PAOE TWO For at Ji dmcft&d general More moufsv . M ilb ura C . l td Tx mUj Oat HI1 . ' ' Jfl5&Ft6rt Severe Headaches Pimples on Face Mim Mine I. C. BUckwell, Gunn. Alt., writes: "For two tmh I suffered from severe headache, and (iruilt on my fare. Niy headaches seemed incurable, and I thought the pimples would never disappear. A friend recommended Burdock Blood Bittert, and on trting a bottle I found the headaches disappear, and I am not bothered any more with the pimptea." r4. for taa put 53 jn, only Tta THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCR RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally New. Limited, Thin. Arenus H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, pala In advance.. ror leaser penoos, paia in advance, per wees By mall to all parts of Northern ami Central Blittsb Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period By mall to all otter parte of Brltlsn Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING KATES Transient display advertising, pei lncn. per Insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Local readers, per Insertion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line ... Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION CHINESE NATION LEARNING TO FLY ,88 .58 .0 front $2.50 and msny othei changes and improve' ments for your comfort ind convenience. 320 view rooms . . all with bath. Special low weekly and monthly ratal. ;?Th v.wrorvmrs m: vrTin i. $5.00 10c The young Chinese are taking to all the modern arts including that of aviation. That is one of the steps forward. It is simply an indication of what is going on everywhere. Air transportation and radio should prove very valuable to China, possibly much more valuable than railways and newspapers. BSBIl Halibut fishermen's union Editor, Daily Newsr 1 I t. - I - . . 1 . - mm 1 I fpapet signed "Interested?" re Hall-fbut Fishermen's Union. The letter Its. to say the least. Very misleading. It would give one the impression that dues collected In Prince Rupert are sent to Seattle, when, as a matter of fact, the Prince Rupert branch has never been self-sup-pottlng. During the past six years we have received cheques from Seattle amounting to $3,500.00 so I fail to see where we are pulling the U. S. fishermen over the top. Interested says the fishermen hare their choice of paying $12.00 per year In the old union or $6.00 in the N. B. C. Fishermen's Asso-1 elation (where there are no bene fits). In the D. S. F. Union members . I have a funeral benefit of $100.00. at 3 qq shipwreck benefit of $75.00. a hos-, 1 pital benefit of $2.50 per week and 1 dictator Is entirely wrong as this could be done Only by a vote of the entire union. Much has been made by the N. B. C. Fishermen's Association about a petition signed by 160 members 0! ithe D. S. F. Union to break from ( Seattle. The majority of the men ' ' ' ; signing that petition did so with the ! intention of forming a local union Thursday. Dec. 17, 1931 iof thelr own bul wlln n0 thought of I going in with the salmon men who are an association, members of I which own their own boats and The only hope for China seems to lie-in the opening up'h" . ,. In with them. jiir '.nothing common of their country ,.t: 1 by transportation fc and the improving of At 8 r Unlon meetln)i lMt the rest of their fellow countrymen. cJosed tne memb7n WouM app,yl Russia is going to work in the right way by using radio for a charter to either the American everywhere and thus keeping people informed .of what is i Federation of Labor or to the cana.; going on. True, in Russia it is a one-sided education and dlan Trad,M fn8r!f "KKm": v k twciau, uUl a Mfieni u 1 eu:ii-, the Saimon ruhermett's Assocla- edjn time where the people, will demand -ta know-what isition-goirig on farther afield. They will tune in with other coun-, Hoping that if 'interested" has tries and get information illicitly. It will be impossible to j any further criticism to make he keep the people there in ignorance of what others are do- i Msn his name to the letter. in' I Thanking you. ilr Editor, for But that is only by way of contrast. China is a different yur valuable space. country with a different kind of people altogether. Their civilization is an old one, the country is overcrowded, and J the people of much of the interior'country had stopped making progress Now they are awakening and once they' have transportation and other means of contact with their fellows, a wonderful change will take place. J. M; MORRISON. Agent. Prince Rjpeit Branch D S F Union. msw araBTtrt a Moderate Priced Gifts in the Jewelry Store For the person who wants somelhlnt nice, we have sifts THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. Dfcnjb)-17 31, IN THE LETTER BOX WOULD LIKE GRAMOPHONE Editor. Dally News: Mn'ja u$fj- valuable snac to 1H sofa kmdierscM'fiKnw that there are a hundred men4 pr mote at Cloyah, Bay Camp who would feel greatful for an old discarded gramophone with records or any other musical Instrument. The per-Eon who Would think of obliging, If they would send 'a card to R. Dow-nle c o Cloyah Bay Relief Camp, a couple of taen 'would gladly walk Into town to receive the gift, which would be gratefully appreciated by all men in camp. UNEMPLOYED WORKER. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert December 17, 1911 Th Prirliw Rurxart Bntpivivurs' ' ,600 nave ineir own nan wnicn is open AsfocUtion( at a meeting last night to members at all Ume. 9.00 . tne Mctntrre HaM dlKUSsed the The Insinuation that dues might I rtroblema of eltir wvernment and! 1.40 .02 .25 13! 1 be increased by a levy placed by the! decided to put candidates in the field at the next civic election. W. J. Alder presided and among the speakers of the evening were J. 8. Cowper. H. F. MeRae and C. V. D. A. Salter, engineer in charge of the B. C. Fields drilling plant at Trahh Point, wet coast of Graham Island, passed through the city on the Prince John en route to Van couver on business. He speaks encouragingly of the prospect there. Mr. Bush, a settler at Nadu River on Massett Inlet, has been found dead with a pack on hU back a fey me condition 01 tne peasants so tnat they may be able to Saturday night iwith over 100 pre-! yards from his cabin, the apparent establish contacts With the rest of the country by travel ; sent a vote was carried by a two-jvte',rn ot a heart attack. His body ana oy means 01 newspapers and magazines and radio. No third maiority to stay with the old nationalism can be develoned" in a ennntrv wW M10 union, a resolution made and car- Was frozen. C. N. R. TRAINS Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 3 p.m. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday 10 40 a.m. axtrmtarara ara ramta ra 1 1 THRIFT CASH & CARRY Specials FOR THIS WEEK Alt.evU Butter per lb. Malklns Best Tea per l-lo. ptg ltirllt uoffee BKnded ter (juaMly, per lb Itetlogg's AU-lkmn Large pkg. .. Granulated Sugar 18 lbs .-. Lux Toilet Soap per bar 1 asfi...a r... vt u..a. as low ai SOc. LlUIe thlnf. In - Pihu .... . . . per lb. thimbles, surar spoons, etc. Many at tides for 75c to $2.00 which tvill give laatin; plr-sure. Butter clNhes, China plates, pens and pencils, pur-sesf necklets, novelties, etc. Come and look around. W Time Prices For Cash feC' No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 t,,c store with the clocis No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 jjjjjj Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 , - Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 a HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 vUAL Bgy the real Coal our (a- s" 11 "" ' 1 nou Mson and lassldy- L!J. " . 11 i ' Welllnrton In any quantities. i , til . n: 1 . . . ,T . . . . . Craln anJ Kobln Ilood Hour. liet the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, n ft a r j r and takins advantage nf the help thevhrinjr you. niICC KUpert rCed U i'UONES 88 AND 558 Xmas Mixed Candy par lb Oxford Mincemeat 30-oe. Jar Caadted Pee! Oranfe and LGmon, per lb oandied Citron Pel pr lb Fancy Olace Cherries per lb Ited Arrow Ulseulls Fresh Ginger Snaps per lb Fig Bars per lb Chocolate Eclairs per lb Royal Crown Soap per carton of 0 bars Strawberry Jam per 4-lb. tin 25c 40c 30c; 19c 52c 7c Campbell's Tomato Soup Qp Ot ner tin 17ci 15c 28c 18c 23c 39c Stock 13c 16c 27 c 20c 41c Vancouver Island Fruit We carry a complete line of Sm6krd Fish. Including: Atlantic Klnners. Iladdle and Iladdle Illlfts. Filleted Kippers. Rupert nrand Kippers, Bloaters and Black Cod CIIRISTMAS TUttKEYS ARltlVINO FRIDAY WE US FOR REAL FKICES Thrift Cash & Carry 201 Third Ave. A Few Vohts Down From Moose Hall I'honc 179 "CARRY AND SAVE" i s 1 a i e m n u a a e a !" B sir or I fi tik. : JfeU lis T Telephone 532 0 a iiiatBiaiaitfiaiL nsunas A Rare Opportunity at Shirley Shoppe Everything in the Store will be sold at sflaBBsBflBaW iflrBfll BBBBflBflal BBsV W H W RH HKaBBasaBBBl m aBsasasaaaaV sBBBsal BBBBfl Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBh Baa trV I aaaa Hj ly I I HBDBafvBBBaaBai B v'i B BBBb BBl BBk Bt Sr ssHa i M a fi s DOOHS OPEN Coats! Coats! All Our Beautiful Fur Trimmed Coats at One-Half Price This is your opportunity to get a good coal for less than cost. Every coat in the store must be sold! 0 P. O. Box 0G7 j ' 4i Dresses Dresses Every Dress in the Stock to He Sold at Half -Price Ordinal tickets on all goods. All you have to do is to pay half what the price ticket calls for. EXTRA SPECIAL! Our Christmas Gift to you is the difference hclwecn the Special Price and the original price. Figure it out. About 25 Dresses, values up to $16.00 QQ Qff Extra Special Price yOiVO Come early, these specials will not last long. A few Fur Coats at one-half the regular price. A deposit will hold I good till Christmas' Eve. Terms cash. No exchanges. N" returns. Mail orders filled at above while the poods la Sale Starts Friday Morning Shirley Shopp CrSX in - r m AT II ATI! RVL Plea$ant Intei'Iude. 2 a Woman's Day 'T'IRED with shopping? atop at a soda fountain to lip g'" of Ovaltinc. It ia wondtrfully refreshing. At home, when wearied with houiehold taska, take a moment to .... enjoy a cup of this delightful . food . beverage. It will soothe - : : - i ..ii ...n-t. WARNING R.fui. lubuitut product!. N otli.r txveraR it, in nf wajr, comp.rakl. to Ovaltin. It it the brifinal md uprtnx tonic food bavtraga. yuur niivn, rcMnvigumtc your UQQy and rebuiia your wv-" nrain ceiu. Ovaltine supplies the nutrition of freah eggi, treatn milk and ripe barley malt, correctly proportioned, anJ in easily digested form. It is a perfect food ai well a pleasant, wholesome beverage. Doctors throughout the world recommend it. OVA LT1 N . E' . r Try, it i r nrurDAAE ft adds-up Daia,cAAc and oody At til tooJ ttortt in SOr, 7ic, tl.2t tnJ tprcM H fimHy ike tint; tho un ti it SoJt FounUht. 4k ii a i