fAQBTHRn MI -31 ANTISEPTIS A Cleansing Deodorant Used as a gargle, after shaving, for the hair, abrasions and scratches, mosquito and insect bites. 3oz. 25c; 6oz. 40c; 16 oz. 75c Ormes Lid. ZZfw Ptonccr Druggists Phones 81 & 82 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Ruper.'s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roonu a. j. riiuimoMMi; rrop. Cor of Fraser und Fifth 8ts. SAVOY T Pcd'Tfcn. Haysport; II. O. r;nnirmh:im. Port Esslngton; J Sai'.M and C. S. McOregor, Carl . V Pnppo and J. Pelppo. Soln-' ..d C Bock, Dlgby Island. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. Prop the hotel mouth Miut.r. Bv & Col Wawr. Steam Ileal 75c PER DAY AND UP trlrphotir tHI ROYAL Oru: re. Nelson. Inverness; V. O. Gran! Port Esslngton. Knox Hotel Arc Our MEALS Good? Our Guests Say They Arc. iiuoii l. hickey. M.D. SPECIALIST Eve En. Nov and Throat Ev s T sted Glasses Fitted No. 1 It oral Hotel alw list I CORN Third Ave. & Fulton St. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. Wednesday Pr. Henry 9:30 ajn. Thursday ss. Pr. Charles, 2 p.n Friday m. Princess Mary 10 pjn. 86. Cardena, midnight. Saturday ss. Pr. George 7 pjn. Aug 2688. Prin. Louis 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Monday' Pr. Charles 11:30 ajn Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 ajn. Fri.-as. Pr. Oeorge, 11:30 ajn Friday M. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss. Cardena ' p.m. Satur. ss. Pr. Henry, 11:30 ajn 9 a.m Aug. 288. Pr. Charlotte 9 ajn. Aug. 3188. Prln. Louise .. .9 ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday . Catala 8 pjri. From Naas Kim ti Tort .Simpson I Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ajn. j For Stewart and Anyox. Sunday as. Catala .8 pjn. I Monday 88. Pr. Charles, 8 pjn ; Friday ss. Pr. Oeorge, 3 pjn From Slrwnrt and Anyox Tuesday as. Catala .11:30 ajn Thurs Pr. Charles, 10:30 am Sat. ss. Pr. Oeorge 6 pjn For Ocean FaUs Monday ss. Pr. Oeorge .. .4 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary lo' pjn Sat. ss. Prince Oeorge, 7 pjn From Ocean Falls Wed.- ss. Pr. Rupert, 11:30 ajn Friday--as. Pr. Oeorge. 11:30 ajn Friday- -s. Cardena p.m ss. Prinress Mary 4 pjr, Sat. ss. Pr Hear... 11:30 a.m I kV Boat and Car for Sale Car can be seen at Parker's Garage Hoat, the Imalone, at Yacht Club Floats Dr. Joseph Maguire, A!der Block oven-frcsh. Delightful for any meal. With n flavor and crispness imitations never equal. Wise buyers make sure of getting genuine Kcllogg's Corn Flakes by placing tho name Kcllogg's on the grocery CORN F 1 A Ik E Add nilu or honey for variety. Made by Kellogt In Undon, Ontario. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED IMnimrr. I'rlnrf Kuprrt f or Vancouver: tSxl'ATAUA EVDIlY Tt'ESlUY. 1.30 P.M. Arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. TM. ( AltDKNA EVKKY fKIHAV MtDMflllT , Arrlvlog Vnciuvr Bundnj mldniBht approx. wlilj' aallingi u Port SUnpaon. Alice Arm, Anyox. Btrwart and N Rlvrr I'oliita. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. fur.hr information regarding all allinn and tlckata at iiwii KireiiT ahi;h. iwn .umiif, i-nunr Local Items Dinnerware, etiina, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Retail Merchants' Dinner Tuesday, Aug. 25, at 6:30 pm. In Commodore Cafe to meet candidate for the Beautequest, Miss Pauline Fur-ness. 199 II. W. Chambers of Inverness cannery was an' overnight visitor in town, having amvea on yester day afternoon's train from the river. In order to give everyone an od portunity to make entries for the Fair the office in the city hall wl!l be open each evening this week until 9 P.m. 202 Tony Bussanlch, Ted Smith and William Murray are accompany ing the Prince Rupert football team on its visit to Anyox, having gone to the smelter town last night aboard the gasboat Laura F. II. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith of Pre mler will sail on the Prince Henry tomorrow morning for Vancouver enroute to Blrtle, Manitoba, where they will pay a visit at Mrs. Smith's home. On the way there. they will visit in Idaho. Jurisdiction of various sheriffs In the province are defined in the current issue of the B. C. Oazette. The Jurisdiction of Sheriff Smiin Asa TUckerson of Prince Rupert is defined as being the limits of the county of Prince Rupert. A. B. Cain, Catholic Extension Magazine representative is a visitor in .the city enroute Seattle af ter a tour of Alaska In the Interest of , the publication. Mr. Cain spent a week in Prince Rupert last year. returning to the States from Al aska. Miss Jean Fraser. who .has been spending the summer vacation here with her parents. Mr. and Mrk J.' D. Fraser. Fourth Avenue East, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince Rupert on her return u Vancouver where she will resume her,, school Jachlngues. w Indian A& Jamw G filet t'ofth" Queerf ctiarlojt Islands will ',e here Thursday aboard the Prince i Charleston his way to Alert Bay In I company with a large party of In dian children from Masse tt and other points on the Islands who will enter boarding school at Alert Bay. Delayed by having a special call to make at North Pacific to pick up members of the cannery crew and talu them south. Union steamer Cat ,i la. Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed about an hour later for Vancouver and way points. TAXIDERMY g Furs EV Made Up 18 Years; Experience All Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George NATURAL PUKE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Oradc A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PUINCE RUPERT DAIRY Hot 89S Phone 287 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR i 817 Scroml Ave. Phone 649 Mother of Eight Civet Advice hj H W born I wai weak and rundown. I read about Lydia E. Pink him'i Vegetable Compound in one of your little books and taw what it bad done for others. "I took three bottles and it made me feet strong and healthy. "I am the mother of eight children. My youngest i fifteen months. "I will always praise your medicine and I tell other women about it." The grateful woman who writes this letter is Mrs. Dan MicCraig, Bi$hopSt-,So.Alexaodria,Ontario. Valentin Dairy Milk leads with the highest test in the City. Analysis 4.4. 201 Lieut. Coxson of the Salvation Army has gone to her home in McLeod, Alberta, on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Gullek and son and daughter sailed last evening on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to Stewart Anyox and Massett Inlet points. II. F. MacLeod, following hi return on Sunday from Lakelse La.? where he had tp;nt a couple ot weeks, yesterday was able to re sume his duties at the Court Hous as court and land registrar follow a Jong and serlous'Tllneas. I 'R. O. Em merson "chief operator I of thr DiRbv Itfirrdlfwireless stalibn and Mrs. Emmersor'and family ! who hsve been hdlfdaying? at S)d-' debate, will reun.tohe city from j the IMands on the Prince Charlei Jon Thursday morning. I Mrs K J. Stephens arrived Sunday from Vancouver en route t Stewart. By special request she hat 'consented to give a limited number of permanent waves here. For Information and appointment phone Mrs. Hickey. Red 3S1. 19) Pter Black, who has been attached to the summer staff of tht Prince Rupert Fisheries ExperM mental Station, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver whence he will proceed later In the fall to Montreal whr" he will enter McOill University for further studies. Due here tomorrow mornin from Srasrwav enroute to Vancouver. CN.R. stumer I1nre Hwry. Cant. Harrv Nedden. will be making hei final appearance of the season at this port On her return to Vancouver, the Prlnc Henry will ro on the Trl-dlty rifh for a few days in place of the steamer Prince Robert. WHUsm Swanson and Charles McDonald were each sentenced to three months' imprisonment, without obtlon of fin" by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday afternoon ofr drun-ness. It was Hwmon' third of fence and M-Dmitld'g fourth These two twtriT with O-.-i-1 Bye. sentenced to three months', months' Imprisonment for drunkenness, Robert Haffefn. who win serve Ihree months for supplying, and Kennnth Powell, who drew a similar term for vigrancy. wer? taken to Oknlla aboard the steamer Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon In charge of Provincial Constable Barclay. - ANNOllVrT.MKNTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Kaglca' Novelty Danco August 25. Ladles refreshments. Gents. 50c. Elks' Dance August 28th. Eagles' Social and Sjnokcr September 10. Catholic bazaar October 31 -and 22, Glasses fitted b registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Elks' Dance, Friday, , Aug. 2a, etropole Hall, In honor of Miss Vivian Hickey. Admission 50c. 102 1 Mrs, Robert Dowther and daugh ter, Miss Mary Dowther, sailed at the end of. the week for a trip to Vancouver. St Joseph's Academy Music Classes reopen September 1; Com mercial classes September 8;; Kindergarten October 1. r The appointment of Thomas R. Davey of Queen Oharlotte City a3 a stipendiary magistrate, has been rescinded, the B. C. .Gazette an nounces. T. J. Shenton, Inspector of mines. Is expected back Thursday rnorv ing aboard the steamer Prlnc Charles from a . brief trip to Stew art on official duties. A charge against Otto Olsen ol keeping liquor for sale at the Do minion Rooms was dismissed by Magistrate McClymont in city po lice court yesterday afternoon. Incorporation of the Fort St John Farmers', Institute of Fott St John in the Peace River Block under the Societies Act is announ ced in the last Issue of the B.C Gazette announces. The Salvation Army has need ot a couple of single mattresses for a ooor family recently moved into town. Anyone having one thai rould be spared should phone Salvation Army headquarters. Mrs. It N. Brocklesby and family sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for the south, ac-'ompanylng Mr. Brockietoy wim has gone to attend a conference of Pacific Coast workers of the Biological Board of Canada at the Departure Bay. Vancouver Islnd, biological station. Tha B. C. Gazette announces Uv nmiemtment ot Provincial con-statole Richard McKlnlay to b? marriage commlsetoner, disti ,er ""lstmr of vital statistics and de- In-'tv mtnln; recorder at McBHdf 'in pla'ce of Provincial" Consttbl-1 Hugh McGllnchy.'-who has been 'ransf erred from MeBrlde. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CHOICE apartment for rent. Wcst-nnhavcr Bros. , it Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 Demonstration of a Newly Invented BAIT LAY At Prince Rupert Exhibition for purpose of coaxing fish to assemble in any desired location in Ocean, Lake or River. ADMISSION 5 CENTS ' Ingvard llcrton Etldison Inventor. CLEANING & PRESSING Ladles' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone 663 Next Benson Studio COAL flay the real Coal our .famous Edson and Casaldy-Wrlllniton In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 958 Tuesday, August 25, 1931 It a. DEuaous" Thousands of Mothers are grateful to EAGLE BRAND YOU cannot mention Eagle Brand in anj group of women, but someone has a story to tell. Why? Because Eagle Brand Successes are so numerous it is safe to say that almost every city block has its quota of healthy Eagle Brand babies. In warm weather particularly-feed Eagle Brand for safety. It is easy to digest, and always uniform and pure. Our authoritative book entitled "Baby Welfare" will help you to plan Baby's summer management. It is free. cwis 4 (fascinating Tht Willow Milk Chocofotten No. S TUi U Um uOksiaM to dc mat WhocarrlM th mCk all rich and pun Eh (u from Um Willow Milk cow ao fay. And aenda It to WUlarda a fraah aa Slaj. Tlx toe den Co.. Limited. 1 Honcr Arudc Bld.. Vancouver. Gentlemen: PluM Mod me FREE wof of Tout Babv'e Record Book tod Bebr WeUen Book. Nam Addreee. i IT PRIZE eaw tffereBBBBBM New! Fascinating! Educationalt Amusing I "The Story of Chocolate", a beautiful, twenty page volume, gay with full page many colored illustrations and loaded with jolly jingles. Contains the true history of the discovery and manufacture of Chocolate, the adventures of "Delicious- and "Nutritioua" the Willow Milk Twins, and all the Willow Milk Chocolateera in colors with their merry rhymes. Will delight everyone from seven to seventy. You are under no obligation whatsoever. Simply aak for the book: we are delighted to send it to you. School Teachers may order in lota of fifty by stating the name of STPN-. WUlard's Chocolates Write Dept. Lunlted. Toronto SPECIAL PRIZE OFFER DETAILS INCLUDED I You don't hava to boy or mH aajtUDS to erner or wu. IISp Toabar'Uut makaa aach WUlarda Twta Dilkiout and Nutrition tria I 5 wnunous Wis There is a lot o Beef Strength in a little BOVRI 0