Tomorrow's Tides Municipality In Good Shape Financially It Is Said by Aldermen Plenty of Amounts to Take Care of Bank Debt, Collart Says Committee Chairmen Heard W. J. McCutcheon Is Critical One of the most interesting statements made at the pub-lit- meeting called by Mayor Orme last night in Moose Hall w as that by Alderman Collart in which he showed that the bank overdraft of the city was more than covered by out-:i ending amounts which would amply take care of it. This Ttulicated a sound financial condition at the City Hall. The otatement that the city was "broke" i Catholic Hall. The executive of 'i. I.i' iue was In charge. Tlx re were IS tables of cards and l-.V" tflhrKrf Were" as follows: Lndge Ladles' first, Mrs. A. M. P - consolation, Mrs. Curtln; vns first. M. P. McCaffery; conso- .11. George Arseneau. Whist Ladles' first, Mrs. A. S. ' u.s consolation, Mrs. Louis Am-' men's first. T. J. Fortune; con-.uon. Angus Gillie. Alter cards refreshments were wd and dancing followed with VICTORIA OITOSEI) . . TO I1KEU BY GLASS VICTORIA, Jan. 15: Resl- dents of this city voted against the sale of beer by Jhe glass in yesterday's plebiscite on the question. The vote was: In fa- vor of sale of beer by the glass, 3335; against, 5048. not a correct one. !was Alderman Collart explained that, at the beginning of the year, there balance to the good. When the debentures were sold and the provin cial government paid up, thereJ would be a balance of over forty thousand dollars. The meeting, which was fairly well attended, was presided over by the mayor, who was the first speaker. Other speakers were Aid. Llnsey, Aid. Macdonald, Aid. Collart, Aid. Brown, W. J. McCutcheon and N. Mussallem. The mayor, after expressing ' thanks for his election, pointed out i ie oy uaiagnos orcnestra. narry wittfc ws muni a ,,u v.-ae mailer nf rorpmnniM. ment tax had never been discussed Mrs Wilfrid Oratton was cashier! by the city council either formally: ( i the affair. I t Continued on Page 2) Pilot Eckmann Believes He Has Located Another Large Piece of Wreckage From Renahans Plane with Mrs. Renahan on board his. I plane. SIMPSON -v v ELECTION! Ernest Dudoward Chief Councillor For 1931 Voted By Wards ' This Week Voting by three wards with four Ward 2 Joseph Offutt, James '""" ,J" , " T , V Henry, Sam Hughes and David A. Johnson. Ward 3 Joseph Bradley, John Sankey, Ell Pollard and Joshua Bryant. Ernest Dudoward 'was chosen Canada, Ltd, TORONTO. Jan. 15: Durant Motors of Canada Ltd. Is now owned, controlled and operated by Canadians, It was announced yesterday by Roy D. Klrby, president and general manager of the company. The announcement said that the com- pany Is now probably the only auto mobile company In Canada so con the provincial police on board, the trolled and managed. latter having been orderea to pro-1 kppH tn Prince George. Yesterday , afternoon, the plane left here with ; n view to taking Mrs. Renanan to BRITISH COLUMBIA . 4 tJJI Ul W9S UlBnV VtiUM the Imperial and International Communications Ltd. "that the Canadian National shall become partners with the Imperial and In ternational Communications in Flvinir nvnr tho Wfifit coast of DUKG lSlUIlu yCStCrdtiyi Mtk9 ....naitinr tnr h voar nHth Lfornihiff a Canadian overseas com ! ( .. . . V KAhAtfArl fA . .. I 1 - . ...1.1 l l 11 arch-rllOt AllSCel liiCKmann Slgnieu wiuu is uunu.-u .u Nathan Lawson secretary or trie munroauon company which shh lnr1iifti the flnnarilan Marconi Co." iuiic 1 i laruc 1 niece oi jvrwvriuiiv iiuiu ituum viiii wuu.u ... vu...jw..v.-m.i - - ... . t ii i -L . .1. ,,.,fn nr. rf Hff Wptlpv nnrl Jnrnh Hnnnpr 1'iane which is now conceucu 10 nave sirut-n mc -unmc i - - --- 1 Jixon Bntranw oi the evening of October 28 and smash- are constables for the year. (u ui). it was much too rougn ior K,cKnmnu tu ihu uic uh his seaplane so the provincial" i"li-o boat P. M. L. 8 and Unlted :' tcs coastguard cutter Cygan wi rr today to put parties ashore ;Ihti to Inveatlgate. The fate of iii iiahan and his two companions i' is already been established Uu-ough the finding of other wrec-k' All that can be hoped for now i luither confirmation or the pos-Mil finding of bodies. Around the west coast of Duke Mmd. which is Just south of An-'h tie Island where the first wrec-K.iue was found on the shore, large i locks of eagle were feeding over in- bench on Tueday and rose Eckmann flew over them with in plane. It is thought they might have been devouring the flesh of a body which might have Just drifted ashore. Eckmann lert this morning for his base in Ryas Bay on the north of Duke Island after spending the night here. Mrs. Renahan went over with him. She desires to see the wreckage and will probably return here this evening en route back to Vancouver. She, the last to give up hope, conceded this week that her husband must be dead. Pilot Eckmann would not be surprised at any time to receive orders to abandon the search and return to Seattle. Yesterday morning he came in from Annette Island iwlth Prank Wadman. his mechanic, and Hugh Patrick, wireless operator for OWNED BY CANADIANS INFANT BURIED The funeral of the six weeks' old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ingraham took place at 2:30 this afternoon from the chapel of Hayner Bros., undertakers, to Falrview Cemetery. Rev. Alfred Wilson of First United Important Announcement Is Made , Church officiated. Regarding Durant Motors of the 'liner to Southampton, by passenger . ' l -1 , I a I -t n tinl iarc a ru rt Mm an. -bittmln n T m 4 rM hv mntnr triirtc tfl Suite able to receive but could not try Into Confederation at Vic- ;croyden and by plane to Karachi ?!? if ftwJv ' trl on July 20-p,ans for suit" 1 Ind'a. r W intermediate point wint Eckmann shoved off about able observance of the occa- j was forecast by Dewshea. The Cun-. ..r.. ,1. a nnaitA tnd Hon will soon be launched. .ard and White Star Lines, the Am- 1JIJD noon luua, iui nr. onrl TTnltprf jstatei Air Lines would bo assocla- Of Special Interest Friday January 16, 1931 mm mmm High im. 175 ft. -iave you read the classified w i.m. 20.8 ft. advertising page In this paper today? Low a n .m. 10.0 ft. If not, now Is the time. R .m. 3.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 9 - .,1 XXII., No. 13. g. M PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY JANUARY 15, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS M 2 mc AFFAIRS ARE GIVEN AN AIRING UGE TELEGRAPH MERGER IN CANADA BEING PROPOSED Catholic Women's I C 1 I was a bank overdraft of $50,000. At LeagUc nomm V OCIal IS the end of the year this had moun-n f 1 C . ted , to $100,000. The loan was cov- OUCCeSSlUl tVent'ered- however, by work done for I which debentures had not yet been 'issued, amounting to $129,504.27 and A v ry enjoyable bridge and whist ; by accounts owing to the city by the I , jtid dance was held last night ! provincial government amounting . Mi' Catholic Women's League in to $15,440.37. This showed a nice ELECTION PROCEEDS Small Interest Being Taken In Today's Poll For Aldermen and Mayoralty Term Question Voting started very slowly today tin the municipal election, only 3S ballots having been cast in the first hour and three-quarters up to 9:45 ajn. While there is not a very keer Interest being taken In the votlnp this year. It Is expected thai wel over five hundred votes will be cast The poll will close at 8 o'clock this evening and, within half an hour, the result of the aldermanlc vote should be known. By 9 o'clock the result of the mayoralty term referendum should have been ascertained. It is expected that the one-year term will be overwhelmingly approved. E. P. Jones, city solicitor, Is returning officer for the election. W. D. Vance, deputy returning officer, Is actively In charge of the poll. Poll clerks are Herbert Hampton, Malcolm McLeod and William Robb. The only scrutineers are those of the Trades & Labor Council Robert Wiggins, Arthur Caravan and John McLean. Railroad Auctioned Off Unique si:ene at Wilmington. Hi. station of Chicago and Alton railway, as raityoad wa auction i .ally ior $73,000,000 to j highest bidder Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Wire Systems May Join Such Is Big Idea Behind Statement In Ottawa a Few Days Ago of Sir Basil Blackett, Head of British 1 Communication Concern SXSSSi": ! MONTREAL, Jan. 15:-Amalgamatipn in a $50,000,000 ection of village councillors. Indian corporation of the respective commercial telegraph sys-Agent w. e. coiiison being in charge terns of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Rail-of the poll. The successful candi- !Ways is being considered by the two parties. The Canadian dy ,wa,d8 wer- I Press understands that the proposal has also been put be- tZ)t ' ore the Dominion Government at Ottawa. This is the Mnh nvon 'much larger idea behind a state- West Indies Victory Over Queensland Tourin j Cricket Team Win For First Time Since tourinr Australia BRISBANE, Australia, Jan. 15: The West Indie won thtr cricket match with Queensland yesterday by 219 runs. This wm their first victory of the present tour. Immense New World Freight Service Planned By Britain ' Two Principals In Burke Air Tragedy Martin and Wasson Here On Way South Yesterday Two of the principals in the ill-fated episode which followed a flight made last fall into the Liard River district by the late Capt. E. J. A. Burke and party were in Prince Rupert yesterday bound for the south. They were Robert Martin ("Three Finger Bob"), grizzled old prospector-iromottr of the north, who survived the exnerience3 vhieh cau.-ed Burke's death from 1 starvation and exposure, and Ever-r. L. Wasson. heroic young aviator f the Treadwell Yukon Exploration Co.. Whose persistence and courage ere ti'i.muely rewarded after al-iost two months' rf forts In rescuing wo members of the lost party alive idreverinthefrozen andema-iR,,,, p,ant on Wes, Coat idiru uouy hi me umu. it whs iu- 'restlrm to see and talk to these .uo men. one advanced in years, he of her little more than a mere youth, who have been so much In the public eye during the past three months owing to their sensational adventures. It Is difficult to say which is the more Interesting. Cer tainly both have an epic story to Despite his sixty years or more. Bob Martin, before the flight, was a strong robust man. Few had a Stronger physique than he. That physique was to prove his greatest smt. iflont not'rjggrrrarit, none: athcr would have been of further worldly use to him.. j MILL TO BE SOLD of Vancouver Island to Be Dis posed of By Court Order VICTORIA. Jan. 15-The whole plant of the Balnbrldge Lumber Co., comprising mills, railway and machinery at Balnbrldge on the anadlan Pacific Railway line near Albernl. was ordered sold for th.3 bondholders by Mr. Justice Gre-;ory yesterday. "Needless to say. I don't want Passfnters Amoved From Ketchl-anythlng more like that," was Mar- j kan Motorship lo Alert 1111 a crypuv leiUMin leg luiiig uta experiences. To become stranded in that vast northland for 62 days with but a haridful of bullets, no food, game scarce and no shelter" but sleeping away until he died in !eT:t i miles above Seymour Narrows, were memorable experience. To have a silences was as horrible as It was unforgettable. LltUe wonder that today f tnds Bob Martin bent and decrepit physically. Mrs. Martin de clared that her husband looked ex ceedingly well considering what he went through. Persons who might not have seen Martin since he was a familiar and affluent figure in the mining campt of Stewart and Alice Arm ten years ago or so would note a great difference, however. Indeed, Bob Martin might well go unrecognised by those who knew him well in those days. It seems quite possible that, while his great physique brought rum through alive, he may never fully recover from those frightful experiences of having lived with starvation and death. Martin cannot express too much gratification to Everett Wasson to whom he is fully appreciative that he owes his life today. Everett L. Wasson A fine boy, with open eyes, clean face, a good six feet In height and muscularly slender, one could not look and talk with Everett Wasson, the 24-year old rescue pilot, yester ... . y-t day aay a afternoon iter noon without wimmjuw some miw i-ci- feel- With American Co-operation great lob i , To fly for many hours and for NEW YORK, Jan. 15: Negotiations for freight service thousands of miies day after day in using planes, o can Hnm-s, tfains and motor rucks p.nd,- spanning half the world were revealed yesterday by P. b.iup hope but to keep reSoiuteiy on. Dewshea, manager in the United States for the Imperial j then' to glimpse a pair of shining Airways Ltd. He1 described the plan as the foundation for wings m the guttering snow, to fly fnr tVin wnvlil. Tnniimirntinn bv hundreds of hopelew miles again. ri- .nrino nf the service which trudge wruy ior mB 5St-ffi!f and had to return COMES THIS YEAR tbntemplates transfer of freight by Ued i with a the Imperial Airways In the here ' .u nt f if uhlch was In- VICTORIA, Jan '15: . wn not Columbia will celebrate 'bl'ane from anv oolnt hv the United -British 1 Skates to New York, thence by fast distances through -soft anowa and. ijnall. to nrai inn msn n hi iHiiiuur unu. trnH.o h air.rvn nian friBht two half dead then helping tne will be carried from New York to two survivors out to the plane and Karachi in sixteen days, cutting 'carrying the body for 15 miles. Such fourteen days off the. fastest time by steamer. The saving between New York and a point like Bagdad would be much greater thirteen was Wasson's accomplishment, a real task for a mere youth. There was something grand about it all which Is hard to describe adequate- days by air-ocean service and sixty ly. Yet Wasson is very modest about days by steamer. I (Continued on Page 2.) WENT TO CARDENA SEATTLE, January 15 Thirty-one passengers aboard the motor-ship Northland, which Is ashore in -TfthnKtnrvci fitrfitta aKnf thirty wTJ ,r Itel!fn o" yesterday ' by the Union .w .t. cherished companion slowly waste, e, 'A A thOSe Vast I "v4 uaiucua aitu taken to Alert Bay where the Admiral Farragut, sailing from here today, wU pick them up and con tinue north with them. DROWNED ipiVER Seven Young People of St. John's Newfoundland, Lost Their Lives Last Night ST. JOHN'S, Nfld.. Jan. I5:-Sev-un Dersona. one youth and six girls, ranging in age from 11 to 25, wert drowned last night In the rapid waters of Exploits River when their sled broke through the Ice. The bodies have not yet been recovered. CANDIDATE IN ISLANDS Conservative Choice Falls Upon Capt. F. W. Macintosh at Ganges Harbor VICTORIA, Jan. 15: Capt. F. W. Macintosh was nominated by. a Conservative convention at Oangcs Harbor yesterday to run In the Islands in the forthcoming by-election to fill the seat vacated by Col. C. W. Peck V.C., who has Joined the federal pensions appeal board. WELSH COAL STRIKE "; '' SETTLED TONIGHT LONDON. Jan. 15: The dls- pute In the South Wales coal fields, which has kept 150,000 men Idle since January 1, was settled tonight.