PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS These fine liquors are famous for their Uniform high quality. You can buy these brands with every confidence. P lUCOHWATtD MAV ICS70 Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AMD DLAUy wu "7AM.BUK u P Iierlitl ointment know; tt all over the WorW lor IU wonderful Mothmf and heilini propertiu. It quickly itope pin nd irrutbon. ultyt InMimmiliun and growl new bHiUiyuin. tun-auk n equllv pue u lor un duly nut-rapt luch u burnt. ictkM, cuU, bruiiei or eoM mm. A tamflt jtttanapotipaia ivui Dtttmon application 10 zam BukCo. 102 This advertisement is not published or displayed by tlu Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS SHIPYARD 'Ul'EKA'riNU (i. I. I 20.00U-TON FLOATING DHYDOCK KngltieerK Machinist, Boilermaker, HtarkNmilh, I'attern Makers, Founders. Woodworkers, Etc ELECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant 1 Equipped to llandlt All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED jg ni & r IK Prepared Daily By u Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 'A s&JI Mr. ThoeBU Ctrpniter, 376 Third Ave.. Verdun, Que., write$i "I have been t titer of Ztm-Buk for mora , .IU.VJ VWB, VW r." ing tint time 1 liive uted lor cuU, bruitet. chtpped rtt btndt, tkm tmublet and rheu malum. m.tA it k . . .Lftva treat tatittaction in healln( wound, and relieving pain. My oenonal ocin. ion it that it it one of the bett CXnL. nenta on the market. COHOES AT ISLANDS John Dybhavn Says Just a 1'atr Season For That Class ot Fish At Queen Charlottes It is Just a fair year for cohoes around the Queen Charlotte Islands, according to John Dybhavn, who was In the city for a brief period today from the Massett Cannery. Mr. Dybhavn says they are purging nothing but cohoes this year. There are no pinks to can, this be ing the off season. Trailers are! averaging slightly better than thir-( ty fish to the boat a day at thirty: cents a fish. Some boats take onC hundred, and one day boats took up to three hundred. Gazette. 1 DESTROYER ! IS MODERN ! II. M. C. S. Skeena Latest Word in Naval Craft List of Officers and Armament I H: M. C. S. Skeena, Canada's new destrpyer, due here on September; 11 for a four-day visit to this port, is the last word in war vessels of, her type. Design, equipment and armament are all of the very latest. Tne vessel was duui during tne past year In England. The list of officers is as follows: Commander, Victor G. Brodeur. Lieutenant Commander, Frank L. Houghton. Lieutenants. Horatio N. Lay and Kenneth F. Adams. , Engineer Commander, George L. Stephens. Gunners- Archibald H. Baker and Alexander R. Tunnball. . The ship has a displacement of 1320 tons register and is 322 feet in length with beam of 32't feet and depth of 12 feet. Her engines develop 31,000 horsepower, giving the vessel -peed of up to 35 knots per hour. Armament includes 47 guns, four torpedo tubes and anti-aircraft gun. 1 1 , 1 CANDIDATE IS HONORED Gyro Club Has Luncheon Today For Miss Dora Hrilbroner The regular monthly open luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro 'ilub ln the Commodore Cafe today was In honor of Miss Dora Hetlbron-tr, Gyro candidate In the Interna tional Beautequest contest being held in connection with the Prince Rupert Exhibition. President C. C. Mills presided and there was a musical program which Included vocal solos by Mrs. A. H. Carson and Mrs. William Cruik-hank. accompanied by Miss Blanche Curtln, and recitations by Harold McEwen There was a good ittendance at the luncheon. Mussallem's Meat Market Spare Ribs 2 lbs Shoulder Pork- 3Ibs ....... Le pf Pork per lb Loin of Pork per lb Shoulder Lamb I per lb. Lamb Chops per lb Stewing Lamb 2 lbs Stewing Veal 2 lbs. Shoulder Veal per lb. Leg of Veal per lb. Veal Chops per lb T-Bone Roast per lb. Slrloln.Tlp per lb.' Round Steak . 2 lbs. Rump Roast per lb. 35c 50c 25c 25c 15c 30c 25c 25c 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c 45c 20c cereal in soups? AjL Yes! JUST spnn kle in, some Kcllogg's Rice Krispics next time, you have soup. Adds the flavor of toasted rice. Delicious 1 Rice Krispies nre the "different" cereal. So crisp they crackle in milk or cream. Wonderful for breakfast, lunch or supper. Order a red-and-grccn package. At gropcrs. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ' , hick kiiispies COMMITTEES RICE I ARE' NAMED Rotarians and Gyros Who Will Have Charge of Concessions at Exhibition The following joint committee of the Rotary and Gyro' Clubs have been announced to take charge of the outdoor midway concessions at the Prince Rupert Exhibition next week: Executive Jas. L. Lee, C. A. Kir-kendall. Dr. H. L. Alexander, J. J. Little, E. J. Smith. Treasurer B. J. Mellish, H. A. Breen. Bingo William Mitchell, P. W. Armour, D. Nelson. Alex. McRae. J. B. Farquhar, T H. Johnson, Lionel Holtby, H. F. Pullen. N. Freeman, Thos. Drown, S. J. Jabour, V. Moore. Cash Wheel-J. W. Nicholls. M M. McLachlan, W. R. McAfee. C. C. Mills, M. A. Burbank, Dr. W. T. Ker-gin. H. McEwen. Merchandtie Wheel Chas. E. Starr, O. E. Qulick, J. H. Thompson, H. Barrett, Vf. C. Orchard, O. A. Hunter, Dr. L. W. Kergtn. Country Store S. C. Thomson. O. A. Arseneau. O. A. Bryant, A. S. Nlc-ierson. Jno. Dybhavn, H. A. McLean, C. P. Balagno. Auto Wheel B D. Johnston,- J. Clayton, O. H. Munro. W. Watts, W. H. Tobey, H. E. OeWolf . Crown & Anchor W. Cruikshank, Q. A. Woodland, Dr. J. II. Carson, Geo. Rorte. N. A. Watt. Novelty store & Fish Pond F. Otbb, Rev. J. B. Oibson. C N R ,teajnr Prince John, Cap tain D. K Blrss, Is making a call at Maasett in addition to her regular stops at South Queen Charlotte age north and it not expected to arrive here before Wednesday night at the earliest. r The Dally News can be pur chased aW r Post Office News Stand, 325 4 Granville St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Princn 4 Oeorge. DC. 4 R. W Riley. Terrace. B.C Oiwral 8tore Anyox. 4 Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- era. B.C. 4 44444 Q&S GROCERY Phones 227 & 228 CDO 7th Ave. E. FOR' SALE AUDITORIUM Fine Hall. 50x100 Maple Floor, equipped, for both skating and dancing; 200 pairs skates; or-4ui and piano; ideal place for bowling alleys; none here. Make me an offer. SNAP POR CASH Apply Auditorium, 215 6th Av. HORSE RACE FILM HERE "Sweepstakes" Refreshing Ticturo ' Because it is Different Refreshing because It is different the talking picture "Sweepstakes" provided delightful entertainment for opening night audiences at th Capital Theatre last night. Exciting horse racing episodes and considerable human interest enhanc the film which is a really worthwhile one. As implied by the title It is a story of the race track. Eddie Quilian, last seen here if. a college picture. Is better cast hi "Sweepstakes" In which he take? the leading role. Next in importance is the popular if slang- Jimmy Gleason. Dainty Mario" Nixon takes the female lead. Lew Cody has one of the more important parts while the cast also includes an old pioneer of the silent screen in the person of King Bac got. Lutheran Ladies Mission Society To Assist Needy The Sunshine Missionary Society f St. Paul's Lutheran Church, which was organised recently, pur-rate to assist and help the tick and 'cedy of Prince Rupert Meetings .re held every third Thursday In the church parlors and officers are; President, Mrs. Carl Dybhavn. Secretary, Mrs. Gunnar Selvlfi. Treasurer. Mrs. J. II Hanson. At last Thursday's meeting it was decided to hold a tea and sale of home cooking In the church parlors m Saturday of this week. 1 W"ta TT"1 1 1 . 1MB. . r I Demonstration ! of NESTLE'SMILK ' i'o'j arc cordially invited to come in , ind meet Mrs. Bolin. who will show tou some new ways of using Nettle's .Milk. We make these specials for .our benefit so you ran learn the jca ot Nestle's Milk. For this week only. Mestle's Milk-Tails per dos Ves tie's Milk Baby per doc Settle's MUk per easev S1.30 70c S5.10 Specials For a Limited Time Onlyj Lux Medium per pkg Lux Large per pkg Sunlight Soap 4 pkga. Oold Dust Cleanser Same as Old Dutch, 3 Una Jampoeli s Tomato Soup 9 tins .. ' Campbell's Asserted SoUps, 9 tins . 8c' 18c 73c 25c 88c S1.00 Malkin's Dest Water Glass -i H per tin ,v Malkin's Best Marmalade 40-uc Jar Malkin's Best Strawberry Jam, 40-oz. jar Hothouse Tomatoes . per basket Vegetable Marrow per lb Fresh Green Beans 4 lbs 35c 48c 50c 5c 25c Mussallems Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone SCO 319 3rd Ave. Phone 18 Si 81 417-423 5th Ave. tia;:iX'i:iEBii:KCi!KrsM.Ji,Kis:a:sin; S Monday and Tuesday J TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 IM. i Admission 20c & C5c Feature Starts at 7:15 81 9:45 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:10 15c & 40c In Tuesday August a n The Sport of Kings EDDIE QUILLAN 'Sweepstakes1 With James Gleason, Marion Nixon, Lew Cody. AD the action, all the excitement, all the romance of th Angiisn ucruy, crammeti into one crowded hour of entertainment that will bring you to your feet to cheer. - vsUiiivuj uiii uuuoi 1 iiiwiuii w Jin .nuv 1 ivdt u - li iifirtrint 1 tt. i ioveny, ituattijAiNii ' Cartoon, "MOTHER COOSE MELODIES" No One Can Afford to Miss This j Program ; Wednesday and Thursday JOAN BENNETT and 5 WARNER BAXTER in 'DOCTOR'S WIVES' SCOTLAND PI ik Ubtllimg Vou can drpend on McCjJIum't. It j the ont Se t Vilmky that it actually dittilJtd, WeoJed, 4nl in-tht ood and . . . BOTTLLD ... in Scotland r.ime! t r uniform high quality tincc 180". Impnrtt J in .' ox. and 40 oz. botilet only. Scaled w ith the ciwvcnicni measuring cap. ''Smooth dt a iitltn'i uriit" A (D'CoOkms OTCallimei ScOtS COhiSrW This advertisement Is not published or displayed Contro. Board or by the Government of British Columbia WE AKI2 OFFKHIN(J: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Kate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $!3.M Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 NEW LOW PRICES Our prices on Good Tires are the l,),, Jj history. You'll be amaicd when w Qolf Pric on your size. Exclusive Goodrich Dealers Termnle Phones II & 84 417 Fifth Ave. . i D nr . ri'onf ivuperi motors Mtht 1 III..