Day and TAXI Night Tomorrow's Tides The only reliable service in town Thursday, March 5 High 1.55 a.m. 22.2 ft. lor Quick C711 66 1 06 p.m. 22.0 ft Service Low 8.05 ajn. 3.2 ft I Si NOKT1IERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER 20.27 p.m. 1.4 ft. a 2 XXII.. No. 51 b V ,i, M PRINCE RUPERT, B.&, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1931 PRICE FlVt CENTS ICE HAS BEEN REACHED IN INDIA BURKE PLANE IS Federal Government is to Make Formal Inquiry Into Grain Situation Royal Commission to Look Into Grain Marketing In Canada Value of Exchange to be Probed WINNIPEG, March 4: The Winnipeg Free Press yes-i Unlay said: "The appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into grain marketing by the federal government, i it is learned on excellent authority, has been decided upon." The newspaper says that three paramount problems will ho investigated, namely, should the Grain Exchange be re- .ntd or abolished, if retained. : nl(i tr.tding In futures be con- .nu'd would the establishment of : o . main pool be conducive to n. orderly marketing and be ;:: satisfactory than the Grain hv lun&c and pool method? ' 1 TAW A. March 4. The Domln-: l vi rnment. It is learned, has ' n final decision on the sug-n rr a Royal Commission to ,: ng.itc wheat marketing. EINSTEIN ..... IS MOBBED Chiraco Women, Vant to TrII Ulm What TheAre Doing For World reace fine AGO. March 4: Passing! '! :r 'null here yesterday on his Avay b n k ti Germany after having spent Sl'V i al weeks In California, Dr. Al-Etnsteln, ! i the famous scientist, virtually mobbed by two thou- women of this city who were : is of pointing out to him ef- 1 were being made by them ids the end of world peace. Portland Murder Trial Proceeding Jury Bring Chosen For Hearing of Nelson notvles and Irma ('rfoucks Hi:XSB0RQ,,0re.. March 4: N n Bowie,, wealthy young r..i I'l uid broker, arid his paramour, In; v. Loucks, are now on trial I;. . n a charge of murdering the 1w i s wife last fall. Eleven of the ii vmen had been decided upon iiinht. George Black In Hospital Speaker of House., of Commons Takes Rest neforc Session of Parliament 'TTAWA. March 4: Hon. George k speaker of the House of ''"unions, has entered the civic 1 ' nihil to undergo medical cxam- '.un. His condition Is not rcgar-,u ;is .serious but In order that he "''-'it be bf'ter able to carry out 1,1 ''sxional duties, Mr. Black de-1 "!' :o submit tda medical exam-iii i'Hin and also to take a brief rest. IS ADMINISTRATOR "TTAWA. March 4: Chief JU -T A. Macdonald of British Co-'"iiiou Court of Appeals has been "I'lx'inted administrator of . the pro-1" during the absence of the ll(,utenant governor. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER. March 4: The Puce of wheat here today was quo-at 57Hc I'M ALONE CLAIM IN Canada Officially Files Document With Department of State at Washington OTTAWA, March 4 Canada has filed her rJairavlrs the famous I'm : Alone case. An official statement Issued from the Department of External Affairs announced that the claim of the Canadian government had been delivered to the United States state department In Washington on Monday. The offi cial statement gives no In Wing of Uie exact nature o' he claim. Could Not Fly So Suicided Hash Act of Yakima Boy in Los Angeles Shot Himself , LOS ANGELE8. March 4: Fred L. Hughes, graduate of the University of Washington at Seattle and aviator, died here yesterday from the effects of a self-lnflcted gun shot wound on Monday. Hughes took his own life because he was re fused a flying permit. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hugnes of Yakima. Good Price Paid at Ketchikan For Halibut Tuesday The Deep Sea Flahermen"s Union received word last night that 5600 pounds of halibut had been sold at Ketchikan yesieraay. me lng 15c and 13c. In view of the grading dispute here between the boat owners and fishermen on one hand ,and the fUh buyers on the other, there has been no halibut sold so l far this year over the local Fish Ex change. 4.4.4. FREE TRANSPORTATION 4- - - FOR FOR prosi'ia;" PROSPECTORS BY t a 4IK IK IS lHilN( BEING L'RUfc" larch 4: Free airplane transporUtlon i k.,rila nrnanectorS Wish- T jur uuiii"- f. i lng to work this year in north- eastern British Columbia and the Yukon will be urged upon the Dominion government by the uriiisn toiumuw v-v. - of Mine. SAID TO HAVE The C. P. R. Tho piu .O'-raph reproduced a ORDERED TO JAIL Sensational Order Issued Laid Against Wilfrid Hanbury, M.P. For Burrard VANCOUVER, March 4: An order committing Wilfrid Hanbury, M.P. for Burrard, to jail for ten days was made in County Court yesterday when he failed to appear In answer to a summons. Hanbury Is believed to be en route to Ottawa to attend the session of Parliament. It is stated that some time ago John Greed obtained a judgment against Hanbury for $217 in connection with a prom-Iwory note. A summons was Issued requiring Hanbury to appear in court for examination when the judgment was not paid. Hanbury, however, failed to heed the summons, it is alleged. VANCOUVER, March 4: With parliamentary immunity extending some time before and after the session of the House of Commons, the 10-day committal order made yesterday by Judge Rufgles. can not be executed against Wilfrid Hanbury, M. P. for Burrard. It was announced that the committal order will be placed In the hands of the sheriff for the apprehension of Mr. Hanbury when he is no longer protected by Parliamentary Immunity. Reclamation Vote Made By Congress Sum of $5,000,000 Allotted in Washington For This Work in Country WASHINGTON, D.O, March 4: Oqnftvu yesterday passed a vote of $6,000X100 for land reclamation work throughout the country. Pacific Liner Empress of Asia 4 ove shows an interesting view of Vancouver, British Columbia PEACE ACHIEVED IN INDIA TODAY . NEW DELHI, India, March 4: --Peace was achieved in India 4 today after a lengthy confer- , ence between the viceroy, Lord 4-4 Irwin, and Mahatma G and hi, All India Contress leader, which lasted until 1:30 this morning. It was the cutmlna- ting conference of a number of 4 meetings the two have had in 4- recent weeks. TUDH0PE HONORED Air Force Flyer Is Awarded McKee Trophy For Meritorious Aviation OTTAWA. March 4: Squadron Leader J. II. Tudhope M.C., Canadian Air Force, Ottawa, has been awarded the McKee Trophy for 1930 for the outstanding services he rendered In connection with the Inauguration of air mall services throughout Canada. The trophy Is awarded yearly for the most meritorious service In the advancement of aviation In Canada. Squadron Leader Tudhope Is well known In Prince Rupert through his connection with aerial fisheries patrol service here a few years ago while he was in command of Jericho Beach staUon of the Royal Canadian Air Force at Vancouver. Jurisdictiohsnul. 9 94 To Be Decided! OTTAWA, March 4: Special hearing by the Supreme Court of Canada of the reference to decide I respective jurisdictions of Dominion and provinces on radio broad-'casting has been set for April 9. PASSED the f3i. Emp?v of Asia at Flight Party Still Missing No Word of Joerss Van Der Byl and Hading on Telegraph Creek-Hazelton Hop The Government Telegraphs had no word up to last night of Pilots R. I. Van Der Byl and W. A. Joerss and Air Engineer Em 11 Kadlng who have !een missing since last Saturday noon when they took off from Telegraph Creek for Haselton In the course of their flight from AUln to Vancouver with the Junkers mono- olane of the late Capt. E. J. A. Burke. Jones Budget Coming Soon VICTORIA. March 4: The first budget of Hon. J. W. Jones as minister of finance will be presented to the Legislature towards the end of the week, it is stated. Trades Dispute- Hill Withdrawn By Lalwr Party From House LONDON. March 4: -The Labor government has finally withdrawn from Parliament the Trades Disputes Bill a contentious measure which the Conservatives have been strenuously fighting and which was radically amended In committee by aid of Liberal votes. 4- 4- 4 NOTICE! Hi v OwlM to several Inauines, i wish to MateMhafrl am still in business and going strong at the same old stand. Federal Building. Third Avenue. This notice will contradict rumors circulating that I am being closed out. Dawes, Furniture Co. Per: Geo. Dawa., 4- 4- NEAR HAZELTON man Says That Flying Machine Went By Nine Mile Mount Saturday Van Der Byl, Joerss and Railing Ilavc-Hcen uMissing Four Days on Hop South From Telegraph Creek May Search Soon That the plane of the lale Capt. E. J. A. Burke, being flown from Atlin to Vancouver, may have come down close to Hazelton in its Telegraph Creek-Atlin hop last Saturday, seems possible in view of a report which has been received today by the Government Telegraphs to the effect that a man named Paul Penn saw a plane flying over Nine .tile Mountain, nine miles north of SHORT DAY WORKS OUT New Policy Meeting With Sueces in Ford Plants at Detroit MIAMI. Fla.. March, 4: Ed so Ford, son of Henry Ford of Detroit Utated here-yeeterdajr tbatthcshwrn week plan was working out well Ij his father's automobile factories a Detroit and that other manufactur rs were adopting the idea. The younger Ford said that 80.-T00 men were now being employed five days a week In the Ford plant at Detroit. ACTION IS DEFERRED Public Opinion Proves Too Strong For City Council of Victoria VICTORIA, March 4:-Because of apparent pressure of public opinion against what was termed a drastic advan.-e In the tax rate, the decision of the city council a week Ho to set the year's tax rate at 48 -illls en the dorlar; an increase or ?ven and a half mills over last year, has been rescinded. The council has now voted In favor of postponing action for at least two weeks. PRINCE IS INVITED Wales to Be Asked to Open nig Wheat Show Next Year In Rezina OTTAWA. March 4: The possibility of the Prince of Wales visiting Canada next year is seen in an Invitation which Sir George Perley will extend to Hiss Royal Hlatineaa it Buenos Aires within the next few days. He will ask the Prince to open the International Wheat Exhibition and World Conference at Regina in 1932. MURDERER IS HANGED George Dwernychuk Pays Penalty at Fort Saskatchewan Jail EDMONTON. March 4: Without trace of fear, George Dwernychuk, convicted slayer of five persons at Smoky Lake last October, was hanged yesterday at Fort Saskatchewan Jail. Ifviton, on Saturday evening. It Is elieved that It was the Burke plane n view of the fact that there would be no other flying machines around -he country at that time. It Is very 'kely that, if the plane does not low up within the next tew days, a arch will be Instituted. On board the plane- were Pilots R. Van Der Byl and W A. Joerss and Mr Engineer Emll Kadlng. H;R.lacMillan, BankfDirector,Is Visitor to City H. R. MacMlhan. head of the MacMtlian Export Qo. of Vancouver and part owner of the Big Bay Lumber Co. here, arrived tn the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here on business In connection with his local Interests. It Is Mr. MacMlllan's first visit here since he was appointed a few months ago to the board of directors of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and he Is receiving con gratulations of many local friends 'on.Wn 80 "PPOlnted TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Tolmie and Jones to Represent British Columbia at Gathering in Ottawa ' VICTORIA, March 4. British Columbia will be represented at the joint federal conferences of provinces to be held tn Ottawa on April 7 likely by Premier S. F. Tolmie and Hon. J. W. Jonea, minister of finance. Little Vancouver Boy Car Victim Hudson Ryrie, Aged Nine, Was Looking Down Manhole For Marble When Killed VANCOUVER. March 4: Hudson Ryrie, aged 9. was Instantly killed when struck by an automobile while lying on the street peering down a -ewer manhole for a lost marble on Monday Afternoon. . ;(g 'The Weather Triple Island Light westerly breese, sea smooth, clear. Dead Tree Part cloudy, calm, bar. 30.41; temp. 43, sea smooth. Lankan Overcast; light wind; sea calm. DH?by -Part cloudy; bar. 30.42, temp. 44, sea smooth.