pAGK THRZB Freshness guaranteed to the last leaf Yellow label Salada 60cu a lb Brown label Salada 70 ctt a lb r 'Fresh from the gardens Salada Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Cash & Carry Stores JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's latest and original designs. Keep the curl in and the water out. Price: 15c to $1.25 Ormes Ltd. Ztfig Pioneer Drtigtists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. TIIKKE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS Tate the ami hsncr rrk route, going But or returning this summer Convenient train service to Montreal, Toronto and Chicago, with direct conncc tions to all points in United States and Canada. Every travel refinement, individual radio entertainment as you ride; the best of dining car service. Generous stopover privileges. Be sure to spend some time at Jasper Park Lodge for Canada's finest coif, canoeing, rid tng, swimming and match less mountain tours. f 4 Minaki. in the Lake-of-the woods Country also offers many scenic attractions. Low summer excursion tickets will be on sale from Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, New Westminster, Vernon and Kamlccps. Plan NOW! Jajper GcJ Wu, Stpt. 12 to 19 Stcaouhip Ticket to and from ill pMU of the wcrid, H. McEwen, District. Freight and Passenger Agent Pnnoe Rwpcr'.. D.c. T-4 UNION STKAMSIIll'S LIMITED fltntmer Irmr ivincf Rupert f or Vnnrouvrr: T.H.S.C,'tM RVKRV TIRSHW. IM I'M. Arriving Vancouver, ivmrviny Noon approi. T.H.S. t AKIIKNA KVf.RV r'fllllAV MIDMdllT Arrltlua Vancouver Sunday midnight appros. Weekly Miiuigi to Port BlmpKon. Alloe Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Nim River point. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. Further mfbrmiitlon regarding ill Milium and tlcs.u at I'ltlNfT HI I'KItT AllKNrV: Srrontl Atrnue. Phone 5fS NATURAL PUKE Fresh Milk Freo from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Orade A certificate Health and Sanltu. Hon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY ox 893 ' rhone 287 Dry Cleaning & Pressing Lower than Vancouver prices We call for anil deliver M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone C63 Next Benson Studio Recause it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. Local Items Dinner ware, china, crockery, glassware, Ilellbroner's Store. Pioneer's Association meet In City Hall, Friday, 8 pjn. All pioneers requested to attend. 154 Mrs. II. 8. Parker sailed yesterday mornlngon the Prince Henry lor a business trip to Vancouver. tit. Andrew's Cathedral Sunday-Scnooi picnic will be held tomorrow. Cars will leave at 10 am. 15) Mrs. J. C. McLennan sailed, yesterday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for a vacation trip to Vancouver. ' Mr. Charles Pillar, teacher at Port Clements, Is passing througa the city today enroute to Vancouver. He sailed on the Prince Charles this afternoon. Mr.-land: Mrs. Thomas Priest Graham Avenue, left on yester day's train for Calgary where they will spend a holiday, taking In the Stampede while there. There were 129 passengers on board the sterroer Princess Charlotte when she arrived yesterday afternoon from Vancouver enroute to Vancouver. Only one person dls embarked from the vessel here. Mrs. E. Wark, who has been teaching school at the Skidegate Mission, Queen Charlotte Islands passed through the city today en- route south, accompanied by her daughter Jeanne, and son, Clair. Ampng the local school teachen sailing' yesterday morning on ti;r Prince Henry to spend the summer vacation at their homes in the south were Misses E. P. Orassie, Marjorie. Shiel, M. Delancy, and E Roe. Miss Mary Olncrleh. who hat been teaching school at Port Simpson, sailed on the Princess Charlotte yesterday afternoon for Vancouver whence she wiU proceed to her home in Toronto to spend the summer vacation. Mrs John Dybhavn and son and daughter sailed yesterday morning on the Prlnee John for Old Massetc where they will spend the summer holiday season. M.. Dybhavn Is al ready there, being in charge of the Massctt Canners cannery. Mrs B, Walker of Booth Mem-'ortal School "teachln? staff sailed yesterday morning on the Prince Henry for Vancouver where she will spend the summer vacation. She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Muriel Walker. Capt. and Mrs. J. Gosse. who have been visiting in the city for the past few weeks with their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Alexander. Fifth Avenue East, sailed by the Princess Charlotte yesterday afternoon on their return, to Vancouver. Capt. E. Warren, who has been a member of the Salvation Army staff here for the past two or three years, will sail Saturday evening n the Prince Rupert for her home In North5 Vancouver where she will pay a visit before taking up social scrvfc work in Vancouver. On the closing day of school, pupils of Seal Cove School presented their retiring principal,' Miss Olive McArthur. with a beau-1 tiful gold ring as a token of their esteem and well wishes. Miss Mc Arthur has left for her native province of Nova Scotia where she expects to resume teaching. SAILINGS FKOM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway July 3. 6. 10, 13 To, Vancourer, Victoria and Seattle July 4. 8, 11, 15 I'orvrjutedalc, Ocean Fall, Namit, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria Filday, 10 p.m. .Full Information from W. tf. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 THE DAILY NEW8 Thursday, July 2, 1931 Dutch Maid Salad Dressing Is like Mother used to malre. Glasses fitted bf registered optometrist at Ilellbroner's store. Carpenters' Union meeting tonight. Business important. 153 FOR RENT 3 -roomed modern, heated flat, marine view. Apply McCaffery, Gibbons It Collart. 153 Douglas Sutherland, Jr., sailed yesterday morning" on the Prince Henry for a vacation trip to Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imper ial arrived In port at 6 o'clock last evening from loco with a load of fuel for the company's local tanks The Admiral Line steamer Dor othy Alexander, Capt. A. T Nicfcer- son, is due In port at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning from Ketchikan and other Alaska points and will sail at 10 a.m. for Seattle. F. A. MacCallum, local manager of the Bank of Montreal, and Mr.:. MacCallum are sailing this afternoon on the Prince Charles for Victoria where they will spend a month's vacation as the guests of Col. and Mrs. Gordon Baker. Miss D. Morrison of the local school teaching staff sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for Vancouver whenc she will proceed to her home in West Summerland where she will spend the summer vacation. E. Heaphy, general manager of the Los Angeles Lumber Products owning the Massett Timber Cc sawmill at Buckley Bay, arrived u the city on the Prince John thr. morning after a week's visit to the plant and sailed this afternoon on the Prince Charles for Seattle. D. J. Hartley and R. E. CollH Anyox school teachers, arrived in the city from the smelter town on the Prince Charles yesterday morning, continuing later In the morning on the Prince Henry to Van couver where they will spend the summer vacation. - ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagle's Dance, Friday. July 10 Ladies refreshments. Gents. 50c. Canadian Legion Picnic July 12 Dlgby Island. Presbyterian Bazaar November 5 154, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! FAMILY cabins for rent on La kelse Lake shore For parUr.ula. phone Blue 901 r.3 What Is He Worth! Well, he's worth ... the sbsurdity of the question makes you smile . . . Yon wouldn't part with him for any amount of money . . . He's too precious I Remember, then, that his strength, his appearance, his success and happiness depend upon hi health. And his health depends largely upon you. He ure to guard your cffild against constipation and the nils which result from it. Baby s Own Tablets are a safe and effecUve laxative. They reduce simple fever, allay cclic, relieve croup, prevent lorjytlpalion, help to relieve the dblnv which accompanies the cutting of teeth and generally promote the health and comfort of children. For your own peace of mind, and for the sake of your child, dont be without Baby a Ow n Tablets in the house. 25 cents at any drujrjistY I t BABY'S OWN TABLETS (Dr. Williams') For Children tafAl! Ages EXTRA! GOOD NEWS Hear That Reverberating Sound! That is shaking Prince Rupert and district like a thunder storm. It's not a bolt from the blue. It's the "knock of opportunity" that they say comes "once in a lifetime" and it's here now in no uncertain measure. Thcvibration has caused prices to totter. The CLOSING OUT SALE of JABOUR BROS' Bankrupt Stock Is like an earthquake of economy. It has levelled former prices down to bedrock and effected an uphcavel of buying benefit that spells savings with a big "S" and values with a capital "V." Bigger & better values than ever. Hurry for your share. MIGHTY BARGAINS FOR ALL! Women's High Cut Boots I V-Neck Novelty Sweaters 150 Pairs of Women's High lace Boots In Brown and Black Kid, low and Cuban hcrls. We know they are not new style footwear but did sell up to $8.50 in their day. Now, while they last, your choice at only a pair Reg. to 35c and 40c values. Women's Rubber Aprons, assorted colors. Your choice, bankrupt price mm 'h ii Hi ii i 48c 89c Boys' Short Pants Reg. to $2.50 values. Roys' Tweed Short Pants, Your choio bankrupt sale price, now only 63c Rankrupt Price W. O. GRANT ,u Re;, to $2.85 values, Boys' and Girls' V-Neek Novelty rull-over Sweaters in a wonderful range of color combinations and plain colors. Your choice. $1.49 Quilted Table Padding I Boys' Tweed Caps Resu S2.25 a yard quality, extra heavy Quilted Table Tadding. Now only, a yard, close out pricte y., x, $1.59 Reg. to $1.50 values, Roys' Tweed Caps. About 3 dozen only left and now while they last you ran take your choice at Only 43c Store For Rent. All Fixtures For Sale Girls' Wash Dresses Regular to $1.95 values. A splendid assortment of Girls' Wash Dresses, sizes to 11 years. Your choice, close out price Women's Rubber Aprons Girls' House Slippers Reg. to $1.65 values. A big bin of assorted Children's and Misses' House Slippers, sizes to 2. Take your choice, now only, bankrupt price Reg. to $1.95 values. Men's Kid Leather House Slippers, with low Rubber Heels, all sizes. Bankrupt sale price $2.89 Cretonne Reir. to 65c, 200 yards of very pretty Cretonne, and I am coing to sell it while it lasts at only, per yard 89c Tennis Footwear For Men, Women, Roys, Misses and Children at less than today's wholesale price. MEN'S Sizes to 11 78c ROYS' Sizes to 5 73c MISSES' Sizes to 2 69c CHILDREN'S Sizes to 10' C3c AS FAST AS ONE BARGAIN GOES ANOTHER TAKES ITS PLACE Women's Hats We have 3 dozen only Women's Hats left and I have made one big group out. of the lot and you can take your choice, while they last Men's Slippers 89c GROUP NO. 3 Rinkrupt Vrlce 9c A RECORD-BREAKING PRICE-SMASHING SALE THAT SPELLS MONSTROUS SAVINGS BUY SHOES NOW Racks and Racks of Women's Fine Footwear, sorted into 3 big croups. Regular to $8.50 values, your choice. GROUP NO. 1 Rankrupt Price $1.98 GROUP NO. 2 $3.68 sing Out .labour Hros. Bankrupt Stock to the Hare Walls.