PAQK rOUR DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert, Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu' H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Contract rates on application, Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations should never be allowed to interfere with good government. H T. FORGET POLITICS In Canada, especially in the villages and smaller towns, there is a tendency to play poljtics all the time. We suggest that is wrong. Why not forget poljtics, at any rate Harvey Mitchell 1 piIE chairman of the provincial committee for New Brunswick of the World's Grain Exhibition and Conference, Rerina, 1932, Is Mr. Harvey Mitchell, the Deputy Minis, ter of Agriculture. Mr. Mitchell wm born it Keswick Ridge, N.B., m 1871, and received his preliminary edoettion in the public schools of thst district Later he went to the Ontario Agri. cultural College at Gotlph. For fourteen years he was en. caged in field work for the Depart , ment of Agriculture of New Brunswick and for twelve years, mart- viilon of the Federal Department of Agriculture. In 19!'i Mr Mitchell was appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture for New Brunswick. IMPROVING United States Wants Hoover, Says Postal Chief two weeks of harking back to the past campaign. There are certain 'Zl governments in power and they are supposed to represent; vaidivcstok m the very near fu-ihe whole community, not a part of it. Tolmie is the pre- 'ture. inier of British Columbia not premier of the Conservative ' party. Bennett is Prime Minister of Canada, not prime' A17T A TIA1VJ minister of the federal conservative party. Because of rY lr 1 .111 1 that fact, it is the duty of all people in the country to lend ! nnrfcT u in him their support so far as possible. Helpful criticism isj PUrULAK all richt but not nartv criticism based on the hvnothesis 1 V4 aurxix that our side is always right and the other side always wrong. x . YES, BUT NOT LIKE RUPERT : When wandering through the interior of the province on a recent holiday, the editor took considerable interest in the gardens he saw at the various points. Sometimes he took occasion to compliment the owners on the results being accomplished. Usually the reply was something like this. "Our gardens are doing Well but they are not like; those in Prince Rupert." To tell the truth about ourselves,; we are getting a name for our gardens and the person who does not run true to form by keeping his garden presentable is not typical of the city. A good garden is expected, especially by vis itors from the outside. V4. A ENTER THE FAIR The success of the fall fair which opens next week depends almost wnolly on the individual efforts of the citizens. A few people make a rule of entering their poultry, their flowers, their cooking, their preserves, their needlework, their garden produce. The majority of the people take no interest. When fair day arrives people are heard to remark: '"I could beat that If only I had thought to enter, I could easily have won that prize." . This is written to suggest that any person with a nice plant take the trouble to enter it. That anyone doing unusually good work in any line of endeavor exhibit a sample of it That all take an interest in the fall fair, enter what they have and see if they cannot win a prize. The money value of the prize may not be large but the honor of winning the blue ticket is worth a great deal in personal (By Ce Mexico Has Become Alr-Minded, Figures Reveal WASHINGTON, August 25 Mer, lean airplanes engaged In com i miles during 1930 than had ever jbeen registered before, the Commerce Deparement has been in- formed by Assistant Trade Com-jmisalouer Edward D. McLauglln at Mexico City. The planes flew 2,485 -810 miles last year as comparrd with 1.896.507 miles in 1929 and 727.501 miles In 1928. That Mexican people are becoming more "air-minded" Is revealed In figures which show that 20,200 passengers were carried durlnj 1930, an Increase of 103 'percent, over 1929 when 10,969 persons travelled by air. Grizzly Bear Goes to Zoo i Three Months Old Cub Shipped From Jasper to England j JASPER PARK, Aug. 25 Scream ing defiance to the world and unbeknown to himself, bidding a last goodbye to the timbered slopes of his beloved mountains, a three months old grizzly cub, offspring of wme mighty monarch of tl Ca nadian Rockies, left here last night by Canadian National Express, en i out to England and the confines, if Hn Engl'sh zoo. ' The bear cub was captured 1 ist ! tqring by tl vlce-utetldent of Vlc- -n Limit., famou Eutlsh .uua-mfnt firm, who shn the mother fcilzzly whl! 00 a tv lUng trip wru of here. Mr. Vickers left the cut in cn;.tge of George Hargreaves. his I ulde, at Jackman. D.C., and only recently ordered tlv. tear shirexM to film in London, Eng. NEWTRfAL COMING UP Possibility of David Clark Uelug Dismissed on Murder Charge LOS ANGELES. August 25 Dis-trlct Attorney Fltts Is taking step j preparatory to holding a second trial of David Clark on a charge of j Murdering Herbert Spencer. The first Jury disagreed In Clark's case on Sunday. Fltts is examlnglnx certain reported new clues which, if they, prove to be a lizzie, may result In the district attorney moving for dismissal. THE DAILY NEW8 Tuesday, August 2S. ijjr TIMES ARE ! Adolfe Seretny LOS ANGELES, Aug. 25: Basing his statement on revenue of the August 25, 1931 Bant,c department which he heads and on his close touch with condi tions In all sections of the country, THE BRITISH SITUATION i Postmaster Oeneral Brown said Stanley Baldwin, leader of the Conservatives in Great SSL Britain, is deserving of great praise for agreeing to take wants president Hoover in office a position in the new coalition cabinet, serving second to for another term. The cabinet mem-Premier Ramsay MacDonald. He is the leader of a great ber arrived aboard the liner bearing iW ha avnoof tu his chiefs name. S U n-4l,nnm;n.. -annMnl olnnfinnc Tirr ...oifinrr o DUHng the JaSl iu win ai mc iui tnv;uuiui& gcuci ai uctuuiio. jj .waiting a short time he stood a4 good chance of gaining political fame and power. By entering the MacDonald government he may be losing his opportunity. But there is a crisis in Great Britain. It has been found impossible to balance the budget unless it is by placing a tariff on imports. This has been of late a Conservative party policy as opposed to Liberal free trade with Labor somewhat divided. Now it is to be assumed that a tariff will be adopted and that the coalition government will father it and possibly stand the next election on that policy. Whether or not they will succeed remains to be seen. The coalition may break up when it comes to an election. July, just before I sailed," he said, "the revenues of the Postofflce Department showed their first Increase n a year and a half. I say without hesitation that I haven't a ; ' doubt in the world about the elec- tlon of President Hoover." DEVELOPING : NEW TRADE 'In any case it looks as if the various British statesmen' , s . . . . : "steamship Service Between Uniteq i .i ew f j i were doing well to sink their party affiliations in order to . . sutes Ports and vaiaivostok bring about a better condition in the old land. Politics! . SEATTLE, August 28 Arrange ments have been made with Ui Soviet government for development of a trade between Russia and Pacific Coast ports which may eventually assume quite extensive pro portions. Seattle will be one of the key ports and Tacoma. Portland and San Francisco will be others. Ji vler an1 t'ght- .reartu-t w'n will be one of enter ainers at the Prince Rupert Exhibition next week. Vancouver Stocks J (Courtesy 8. U. jtinstb On I Big Missouri. 22. 23. Cork Province, nil, 1. Duthle Mlnesjtiil. 4. Georgia River, 2 Ji, nil. Golconda, 21, 25. Lucky Jim, 22,-Mohawk, nil", Vj. , Morton Woolsey, J. 2. National Silver, 1. nil. Pend Oreille. 70, 75. Premier, 55. 58. Porter-Idaho, nil 5. Reeves Macdonald, 23, nil. Ruth-Hope, nil, 5. SUver Crest; Vz, nil. Snowflake, 1, life. Woodbine; li, h OILS A. P. Con, 6, nil. Fabyan Pete, nil, V. Home, 40, 46. McLeod, 23, nil. Merland, 5, 7. Mercury, 9, 10. United, 7, nil. ' Freehold. 2V4, nil. Hargal, 2, nil. " Eastern Stocks Noranda. 1855, 19.00. International Nickel, 12.50, 13.00. C P. R., 20.75. nil. USE LADIES FOR 'STOOLS' U. S. Prohibtion Director Says They Are Essential NEW YORK. Aug. 25: Federal! prohibition officers made known to- day that the use of women as aids in federal raids upon speakeasies' thus far, has not been f orbldedn by . official order. Howard T. Jones, acting prohlbi-! tlon director, commenting upon a, statement said that "ladies must and will be employed In this work, as there are certain places in New York that could not be entered in ! any other fashion. I have not talked the matter over with Col. Wood cock." said Jones, "but know there has been no general order against 1L" Catholic Church Not Recognizing Spanish Gov't MADRID, Aug. 25: Formal refusal of the Catholic Church to recognize validity of recent decrees by Spain's Republican Government, "effecting the status of the Cardinals" has been announced. ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- ments should be In the hands of the printers not later than 3 p.m. the day prior to publl- cation. This Is necessary to en- able best positions to be se- 4 cured. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Prince Rupert ALLFAI Opens Tuesday, Sept. 1 Closes Friday, Sept. 4 Number of Jugglers, Equalibrists and Contortionists to give Cever Performances Bevy of Dancing Girls. Two Bands in Attendance. CHAMPIONSHIPSimi The sporting events at the Prince Rupert Fall Fair this year give promise of surpassing those of former years. The visiting teams have won distinction in their respective districts, while the local boys arc in the best of form. BASEBALL: FOOTBALL: LACROSSE: Haclton, the champion team so far, will try to add one more to its string of victories hy playing a series against Prince Rupert Also Indian baseball games. ANYOX VS. PRINCE RUPERT For the championship of Northern U. C. Also Indian football contests. Prince Rupert and two Naas River teams will play a championship series. International Beautequest The most beautiful girl in this district will be chosen to visit Los Angeles and compete in the huge competition, and the candidate will Ik chosen during fair week nt the final ball. Exhibition Features Flower show, the largest in Northern Hritish Columbia. Individual farm exhibit, most important yet ever made in district. Dozers of Midway features every afternoon and evening. :: HOW TO PREPARR OVALTINE CO IX) i AJd Z uupooof ul of Ovoltint to a cup of coU milk. WKiiV into fraooth, crtamjr contlittncy with four tga beater, or um tluLcr. , . , Ovaltin it (old t 11. goo4 Moru in 50c, 7Jc, St 1.23 an4 ipvcial fO0 family iix tiru; alto Mrv4 ac aoJa fountain. Supplement light Summer Meals tvth Ovaltine Served Cold TT is a feet that In Summer, when rople are eitremclf aetire and need to be nouritned particularly well, most meali arc lighter and lea nourishing than at other teatom. Supplement 7T meale with Ovaltine Cold (or hot), and your system will be supplied with every food element required for good health. Ovaltine is the concentrated goodness of eggs, malt and milk In correct balanced and easily digested form. Let delicious Ovaltine rebuild your vitality after vigor, oui exercise. Give it to the children. Your doctor will thoroughly approve this course. Avoid to-tSti inbtftlutet. OVALTINE' Served COLD t .WANDCR LIMITED, Ovahi unJar - ami raerborougn, taaaoa. n li now maJ. at ElmwooJ Park, PM.rWougK, Ontario. u'wuiuru uiai prevail ' Ku is . Lang!. (uy in iincUnd. Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns