PAGE FOUR VeryLueky Soccer Enthusiasts Discuss Incident in Yesterday's Game A much disputed penalty kick In ttte closing momcntr of the Dominion Day Football Cup final yesterday enabled Baptle to equalize for the Legion and provldedla dramatic ' anti-climax that will be a source of much discussion In the city for the football enthusiasts. The Legion had the advantage of the hill and early attacked. A centre from Ersklne gave Baptle an open goal and he scored easily. Vlnk j then cleared from, a corner and! punched away a free kick well taken by W. Murray. Jack and Skinner stopped A. Dickens, Amor missed badly from McKays' opening. Smith saved from Chenoskl. Vlnk cleared Woodslde's free but' the ball was returned and the Merchants' defence had a few hectic moments before offside saved the situation. Skinner cleared Amor's centre and then Vlnk kicked out Woodslde's shot. Smith saved Cur-rie's free kick but Chenoskl got possession and hit the upright, with Smith well beaten, for the ball to rebound Into play and be cleared. OOLJ toy O-eooae LruMOCHHL ARE TALLER IN THE MORNING- THAN AT UCKINGHRMS Br ALWAYS THE SAME -fi.EA.SURE INEUIRYPllFF SMOKE IHSM - NO 3MIUE Send in ten cents to stamp! and we will inail you a complete art of "Do You Know cards sixty cards of knowledge1 and curiotn facts printed in color (lite tH 1.') Or twenty ccntl will bring-you Uie Sixty cards accompanied by an album in which the cards can be placed as a permanent collection. Addrea Drpt.10, Tuckett Tobacco Co, Ltd, Hamilton i Buckingham Cigarettes a smooth refreshing blend of choice tobaccos, f untreated by powerful ultra violet rays. There ii no more mellowing influence than the aun. Buckingham!,' treated with giant sun lamps, are remarkably cool and mellow an all-pleasure cigarette, never varying irving in in quality, quality, pacaea pacaea ivr ivr ireaun iresuiMW tie patented sealed package; ml i MJLBS FOR SALE Grower Leaving the Islands- Daffodils, per dozen 30c Baril, per dozen 25c per 100 ....$2.00 per 1000 ....$18.00 Poeticus, per dozen .'. 20c , per 100 .$l.75 per 1000 ....$16.50 Apply to CAPT. GILLATT, SANBSPIT, B.C. Kaien Motors Limited General Garaie and Station Service CHEVROLET and IIUICK Open Day and Night Phone 5S Third Avenue British Amateur Champion Eric Martin-Smith, 22 year old member of notable English golfing family, is new British amateur golf champion. He succeeded to title held by Bobby Jones as result of his memorable 36-hole battle recently against John Q. De Forest, whom he beat by one up om last green; at Westward Ho. Smith and his opponent were two of youngest golfers ever to reach final of amateur British championship. Skinner stopped him and half-time WEATHER FAVORED DOMINION found the teams level. DAY CELEBRATION AND SPORTS Second Half WERE ENJOYED Right from the kick-off In the TENDANCE, second Half, Merchants attacked and' A. Dickens gave McKay a through pass that the inside man took full advantage of to score a beautiful goal. Woodslde forced a corner and then Howe shot nast. Hadden was clever but Warren got Murray gave woodslde a fine offside after Baptle had made an(chance but tne Ultet made a mess opening. Jack stopped Amor but,of lt .Hadden cleared and then the ball rebounded to the outside j Jack 5t0pped S. Dickens. Ersklne light who ran In close to beat Smith ; and warren combined nicely but with a left foot shot and equalize ErskIne finished weakly. Menzle the score. Woodslde took a free well and forced a corner from' which Baptle headed against the- upright blocked Baptle. A. Dickens had a chance but his shot hit Jack. Vlnk ran out to tick the ball off J. Mur- wun vmx ai me omer siae oi me ray.s toe and Jacll stopped goal. Vlnk again cleared from Jack's ' Amor( Play waS slack for a tlme free. S. Dickens was clever but tne Merchants being satisfied with their lead and the Legion forwards ; being weak. Woodslde at last got a drive in but it was just too high. J. Murray was winded and play j was held up for a few minutes. Bap-j tie shot past and then Warren held I on too long and Menzle blocked his drive. The Merchants forwards had a fine chance to Increase their lead but they muddled it Smith and I Jack, between them nearly gave a j goal away but Smith managed to i clear an awkwardly bouncing shot i When all were ready to leave to. see the cup presented to the Mrchants, 1 H. Dickens was adjudged to have ' fouled Inside the penalty area and Baptle equalized in the last 15 sec-i onds. The whistle went for full time before the ball could be centred with the Lesion lucky to have made a draw. Merchants Vlnk; Menzle, Doug las; Hill, Currle, II. Dickens; Amor , McKay, A. Dickens, Chenoskl, S. Dickens. . Legion Smith; Skinner, Jack; ,W. Murray, Howe, n&dden; Ersklne J. Murray, Baptle, Warren, Wood-side. ! Referee. E. Webster; linesmen, W i Ranee, S. D. Macdonald. The replay will take place tomor row evening. PICNIC IS SUCCESSFUL (Continued from Page One) OlrU, under 12 May Sanderson, Edith Dean. Men's open, 10 yards Carl Smith, J. Horton, P. Brentzen. j Relay race, won by a team from Port Simpson. 200 yards, onen Carl Smith, A i Wesley. I One mile, open P. Brentzen, P, per 100 ....$2.40 per 1000 ... $2l00' Mcintosh, A. Wesley, The races were followed by a tug- of-war between a team of Indians an a team of railroad met). The native boys were too powerful for the loear lads and took the odd heave out of three. This was follow ed by a Softball game of real snappy i nature, which was taken by a close I score by the Port Simpson boys. A good number availed themselves of an opportunity to enjoy sea bathing on a fine sandy beach land this beach was very popular Ullh the children. he plane of the Northern B. C. Airways was la at-ndanc.- and made numerous trips during the afternoon with passenger on sight-seeing trips. 1 The Prince Charles left Port I Simpson oh the return trip at 7 p.m. arriving at Prince Rupert at 0:45. On the return trip tne snip s orcnes-tra furnished music for a very en-joyaBle dmc. celebration program to an enthusiastic and fitting close. Winners of the children's sports were: Girls, under 61, Norma Currle; 2. May Leech. Boys' 220 yards, open Leslie Wilson, Wesley Lee. There was keen competition In the children's races and a good sized crowd was on hand to witness Macdonald were starters. The an nouncer was Rol Barnes. The com- ilttee in charge consisted of Frank rry. J. M. Morrison. Reg. Clarke, T. Campbell and H. Dyer. LOCAL NEWS Marjorle Ryan, for drunkenness, ttkS fined $25. with option of 30 days rhprlspnment In city police court b&mornlrif;.',, . i. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Elklns. who have been .on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, re turned to the city on the Prlnc George yesterday morning. Mr. Elklns went south to attend1 the Masonic Grand Lodge sessions held recently In New Westminster1. PLEADED GUILTY Brian Kennedy pleaded guilty In city police court this morning to a charge of stealing a ride on a train and was remanded until this afternoon for sentence. Quick Sure Relief f BILIOUSNESS r SLUGGISHNESS CONSTIPATION Take one tonight Make tomorrow nDir.iir Av THiy WORK i WHttt rot iittp" THE. DAILTT NEW3 World Sport News and Views FLUKE IN FOOTBALL Anti-Climax Gave Draw to Legion In Dominion Day Cup Final I Pennant: Race' Tightened Up With1 Hbte lmen But One Game' Behind: Leadefrs PROTEST LODGED Old Empress won an 11 -Inning-struggle f rom Sons of Canada in the Dominion Day baseball game by a. score of T-6. As a result, the league race is considerably tightened with but one game separating each of the teams, with the Sons still on top. A protest has been entered by Sons of Canada over a decision of Umpire Brookes hi calling Roberts out itl' the eleventh Inning when he ran Inside the base-line while going to first. It will be necessary for the executive of the league to decide whether there are grounds for the protest and If there are, the game will have to be replayed. The game was- featured by heavy hitting- and some loose fielding, the winners collecting 16 hits off Lam-; ble's offerings while the laser made 1 11 hits. FrizzeU hit a honjer ih the second, while Wendle collected a triple and' two singles, It being the -w first, flfimp In whtrh hp has hit snfp- BY LARGE AT-! the fifth mad a two-bagger and f continued from wire 1) ly for the Old Empress this year. Roberts; batting for Com,'dlna In also hit a single. Smith made a two-base clout and' a single, while Johnson; Kenny, and Arseneau all connected three times for singles. The Box- Score- S. O. C; AB R H PO Stalker If . 6 0 Moran 3b 4- 0 Lamble p 6 1 Styles lb. 0 Boys, under 6 Erie Ofme, F rank-j pvn Cf.." $ clay- . J. Comadlna it. ...2 Girls, under 8 Jean t Krause, RoDerte rf 4 Doris Leech. nil, ,h R. Boys, under 8-R. Cameron, Lloyd I A Mitcne'n T"""Z 0 Keays. eaJs- Linhnsnn s 5 2 Girls, under 10 C. Wilson, O. Waugh. Boys, under 10 P. Knutson, D. Houston. ., ipi '- Girls, under 12 c. wtison, Betty Wood. Boys, under 12 Sam Currle, R. Smith. Olrls, under 14 Mildred Munl- aaba, Mildred Hunt Boys, under 14 Leslie Wilson, Frank Derry. Girls, under 16 Mildred Hunt, Mildred Munlzaba. Boys, under 16 Leslie Wilson, Frank Derry. Boys of Boys' Band Tom Wilson, Tony Bussanich. A 0 S 0' 0 1 0 Q 3 S 0 Totals 4Z ft.ll 3114 6 1 out when winning run scored. i .-. ,i. O. E. " AB R H PO A E Kenny 2b. 6 2 3 1 3 2 Eldrldge 3b 6 1 2 2-12 Arseneau cl ..6 0 3 2 0 0 Wendle ss .......5 0 3 2 3 2 Menzie lb 5 0 0 13 10 Smith c. 5 1 2 6 21 0 Chenoskl p .5 U 1 4 4 0 Redman lfi 5 l 2 L 0 2 Wahl rf. .; 4 1. 0 .d 0 1 M. Comadlna rf. 1 0 0 0 0-0 Totals 48 7 16t31 14 9 t Interference at first by Bury In fifth and Roberts In eleventh. S. O. C 0 10 1110 110 06 O. E. 1 400010000 17 Summary 2-base hits, Roberts-, i Smith: 3-base hit. Wendle: home them being run off. Mayor C. Frlzzell; sacrifice, Moran 21; Orme. A. Halleran and Aid. a. i.; stolen base. Lamble, Wendle 3). Redman; base on ball off Chenoskl fit; struct out by Chenoskl 7), Lamble 15); left on base, S. O. C. tl2). O. E. 10); wild-pitch, Lamble- passed bait Smith, Mitchell 2 : hit by pitcher, Frlzzell, Bury, Wahl; time of game, 2:30; umpires. Brooks ! and Lapcrte. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot ilnd cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUMIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser md Flftfr Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Karrlll, Prop the iiorrx noKTir while Hoe CoM Water: Stenra Heat 75 PER DAY AND UP Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Guests Say They Are. mm i i i a sjjjniiajjjjjjjjjjjji mm LTT JknajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVBsl ii """te- 1 ' ' ' iCTMBWHWMiWMBiWPaa in. imhimiim 1 1 i" i imi 1 1 liUUlM VV1W5 ill IN FOOTBALL Score of Two to One In Dominion Day Junior1 Soccer With- so many of the bnys on holidays or camping the teams in the Junto football game of the; Dominion bay celebration yeste. -! day Were- not at all', representative of the Junior Football League, both teams fielding many- substitutes. ; Borden; played, with only ten players throughout. John Johnson scored for the Booth teami whb held their lead at : fialf time: Gome went through but Jhotiover and Bob-Houston stopped' i I several shots Fisher defended- well. The second half was not long in progress tllli Leslie Wilson equil-, lzed. With, Morgan he- led. several j raids but Eby and Ferguson worej safe. Gomea and DeMarco were-! chief aggressors for Booth. Mc-Grelsh gave the Booth team, the lead after Cameron had stopped the first shot, and. Borden were unable to equalize. Borden Houston: Veltch, Fisher; Bremner, Morgan, Erlckson: W. Lee, Cameron, WllsOn, Welle. Booth Santurbane; Eby, Fergu son; DeMarCo, GOmez, McMeekln; Peterson, Leaf, Johnson, Munro, McOrelsh. Referee, J. S. Wilson, linesmen, T. Bussanich, Z Colussl. Archie' Watt, divisional master mechanic for the Canadian National Railways? with headquarters In- Prince George, arrived in the city from the interior on this ai-ternoon's train; PAINS No matter how severe, you can always have immediate relief: Aspirin always top pain quickly. It , does it without any ill effects. lUrmlaas to the Heart; harmless to anybody. But it always brings relief. Why suffet? ASPIRIN TRADE MARK RCQ. Made in Canada Leaves Tomorrow AGLES EXCURS To 7 W" Write tor Copy Of Fall Fair Prize Book, 1931 Those who wish to enter exhibits in the Prince Rupert Fal Fair should write to the secretary for a copy of the new prize book and read the lis,t df new prizes offered this year1 to farmers and others. There are many special prizes in addition to the monej prizes offered by the Fair Board. Residents out of town are especially invited to enter fldwerg either in the floral display or individual exhibits'. Prepare for the exhibition now and then get ready -to visit the fair September 1 to 4. ftead more about the fair in the- ! ' : ' ' ' - DAILY NEWS, Prince Rupert, B.C. for the American Holiday on Jufy Fourth Prince John sails at 10 p.m. from Prince Rupout on tlVe evenfnr of My 3 reaching Ketchikahi the- morning of the Fourth After aday and night in Alaka Citythe Prince John LEAVER ON MOltNING. OF JULY 5 FOR PRINCE RUPERT Great celebration at Alaskan City including intercity baseball games. Rupert v& Ketchikan Gome along and root for the home team. Price For Round Trip $10.50 Children, Half Fare Meals and Berths Extra Get your tickets from A. Astoria at Frlzzell's Market. Further Information can be had from committee: A. Astoria, ThoK. dough, F. Ferro or Geoj Brookes. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD , . Prepared Dailj; By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, HC.