COUGH! Peps wit! end it? Simply ale. eps tablets in your mouth, The Pine forest vapors which are thus released are reathed down to the remotest parts of the air assages and lungs, soothing and pealing the inflamed membranes and bring! ng quick relief from that irritating and exhaustin cough. Mrs. Luther Brown, ot ilson's Beach, N.B. writes: For two ears | was troubled with a very ad cough. At nights it became worse and I coughed incessantly and could not sleep. I tried every remedy I had ever heard of, but nothing did me any ood until I ysed Peps. Even e first few tablets gave merelief, Icontinued their use, with the result that cough has entirely disappeared.” These breatheable Peps are also ynequ illed for colds, sore throat pronchitis, catarrh, asthma and solve P chest and lung troubles, 50c. box, jfor $1 25. Co., Toronto. All dealers or Peps Why Pay More Than $1 3.00 LUMP COAL delivered in your bin? We screen every pound Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co, oreo Do Not Miss Sh oe Sale EVERY SHOE ON SALE at GREATLY reduced prices Family Shoe Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoemen Phone 367. ™ sosevee " (1° OP AOOOOOOCOCOOOCCCTM seers At Christmas Time Solve your gift problems With Photographs. Make the, appointment to- day. It’s none too early. PHONE Red 328 The Peeriess Sudo Suite 22, Alder Block All busses stop at our door WORD O DO» we wore E H. SHOCKLEY ENERAL CONTRACTOR Ofllee and Shop Fraser St. en doors, mouldings and 'Dterior finish hamber al- Ways in stock. for J, Fyfe Smith's hardwood, Estimates Given, REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Agent ee LAUNCH SHIPS | WITH ENGINES Machinery Will be Put in Steams | ers at Victoria Before They Take to Water. The two Steel freighters built by the Harbor Marine pany for the ment will be launched early in the year With both the ; engines installed. if present plans are into effect, says the Victoria Colonist Naval Architect Clark, who is in charge of the work at the yard Stated yesterday that this would mean a centralization of the being ‘tom Canadian Governa boilers and Carried work which would not be possible if the ships were taken to an out. fitting wharf It would mean a running back and forth between the present plant and the out fitting point, and would be more difficult to oversee, while under present plans it will be possible to use the equipment in the yard for making the installation of machinery and the construction and installation work may proceed together. Expenses will be lower. New to Canada. While as far as Mr. Clark is aware this launching with en- gines and boilers installed as new to Canada with ships as big as the 8,000 tonners being con- structed here, he can give out of his experiences in shipbuilding launchings in other lands under these conditions, He does admit, though, that it will be unusual to attempt the feat with vessels of this size. Mr. Clank has launched smaller ships with steam up but does not like this method as slight changes may take place in the hull during the pregress down the ways into the water and during which piping might snap. To safeguard against this the connecting up will not be done in the local ships until after they are in the water. Boilers and Engines. While it is the present plan_to launch the steamers in the man- ner above, further contracts might make it necessary to launch quicker than expected, with the result that the installation of boilers and engines would have to be left until the hulls were launched and the ways vacated. The boilers will come in knock- down form from the east and will be rivetted up either at the V. M. D. or the Harbor Marine yard. They will then be polled into the hulls, the big traveling crane handling some of the smeller parts. The engines will be moved into the ships through the sides also. Strikes in the east have held up the construction of the boilers and machinery. Fine Job. Mr. Clank stated that he was ready to put the boilers and en- gines in place just as soon as they arrived. Staging is now be- ing put up for the use of the workmen in erecting the frames which work will commence short- ly. The great stern frame for the first hull is now being prepared and will be hoisted into place within a few days. Pointing to the bottom plating on the more advanced of the hulls Mr. Clank remarked that the work could not be bettered in any part of the world. The men, he said, Stories of THE DAILY NEWS ADVERTISING Phone 98 CLASSI c ED | This is the Advertising Colomn that | | people read when they want gaia. it brings results Use Royal Crown ‘Soap | and Save the Coupons | special attention to the rivetting that had been done. They were building in a sane manner and| not throwing vessels together as had been done in the States dur- ing the war. Work on one boat Will be kept a little ahead of that on the other’ but latnchings will not be far apart. The ships will be completely fitted out inside and practically ready to take on cargo when they slide into the harbor early next year. WANTS NEXT HOCKEY WORLD’S SERIES IN WEST (Special by G.T.P. Telegrapns.) VANCOUVER, November 27.—~ niess the National Hockey Lea- gue agrees to the proposal sub- mitted by the Pacific Coast Asso- ciation providing for the World's Series in the West next March, the Hockey Classic will be aban- doned, declared President Frank Patrick, A LARGE DOCKET BUDAPEST, Nov. 27.—The trial of 16,000 Communists charged with crimes during the Bela Kun dictatorship started today. Oserny commander of the Lenine boys, was the first to face the court. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that af ap plication will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Co jumbia at the next session, on behalf of THE ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA for a private bill in corporating the said Institute, the said bill to be known as “THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ARCHITECTS’ ACT's for the purposes of governing and regulating the practice of Architecture in the Province of British Co- lumbia. DATED at the City of Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia, this 22n« day of November, A.D. 1919 G. ROY LONG, _ Solicitor for the Applicants NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issne of a fresh certificate of title to part «f Lot Elght hundred and forty-eight 848), Group One (1), Cassiar District, satisfactory® proof of loss of certificate having been filed, notice is hereby given that it is my Intention, at the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, to issue a fresh certificate of title in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, which Certificate of Title is dated &tb February, 1913, and is No, 3067-1 Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince fhupert, B.C., this 16th day of October, 1919. W. BE. BURRITT, Acting District Registrar LAND ACT Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Lands In Skeena Land District, Kecording Dis trict of Cassiar, and situate at Alice Arm. Take notice that we, H. R. Fowler and H. F. Kergin, of Alice Arm, occupation mariners, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described foreshore lands :- Commencing at a post planted on east bank of Kitsault River; thence south 20 chains; thence east 80 chains more or less to Hianee River; thence north 20 chains more or less to lot 50, thence west follow- ing shoreline to point of commencement, and containing 160 acres, more or less. H. R. POWLER, H. F. KERGIN, Dated October fith, 1919) 00 V\NCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE IIL. TAKE notice that Emma ©. Smaby, of Ovean Falis, B.C., occupation married wo man, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the nerth end of a smal! island on the west side of Choked Passage, west of llunier Island, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement aud containing 160 acres, more or less. EMMA C. SMABY, were doing a fine job, and he drew Gene Byrnes By Mark Smaby, Agent fate September 4th, 1019. WANTED. Men to fill positions as automobile repairmen and drivers. The demand for, skill- ed men in the automobile busi- ness never was as great as it is al the present time. We wili train you in a short time with the latest and most up-to-date method, to qualify and earn big inoney in one of the most protit- able and interesting businesses, of the present day. We teach automobile repairing and driv-! ing, Oxy acetelyne welding, storage battery repairing and rebuilding, Vulecanizing and re- treading on the latest and best equipment. Thousands of our graduates are now holding splendid positions and never regret the time spent in train- ing themselves under our sys- tem, If you are interested in any of the above courses, write for literature and catalogue. Dept. 57. HEMPHILL TRADE SUHOOLS Blanchard & Fisgard Sts., Victoria, B.C. Established over fifteen with branches at Victoria Edmonton Vancouver Winnipeg Regina Tacoma, Wn Calgary Saskatoon Portland, Ore. yvenrs WANTED—Young ladies wishing to take a three-year course in nursing. Write lady superin- tendent, General Hospital, Prinee Kupert, B. C., for ap- plication forms and other in- formation. 270 WANTED — An assistant in the Post Olflice, Anyox, B. C. Apply to the post master in own hand- wriling, giving full details of experience; also age and salary required. 279 WANTED— To purchase about forty acres, Crown granted, on Potcher Island. Apply L. F. Regan, 3 Dyer Apartments, Prince Rupert, B. C. 279 FOR SALE—22 laying hens. Price reasonable. Fencing thrown in. Call at 211 Nintn Avenue West. IWO YOUNG LADIES REQUIRED for bank. Apply P. O. box 1714 Prince Rupert, B.C. tf SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced Bookkeeper wants employment evenings. Apply P. O. box 760. 277 FOR SALE FOR SALE — Handsomest set ol mink in the North—stole and muff, Also number of mink skins sufficient to make set. Write box 20 Daily News office. WANTED — Fishing. boat with about five h.p. engine. Cash down for bargain. Apply L. F. Regan, 3 Dyer Apartments. FOR SALE-—Cornet in good con- dition, $35, phone Green 249. Says:— “It’s a Great Life MACDONALDS WA | P ai os dn oe ett Hai) ! y A a omy ne mu To i ; } a U " a a — = 2 : ees = ee = — ~' SILVERWARE Seems Supreme LL over Canada more people have bought Silverware the past year than ever before. Why this great demand? Do people want it because silver is harder to get or because they did not buy during the war. Anyhow we have a wonderfully complete stock of silverware ready for your inspection this Christmas time. . Tea Sets, $20.00 up. Cake baskets, $4.50 up. Fancy Flower Baskets and all the little cute things which make the table look nice. We have the complete line of all staple and odd fancy pieces in Community, Adam and Sheraton patterns, at Vancouver and Seattle prices. Compare with any catalogue. ——————————_—_—_=_ JOHN BULGER Jeweler . The Gift Store —_—_—_—_—_—_ — —__—— FOR SALE carpet, utensils. Call evenings only. Brass bed, springs, | heater and kitchen | Suite 4 Summit Apts.! * on A 278! ' ' FOR SALE — Range and heater. Almost new, phone Red 403 or! Black 323. tf’ TIMBER SALE Xi114. gp rest Victoria, Nov. 4th, 1919 FOR SALE-White Leghorn roost-; Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than hoon on ers. Phone Green 249. 78|the 9th day of December, 1919 for the ~~~ | purchase of Licence X1114, to cut 3,635,- FOR RENT 1000 fect of Spruce, Cedar, Balsam and Hemlock on an area situated on Infram Lake, R.3, Coast District. Three (3) years will be allowed for re- moval of timber. FOR RENT—=3 and 6 room apart- ments. Also single rooms for| Further particulars of the Chief Fores- ter, Victoria, B.€., or District Forester, men. Parkview Apartment | prince Rupert, B.C. | ee | QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- j TRICT--RECORDING DISTRICT OF MISCELLANEOUS SKEENA , - ———— | _ TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of CROCHETTING and KNITTING— | Prince Rupert, B. C., prospector, intend - 400 Kighth } to apply for a licence to prospect for coal, Phone Red 487, Nu, 400 bighth | oy and petroleum over. the following de- , ’ § seribed lands on the West Coast o! ra- Avenue W est. 281) ham Island Commencing at @ post planted at three miles north of the north east corner of Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thenee 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south. chains east to point of com- House, 210 Ninth Ave., West. Queen Charlotte Isianders can- rot do better than mail their! printing needs to The News Print 1 eens oe shop and get the work done vromptly and well. | Dated Sepiember 25th, 1919. If You Don’t Weaken.” PETER PIOMBO. Located July @7, 1019 Ss [LC SOST WAIT OUTSIDE j YOUR DOOR AN WHEN You come OvT ILL | BLACKEN BoTH YOUR EYES sImmie DOGAN 2 o © etittes & Cewwm °4 Lager ay OVER FOR AND GET A QvART OF \WE BEEN LOOKING ALL you JIMMIE — RUN OVER TO THE GROCERS AS Quick AS Yer CAN ME Undergarments, ete. Made to Order ——— Mrs. L. PONZO Second Avenue and Fourth St. —.. LL Sens CRIBE FOR DAILY NEWS SUBS THE he Toggerha 7s rr Ria a very ger THE, DONT WEAKEN Pansy aay to Weer. ee oraToes? ee OE AEE A . ce-nrerencne aes mannan