PAGE SIX Crooks Hold Up Service Station and Get Away But Finger Print Convicted One of Them On a November evening two masked men walked into a Service Station in Phoenix, Ariiona. One covered the proprietor with a revolver while the other rifled the U1L A confederate then drove up in a big sedan and the robbers, rushing out, leaped into the car which pcd away. The proprietor, taking a revolver from his desk just had time to rush to the curb and empty it after the fleeing car, puncturing a tire as the car dis Some prints briiwr, encounters with the police. Your prints will not do this tu! they do hrihg you into contact with disease germs. Everything you touch money, a door-handle, a street oar strap has been touched by many other hands. These hands may have been eitiiosed to disease germs if they had checked a cough or sneete they certainly would have been. Such germs would be on the things you touched. Through your prints the germs are placed on food you eat and so reach your mouth where they multiply to many millions very quickly then tbey penetrate .your whole system, causing illness. life Extension Institute lists 27 diseases which may be spread by the hands in this way. To be Safe do this Germs are everywhere ! They are hard to kill. You must wash your hands often during the day and always Stops Body Odour appeared in the rain. Three miles outside of the town the crooks abandoned the car, boarded a radial and apparently got clean away. Not quite, however! Keen-eyed detectives found finger prints on the left front door of the car which, when developed, were found to be those of a well-known bad manl convicted of many crimes. His picture was circulated and within two days he was caught, tried and convicted. His finger print was dangerous for him. Danger in Your Prints on Foods liefore meals to be sure of removing all germs. Ordinary good soap, of course, will not do. There is only one soap : nuii nas uera snown iiy laboratory ' tests to .be certain to kill germs. This is Lifebuoy. It contains a germicide. I lifebuoy will also keep you free from 1m odour. A hth in iKa mnrnmi or More going out in the evening keeps one safe for many hours. A Luxurious Soap Too Yet there is nothing harsh about Lifebuoy. Its rich, gentle lather eomes from two Sam pulm.oib, blended to form a beauty soap which is kind to even the most delicate akin. You will find it wonderful for your completion. There is no wrfume to Lifebuoy jqst the extra-dean scent of the germicide which soon disappears but tells you that you are safe. Get a supply of Lifebuoy today from your dealer. Urn Brothers limited. Toronto Lifeb uoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicide M The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Uy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE KITPKKT, D.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (J. T. I'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers. Machinist. Boilermakers, Mackumlths, Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. EUXTltlC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK niONES 43 AND 385 ADDRESS ! UNIQUE Gyro Club Hears L. S. McGill Interesting Lantern Lecture per lb BABY BEEF SHOULDER ROAST SIRLOIN ROAST per lb LEO ROAST per lb RUMP ROAST per lb SIRLOIN TIPS per lb SHOULDER 6 lbs for LOIN per lb LEd per lb .. SHOULDER per lb rLEO per lb LOIN 4 lbs. for STEW 4 lbs. for PORK LAMB Fresh Fruits We in Highly Interesting and very I unique was an address given before ithe Prince Rupert Qyro Club at luncheon yesterday by L. S. McGill, j prominent barrister and mining man. Instead of making a stereotype speech, Air. McGill took his ! listeners by magic lantern on a tour of Central British Columbia ! and showed them many Interesting scenes and spots in that vast em-I plre which the speaker described as ' being as large as England and with j quite as great possibilities. Agricultural, lumbering, mining as well as straight scenic views were among i those offered by the speaker. Even to many who might have thought themselves quite familiar with the Bulkley Valley, the pictures proved a great revelation. In his opening remarks, Mr. Mc- i GUI declared that the development of the city of Prince Rupert and the hinterland In the interior would ever go hand in hand. Some time the resources of that district would make a great city of Prince RuDert. Meantime there might not be much ! money in pioneering but there was 1 a great kick In it. Mining, particu- j larly, Mr. Gill predicted, would help j to eventually make the Omlneca district one of the most prosperous' parts of Canada and the world, j In the course of his lecture, Mr. McGill quoted familiar passages ' from Robert W, luncheon raffle. The "Question Box- of Richfle;-' news Flashes on the air last nigh; answered a question by Elmer Tul-och of Prince Rupert as to the origin of the saying "Anyone can lead a horse to water but no one can make him urink." OPENING!! of the Jones FAMILY MEAT MARKET 209 Second Street Thursday, October 1st 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c $1.00 25c 25c 15c 30c $1.00 50c THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, September 30 1931 If you have headaches, I suffer I hiliousness I Ior indigestion I Marriage of Miss Elizabeth Russell to Local Oil Man A quiet weding took place or rvptembrr 14 at Canadian Memorial Chapel, when Hteabelh riorenc-: i Betty), youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Russell. 2216 West TWemh, became the Service's poems to ' bride of Tieodore N. Le Page, eld- sultably Illustrate certain Junctures ! t- son of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Le in his remarks. Among person-; to j Page of this city. Rev. G. O. Fa'.!is whom Mr. 'McGill paid tribute for; 'filiating. helping in the development of the. The b idr was given in marriage central Interior were E. F. Orchard. 'ty her brother-in-law, E. A. Kin, founder of Smithers: Olof Hanson, Miss Bessie Offilvie acting as MP., who had played such a great Ibiidmaid and B. Mc Waters sun- tion sang "Until." Following the ceremony a reception was. held t Hote' Georgia, after which Mr and Mrs. Page If ft on the eve nlng boat for Prince Rupert, where they will reside! Vancouver Pro- T. Kergln of Prince Rupert. Mr. ! (Mr. Le Page Is the new mana Lannlng was the winner of the leer hare for th Horn nil niatn Ibutors Ltd.) Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert September 30, 1911 Sam Ronlot and 0"one Evans. ; in i u red about the face and eyes from ths effect of loose powder 'which exploded while they were j mucking in the Oranby mine at j Goose Bay. were rashed here aboard ; the company's speedy boat Kipling ; and arc now receiving treatment in S the Prince Rupert General hospital .at the hands of Dr. W. T. Kergln. j It is hoped that tbeir eyesight may be saved. Having tired of gossiping about a , bride for the Prince of Wales, London people are now speculating upon who may become the husband of , little Princess Maiy Victoria, who Is now fourteen years of age. The name of Prince G forge of Saxony is prominently mentioned. Considerable damage was done to the office of the Mack Realty this morning by flying, rock from a blast on the new City flail site. Man in the Moon Now that the streets of Prince Rupert are so busy It is about time some really stringent traffic regulations were passed. Everyone over sixty years of age should be com-nclled to keep off the streets and those under sixteen be allowed to travel only with a guardian. Now that times are quiet it might be a good plan k try writing our own epitaph andlhen digging ourselves In. Beneath this stone lies Joe McCann He owned full many an acre. He was, it seems, a self-made man, And how he loved his maker! Many people will wonder If a disarmament treatyvhould eventually be signed, whether it will apply to Chicago. (, ill JftiM 'i. nintuvlliuu, n uu hi- IV ejrClUOICS tpnrtrl tlw. nt r-r.nvrnt.lnn In Deliver All Orders (Vancouver of the Trades and La- bor Congress of Canada, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert 'his morning. 1932 Atwater Kent Radio Soon To Be Displayed Golden Value Models Finest Ever Produced : The new Atwater Kent golden value models, which will be fully announced directly will be distln-' guished by new low prices for this famous line of radios and wljl em-i body many new features and re-i fincments. j Exhaustive experiments and tests I were conducted before the new models were considered perfect I enough to go into production. inc new uuvanifu Buperuciciu- dyne circuit will be Included in all the 1932 models which" will give them a knife-like selectivity that huts out the unwanted station as if it were silent. Quick-vision dial, finger-tip action station selector and automatic volume control are other valuable features of the new Vtwater Kent models. Cabinets of pleasing symmetry, ''tnphasized by exceptional beauty of design, are finished in genuine No-Mar, and are manufactured by Malcolm St Hill, well-known makers of No-Mar furniture. Atwater Kent golden value models Include two small compacts-powerful little sets that offer big radio performance In space-saving form. There are also four Console models and a new radio-phonograph combination. The complete range thus offers n.C. buyers a wide selection to meet all tastes and purses. The new Atwater Kent radio sets will be on display at the showrooms f prominent dealers throughout the rovlnce shortly. Discriminating prospective pur-hasers are awaltinR the appearance f this new line before buying. part In the timber industry, and 'parting the groom. During tlio'8unday afternoon southbound T!. Peter Schufer. veteran Smithers! i-ning of the register Ernest Cot -i TCMftl brought north 41 passm." mm. At the close of his lecture. Ttlr. McGill was heartily thanked on be- Ihalf of the club by President C. C. Mills. Guests Included Harold Lannlng, Vancouver; B. J. Malllsh and Dr. W. vince. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louis' Cnnt Arthur Slater, arrived In p' it 3:30 this morning from V.i:. -ouver and sailed at 10 30 a m ft Skagway and other Alaska piiiv whence she will return here nt if whom . four disembarked here Three passengers went north he vessel from here. HERE ARE A FEW Low -Priced ! Specials We established the CASH AND CARRY system in Prince Rupert, and by doing so were the first to bring down prices. Castile Soap, long bars, 2 bars for Crosse and Blackwell Sour Pickles. 20-os. Jars, nsn each wt Or. 3 for Aregood Sour Pickles. 12-oz. OfJp bottles, 3 bottles for &Q Aregood Sour Pickles, lC-oz. 4tTn hnttlM muh Adls Or. 2 for Toddy For not drinks per tin Peaches 2 'i-ib. tins-heavy syrup per tin Crushed Pineapple 2's per tin Malkin's Best Jelly Powders, assorted flavors, dosen Majkln's Best Honey 4-lb. tins, per tin Malkin's Best Asparagus Tips Picnic size, yfn 2 tins for Malkin's Best Asparagus QQf l's per tin O We offer Mcintosh Appl Cee Grade, wrapped, per box Household packed, good quality, per box Your last opportunity to purchase preserving pears. 40-lb. boxes per box 45c $1.00 25c 33c 25c 25c 57c 75c $2.00 $1.80 $1.75 Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3G0 319 3rd Ave. Phone 18 & 81 417-423 5th Ave. m WONT HELP NORWEGIANS VICTORIA. Sept. 29: Just how Important a Pacific outlet for the Peace River railway has become was Indicated when It was made known at the Legislative Building.; that the government does not favor a vast Norwegian colonization cheme in the northern territory until this railway Is built. If the Canadian League of the Norwegian Bygdelag wishes to gc ahoad with its plan to colonbv 320,000 acres northwest of Fort S'.. John it will have to go attcad without Immediate government as letance. it was stated at the Legislative Buildings. Hon .N. S. Loughecd, minister of ands, said he had been" told of the Torweglan League's scheme fo;-"ringing hundreds of established rairlc wheat farmers wet to the mixed farming area of the Peace but explained that the govern nent could not sponsor it at thS Ume. Seventeen hundred pre-emp-ors have taken up land In the Peace River country this year, he aid, and most of them nave to b? given employment now In the gov-mment's relief program. Any other settlers who went Into the north now wou'd also have to be cared for under this program the government fears. Each In a Beautiful Gift Box. Add 10c for Mall Orders. Weds. & Thurs. TWO SHOWS - -7 St 9 r Mi Feature starts 7:10 and 9 to Admission 20c & 63c TIIUKS. MATINEE at Z jo Feature Starts 3:10 15C & oc Full Speed Ahead for "Transatlantic" Exciting days and Rlammou nights at sea with Edmund Lowe, Lois Moran. John II day, Jean Hcrsholt. Gnu Nisson, Myrna Loy. You Cannot Afford to Mux This Picture Comedy "CALL A COP" Screen Song "That Old Gang; of Mine" FOX NEWS Frl. and Sat, WILL HOf.KRS In "YOUNG AS YOU FLEL" Thursday Friday and Saturday Oct. 1st, 2nd, 3rd t TtUdni Bi of. JhM BmuUTuI CRYSTALS Hand Carved 16-Inch 32 Cut Bring This Coupon Save $3.01 rr Hardly beems v rt- wo. indt( fnu .( T r. lam Km Uiow4 u t lit rf -wtuUful (4 k!ic rniu f okr to uli kl If it t tnnn ulil trw jm V tM ttra ' ir. .u m j jd i,r , tni r.- crrt U1 u Uid uld uu uu. j McCUTCHEON'S DRUG STORE Federal Tea Shoppe Federal Block Third Avenue West The Only Private Dining Itoom in Prince Itupcrt Private Lunches, Dinners. Bridie Partte aateratf to. Afternoon Teas .... Homt Oooking Hours: 3 to 6 S to 13. Phone Black 700 . for reservations WK AUK OFFKRING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Kate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 I'HONE 580 Do you read the classified advertisements?