SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One Tube Mi 31 Tooth Paste One Bottle Mi 31 Antiseptic $1.00 Value Special, 60c Ormes Im. D?io Pioneer DruQttJsts Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS Blip UiNlON STEAMSHIPS LlAUTKIi Mranirrs Iratr l'rlnro Uupert f or Yam-outer: T.H.Y C.1T.ILA KVKKY Tl ll VV. I.Sli I'M. Arrivuig Vancjuvrt via CKem aii, ThuMday Noon appro TS.f. t.lKOKVl KVKKV I KID AY MIDNKillT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. Weekij aalling. to Port Simpson. Altc Arm, Anjra. 8twrt and Nsu River puuita Sunday. 8:00 p.m. Forhcr information regarding all tailing! and ticket at 1K1SCE KlI'EIrT AO KMC Y: Second Atrttue. I'lione 868 I B.C COAST STEAMSHIPS OattaVlV fG) ATttll l jftl JJ I). C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILlMiS FROM PRINCE RUPERT lo Ketchikan, YVrangell, Juneau, and Skugway. March 7. 18 and 28. To Vancouvci. Victoria, Seattle-March 11 and 22. ITluoos. Mary - Ocean FaKa, etc. Vanir uver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. -Agents For All Steamship Lines W.C Orchard. Ocn Aent. 3rdAv.. Prinoe Kupert. Phone J 1 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtT FOIC SKEENA nitAM) Creamery Batter & Cottage Cheese niF.SH PASTKliltlZEl) MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City BABY HAS COLIC ot ir inttr Vmir w v-vy iiva ouvjuviiij - - that something' is wrong may ry in me night, it yoii nave a uome w v.ii n-ndy y0a ncedh'i'Vjry, lpf.iTiKttlc "Ijtfi'.pak VetTtnlil.. rnnmrlt, tvill ,rt1'llVr liabvliii liaPPyT! lf again; let him go back to sleep. Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors HINDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY first intimation - - - be warning I II Ul lil LsssSSi . -J - - ggg Castoria is always the sensible thing to give m ailing child. When a child is restless, fretful, ith coated tbnguc, bad breath and lack of aPpctite, it is a mother's standby. Most mothers Rive Castoria an important place in their homes. Heady for sour stomach, constipation, or upset. Jhcn buyinu; Fletcher's Castoria always look w (Jims. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. This identifies the genuine product. Made In Canada Local Items Elks' meeting tonight at 8. Dinncrware. china, prpekery, D. C. McRae sailed yesterday af ternoon on the Cardena for a bus iness trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Robert McCarthy returned to the city' on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief visit to Terrace, "i. . . . A. J Gland, ..wfto Jftas, been In Vancouver on customs department duties, returned t" the city from the south' on the Prince George this morning. Mrs. Anna Ross who has been on a visit to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ocore Davis o" Port Essington are visitors in the city, haying arived from the Skcena River on yesterday afternoon's " ' train. Joseph S. Rearers, who has beer on a week's trip lo 'Vancouver and Victoria, returned I. tte city on thp , rincfli .Oorge, this, morning accompanied by M,rs, Rogers, wlu will visit here fpr a while Richard Knox, suoerlntendent engineer for the Canadian National National Steamship", arrived lr the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here in connection with work that is being carried out at the 'oca.' dry dock on company ships. Rev. and Mrs. S V. O. Redman who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver., arrived in the city from the south" on the Prince George this morning and will attend the sessions of Presbytery here before preceding on Saturday night on the Prince John to Queen Charlotte City, where they are located. Dale L. Pttt, general manager of the Premier Oold Mining Co.. is a psmenget 'aboard the ss." Prince George today returning to Premier after a trip to, Vancouver and elsewhere in the south on company business. Mr. Pitt addressed the Gyro Club at luncheon today, his subject being on the silver situation In connection with the prevent world depression. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT- Housekcrpinc rooms furnished Phon Green 471. 65 BSSSSSIBi I1SSSSSSSSM II MSaalBSalBal MSajal B bFtme STYLE J Hi IN WATCHES I t list as the old horse and rig i as riven way to the eraco fid and swift automobile, so have the old style, heavy watches bowed to the new, graceful and antart watches of 1931. Get one by trading in your old watch. DtffrrtJ Payi Ueulbs modera "Princew $3750 imM CASH l vow- M mm walrh Invar4 a fmtf diaM si tbia unMiialr tivUJ, ntoiltta da rRlNCISS' wuh -jawl awvamaul. John Bulger Ltd. I'rince Rupert, U.O. THE DAILY NEWS BOILS PIMPLES These painful and disfiguring eruptions are the outward symp-tomi of impurities in the blood. aTRU- BLOOD, the reliable Rloodj Cleanser suid ti Buckley's Ointment assure prompt and lasting relief, s.TRU-BLOOD re ,iri6ves the impurities from th ' blood stream, and Buckley's Ointment draws, heals and soothes. Your druggist can supply you. PLEASANT M TAsTB PROMPT M ACT LASTING la RESULTS $JLy PRODUCT aaa bbb sX tones BLOOD C.N.R. Golf League tonight Sunken Gardens. ' Station K J R of Seattle last night broadcast a number requested from Bmlthcrs. lit r"V flirt niilrlftSL.Tiwi nnrl fialo ' of Home Cooking, at Mrs. Chris f Peryns. Stork , Building, March 5 in aiu pi wrap rune. 0) Dan Jabour, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince a come this mornmc. ! Everett Leek, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Thomas -McMeekln returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a ten "lay business trip to points between here and Prince George. W. A. Wallace, marine underwriters representative, was an arrival In the city on the Prince George this morning from Van-couver. Walter O. Broad, customs officer ' at Stewart, who has been on a trip to. Ills native home In England, is a passenger ajWd Jhe Prince CHocie - today raurnlng to - tits post in the Tiortlv i Mrs. J. E. Jack and Miss E. M. Earle, who have been on a holt-dy trip in the course of which they traveUett a'atfar south as California,' retifjnd?' home on the Prince George this morning. j On a charge of supplying beerj to a minor. David Milne was fined $300. with option of three months'! imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc- Clymont in city police court this' morning. J Pmii Air Banff arrlvivl lit lh rltv on the Prince George this morn-j lng from Vancouver and will iy here for a couple of days on bus-j iness. It is two years since he was! here last and fie notices quite anj improvement In the appearance of the town. I CNR. steamer Prince George. Capt. Harry Nedden. arrived in port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean FaVs and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she wil return here southbound tomorrow evening. ANNOUNCEMENTS - - Girl Guide ten at home of- Mrs. Chris Perry. Stork Bldg., March 5. Eagles' Smoker March 0. Next Royal Purple Brldgc-whlst. series Monday. March 9. i Li O. B A. Bridge, Whist an J Dance March 12. St. Patrick's Concert, Catholic Hitll.March 17. Precbyterrin Shamrock Tea, on March 171 In Church Hall; o Inter-City Badminton Tournament-Premier vs. Rupert, followed by dance. Moose Hall, March 17 Easter Concert April C and 7. Direction Alex A. Connon, Moose llall. Catholic women's League Sprint? jSale April 8. I Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 Lief Erickson meeting tonight. Anglican Cathedral Easter Sale April 9. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Ua to Nfck Coulter of Port Edward-arrived in the ctly on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit in town. Pioneer's banquet next Tuesday. Moose Hall, splendid program of entertainment and dancing. Phono 84 for t.-jkets. Mrs.. 'John .l&ejed,: 718 Thompson Street, whrj 'fehderwent an operation in the hospital yesterday, Is reported today to be doing we'I Donald Boyd, for drunkenness. was fined $25, with option of 30 days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. Frank W. "Allen, transferred from here to Vancouver in the servicf of Edward LipsettLtd. sailed on the Carderlf. Vjesterday afternoo" for the south. Jack C1ytoV.4oeal aeont of thf Home OH Distributors Ltd.. sailed yesterday a.'jrnoon on the Car-dma for. a trip t Vancouver on company business. Rev. W. II. Pierce of Tort, Essington arrived In the citv on yesterday afternoon's train to attend the session of United Chur;h Pres byjery here this week. W. J. Crawford, who was cah-' to Vancouver r?3nVy on accoun of the death of his mother, Is a passenger aboard the ss. Prtnci George today returning to Stewart J. Walker, assistant port steward of the Canadian National Steamships, arrived in the citv on th Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here in connection with company boats which are tied up at the low,1 drydock Mr. Walker is well known here having formerly been chief steward of the Prince George and other boats. DR. IlUr.lI L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel v Eyes Tested For Glasses HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot .ind cold water In all rooms. A. J. ritUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser tnd Fifth SU. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. O. Davis and E. M. Letnes Port Essington; Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin and child and O T. Sundal, Terrace; N. Rodseth Sockeye: W. McKenzle. New Royal Hotel I. Karrlll, roi Tilt: IIOIIX WOKTII WHILE Hot Si Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP 1 rlrplinnr 1X1 Royal Mr. and Mrs. v c. Grant, Port Essington; S. Brathwaltc, Edmonton; T. Lajos, Pitman. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert ' Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 13 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas & Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Ave. Cast Phone 83 Wednesday, M oprfs When a recipe calls for MILK . .... Use ST. CHARLES! ST.CHARLES UNSWEETENED 1J I I Lsf EVAPORATED iTl I L l Halibut Price of New Concern May i Not Be So Good j The local branch of the Deep Sea j l3hermen's Union has been advised lhat F. J. KwapiL manager, andquarters m the commodious cabin possibly other officials of the Unl- . at the rcar of the Sparkes re8ldence ted Pacific Fisheries, which is en- there 15 on Friday night, being boys deavorlng to make an agreement I present and aU lntent on putting for purchase of local as well as other i up x teai ;ceiebratlon of the birth-Pacific Coast halibut arrivals. wlll 'day of 0en rjaden PowelL chief be here on Friday instead of on 'scout Wednesday, as was at first expected, j Tne evening.. doings began with It Is understood that the prices a banquet to which full Justice was may not be so favorable to Cana- done Scoutmaster S. Ku-kaldy gave dlan fish as was at first thought , the tout t0 the klng and Asslstant and there will be discussion with . Scoutmaster jjSparkM .submitted company offlclaU on this point. that to the honor of Baaen PowelL n.KllA PrArtf4lA ln m nPAntea PflB. NEW HOOKS ADDED TO LOCAL LIBRARY Travel "Little America,' R. E. Byrd. "Florence," Camllle Mauclalr. "Canada West," Frederick Nlven. "Reconstructing India," Edward Thompson. Biography "My Early Life, Winston Churchill. "Memories and Reflections," Lord Oxford and Asqulth. "Captain Scott," Stephen Qwynn. History "By Guess and By God," W. G. Carr. "The Fighting of Jutland; II. W. Fawcett. "Our King and Queen," J. A. Hammer ton. "The Real War," B. II,. Liddell-Hart. Receiver Is Appointed In Seattle Case SEATTLE. March 4: The fight of shareholders 0f the Puget Sound Savings cV Loan Association to .prevent a receivership failed yesterday when the courts named Harry C. Johnson as official receiver for the concern. For Sale Oas Boat "PEO," 35 feet long, equipped with a 30 horsepower Kelvin engine. Built for a fish packer or cannery tender. Bids will be received by the undersigned up to noon, March 21, 1031. The highest or any tender not necesarily accepted. Boat may be seen at the Pacific Salvage Company's float, this city. C. L. MONROE, (04) O) tidal Administrator. LIKE thousands of other Canadian housewjves, you wilt toon discover that St Charles Evaporated Milk it your best cooking friend. St. Charles Is sterilired, pure country milk, produced from fine, selected Canadian cdwt nothing but 60 of the moisture it removed. This process of evaporation leaves all the cream, ail the nourishing healthful contents in concentrated form, thus improving the flavor of your cooking and giving richness that loth you and your family will enjoy. Send us your name and address and wo hull be tied to mail you a copy ol t ha new author-ff re Cook Beok we hare jmt compiled'. COUPON Th Bordra Co., Limited I IS Oeoraa St, Toronto. OenUtoMns Pleat tmi ma a eopr of the "Oood Pro. tow a uu tsooa.-ffmt Atftfraa. sr. c.4w New Quarters For Scouts at Terrace Opened TERRACE, March 4: Tn6 Ter race Bov Scouts went into their new lada. ' Assistant Scoutmaster Sparkes ithcn ave a lantern lecture illus- jtratlng events at the commence- Imcnt of the Boy Scout movement . and the creat . Dart nlaved In It bv u r Baden Powell. A number of boys who had passed their tests were presented with badges, these being: Safety test, Bruce Smith. Harry Attree, L. Llewellyn and, W. McLcod; medical, Smith, Attree and Llewellyn. At the conclusion of the procced- ings games were resorted to and the whole concIuded,wlth the Mngtng of the national anthem,' ff Muscle Shoals1 Bill-Is Vetoed President Hoover Sends Measure Back to Senate For Further Consideration . WASHINGTON, March 4: As forecast the day previous, President Hoover yesterday afternoon vetoed the Muscle Shoals bill and returned It to the Senate for further consideration. Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and 8al- ' urday 10J0 a.m. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday .-. 3.30 pin. For Vancouver-Tuesday pan. Thursday ' 9 pm. 'Friday' '.' !". ... 11 pm FeV llhd 23 pm. From Vancouver Sunday 4 p.m Wednesday 10.30 p.m. Wednesday 10JJ0 aon. For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday 3 pm 8unday 7 p.m. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays pill. Thursdays - 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pm