Supporters Claim he Will Win Over Wendle by This Koute Benny May Outpoint Him, Though ' If the big local boxing bout tomorrow night should end In a knock-out. It Is the popular opinion of followers of the cauliflower industry here that It will be Billy Bagshaw who delivers the tellln? punch. If It Is setted on points, however, It Is conceded that Benny Wendle would be the more likely winner. In fact, it Is felt that either boy has & very good chance. Bagshaw has a great knockout record, having won all the fights of his career except one by the kayo route. Ms ability to lay them low may prove a distinct advantage to him In the argument with Wendle. In fact, Bagshaw has lost but one fight In his career, that having been to Henry Deeth of Anyox when he was accidentally disabled In an early round. One of the outstanding victories of Bagshaw career was hi4 flashy win by knockout last summer over Able Seaman Moore of H. M. S. Despatch, former lightweight champion of the Atlantic fleet. Others of Bagshaw's knockout victims have been Crawford of Ocean Falls and Able Seaman Jones of II. M. S. Colombo. GERMANY DEFEATED .Manitoba Grads Successful In Berlin Hockey Match Yesterday BERLIN, Germany, Jan. 15: The Manitoba Grads hockey team de feated the German national team seven to one here yesterday. Old Country Soccer En'lhh Cup Replay Blackburn Rovers 3, Walsall 1. Baptist Ladies' Aid Holds Tea Affair Reing Held This Afternoon At Home of Mrs. J. I). law- ' rence In Wcstvliw Tho Ladies' Aid of Pint Baptist Church is holding a tea and tal? of ho-fio coa'.'nj this aftcrhton at the homo of Mrs. J. D. Lawrauoe, Graham A wine, Westvfew. Mr Lawrence Is bing assisted in rc-Niving the guest! by Mrs. G. TV Hibbard. president of the Ladies' Aid. Mrs. Prank Morris Is convener and those in cliarge of the tea room are. Mis. W. W. Wrathall Mr; Ctnrlp LarWn. Mrs. Vic ' Houston -and Mlit Jamet Hampton Mrs. Bert Morgan is in charge of th borne cc :', Uttto and Mrs. ftfftjcsBn is eaabler. Dutlog the afternoon, pKno selection are being played by Mrs. J. R.' TE!fert. Prince W?I!iam Taken Off Run Prlnre Jolin Will Carry Oat Fort nightly Schedule to Islands for Remainder of Winter At the conclusion of her present voyage to the Queen Charlotte Islands, C. N. It. steamer Prlne Wll Ham will be withdrawn from service on the island rout and will enter dry dock hero for annual overhaul The Prince will be replaced by th? steamer Prince John which ' will operate on a weekly schedule j between here and Vancouver vlaj Queen Charlotte Island, point northbound and southbound. The: Prince John will make her first! southbound voyage from here, leaving on the evening of January 24. AnvrrtTisiNfj copy MUST BK IN EAULY Copy for display advertise- ments should be in the hands of the printers not later than 3 pn. the day prior to publl- cation. This is necessary to cn- able best position! to be cured. se- i The anhiial vestry meeting of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral was held last night In the Cathedral Han and was well attended by members of the congregation. The usual re ports from .the various organizations werei submitted, and duly adopted. Election ;of officers for tlie ensuing year resulted as follows. Rector's warden, H. T. Cross. People's warden, R. L. Mcintosh. 1-av delegates to Synod H. T. Cross and A. E. Bazett-Jones, with alternates Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. Tucker. Sidesmen C. V. Evitt. A. O. Rix, Q. Rorte, P. McCallum, W. E. Fisher, A. E. Bazett-Jones, G. Woodland, 0. P. Tinker, E. W.,Tucker and T. Andrew. It was decided that the annual men's supper be held on the evening of January 29 and a committee con sisting of H.'T. Cross, R. L. Mcln- Thursday janw THE DAILY tfTWS PAGE ANGLICAN Ladies' Music I SPORT Chib Meeting MEETING BAGSHAW'S Life and Works of Edward Grieg Annual Vestry Gathering of St. An- . Subject.. for .Gathering at... JrjCJvS.JCatbedra!Offifets Home of Mrs. J.A.Ilinton KNOCKOUTS Are Elected my 'UWimmHt CBT' -"jjy Gr i mi& ffiBLV Home of John Paul Jones in Khkbean, Scotland, where "Father of American Navy" was born in 1747. tosh, C. V. Evitt, O. P. Tinker and i W. E. Fisher was appointed to make the necessary arrangements. ; C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice will , be back here again tomorrow mak-' ling the last of three irips on the ; Vancouver-Ocean Faus-Prlnce Ru-pert route In place of the Princes.! iMary, which has been undergoing I repairs for a broken taihhaft. tells'yon VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Jan. 15 Wheat was quoted at 54c. on the local Exchange today. Station KJR of Seattle last night played at the request of Charles M. Lowe of this city the number "Utah Trail." Mrs. S A. Nclkerson requested "111 Take You Horn Again, Kathleen." Clover Leaf Salmon HELEN G. CAMPBELL director of Chatelaine Institute, Toronto, suggests menu with her favorite salmon recipe. ''There are many ways to prepare Salmon for tasty salads and sandwiches for bridge luncheons, afternoon teas, children's Echool lunches and the main dish for week day meals," says Miss Campbell. "The recipe I particularly favor, however, is Moulded Salmon Salad prepared this way: MOULDED SALMON SALAD 1-one pound can of salmon capful of chopped celery green pepper, chopped tearpoonful of salt teatpoonful of paprika 2 teaspoonfuls of lemon juice Few grains of cayenne Boiled salad dressing "Remove the skin and bones from the salmon and shred. Mix all British Qotumbit 1 o entire tbe finest, fomett fuh bring packed for yotir taLle, Qorer Leal ranners have eilablithed 45 modem eanninK nianla alons the eoaitline of Itritub Columbia. "JIour-freli" can. ning comervra the preriou titamin coolrnt and that rare, tancr Clorer Leaf flavor. Only Qover Ialfacilitie la (ikhing and canning can guarantee ;m tb 6ont in Canadian Salmon. V.. - j .. ' F. the ingredients together, using enough salad dressing to moisten. Tack into a wet mould and chill thoroughly. Loosen the edges with a knife, and turn out on to a bed of lettuce. Garnish with green peas. A very attractive salad is one made in a ring mould, and the centre filled with green peas. ''When served with Luncheon menu suggested below, it makes a delightfully balanced meal: Cream oi corn soup Cheese crackers Moulded Salmon Salad Hot biscuits Pineapple mousse-Fancy cakes Coffee." 45 CLOVER LEAF CANNING PLANTS ASSURE FRESHEST, FIRMEST FISH! The Ladies' Music Club met a. the home of Mrs. J. A. Hmlon Hays Block, yesterday afternooii and enjoyed a brief but delightful program based on the life and works of Edward Grieg, noted Nor-weglan composer. Mrs, Hinton, who was in charge of', p(he program, read a paper on Grieg and items on the program were as follows: Vocal solo "The Swan," Mrs. J. H. Carson. Piano Solo "Little Bird," Mrs. E. J. Smith. Vocal Solo "I Love Thee," Mrs. M. II. Blott. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, the president, was in the chair. Before the proceedings closed, refreshments were Hirved by the hostess, who was assisted by Mrs. H. A. Philpott and Mrs. J. II. Car son. Mrs. Max Jleilbroner poured. ;G lM the gtoestgtia an 1 amous anaaian a tasty new way Fistse BeeS Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Rest to D . letitian serve i A t t' Clov AF Canadian Salmon Caught and Cunmtl in Canada