jVednesday, March 4, 1031. THE DAILY NEWS Why Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? nt That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified. Ad. mmmm - ijtf " r--i with bath. Phone 547. . if FTVE roomed flat for" rent, steam heated, Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT ny day, week or month, ' furnUhpd apartment, phone lied 607. i FOP RENT Clean, well furnisher modern apartment. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf FOR SALE FOR BALE 16 h p. Clay engine, A shape. Apply Imperial Machine ' Shop. 5S BOAT with cover, outboard El to,1 light twin, complete. Snap for'-. quick sale. Blue 796. 54 FOR SALE Sim on ds Be, new; other beds, dressers; chairs; to' bles,. heater; electric goods, et. Apply 210 Sixth Avenue East. 54 SITUATIONS WANTED FTEWARD, chef or good cook. Bri- ush, desires engagement. Apply Box 75. Dally News. 54 HELP WANTED VT. WANTED girl &r raiddJe-al we-man. Phone 351. 53 civil service THE M.C.C. CIVIL SERVICE School the oldest eoneapondene school In Canada, specialising in preparing candidates by mail for the Canadian Civil Service. Get ready for the spring examinations for petitions as Letter Car iters, Mail Clerks. Customs Clerks. Stenographers. Typist? etc. Booklet tree oo request The M C C Ltd.. 461 Kensington Bid Winnipeg. WANTED DILSEL AVIATION. DIESEL MARINE DIESEL Electrical. Diesel Station-..:y Engineers, Diesei Road Equipment. Diesel Refrigeration Engineers, and aoon Diesel Motor Stage and Bus Engineers wfU be required by the thousands. Why nut write for our new "1991 Diesel Opportunities Booklet?" uihers have. Your copy it ready Its Free." Day and Night School. HEMPHILL DIESEL EN GINEERING SCHOOLS. 1043 Pnder Street West, Vancouver 1 B.C. Public Stenographer MTtrjel MORRIS, office Western -h&vat ..nttx-k. Phone 782. tf DRESSMAKER MISS N. ROGERS. Plume Black AUCTIONEER j i PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. sMl or exchange any kind of furniture or household! goods, musical instruments, ma-1 ehlnery, etc General repairs, crating, packing and shipping j Workmanship guaranteed Jusli Phone Black 120 and we will I call. G. h DAWES, Auctioneer Tederal Block. tf KALVAUK ANP TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do If - Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. FM!'X Equipped for pfving and General Salvage work Arnts for KASTIIOI'E ENGINES Iloats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter How Boats and Canoes for Hire Uaralns in as F.ntlncs Northern B.C. DlsUlbiitors Coolidie Projellers ' Band nd Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day r Night 5C4 P.O. llox 15GI A DMIy News want-ad will bring result!. BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and Doard. Phone Red 129 tf. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine tf .wi!.ii. iKAN3F'ER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. U LODGE MEETINGS ELKS' meeting nights First and Third Wednesdays. Elks' Home. MUSIC SINQINQ Lessons. Mrs. Karl Dyb-havn. Phone Green C18. tf VIOLIN TUITION VACANCIES For day or evening pupils. Miss Nellie Lawrence, Phone 177. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrens Diseases Specially Treated C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 Si 7 Exchange BIk iGpp. Orme's) PALMISTRY PALMISTRY Readings by-appolnt-ment. Phone Green 127. MRS. JAMBS CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. White House 226 Second Ave., Tele phone 767. Auction SALE Household Effects on THURSDAY, MARCH 5. 2.30 pm. 340 3rd Ave. Next Federal Block consisting of 1 large oil painting. Hotnomt electric range. 3 beds complete, large Victrola. 100 records, 2 dressers, small Edison gramaphnrfe. 3-A camera and caw ehiffoneer, 2 camp beds, 90x) "Yukon Sleeping robe, Shot gun so MM. rifle, 2 -burner oil stove. Heglna range, breakfast suite, tables, chairs, i00 rag rugs, cups and 1 saucers, pistes large tapaulln. etc. and usual miseiManeous articles i ! Let us have your goods for this , sale 2.30 pm. sharp. - G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Phone ni3tH20 i Demand the B. B. Brand of Fresh smoked Hadtlic Cured Fillets ALASKA BLACK COD KIPPERS and BLOATERS Put up by die BACON FISHERIES On sole t all local stores BRINGING UP If -tOO BLITHHR WATT ylM H6 CAV.t-'O tetfr for K I f-1 4!t Lit. Country Readers of The Daily News' To the readers of the Daily News who live out oftown, we suggest that the classified columns of the paper provide an excellent medium for the disposal of articles, they may have for sale or exchange. . Last season a lady at Smithers did a large business in selling fresh eggs direct from the farm by advertising in this paper. Chickens, implements, household goods, boats, fishing gear, guns, cordwood, furs and dozens of other articles :may be disposed of. The charge is two cents a word but six times goes for the price of four. Many people get good results. Why not you? THE DAILY NEWS Classified Department MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE or IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Lot 4085 Ctoloonda; UA 4688 Broken HU1: Lot 4687 Klnburn; Lot 4888 BAt-i rwr. Lot 4080 Lost Chance; Lot 4090 Mother lode; Lot 4891 Renfrew, Lot 4682 Apes: Lot 848S Re nance; Lot MOT itttiown, Mineral Oatana. aKuate In Xtf SQIa Mining Division or cassiar uur- LMtd on White Muoae MountalT' on (in I II i Weat lde of Weit Tattu Arm. tuv? MTtTtrie ttit Maurloe LorJ El- ertflB 0t ratten and Estate of Otto H. Partridge, rree Miner ' Certificate !nos 44J01D. and 30591 D.. intend, autf cMtjk from tht date nereor. to apply to the Ulnins Recorder for a OertlflcaU of ImprovemanU for (he purpose of obtaiatng a Crown Orant of the abov claim. And further take notice that action, utttfer aectlon SC. mast be commenced before the Issuance of such CertUlcatn of Improvements. bated tWa 1Mb day of January, a.d., 1981. H. MeN. FRASER. m!9. Agent. Get the Ad, reading nablt. It pays. FATHER HB" AKO . OR inii. HATB THE Ooij.1 liftrvi it's the, best OF TWE TWO CHOICES-I'LU , TA.KU PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Steamship Sailings , ' ! For Vancouver- Thursday sc. P. George 10 pm. Friday ss, Princess Mary 10 pjn. Friday as. Oatala ....12 midnight Feb. 27 ss. Princess Norah pjrt From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Camosun 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10.30 ajn. Friday ss. Oatala pjn. Friday m. Princess Mary 4 pm. Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norah am. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Camosun 8 pm. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun 11:30 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Camosun 8 pm. j Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 4 p.m.. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Camosun pm. ' STAMD'anuUr'T'oU IHSE.CT- H OONfT CrT NiE MAD- I'M JO'iT UOOVON' FERAN B.X.CUSE :r choke roo RUM Thurs ss. P. Rupert 8 pm. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert ...10 pm Friday ss. Princess Marv 10 nm. From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .10:30 am. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pm. Friday ss. Catala pm. For North Queen Charlotte Feb. 21 as. Prince John .10 p.m March 7ss. Prince John 10 p.m From North Queen Charlottes Feb. 19 a. Prince John am. March 5 ss. Prince John .... am. For Alaska Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norah am. From Alaska-Jan. 28 ss. Pr'n. Norah pm. Feb. 25 ss. Princess Norah, pm. From Skeena River-Friday ss. Oatala p.m. a S. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 pm. For East Mondays, -weancsaavs and Saturdays. 11:30 am. OH-pAR BIAMK' M i om mt DlON'T EyPECT TO HOOSC-BOT INTO mm i" YOJ- twam out for THE MARKET Following are reTa prts current here today: AppI (Yellow Newton, 'household .. $2Ai Yellow Newton, fancy box 2.75 ! Newtons "C" 2.5 Stayman'a Winesaps, vox .... 2At Epit2enberg, fancy - 2J75 i Soltzenberg "C" 2.50 Winter Bananas, fancy 2.75 Delicious, fancy 3.36 Delicious "C" 2.75 Fruits-Naval Oranges 15c to $1.00 Lemons, Sunklst, doz 40 'Florida Grapefruit 12V,c to .to California Grapefruit . ..Cc to .12' a Bananas, 2 lbs. 3 Extracted honey, per Jar 2&' Comb honey 2tb Dates, bulk, lb J2,'tj Raisins, bulk, lb ..... .15! Dried fruits-Lemon and orange peel 20 Black cooking figs. ib. : 18 Currants, lb. . 15 Citron peel .35 White figs, lb 15 Apples, dried 20 Peaches, peeled 30 Apricots, lb 30 Prunes, 60-70, lb - .10 Prunes, 30-40, lb 15 .Prunes. 40-50. lb . 12 Nuts- Almonds, shelled Valencias 50! California soft shelled walnuts 35 Walnuts, broken shelled 25 Walnuts, shelled halves .40 Peanuts 15 Lard j Pure -25' Compound 36 1 Eges- B.C. fresh pullets, doi 32 B.C. fresh first, dot. B.C. fresh extras, dox 40 Local new laid, doz J Sugar-Yellow, 100 lbs 5.00 White, 100 lbs. 5M Butter- No. 1 creamery, Jb 40 No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs 115! Flour- ' Flour, 49s. No. 1 hard wheat .... L90 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 50 Feed- Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.95 , No. 5 Alberta 1.80 i j Oats - 1.8 , Bran - 1 01 Shorts - - 1.60 Middlings .l0 Barley 1.75 Laying Mash 3.10 Oyster Shell - Beef Scrap 35 O round oil cake 436 Fine oat chops 2.00 Crushed oats 2.00; Fine barley chop 185 Cheese McLaren's Cream, Jars, 45c and 86 Oamembert 8-e. pki . Kraft Limberger. t 26 Ontario solids M New Zealand sellers 30 Stilton, lb 40 Kraft Norwegian goat , .00 Naooteon Llmbereer Vt Etoauefort M Swift's Brookfleld, lb .45 aorgortaate, lb - 50 Brookfleld Swiss, ft-lb. pkg. X Qruvere - Brookfleld Canadian cheese, -lb. pkg 36 Oolden Loaf, lb. .4 Meats-Turkey 2i Fowl, No. 1. lb 38c arri JS Roasting Chicken, lb .40 Broilers M Ham, sliced, first grade 55 Ham, picnic, first grade JO Cottage rolla, lb 21 Baeen. side, sliced, beat grade .53 Veal, loin - Pork ShovrMer ; porJc dry 26 Ayrshire baconTS. 35c to .50 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments. As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tmy than rent All makes of machines re- ' paired. ; Hit ft AC BUGS'. LTD. ! FmesEgassissaaBtmmsmmmm J. P. MOLLER Licensed Painter and Interior 't Decorator d 720 7th Av. W.. PrinCe Rupert P. O. Box 397 Phone Red 802 Silversides Bros. r Third Ave. Phone 22 4 ii, Window Glass and Glazing ' t Nelson's Beauty Parlor ; Crogingnole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $7i0 Skilled artists in all branches of: beauty rulture' i zll Third street Phone Blue 5C1 BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 1 Fraser Street Blue X23 Evenings ltM REOIHTRT ACT NOTICE Re: (WMfkate ftf Till N S7S-I Lot 7 and H. Ill.xk 14. Section 1. City of Prlsec Raprrl. Map Bi3. WTIEMCAS maflmtaeton nroof of lou of tb atMMe OMrtmeata of Title lasued la tbe name of Allan Campbell haa been rued in thla office. noUoe la hereby iven that I ahall at the expiration bf :i:r monta from tb date of the flrft puMi cation kcreof. lacue a ProTlalonal Crrtlflcate of T1U In lieu of tbe aald ! ..at OertlftaaW, unlaw la the mean-; time valid b)tMon la made to me In wriunc TV.TXD t the Land Rfgfcrtry Office. Prtnor Rupert. B.C. Uk 3Gth day ;J Jnuw- F. MaeLEOO. .mm. & Registrar. n :'- P roost ..SOc to 31 Beef, boiling . He to 33 Beef, roast, prime rib io Lamb, shoulder . is Beef, steak 35c to 20 Lamb, leg ,40 Lamb chops .40 Mutton, shoulder . 20 Flab Smoked kippers, lb Salmon, froaen, lb 21 Halibut, froaen, lb .... 21 Vofecilables I Potatoes, netted Jems 9 lbs. 21 sack 260 Potatoes' !? Aahcroft. 8 lbs Back Plantar, bwieh . 10 California Celery, head .25a and 20 Spinac California, lb Garlic, imported, per lb Leefea, bneh Cabbage, B.C Onions, S lbs. California, head lettuce, hd .13 Mexican, outdoors. Tomatoes, Id .35 Brussels Sprouts 3p Bulk TurniBS. 7 lbs Cauliflower, California, hd 25 to .SS !flaiiifc4Ui. .25 V11W, Q 1U3 Beets, lb .0j By George McManus wVf tad M So I'LL Join VoU- II Klo'. BaT !' Il too EVE.R BEEN J THER&'NOW. nmm m irM-rM; r-- . .ju Miffl u , I S w l ' ' fium tyi lt Una tmtli tu iwn4 i