0K THREE Ambrosia Combination Package FREE! $1.00 $1.00 With purchase of $1.00 siie or Ambrosia Cleanser and new 100-page book on skin care. You pay only $1.50 for all four articles COUETTES A New Product of Johnson & Johnson Utile pads of cotton convenient for boudoir and nursery use. 75c pads for 50c Ormes Ltd. Dfio Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 T11KEK GRADUATE PIIAUMICISTS M Da vies and her niece. i :! CollUon who have .i:n for the past couple in Victoria, were pas- iijourd the Princess AlW i.uur going north to mik i trip to Skagway afUr uill disemuark he: ; uay afternoon. The Fish which made "Rupert SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 i No.l-5xatperM No. 2 -at per M $2.75 SUITIJKT IIO.ML INDUSTltlKS MADE AT .MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 UNION STEAiMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer leave Prince Kupert t or Vaiiruuvers Tv s CAT.tLA KVKItY Tl KIAY. I .SO P.M. ArriwiiK Vancouver. vi Oim KIU, Thursday Noon appro. T;i i aiidi;n. nvKiiv rniiiAY .miiinhiiit u, Arriving Vancouver SuixWy uildnlht Wro neciiy tilling to Port (Umpaon. Alio Arm. Anyaa. Stewart and Nais Itlvcr points Sunday S 0O p,m. ' ' Mr liir.,p..wk., ,,unin .til itlliix... a,ih ticket ! I'KIM'E HLI'KItT ,t(t:TY: m iiaiiiiaim a wnaii Size Ambrosia Cream Size Ambrosia Tightener Third Ave. & Sixth St. J p. p0rde, son of J. P. Fordo district engineer for the federal department of public works, was passenger aboard the Princess Alice this moming bound from Victoria to Skagway where he will resume his duties for the summer with the Yukon ii White Pasi 'Route. Prince Rupert Famous Brand" Daily By $3.75 Coastal Steamshbip Sekvdce . S.S. "l'MMX UIAIILKS" tave Prince Huprrt Sundays 0.00 p.iii. for Vancomer. For Stewart Saturdays 4:00 p.m. S.S. TIUNCK ItUrEIfr I-ntM Prince Ituprrt Tlwrndaya 10.00 i.m. fur Vmiwiuitt, railing at Ocoan Fall ami Powell Clrr. For Ahyin ami Stewart VnU nriuUya at 1.00 ji.ni. Fortnightly atnlc to North and South (Jiirtn 'Charlotte Islands I'arliriilara on rriirl. TIM-CITY SKHVICK S.S. 'Trine Henry" Imii Van-miivrc dallr at 2.00 i.m. for Victoria ami Seattle. TltAIN SKHVICi: I'aiai'MKar Irnlna Iratr l'rlnrr Itunerl for rUlnioiilon, luiiipcx ami kIhU Vm1 eery Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11 m am. Cs.nisaidlia.ra ht' iixftit mf..ri I'm It or it ( liumt e V- I' M Ntl I.IIIOV IH.' m, rnl. rrinr uiMri. IM . Sci oiid Avenue. Phone 5fi 1 hiiwiihb i Local items Dinnenvare, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner's Store. j Olrl Guide Display Rupert Eas: United Church Friday, May 22. 8 p.rri. Admission 35c. and 15c. 119 W.'A. King of the Canadian National Railways electrical depart ment arrived In the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon s train. I William Sloan, formerly well known as a mining operator in the Alice Arm and Portland Canal areas han been a visitor In Vancouver recently. Eight, officers of the Royal Ca- jnadtan Mounted Police were pas sengers aboard the Princess Alice this morning bound from Dawson for distribution in various parts of the Yukon Territory. In charge cf the party was Major A. B. Allaro who was accompanied by his wtf-. and daughter. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose picnic, Digby Island, June 21. Moce Whist Drive and Dance May 22. Eagles Social and Smoker, Friday, June 5. Canadian Legiorf Picnic July 12 NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered daily from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY llox 893 Phone 237 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Unpen s leading family hotel hot ind cola water in nil roonu. A J. rRIIIIllOMME. Prop. Cor of Fnuer und Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. L. Lame. Btewar Rev. and Mrs. J. 8. Drayfleld and D. McKenile. Anyox; E. M. Letnes, Port Esslngton; W. Ware, city; r. McLean, Woodcock. New Royal Hotel I. jtrrlll. (Top Tilt: unit' mouth tviiu.r Met ft Cold Water; Btoain lll 75t PKR lAY AND' UP Trlrnltwnt tsl Royal Pat Olson and J. J. Donald, C.N. R ; Sam Pejnvlch, city. Boston Grill I'honc. 4S7 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPKCIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to IS Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties iisiH-;iBritii,iuiiUiaaau SAILINGS FHOM PKINCK ItUPEItT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skasway May 20. 30, June 8. ' To Vancouver, Victoria and 24. June 3, 13 PRINCESS MARY lor Itutedalc, Ocean Fall. Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, at 10 p.m. Full information from W. C Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 4th St. Phone 31 an i i Till! DAILT N15W8 Wednesday, May 20, 1931 toy Lriofoe IrtjNoeRsgH, OHE CUSTOM OF OFFERING- A CIGRRETTE ORIGINATED" WITH THE INDIANS WHO PAESEHTEDTHE PERCE PIPE R5 R SIGN OF FRIENDSHIP? T'peSiI1 of PER BUCK INGHAM Send in ten pents in (tamps and we will mail you a complete set of "Do You Know" card sixty cards of knowledge and curious facti printed in color (site W x 1 Ji). Or twenty centa will bring you the aixty card accompanied by an i album in which the cards can be placed as a permanent collection. Address Dept.Y. Tuckett Tobacco Co, Ltd, Hamilton. Buckingham Cigarettes a smooth refreshing blend of choice tobaccos, sun-treated by powerful ultra violet rays. There is no more mellowing influence than the sun. Buckingham!, treated with giant sun lamp, .are remarkably cool and mellow an all-pleasure cigarette, never varying in quality, packed for freshness in the patented sealed package: Phone 32 Taxi ;for special rates day and night, for large parties Experienced drivers. tf Inspector John Macdonald, pro Yincial police, returned to the city ya yesterday afternoon's train from i trip to the interior on official du ties. W. K. Owyer. district engineer for the provincial department of pub lic works, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Terrace and other interior points on offleial duties': Having on board quite a large list of Yukoners going, north fo: the summer. C.p'ir steamer Prin ten Alice. Capt Thomas Cliff, av rtved in port at J,9 o'clock thl .-norning from Vancouver and sail ed a couple .of Jjours later fc Skagway and other Alaska point' whence she will return here south Sound 'next SUndar afterffetttf SUITS Made to Your Order $27.00 - TOP NOTCH TAILORS One price throughout Canada Your measure taken by us. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 srmsmrw THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS Forestvlllr Butter 85c 3 lbs Rhubarb 25c fi lbs lettuce - , 25c 3 for Green Onions 5c 2 bunches for Km press Tea Is 85c 2 lbs Bmpress Coffee-I s 85c 2 lbs Carapfire Brand Marsh 35c mallows, lb. package . iianana 40c 3 lbs. 3unkist Oranges - 95c 5 dosen Kllm $3.15 5 lb. can. Cream Cheese - 55c 2-lb. box Malkin'a Beat Baking 20c Powder. 12-oz. tin ..... Malkin'a Best Baking : &1.35 Powder. S-lb tin .uti Malkin'a Best Tea - 95c 2 lbs. Mussallenis Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 3in 3rd Ave 117-123 Sth Ave Telephone- .30 and 18 9HlnaMRKiaaaVi Prince 'Rupert' ' Swimming Club meeting, City Hall Wednesday, May 20, at 8 p.m. (118) Glasses fitted W registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Will holder of ticket 182 Monto Carlo call C.N.R. ticket office for prize. Sale of work, homecooking and afternoon tea, St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, Thursday, May .21 from I to 6. 1J3I Mr. and Mrs. F. Movor of Vic-i torla were passengers aboard the Princess Alice this morning bound north to make the round trip to Skagway and other Alaska points R. II. Bedford of the Prince Ru- pert Fisheries Experimental Sta-; tlon staff left on this morning's1 train for a trip to Montreal. He expects to be away about two. weeks. Charlie Metcalf, an old-timer of Yukon and Northern British Colum- ' bla camps, still keeps in touch with most of the boys who come to Van- j couver from the far north Pay Streak. Friends of Mrs. Peter Dohertv will be pleased to Lam that she has undergone an operation quite successfully and is progressing favorably In Prince Rupert General Hospital. W. L. Phelps, well known White- horse barrister, and Mrs. Phelps, after a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, were passengers returning north, aboard the Princess Alice this morning- Open meeting Wednesday. May , at 8 pjn.. in the City Hall fnr rnrpose of organizing Merchants' Football Team and electing Execu- lve. All Merchants pleas attend. BerJ Morgan. President Football ssociatlon. lie Whit Sa'mon sneti.il: Todav the new Bacon Market, 'Third Ave., h selling 1.000 pound of white salmon -at 8c. a pound lifiwi or fn the piee. Takln? the whole fish the price is 6c. ThU Is equal in every respect to red salmon except in color. This is for tqday only. 1 Albert Farrow, steamboat: Inspector, after spending the past couple of days in the city inspecting the lighthouse tender Birnie, sailed on the Princess Alice this rooming for Whlteherse where he will insiect he Yukon River boats before they 'tart out on their summer runs. With a rather light list of passen gers. C.N.R. steamer Prince Ru-! rt Capt. D Donald, arrived in port at 11 o'clock this morning rom Vancouver. Powell Ityver and Ocean Falls and will .tail at 4 t'clock this afternoon tor Anyoj. and Stewart, whence she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. Situations Wanted Exncriencxl reliable woman. home or hotel $15 a month. Phone Green 213. 133 S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Oaa St Oil - Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 COAL Uuy the real Coal our famous Ed son and Cassldy-Wellingtoii In any quantities. Also Rulkley Valley llay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Rupert Motors DODGE DEALERS Oarage and Service Station All Modern Equipment 12-Hour Battery Charger OUR TOWINO & WRECKING CAR WILL HANDLE ANY JOB Phone 5C6 Ninlil falls Phono 101' Poses as Stranger When His Victim is Found Dead Finger Print A man was rren running towards a motor car which had crashed into a tree in a park in London. lie told the polire ho was jinrrvinn to Rive assistance to a man in the car who later waa found to bo dead. The police arrested him on suspicion. They took his finger prints. He was a well known automobile thief. Then the police searched the car for finger Your Danger You may le surprised to learn that your finger prints are just as dangerous to you in another way. Not through crime because you are not a criminal but through disease germs many kinds of them. Your fingers pick up germs all day long from things which other hands have touched. These other hands may have checked a rough or a aneete and so become covered with germs. Then when you touch some article of food your fingers leave on it these germs' which enter your mouth and so attack your system. Life Extension Institute has shown that germs of 27 diseases some very deadly may be passed around in this way among them, "flu" and colds. The Pleasant Way to Safety These germs must be removed from veAir hands many times a day and always before meals. Germs are stubborn things they .resist heat and coH but one thing they cannot resist - and that is the germicide in lifebuoy Soap. Stops Body Odour Betrays Him prints and found one on the driving wheel. It corresponded with the thiefs. The dead man had been a victim of careless driving on the part of the crook, who was held without bail by a coroner's jury on a charge of manslaughter. Thus are finger prints used to protect society and to bring arrest and con-viction to criminals. Prints on Foods Laloratory tests proved it .killed even virulent germs when other soaps had no effect on them. Think what a service this is to find in a eosp especially how important for children who are even more thoughtless about what they touch than adults. Yet lifebuoy is a pleasant a delightful soap to use. Brings Beauty Aid With two fine- palm oils as its base, lifebuoy is also a beauty soap, its creamy, luxurious lather brings health and lautv to the complexion as well as safety from germs. Why not take advantage ot loin uiese important factors? Millions all over the world do, every day. You will note a refreshing scent of safety not a pecfame in Lifebuoy, which vanishes boob after use. For freedom from body odour trust to the refreshing lifebuoy Lath. For protection from germs a great service keep a cake ol Uiebuoy always on the wash basin. Teach the children to wash regularly with Lifebuoy. It is the Health Soap for all the family. Get a supply from your dealer today. lTr Brothers Limited, Toronto Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicide MILK Pasteurization of milk safeguards the public health. Pasteurization of milk has been endorsed by health authorities. We have served you with pasteurized milk for eight years and our milk contains no preservatives whatevpr. Through particular caro and good service we are able to give you a superior product at a reasonable price. 7 Quarts or 12 Pints for $1.00 VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone C57 ft Lleventh Street Rupert AND CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince DRYDOCK SHIPYARD ui'Huatjm; ;. t. i zo.oou-ton floatinh ukvdock bniciheers. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pat Urn Makers, Founders, Woodworkers. Etc. E LECTIN C AND ACETYLENE WELDlNfi Our Plant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAltlNE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 attsti Is " it riat