4 ; : ' SB j t. Ja Hi 1 si .MA. PAGE fflO THE DAILY NEWS Wednr Mm j, THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLTJMIHA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally JJews, Limited. Third Avenu H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City de livery, by mall or cartier, yearly period, paid In advance 5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per month 50 By mall to all part of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period .'. 3.00 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em plre and United States, paid In advance, per year $C.O0 By mall to all other countries, per year . . 0 00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word .. ........ . Local renders, per insertion, per line-......... .... Legal riotlceseach insertion, per agate line ... Columariols Contract rates on application. .Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Working Now 8MITHER8, May 20: Capt. John Wlllman of Usk. superintendent of .86 -US 1.40 .02 .25 .15 DAILY EDITION ui2?u' Wednesday, May 20. 1931 NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Mining Merger at Stewart Planned Cold Ore in Big Missouri Activity in Chickamin Reports of a proposed mining merger in the Salmon River section are exciting much speculation in Stewart. The companies mentioned in the consolidation are the Woodbine, Premier Extension and Alaska Canadian. If such a deal were consummated, it would be a good thing for mining in that district. The three companies control property amounting to some five hundred acres and ex tend about a mile and a half along the main gold zone of thft district. Hutfh McGuire, managing director of the! Woodbine Oold Mining Co., has ad B.C. SILVER IS CLOSED mitted that such a proposal has been considered and that more de-! tails would be made public after the annual meeting of his company which U to be called soon. Charles Lake has also been in Vancouver lately in connection with the Crew, With Exception of One .fairs of Woodbine. Man. Laid Oft .... William Bunting, formerly of STEWART, May 20: Acting on iPremier mine, is now mtains: in Al instructions from the head office of jaska and is planning for an early we company, u. a. Kae, superlnten-1 start north this season, dent of the B. C. Silver Mines Lim- .... lted, laid off the crew, with the ex- Development of the Metealf-cepUon of one man who remain as j Fend ley property on Banded Mouri-watchman. last Saturday. tain in the Chkrkartiln Otader area No information can be obtained lis beginning, the necessary finances here as to the future policy of the, having been pmvided by C. L. Hib-company. Speculation is rife as to I bard of Seattle. Oeorge Lemmons, whether the company has come toiC. N. Crone ana W W. Metcalf of an understanding with the Premier (Hyder have joined Joe Fendley, Oold Mining Company, which ad- Bert Bobo and Ole Twedt at the Joins the property and who hold a property 38 interest in thtfB: C. Silver. Ne-1 .... gotlatlons have been in progress for Recent arrivals from the Portland some time, tt is reported, to operate Canal district have displayed ore the B. C. Silver hoMtngs on a baste from the Big Missouri mine which mutually aireeaote vo me owners oi Indicates a rv important gold strike Work Resumed On Lucky LUCKV w 1 V Lake T Lake 1 In Usk District Mining men consider this most im portant because the Big Missouri has been believed to be a huge P'ex ore proposition. While official uiiuniuiuon regtiraing me recent urtta" of g0)d ore te acWng, the samnies soeak louder than could any official report. It Is stated that a strong vein of this high-grade ore has been struck and development is Work on the Lucky Lake group at' delating extraordinary value to Usk has been returned by Mr. Olo- tl,e treat satisfaction of the own-ver of Seattle who will be foreman. ers Last year the cempany did a lot of i .... assessment work and this year will 8 P FitssgeraM. who returned to in charge with the Dosslbllltv that .i . V- -0K r Good Deal ef Work Being Done on regular operations may be resum-iJ- L. Farrlngton, Formerly Located Two Veins of Ore in Usk Property . ed before the end of the year. LOOKS FOK KCVIVAL I.V STEWART MININd the Oolurmario mining property, was VANCOUVER. May 20: Al Pratt a visitor ti Smith rs recently. He who is spending most of his time reported ft good deal of werk being Just now In Vancouver, looks for an done on the Cotumarlo on two veins early revival of Interest in the Bear of ore. River area. Price 5 Oca box Was Weak and Run Down Could Scarcely Do Housework Mm. Edwtrd A. Allen, Jleisnnon, Altt. writtn "I would Uka to tell jvu of th icrftt bn(fit I hT rvired from your Milburn ' Heart . sad Nrr Pill. I u frrliuc verj much run down In bMlth, ud so ak I euuld Kkrrtly ad my bouitwork, in fact, I woolj h?9 to li down In th tftfrnoon for an hour or to. I raw rur Fill- la th drug at ere and took a t horn with u, asi X wa dligattid with my rtutwod alresgth. I hart raeommfndfd theoi to a acigabor and fiel ur tkty will help her too." Sold by all inf an 4 r'l ttorti, er aullti iltti oo rMlt f prtc T Th 71 FromRfiodesia' at Stewart, is Now in Africa From the wilds of Northern Rho desia comes a letter to the Stewart News from J. L. Farrlngton. who Is one of Dr. Bancroft's assistants In exploring that region tor the Lo-angwa Concessions Company. Our last communication from Mr. Farrlngton came from llolovale. Since then he has travelled some. From Bolovale he travelled some 600 miles down the Zambesi by barge to Broken Hill where he spent Christmas. Then by lorry M miles to Ka-sama, by carriers 180 miles to the foot of the mountains east of Lu- angwa Valley, near the Nyasaland border (where the letter was written and has still another 60 miles to go before commencing work. On his previous trips In the field he was accompanied by another white man but this time he Is working ftlone. Mr. Farrlngton expects to go to England In July via the East Coast. v go after development on a some Stfwart reeatitly after wintering in: iiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiif what larger scale. Vancouver and Seattle, looks for an j " -" laarl rMtuI Af 4AHtr4tt. in IK rstt ;S5inrrSJ!Sends Greetings Portland Canal mining figure. Some assessment work Is to be done on the Indepen dence property with Mr. Fivteerald To those who do the Work of the Nation i'v - An Advertisement about the, r i Dominion of Canada Power Project Permit Granted The Federal power commission has granted applications of the Portland Canal Power Company, Hyder, Alaska, to utilize the waters of Davis River for its power project, according to word received by Oren F. Hill of Hyder, from Willis T. Bat-chellor, president of the company. It Is understood work .on the undertaking will begin immediately. ANNOUNCl.JIR.NT REGARD TO WOODBINE MINE IS EXPECTED SHORTLY Hugh McGuire, it Is stated, expects to make an Important an Conversion Loan has a job on its hands, Between now and 1934, more than a thousand CANADA million dollars are coming due for repayment to War and Victory Loan Bondholders . . . The job might be put offbut it shouldn't be. To procrastinate would be unwise. The beneficial effect on business of making a success of this Conversion Loan is incalculable. It will assist in bringing about a restoration of confidence. It will ring about the world as an evidence of the complete faith which Canadians feel in the future of their country. It will enable you to re-invest your savings in the premier security of Canada, at a desirable rate of interest, for an extended term. The present rate of interest' (with tax exemption, if any) on Bonds eligible for conversion will continue until their maturity date. After that, 4H per annum for at least another fifteen years and possibly twenty-five. Convert.your Bonds now for continued investment safety and satisfactory income. Conversion applications arc invited to a total of $250,000,000, but the Minhter ofFimnce reserves the right to increase or decrease this amount. Subscription lists will be closed on or before 23rd May, 1931. Bondholders who wish to avail themselves,of this opportunity for re-investment should therefore act without delay. Donids of the following issues are exchangeable for Bonds of the 1931 Conversion Loan: War Loan 5 due 1st October, 1931 " t Renewal Loan 5J due 1st November, 1932 :.. - Victory Loan 3 4 due 1st November, 1933 Victory Loan 5j due 1st November, 1934 -'Tact Bond Dealer, Broker or Banker uill arrange or the convenion of your Bondi u it bout expense to you, DOMINION OF CANADA 1931 Conversion Loan TullitUi j siteheflij tf tU Mimultf ef Fimanti, Ottawa, Canada Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert May 20, 1911 A diver is now busily at work pre paring foundations for the concrete pile to be used In the construction of the Government Wharf at the foot of McBrlde Street. Blasting operations are being carried on under water. A new trail from Tueks Inlet to Port Simpson, via Georgetown, has just been surveyed by W. Wright, provincial government engineer. .The trail runs for some distance betide the route of the new railway to Port Simpson. It Is understood a road may be put in later. nounccment In connection with I This mornlng-a vein of supposedly plans for the Woodbine mine In good quality copper ore was laid Salmon River district. (bare by the effects of a shot on S. II. C. Fraser. inspector of sehooii sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for u trip to Ocean Falls on official duties f. MOMordle's Second Avenue cut. There was virtual stampede among the workmen. Uet quick results with a want ad 5W,?aT3al!?ESKa TERRACE S. Northover, of Smlthers, Is visiting In Terrace with Ilia wife and child at the home of Mrs. North-over's parents, Mr. and Mm. C. A. Smith. a business visitor here during the week-end. J. Worobec of Prlnee RuDert ar ALICE ARM J. McDlarmld and If. Williamson I t.v 't Mr 3 town but week The provlnciul i public works has st.n U work clcarlns ut ! ,nd Med rath Minim rived on Monday for the purpose of Vovasf putting his ranch Into shape. High winds at the week-end did some damage to the cherry trees which were In full bloom. So far late frost have not been experienced this year, and the urosnecta who attended the recent session of : his :tii V ; oi REAL EARL I DAYS HERE i.r...., i nsUnti to Rupert Made in 1 London Publicans Mention ttu been m pages more :than onre o mnn' Tlno fnmiV.inV Ni"v her voyage from CH i nf IhI fmlt hnrvalf n'rmm I . Urln. tlimat't. In 1 608 .' better than for some years past, jturn Journey the foil"'" She was the pioneei II. B. C. fleet. Authority. --Purl C. C. Perry, assLstan , Ulr tti- H- .prin sloner of Indian affairs saw in the ntfiW Oatala yesterday vMterdav ur'0"1. , return to Vict'"1 the Supreme Court Assizes at Prince ' week's visit here on oft ulif " tiuJne