Tuesdi v August 25, 1931 THE DAILY K2W3 PAQ2 FIVE e Daily rew CLASSIFIEI Tor rent, for sale and all other small advertisements In this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per Insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT FGK KENT Modern 4-roomsd Louse. Phone Green 454. If. eLX"nutepe- Ton RENT Pour-roomed moder.1 apartment, partly furnished. Phone Ited CQ7. tf FOR BENT Plano3, phonographs sewing machines and can, WiUker'a, cor. Second Avenue and Fourth Street tf Full RENT Modern apartment In Duplex house, heated, three large bedrooms, large living-room, el-n trie range. Apply Dazett-Jones, side entrance, upstairs, at 722 5il Ave. W.. or Phone 793. FOR SALE FOR 3ALE Good used cars a.: r.trht prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. tf; for SALE Fully equipped trolling ho.it cheap. Enquire Wm. Mon-ii.mery, 209 Third Avenue. Phon Bin- 336. " dMimi, tnhlA fnill lar tv cheap. Apply' Room 9, Federal : Pi.k 197 i ( H )TKI. FOR SALE With licensed br. r parlor, situate at Usk. on 1.62 ! n of cleared land, under cul-! ' ...Hon. one four-roomed partly furnished cottage also on the property. A wonderful opportun-jiy (or a married couple to handle .iui for sale at a sacrifice price. , Applv S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. i 206) WANTED WANTED- Stationary 2-cyllnder (.' Engine, 20 horsepower. Geo ru rr. TerraM.JBC. 201 wanted- 4 or five room unfurnished house, close in. Apply Bax 8. Dally News. AGENTS WANTED EMPLOYMENT ilii and spare time workers in. i king good incomes selling "imperial Art" "Made in Canada" l'liMinal Christmas Cards. Write ii for particulars while ag-i ies still available. Sample H . .k free to responsible pcopl. H'. ish Canadian Publishing Cx M West Wellington, Toronto, tf SITU ATIONS VACANT f'!ii!isTMAS Money easily earnei : -iMiuK orders now for our Beau-line of Personal Christmas '1'iting Cards. Bell on sight. p' "' Art Co., 01 Gould Street, T'uunto. If LOST Drifted from Dlgby Island, lare Kl" Finder please apply o l "ii, Box 933. JX CORRESPONDENTS WANTED j , tAi)ii;s and Gentlemen in South AI"i i Europe, etc., seek Corres-P' 'nits. write rionaflde Corres- lioiliionri. rtitt-Afin Pntthnr I ''"'vmnsburg. S. Africa. tf PALMISTRY Mrs JAMES CLARK. Palmistry Crystal Reading. Federal "I' l l! Phnno ft ini MISCELLANEOUS ,lAVE a good stomach and be 111 ilthy. use Purity Brand Olive 1111 I guaranteen absolutely P"' under chemical analysis. 4 "' e $2.23 per gallon. Pete Bruno Dlnbutor. Phone Red 720 or writs P.O. Box 831, Prince News "Classified" Words m this ADVERTI PATENTS SELL your patent or Invention by exhibiting your model or drawing at the Second and Greater INTERNATIONAL PATENT EXPOSITION, CHICAGO. Thousands ot manufacturers and patent buyers will inspect new devices and patent! for marketing. Very low rates. If you have no model, drawings and descrip tion will do. Send for free pamphlet. 13. Hamilton Edison, Managing Director, International Patent Exposition, Merchandise Mart, CHICAGO. 213 DRESSMAKING CHILDREN'S dressmaking ten years and under, prices reasonable. Phone Red 497. 199 SALVAGE & TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do It." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work AECnls for EASTHOPE ENGINES Boat an? all descrip tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldze Propellers Band and Oravel In any quantity i delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 561 P.O. Box I5CI Auction! SALE ! OF TWO AUTOMOBILES I I 'SATURDAY, AUG. 29 AT 2.30 P.M. COK. 2nd AVE. and 4th ST. Instructed bv Walker Mcior Co Ltd.. I will seU by Public Auction , one PLYMOUTH FOUR-DOOR SB-j DAN, year model 1030, and one CHEVROLET. TWO DOOR SEDAN'. year model 1926, both cars licensed for 1931. Terms 1-3 cash, balance can o arranged on monthly payments with very reasonable finance fee. The Plymouth has Only run 6,-000 miles, both cars can 'be seen and tried out at the above address any time before the sale, and must be sold Irrespective of price, on above date. a28 GEORGE J. DAWES Auctioneer Thone Black 120 Guide to ! , ! Correspondents I The Dally News welcomes ! correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public interest, but letters j must be brief and to the j point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In j modern Journalism. ' Every letter must be signed j by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a causUc character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of debate. section is the SEMENTS CniROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children Diseases Specially Treated IV. C. ASI'INALL (Graduate Chiropractor) C and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Black 283 AUCTIONEER consisting of the following: PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART 1 One 8-PIECE BED ROOM SUITBi We buy. srll or exchange any (Solid Walnut); 1 Carpet 9x9: On?! kind of furniture or household cut Glass Toilet Set; THREE-' goods, musical instrument, ma piece CHESTERFIELD SUITE t chinery, etc. General repaint, upholstered In Russian Hide: four, crating, packing and shipping chairs to match above; one com-1 Workmanship guaranteed. Just binatlon Library Table and Card phone BiacK 120 and we wilT Table In Mahogany (solid; on calL O. J. DAWES. Auctioneer.. Walnut Library-Table; one SOLID t'HeiHl Block tf MAHOGANY BUFFET with built-in wine cabinet; bronze statue TRANSFERS bronze table lamp: two cut glass mlrrows: one oxidized silver mir-; B. & R. TRANSFER. Cartage and'ror: Pictures; one long mirror; Furniture Movinc. Phone 204. ti Pufa: H" stools: one cut glass, ! - . ii .i i HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. M THE INLANDER Board or room I Phone 137. PAPERHANGING & PAINTING i PAPERHANGINO and Painting Rooms, papered from i $5.00 tap. Material furnished. Phone RcC 1 444. tr SHOE REPAIRS j I MAC Shoe Hospital Shoe repairs of all kinds, Second Avenuo West. it SHOE REPAIRS Best materials-finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co, opposite Post Office, tf III ml SnhaHlllA 1TXU11 ULllbUUIV For the East- Dally, exeept Sunday ....11:30 ajn. i " Daljyexcept Tuesday 1:30 p.m. ,or Vancouver Monday 3 pm. Tuesday 12:30 noon Wednesday, 4:30 pjn. Thursday 1 pan. Friday 11 pm. Saturday 4:30 pjn. 6 pjn From Vancouver- Sunday 4 pjn. Monday . 9 ajn. 11:30 am. Wednesday 11:30 a.m. Friday v JO a.nt . 11:30 pm. Saturday . 11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday 7 pjn. Monday ..7 p.m. Friday ... 7 pjn. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday 11:30 ajn. Thursday '. 10:30 ajn. Saturday 8 p.m. For Naas Itlver and Port Simpson-Sunday - .7 p.m. From Naas Itlver and Port Simpson Tuesday ...11:30 ajn. 'For Nerth Queen Charlottes Monday 7 pjn. From Queen Charlottes Thursday 10:30 ajn. For South Queen Charlottes Aug. 3, 17. 31 ...10 pjn. From South Queen Charlottes Aug. 12 and 20 a,Jn. For Alaska-Monday .....I '. 10 ajn. Friday 10 ajn. From Alaska-Wednesday 4 p.m. Saturday 4 p.m, Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Irrangcd MKS THOMASSON Dressmaker Si Ladies' Tailor 415 Green St Phone Blue 901 is the Poor Mans Cheapest Way Auction! SALE Extraordinary FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 AT 2:30 P.M. AT 408 8th AVENUE WEST In structed by the owner I will! cell by Public Auction the contents j lot the home at the above address Punch Bowl and doz. glasses; one glass Candelabra; one WUton Car-1 pet 9x12; one Mohair Rug; 7 small j rugs; three chandeliers; window shades; floor lamp; pair of English Whitney single blankets and one Iboat model. I I can truthfully say that I hav : never seen the equal of this sup-; erb and' would ad vLv- "njlture "people who appreciate articles that1 will lact fftr o-nm tinnR n vieW mi' Uh orHc. ,nnUHini.. w.-. . A ,n 1 ' all '.wh UVIArt tWVU I1VV GOODS CAN BE VIEWED OS: TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, or on THURSDAY, ANG. 25, 26 and 2711'. at 408 8th Avenue West. CMJunt Auctioneer PHONE RED 673 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $3.75 No. I 3x per M 355 No. 2 per M 2.75 ItORERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C. Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 I Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue C. TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 508 4th A v. E. Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 HOUSEPAINTING Inside and Outside PAPERHANGINO KALSOMINING Reasonable Prices jOergen p. moller Call Red 802 between 5:30 and a p.m. or before 8 Jn, or call 64 at any time. or Keaching the Take The DAILY NEWS When Going on Summer 111 THE MARKET , I . I I . Market Drices current today are ; as follows: . Vegetables B. C. New Potatoes, 15 lbs 25 sack 1.41 B. C. Beets, bunch, 2 for ..j ! Parsley, bunch i"; B. C. Celery, head. 15c and 25 Vegetable Marrow, lb. ... 08 I Spinach, B. C, lb 10 Garlic. Imported, per lb 40 Parsnips, 2 bunches 15 Green Beans, lb 10 Cabbage, green .0T B.C. head lettuce, head r 10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb JO Field Tomatoes, lb 15 Dreen Peas, lb 10 i Rhubarb, outdoor, lb 05 : Bunch Turnips, 2 bunches ... 15 B. C. Cauliflower, hd., 20c and .25 B. C. Bunch Carrots .05 Victoria hothouse cucumbers each .15. I Hothouse Cucumbers, each .15 1 Hothouse Squash, lb. . .15 1 Broad Beans, lb 05! I Green Onions, 3 bunches lOiTurxey -.-.. I Radishes. 3 bunches 10 Beef, pot roast 18c to Onions, 4 lbs .25 Beef, boiling 10c to I Apples 'Beef, roast, prime rib 25c and Green Cooking Apples. 4 lbs. .. .25 imb, shoulder 'California Gravenstelns . j Beef, steak .J0c to I doz. 60c to . 1.00, , Frultt Valencia Oranges 20c to .70 Lemons. Sunklst. doz. , .40 California Grapefruit ...7t4c to .10 Bananas, lb. 15 Calif. Seedless Grapes, lb. ...... .25 Cal. Malaga Grapes, lb .25 Local Raspberries, 2 boxes .25 Canteloupes, Cal., 15c to 5 Terrace cooking Cherries, lb. .. 13 Plums, lb 15 , Pears, basket .80 Cal. Pears, doz. 45c to 55 Elberta Peaches, doz. 40c to Ju Casaba Melons, lb. .o Advertising Column Mass or the reople. Nearly everybody likes to keep in touch with Prince Rupert when away for their holidays. The best way to do this is to order the paper sent during that time. If it is only for two weeks, the News is a welcome visitor . and the mails .during the summer months are carried almost daily to most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up Ihe local fishing for the summer and gone on an extended visit to their former homes. In almost every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away. Several subscribed for a year, others for shorter periods. No time is too short for us to look after our patrons. DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Watermelons, lb. .0 ! Honey Dew Melons, each. 30c to .40 Dried Irutts- Extracted honey, per Jar ...25 uomD noney J5 Datej, bulk, lb, .12 V, Raisins, bulk, lb . .15 Lemon and orange peel , SO Black cooking figs. ib. .. .15 Currants, lb -? . .15 Citron peel . 25 White figs. lb. . .15 Apples, dried ... . 20 (Peaches, peeled . 20 Anricots. lb. 20 Prunes, 60-70, lb. . .10 Prunes, 30-40. lb. . J5 Prunes, 40-50, lb. .12 Meats Fpwl. No. 1, lb. . J5 Roasting Chicken, lb. . .45 Broilers . .43 Ham, sliced, first grade 50 Ham, picnic, first grade 25 Cottage rolls, lb .32 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .50 Pork, shoulder 22 Pork, loin r 25 Polk, dry salt 1 20 Pork, leg u. 20 Ayrshire bacon, lb. .35c to AO Veal, shoulder 25 Veal, loin, 25 25 20 .14' 20 25 .40 Lamb, leg .38 Lamb, chops 35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder 20 Fish-Smoked kippers, Ib. .15 Salmon, fresh, lb. 35 Halibut. Iresh. lb. 20 Eggs B. C. fresh pullets, doz. 25 B. C. fresh firsts, doz. . 27 B C fre6h extras, doz 20 Local, new laid .401 Butter- Fancy cartooned, lb. 20 Niv 1 Creamery, 3 lbs J80 Flour Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.70 with you Holidays Subscription Department Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 0 Sugar ITellow, 100 lbs. 5,10 White, 100 lbs. 5.63 Lard-Pure . . .. .. 20 Compound 20 Feed-Wheat, No. 3 Alberta L95 No. 5 Alberta .. 1.80 Oats 1.85 Bran J. 1.50 Shorts 1.60 Middlings . 2.10 Barley 1.75 Local new laid, doz .40 Laying Mash 3.10 Oyster Shell 135 Beef Scrap 3.95 Ground oil cake 425 Fine oat chops 3.00 Crushed oats 2.00 Fine barley chop 1.85 Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas .. .50 California soft shelled walnuts .35 Walnuts, broken shelled .45 Walnuts, shelled halves .50 Peanuts ' .13 Cheese-Ontario solids L L . J25 Stilton, lb .33 Rouquefort .20 SCALE OF CHARGES The following Is the scale of charges made for reading . notices: Marriage ar.d Engagement Hnnouneements $2. Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c per name.