I? ! j - - 1 1 I WAIT AfFQ I j H ilLd-iilVLi U CURTAIN HODS Klrsch make, curved ends 7 for PILLOW SLIPS In a good wearing quality 4 for SWISS NET CURTAIN PANELS Handsome designs each Hosiery SPORT 8ILK SOX In white and sand shades 2 pairs Dresses JAP CREPES In several shades 8 for COLORED BROADCLOTHS Several shades 4 yards WE HAVE MARKED DOWN AM OUIt COATS selling, see ovn windows. Telephone 9 Night Calls: Phone 161 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 ISO Pairs of Mercury Full Fashioned HOSE In all the Q4 A A latest shades, a very exceptional value, per pair ?X.UU Men's Fancy Cotton SOX In several colors 7 pairs CHILDREN'S SOX and HOSE In great variety 4 pairs $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 SIX DOZEN WOMEN'3 PORCH DRESSES-In a pretty 04 A A range of styles, all tub fast colors, each VvU A new line of Run Proof BLOOMERS Some motif and applique trim, in latest bobctte and pantie style and a full 04 A A " range of colors, values to $1.25, each BLOOMERS Run proof rayon In all wanted shades and sizes, 2 for CO RSOLETTES and GIRDLES An outstanding value, each PRINTS In a nice range of patterns 6 for CHECK NAINSOOK In five shades 6 for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 FOR RAPID Third Ave. & Fulton St. WE AKE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Kate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Our Prices Will Please You Come in and let us show you how little it costs (o equip your car with GOODRICH SILVER TOWNS. A complete Garage Service Distributors Dodte Cars and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS Phone 5G6 Graduates From Technical School With Distinction Jake Mussallem, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Mussallem of this city, has graduated with distinction from the Vancouver Technical School where he has been studying for the past year. He came second among hundreds of students in his examina tions. He Is expected home next week from Vancouver. Young Eagles In Captivity Jim Zarelll Keeps Novel Pets on Roof of Royal Hotel Were Captured From Nest Jim Zarelll, proprietor of the Royal Hotel, has taken under his fatherly wing a couple of young eagles which were captured from their nest on Dlgby Island a few days ago. The two young ones were taken after the mother bird had been killed. Now the young eagles, which cannot fly as yet, are being kept In a large box on the roof garden of the Royal Hotel where Mine Host Jim personally feeds them their two meals a day morning and evening of halibut and water. It Is amazing, Incidentally, how much those birds can devour. Seaplane Was Busy All Day Gypsy Moth Machine of Northern' B. C. Airways Made Many Dominion Day (lights The Gypsy Moth seaplane of the Northern B. C. Airways was kept busy on the Dominion Day holiday. Several flights were made to Port Simpson with persons wishing to loin the Canadian National Recreation Association's picnic. Short trips were also made over the city with those desirous of seeing Prince Rupert from the air. The weather was very propitious. Arrangements arc all complete Tor the Eagles' excursion to Kt- chlkan. The party leaves here U.-mprrow night at 10 o'clock and re turns Sunday evening. Mind Your Health and Drink Daily Pure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 60S P.O. Itox 4jJ Visitors Welcome S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas & Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 33 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOU SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Thursday, July 2, iJ3J PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Dollar Days Friday & Saturday Some Outstanding Values For These Days Household Goods SHEETS Fully bleached, full bed size, nice even wea.-e, each TOWELS Turkish brown stripe, size 18x38 6 for : PILLOWS Art ticking covers In floral designs, pure feather filled, an outstanding value at, each TEA TOWELS In blue or pink check 6 towels CAMP CUSHIONS In art cretonne covers, bright designs, 2 for CHEESE CLOTH In packages of 5 yards each 4 packages $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Delicate Child One of fire girls all of whom took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic). Now a Fine Healthy Woman "I was the eldest of five girls," writes Mrs. A. G. Richardson, 202 Lancaster St West, Kitchener, Ontario, "and my mnthr rau n. Williams' Pink Pills to us all. My youngest slsttr was very delicate. She was nearly thirteen when mother look her to the doctor and he said 'Give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills like vou gave the other girls'. Mother did so, and today she is married, and is a fine healthy woman." The iron and other elements In Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) Increase the amount of haemoglobin or oxygen-carrying agent in the blood. The increased supply of oxygen kindles life in all your tissues. The result is a tetter appetite, a feeling of well-being, and restful slrcp. Begin now to Uke Dr. Williams' rink Pills. SO cents a package at any druggist's. Be sure to say "Dr. Wifeams" so that the druggist will know exactly what you want. Ut STEWART The board of village commissioners has given D. J. McLean the contract for the residing of the south side of the town hall. Geo. Hills has been given the contract for painting. ! ' ! Get the Habit UY HERE ANK ALANCE We invite your patronage. Our price is always the best. Our quality is the highest Blue Ribbon Tea per lb Blue Ribbon Coffee per lb'. Blue Ribbon Baking Pow der, 12-os. per Un Butter QO OCT ner 14-lb. box QO.OeJ Butter per 3-tb. brick Eggs Fresh extras 3 doz Eggs Fresh firsts 3 doz "Bggs Ftesli seconds 3 doz Malkln's Beat Tomatoes 2Vs, 3 Una Malkhi'a, Best Prunes 2's per pkg Malkln's Best Apricots 2"s 2 Una Dry Salt Pork Belly per lb Palmoljve Soap 4 for?........,., Classic Cleanser per tin :. Wesson Oil l's per tin 45c 47c 23c 77c 85c 78c 63c 40c 24c 45c 20c 25c 8c 39c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables :JJew Potatoes 15 lbs Fresh Qreen. Ieas- 3 lbs, Fresh Spinach 4 lbs. Head Lettuce 4 for Carrot. Turnips, Parsnips & Beets, 4 bunches Water Melon 3 lbs Cherries Itoyul Anne 2 lbs. Cherries Btng large 2 lbs 50c 25c 25c 25c 24c 25c 35c 45c Free! Free! 2 PkiiaT Trlncoss Soap Flakes ...45c 1 Pkg. Super Sud 20o Value 65c All for 45c Mussallems' Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 360 319 3rd Ave. Phone 18 & 81 417-123 5th Ave : EacBsBTnsMsvttisMsBarfMM J United Church Young People's Outing Enjoyed After a series of most enjoyable picnics during the past two months, ,the Young People's Society of First United Church held the last outing of the seasdh yesterday. The launch "23" took the party over to Picnic Day where the day was spent In games, swimming and hiking, not forgetting the tasty eats and other good things provided Around the campflre In the evening, Dob Irvine, on uehalf of the society, presented the president, Earl Darrie, with a beautiful leather folder, containing correspondence paper and envelopes. Taken completely by surprise, the president thanked the members for their thought fulness and expressed the desire that the same co-operation and good-fellowship that characterized the activities of the society since its inception would again carry on in the fall to another successful season. The launch "23" came all too soon to take the Jolly party home, arriving i. the Yacht Club floats at 11:30 p.m. "Beauty Shop" At Smithers Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Here Following Presentation in Interior Town Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lewis arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smithers where they had charge of a successful presentation by the Elks' Lodge, at the first of the week of the musical show Beauty shop," and sailed later in the afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for Vancouver. The "Beauty Shop" had a three-night stand at Smithers and O'Neill's Theatre was crowded on each occasion. On Tues day night there was a banquet and dance and Mr. Lewis was presented with a large box of cigars and Mrs. Lewis with a silver cake basket. Mail Schedule for the East Monday, Wednesday and Saturday lOJf un Tom the East-Sunday. Tuesday and Thun. ay JJO p.m for Vanrouvei Sunday 9 p.m. Tuesday 12:50 noon Thursday 9 pjn Friday - .. 11 cm June 3, 13, 30, 24, and 27 p.m. k'rom Vancouvei Saturday 10:30 am. Friday pj Sunday , 4 pjn Wednesday , 10 JO pm June 8, 15. 19. 22. 20 and 29 ....am. For Stewart and Aiiyo Thursdays 8 p.m Sunday 7 pjn. Wednesday 3 pin Saturday 3 pjn. roin Stewart ahd Premier Sunday 8 pjn. Tuesday 11:30 a.m Thursday 8 pjn For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pjn From Naas River md Port Simpson-Tuesday .. 11J30 a.rr 'or Quern Charlottes-May 2, 16 and 30. ''roin Ouern Charlottes .Tunc 13 and 27. June 11 ahd 35. For Alaska-June 8, 15, 19, 22, 20 and 29 ... ajn. From Alaska Mon. an. Pr. Rupert 7 o.m Wed. as. Prince Rupert 7 a.ra June 20 ss. Pr. Charlotte 5 p.m. June 24 ss. Prln. Louise 5 p.m. June 27 as. Princess Alice 5 pjn. Prom Skeena River-Friday ss. Cardena p.m. A song was sung over station K JR in Stattle last night, for Miss Kathleen Patricia Doherty, diamond Jubilee baby of Prince Rupert, being four years old July 1. The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 Oranville St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. n. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. General Store, Anyox. Smithers Drug Store. Smith- ere, B.C. fa 3 5 FILMED IN 5 SUMATRA n u 5 R 2 n a m S3 BiiwiiiiFiBiiiiiiBtftiiniinnrKiiixi:! Weds. & Thurs. . TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. I A GRAND DOUBLE BILL M B 3 AN ANIMAL STORY RANGO' Stranger than fiction and ten times more exciting A Paramount Picture - and One of the Funniest Shows on Earth "FINN & HATTIE" Witli Leon Errol, Zazu Pitts, Mitzl Orren and Jackie Searle. A snappy, family from Peoria visits Paris. Something doing every minute. A Paramount Picture w Admission 20c & 65c FOX NEWS "Finn & Ilattle" starts at 7:15 & 9:15 SPECIAL WEDNESDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 40c 2 -FINN & HATTIE" Starts at 3:15 S Friday & Saturday "Beau Ideal" Quality, Service, Price What Else Is There ? OLD POTATOES Finn and good 60-lb. sack BUTTER 14-lb. box 74C 3-lb. brick Q & S FRESH GROUND COFFEE per lb LIBBV8 SWEET RELISH per Jar ....... .. MACARONI- Ready Gut 4 lbs. tor HEINZ QUEEN OLIVES 5 oz. per bottle RICE No. 1 Japanese 5 lbs. for, :. LOB8TBR Nabob, fc'a, 3 for L PEARS or PEACIIBS Aylmcr, l's X tins for FLOUIl 49s per sack CRAB MEAT Local per Un ENSIGN PBAS No. 4 per Un SOAP FLAKES Bulk 3 lbs. for .... JOHNSOirS FLOOR WAX V4-lb. Un '. Mb. tin 1-lb. prints 19c 2-lb. tin 9 oz. per bottle $1.00 $3.54 24c 36c 17c 30c 33c 25c $1.00 24c $1.55 23c 10c 32c 40c $1.30 DELIVERIES LEAVE Booth School to Wcstvlew 10:00. 12:00. 2:30 and 5:r$ o'clock Booth School to Seal Cove 11:00 and 4:00 o'clock. Telephone your order nnil pay the driver "WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL" Q & S GROCERY GROCERIES Phone : 227 & 228 COO Sevrnth Ave. East PROVISIONS VEGETABLES P, (). Box 4IC Prince Itupert CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERA UNO (J. T. i. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK fcnitlncers, Machinist, Boilermakers, Jilai-kumlllix, I'attctn Makers Founders, Woodworker, Etc EI.KCTKIC AND ACETYLENE WBLIMNO Our Plant I Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 383 (Jet the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you.