. \ H. J. Bradbury, Don Yelf, J. W. Nicholls, R. Leighton and H. 0. Crewe were the committee select- ed to go into the whole matter of fisheries. Both committees to report back to the regular meeting of the association on Wednesday evening. FISH SALE are today's 40,000 Cold being The Atlas was in for fish sale and is unloading pounds of halibut at the Storage plant, the price i7.te and 10c. Ke EH RHE HP RE ER * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * See eRe Re R EEE Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nuckles and son, of Burns Lake, were passen- gers for Vancouver on the Prince George last evening. * * , J. 8. Gray, the Smithers jeweler and musician, arrived from the interior on last evening's train and returns tomorrow morning. * . * Fred Nash, accompanied by Mrs. Nash and children, arrived from Masset last evening and are registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. >. . e The Prince George did not sail for Vaneouver until early this morning, having to wait on the train which did not arrive wunti! 3 o'clock. ° . . George Moffatt, who has been in charge of supplying the Granby camp up the Eestall River during ABRUPT END TO EFFORT TO END MINERS’ STRIKE Rejection of Government Proposals. (Special via 6.T.P. Telegiaphs,) WASHINGTON, Nov, 28.—An abrupt end came last night to all attempts to settle the national eoal strike by peaceful agencies. The miners and operators spent the afternoon in embittered de- bate over the Government pnro- posals for a fourteen per cent wage increase made by Fuel Ad- ministrator Garfield. They re- Jette, itand every other proposal fhat was forthcoming, and then dissolved. FIERCE GALE IN CALIFORNIA Frost and Snow in Los Angeles and Surrounding Coun- try Vesterday. OBSERVATORY TORN FROM ITS ANCHORAGE (Special via G.T. P. Telegrapns.) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 28.—A gale of velocily varying from 84 miles an hour to 32 miles, raged along the California coast yes- terday, when temperatures as low as 28 degrees above zero or six degrees of frost were recorded on th mountain tops. Th gale did imuch damage to shipping in San Antonio Bay and tore the large telescope at Mount Vernon from its anchorage. Snow fell in Los Angeles and the mountains back of Pasadena were covered with snow, Two inches- were recorded at the army avia- tion fleld near here. ULSTERMEN TO STUMP STATES Effect to Counteract Influence of De Valera by Anti Repub- llcans. BELFAST, Nov, 28.—An Ulster deputation left Tuesday for the United States, where for two months they will stump the coun- try to counteract the efforts of De Valera, the so-called president of the Inish Republic. An extra grant was made of 842 to the janitor of the General Hospital by the Board last night in recognition of his services as cook during a period of several weeeks when no other ceok could be obtained for the institution. His work was reported very satis- factory. Every shoe reduced, Family Shoe Store, : ; tf the past summer, left for his home in New Brunswick last night. B. Cc, Undertakers. Phone 41,