ROVRIL made the round trip to Skagway, the Portland Chamber of Commerce party of eighty persons was jh. the city aboard the Princess Charlotte yesterday afternoon. Members of the party reported having had a delightful trip. Arrivals en the steamer Princ? John this mornhur from the Islands included A. C. Ironside, recently principal of the Qaeen Charlotte School and Mr. Jamieson ol the Skldegate school. They are proceeding south on the Prince Charles today, P. Forde. district engineer for A fflirnT I6TV3l-fmnr! ef rmVwl works with headquarters at Victoria, after a ten-day trip Into Dawson to make arrangements for annual Improvements at the Yukon River, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte yesterday afternoon returning south. George O. Treleaven. accountant P' ln the local branch of the Bank t?ot Montreal, returned to the city on the Prlnee George yesterday morning from Vancouver where he spent his annual vacation. Mrs. Treleaven is remaining In Vancou ver for a while longer. ON.R, steamer Prince Charles Capt. Dan McKlnnon. returned to 'port at 1:30 yeslerdav morning irom Stewart and Anyox in order to be hern to rwn th Omsrtn National Reriretbn Association's picnic excursion of 200 persons to Port Simpson. The vessel sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Van- cduver direct. 7 Rev. S. V. II. and Mrs. Redman arrived Jn the eltv this mornlnr ''from Queen Charlotte City ar.rt will proceed tomorrow to Hazelton 'where Mr. Redman is to succeed , Rev. T. II. Wright, B A. For the past five years Mr. Redman has been eniaged In Marina MNon work for the United Church of Canada. Rev. William Mcftewln of ! Smithers succeeds Mr. Redman at Queen Charlotte. makes delicious SANDWICHES Mix a little with cream-cheese or butter and spread as a saaewtcn pane is THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, .Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenu1 H. P. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or cartler, yearly period, paid In advance ...... 5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per month , 50 By mall to all part ot Northern and Central Brlilsh Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 : By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year .4.., , $600 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advei Using, per inch, per Insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word .02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line 25 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line , 15 Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone .' ...86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone .i)8 DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations ijjjtt. Thursday, July 2, 1931. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS P..-S. Walton, CNH. roadmaster.; Mrs. E. parrtt. who has been If returned to the city from the ir- visiting here with her niece, Mrs. j J JleHor On .yesterday afternoon's A. Norton., left on yesterday's train train. . . for her home in New York. 7 Miss Winnilred Sipprella of! Mrs. Richard E. Moore and fam-i' Skagway arrived i the city on the "y s11 yesterday morning on the x Prlncess'chariolte' Horn the north Prince , Henry for a vacation trip to pay a visit here with her uncle t0 Seattle and elsewhere In the and aunt, Mr. and-Mrs. F. Feero. south. Conductor and Mrs. D, E. Murphy returned to the city on the ss Prince George yesterday mornlnt ifrom a trip to Vancouver and Vic toria. They were away a little over stwo weeks. Returning south after having W. J. Alder arrived in the city iron. Victoria on the Prince George yesterday morning, being here again in connection with his local business interests. George Hill returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday morning from Vancouver where he went to attend the recent Masonic Lodge convention. i Miss M. Boldt, R.N.. operathw' room supervisor of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, returned t-v the city on the Prince George yes-1 terday morning after having spen' her annual vacation at her home near Brandon, Mantcba. making 1 week's etay in Vancouver on hen way back here. 1 Commandant Wm. Kerr,, tram- ferred from here to Vernon in th ,work of the Salvation Army, sallea this afternoon on the Prince Cha -les for Vancouver enr outa to hi , new post In the southern Interior Mrs. Kerr and two boys left on yes-terday's train to pay a visit in I Drumheller. Alberta, before pro-! ceedlng to Vernon- ' Having made a trip to Massed Inlet points in place of the Princ? Charles, which was running the Canadian National Recreation Association's picnic to Port Simpson yesterday, C.NJI. steamer Prince John, Capt. D. K. Birss, returned io port at 7:20 this morning, having sailed for the Islands at 1:33 yerterday morning. With eighty passengers, mostly round trjp tourists on board, C.N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt Nelt McLean, arrived in port at 10:20 yesterday morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 4 p.m. for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she will return here next Monday southbound. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TENDERS for the sale of a 1923 Hudson 8ean will be received up to July 20. Half cash, balanci arranged. Kalen Motors Ltd. U ANNOUNCEMENT Royal Russian Chorus, Moosi Hall, July 9. Under auspices Gyrol jClub. 1 LETTER BOX PICNIC GROUNDS ! Editor, Dally News: I have read articles In your paper ; recently about the camping ground I ( at Digby Island. We had a very, successful picnic there last Sunday! About the letter 1 am sure ihe place looked much ajore respectable aft? r we-left, all paper, packing cases, etc. were burned. I have a suggestion to make owing to the fact Digby 'Island has the best landing place ' for a boat and the various organizations are liable to use that place for a picnic ground quite often. Why not co-operate and clear a good level place above high water mark for sports? I think if the necessary permission could be had. and each i organization would pay the ex-i pense of say one man, an ideal pic nic spot would result. BOOSTER, i P.S. I am sure there must be several of the unemployed members of the organizations who would be glad of a few days work. I would suggest the Eagles start the ball rolling. B. W. G. Norrie, well known for many yart in this district as a mining engineer, arrived in tlwf city (rem Vancouver on the ss Prince Ctoorge yesterday morning. Note this date: JULY 4th ... it marks the close of this wonderful ELECTRIC RANGE buying , opportunity. Till then you caA own one by paying Only 3 Down . . . the balance spread over two years. Northern B, C. Power Co. Ltd, REDUCTION On All Suits Till our present stock Is sold. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Prices $30 to $55 LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 ! THE.DAiLY.HEWa LOCAL ITEMS Rev. Victor H. Swanson of Port. SlmDson was a visitor in the citv over the holiday, having arrived on the Catala Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Speiuer, wife of a Dawwn merchant, was a passsngcr about the Princess Charlotte yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver, accompanied by her crilldren. Dr. W. T. Kergln returned to tlv city on the prince George yesterday morning from Vancouver where he attended the recent convention of the Canadian Midlcal Association- VITA He offers you stronger fires -greater values Seal of JUST TRY Thursday, July 2, 1931 WEAT ALL WHEAT and AIA OF THE WHEAT Vita Weat keeps you SLIM antlFJT and aids DIGESTION f- SlrW. ARBUTHNOT LANE C.B.M.S. says of Vita Weat : "The 100 Whole Wheat Enjf- tc lt$h grlspbrwd Vlta Weat) contains Just, such materials as are absolutely essential if to a vigorous condition of health. ... i , Cream Walnut a new creation of Peek Freans Master Rakers' for afternoon tea, etc. Ask your grocer. Manufactured Only By Representative In Prince Rupert Peck Frcan & Co. Ltd., London, Enghnd W. II. Malkin Co. Ltd. vlAMBLING with weak worn-down tires may result in a serious accident , . . may even ' cost you your life, If the tread of your tires won'f hold on slippery pavements . i v if you are running the risk of a Wblowout at high' speeds .'itjs time for you to see the Dominion ' Tire Dealer near you. He offers you Dominion Royals , twhich have proyed in rigorous tests to be 18 per cent stronger than any otherl You need this extra strength to give you peace of mind when you drive your car hard and fast. You need this extra strength to free you from tiro trouble and to give maximum mile age. You want this extra value. The Dominion Tire Dealer also offers you the, greatest tire values in the world ... for Dominion Tires and Inner Tubes are priced no higher than tires of inferior strength. Buy Dominion quality I Another Reason Why THE BIG SWING IS TO DOMINIUM TIRES Strength 0T.J