grfntwUT- Oetobcr 14' 1931 M R., torn Pharmacy Week October 11 to 17 . n mj ii.iv, ' VI if ITrlmnnlnM .1.. . J p h" ',, t"!k. on t :,, C'lin i F'Tde. district engineer for ' 'i department of public ""p north from Victoria v:ineo Rupert today and 11 off the steamer near by the Salvage Prln- " i wh'.ch he Is making 1 InM. Poreher Island Tl '-xppcts to arrive In Yes, purity be praised. Many a person's life has been saved because pure medicine has been administered at the correct time. That's why doctors suggest that prescriptions be filled here, for they know that onlv the mi rest phpmirnls.ivnil- a able are used by us in filling No matter where you are, Orme's can fill your prescription better. Ormes Ll Jir. Pioneer Druqry tats Phones SI and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. LOCAL ITEMS M A D niMiik. C.N.R. divisional r ' Mimed to the city on r ,fr moon's train from ' 1 ;)( nodical trips to the In- i; : v. finial business. Aii' local hcrrlnsfisM M;icd yesterday afternoon " ('.!' ila for Vancouver en r :!. Wert Coast of Van-' 1 i tin! where he will engage T.- r., v.. " n teamer Prince Rupert ' ; 'ii tld arrived In port on 1 1 n this morning from 1 Powell River and Ocean 1 w'l sail at 4 o'clo.-k thi J"r Anynx and 8tewar will return here south n.irrow evening. " v nl H Orme conveyed a - meeting of the clt ' i mvltaUon to members "u-i and particularly o: 111 committee to be pre-meetlng of the Prince R opayers' Association on uiMi.iv evening of this week. Mr m.! MiS. B M. Adams. wh luv" '" " visiting here for ths f3 1 r three weeks with Mr. m M: n L. Mcintosh. Fourth ';"""' w t. m the course of a !r "i !V west, left on this morn-',' ;"v ' 'i for their home at Hun- '" 'II (III' On hatua Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert Plans for the new fire hall are still before the committee of the city council. The site, It U expected. Cltlsens are being warned to keep their coal oil lamps In readiness for U U feared the engine belt In the city power plant at Cow, Bay will break before it can be replaced. The city council has rejected a petition from residents of Eleventh Avenue for a sidewalk. C. .V TKA1N For the Last-Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays, 11:30 ajn. From the Hast Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. HOTEL ARRIVALS New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. 1T.R DAY AND IT J. Zarelll T-Ilh Ml Royal John Nelson. Alyaruh; James Gartner, Kayo. Savoy Hotel. Prince Rupert's loading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. ntUDIIO.MMR. Trop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Bts V' rt' T-" DRY CLEANING AND j -I PKKSSING D J T1 1 Ladies' & Gentlemen's Tailor- iv&dlO lllbeS ,n "easonablc rricn rp , , M. T. LEE COMPANY 1 eSteCl 323 3rd Ave. W. IMionc 663 JEE - Drink More Milk I ffil, Will! the Jewell Tube I , F ,,, Milk 1 cslCr , j Phone Red 608 JtMAi: HHPS., LTD. DOMINION DAIRY UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btfnmrrt Irnvr I'rlnce Ilupfrt f or Vancouver tnATAIA "VKIIV Tl'EHDAY, 1.30 M. . t. ccan FaUs arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. IAUDKNA EVKRV lit I DAY MIIIXI(1IT WffH. . ,,.rrl,ln Vaheouver Bundir midnight pJjrox. ' Mlllngi to Port eunpnou, Allc Arm, Anyox. Btwrt tnd Nm two. Rlvr oinu. Bundy. 8:00 p.m. hnii?""!1'0" wgrd!ng dl mUIiikk ivnd UcUta t ""cr Kl'I'F.ItT AOKM'Y: hrr onil Avenue. IMione 80S Local Items Dinncrware, cliina, crockery glassware. Hcilbroner's store. Oyro Hocdown and Carnival, .Moose Hall, Friday, October 16, at j fi p.m. 75c. ; Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association meeting, city council chamber, Thursday, 8 p.m. (It) J Mr. and Mrs. Elsmore of Anyox ' arc paying a brief visit to tho city, having arrived yesterday mornlnj John McOlashan of Casslar Can nery arrived In the city on yester Miss M. Maguire, who arrived In the city yesterday morning on the Catala from Anyox. left on this morning's train for Montreal whore she will embark on October 23 on board the steamer Athcnla for Glasgow. We have Just moved Into our new premises at the corner of Third Avenue and McDr'lde Street, where we hope for a continuation of past patronage and to win new friends. Our phone number Is 311. aORDON'S HARDWARE. (239 1 Miss M. Hebden R.N.. who hn been relieving on the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hos pital during the past summer. Is falling this afternoon on the Prin cess Louise for Vancouver whence he will proceed by train to her home In Toronto. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise. Capt. Arthur Slater. Is due In port at 3:15 this afternoon from Skag-way and other Alaska points and will sail at 4:45 for Vancouver and Victoria. It will be the final call this season of the Princess Louise which Is to be replaced for the winter on the Alaska route by the steamer Princess Norah. jnyciynindattonjjom the finance "commltteer thaPioU 34 and 35, Dlock 6. section 7 (Hays Cove Circle i be sold to E. Svendsen for $32 and that lot 16. block 28. section 8 Eleventh Avenue East or j Alfred Street) be sold to John Haapala for $40 were adopted by 1 the city council at last nights! nWetlng. Aid. Collart. chairman o. : the-finance committee explained, 4ml the offers in ea:i case cov-; irred delinquent taxes. FAMILY MEAT MARKET !03 Second Street Phone 957 Wednesday and Thursday Special Corned Deef, 50 C OEZni Hamburger Steak, 2 lbs. for Pot Roast of Deef, 5 0 C Sparc Ribs, On! OVl, 3 lbs. for Fresh Side of Pork, d(n - 3 lbs "L Loin Pork Chops, OlZn' per lb Shoulder of Pork, Q-i A A 1.UU 7 lbs. for Stewing Lamb, 50C Round Shoulder of Lamb, O A Ut O per lb - Loin Lamb Chops. O C per lb ,. Sausage, 90 a lbs. for THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE afternoon's train for a trip to Winnipeg. F. Diggcls of Exstew .was an ov ernight visitor In town, having arrived from the Interior on yester day afternoon's train. City accounts for the two weeks ending October 9 totalling $70, 072.40 were passed for payment at on the Catala from the smelter i last night's council meeting. i town. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. The Daughters ol Norway Bazaar ' Nov. 0. - (241 Mrs. C. L. M. Giggcy and Mr?. Ross are leaving Terrace on this Sven Utterstrom of Kltwanga was an overnight business visitor in town having arrived from the day afternoon's train from the (interior on yesterday skcena River lor a brief visit to) train. town. afternoon's Forget depression for a night at the Oyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, Friday, October, 16- , Splendid orchestra and good rpgearn of Constable Gordon Daniels, radio operator here for the provincial police, returned to the cUy on the Prince Rupert this morning after having been in Vancouver for the past few months. W. F. Trant, Post Office lnspec tor, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being- here In the course of one of his periodical vis its on Inspection duties. NOTICE Our coal is In a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. sLeepon ' T? yourxe 4 MORE ACTIVE DAYS YO U don't hive to be polite with your mother. She understands. This is sIwsts a "trying time". But there's no excuse for needless suffering. Watch the calendar . . . and a few days before . . . start taking Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Cora pound. It peps you up . . . calms your nerves . . . makes you feel so much better. Just ask for Lydia E. Pinkham's new tablets ... at any drug store. Bur them without conversation or embarrassment. Car Owners Our repair service Is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE & PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 5CC Night Calls 161 Round Steak. QKp D3U 1 2 lbs. for . . - Stewing Veal, CZfin fammmmaa 4 lbs. for Veal Chops. 9CP per lb . shoulder Veal. TA ! 4 lbs jporkStenk. wwv- P! I 2 lbs. We have vegetables and deliver our goods. It's Always a "TRYING TIME" COAL Uuy the real Coalour fa mous Edson and Cassldy Wellington In any quantities. Also Uulkley Valley Hay. Grain and Itoblti Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 55S rf LUltm It Gftril Biclrie fffaftmf ntry 7Uy nm- MMrt. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo-torshlp liner Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived In port at 10:30 last night from Ketchikan and. after discharging five carloads of frozen fish for transshipment over the Canadian National Railways to the United States, sailed this morning for, Vancouver and Seattle -ll ? 'ilw.V ' ' A communication from Co' J C nrown. Pacific Coast mantier of 'nnodtnn National Steamships at 'a t night's city council meeting confirmed the already published mnouncement that as far as pos-!ble annual overhaul and repairs will be made during the coming vintcr to the miller of t.h shro i? the coast fleet Including the t-tmers Prince Oeorge and Prlnc? Rupert. The city council laH nl?ht ad--fed a recommendation from thi nani committee that $?000 of Pr'nce Ruort cltv bonds due Ap-1 1932 be taken over from Tslmrwean Lodw A. F. & A. M. at Dar. The money Is required by the lodge in connection with the building of the new Temple on Sixth Avenue East. The city Is the gainer on the deal Insofar as the bonds can be taken up In Canadian funds Instead of having to pay exchange In New York. 10c. a week! with EDI SON MAZDA LAMPS delay any longer. Get a BOITT carton or two of Edison 3a Lamps today fill the empty sockets replace the blackened lamps. You will enjoy the extra comfort and the freedom from future annoyance. MADE Arthur Brooksbank, who ha.' been on a vacation trip to Van -1 couvcr and elsewhere In the soutn,1 returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mrs. M. A. Dupuls of Haysnort! arrived In the city on yesterday! afternoon's train from the Skeena River for a brief business visit to! town. A request from Thomas McCly-mont that title of lot 8. block 24. section 5, whieh he had purchased from the city in his capacity as agent, be conveyed to Msrgaret Comkh was complied with by. tho city council at its meeting last,, night. Aid. Collart mentioned at last night's city council meeting the' necessity of a sidewalk bein WilK on Biggar Place between Borden Street and Third Avenue. The way things were at present the safety of pedestrians was menaced. Aid. Collart felt. The board of works 's going Into the matter. morrow and will sail tomorrow night on 'his return south. CANADA L-11 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED Dance to snappy orchestra at tho Oyro Hocdown Friday, October 16, Moose Hall. Harry Thrupp of the C. N. R. division freight office returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Ocean Falls on official business. Aid. James Black referred at last night's meeting of the city council to the necessity of certain Improvements being made on the road near the corner of Eleventh Street and Water Street. The mat-' . 1 I J 14 ...I U U.. tUI vci was ueiiig u trail, wuu ujr n.c board of works, Aid. Rudderham stated. Mrs. W. T. Kergln, who lm been visiting for the past few weeks In Calgary and Vancouver, returned home on the Prince Rupert this morning. Bert Woods of the C.NJI. staff returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief weekend trip to Smlthers. 3. Lamby of the Falls River power house engineering staff arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit to his home here. tion bylaw covering the proposed rough grading and macadamizing of Eighth Avenue from Hays Cove Avenue to Immanuel Street was llnally reconsidered and adopted at lost night's meeting of the city council. Announcements Eagles social and dance, October 11. Ladies refreshments. Gents 50c. Gyro Fall Hoedown. October 16, Moose-Hall. Don't forget concert for needy children, Eagles' Hall, October 20. Catholic Bazaar, October 21 and 2 R. W. Hannlneton. Ciandlan Na-- Concert, Presbyterian Church, tlonal solicitor, with headquarten October 23. In Winnipeg, arrived in the cltv on the Prince Rupert this morning St. Peter's Church bazaar. Oc-from Vancouver. He Is here to at- tober 28. tend the session of the Board of Rallwav Commissioners here to-1 "0 1.0D.E. Bridge and dance October 30. Moose Hallowe'en dance, Oct. 30 A meting of Hill Sixty ChvitT. t. o. D. E was held list night at Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. No- the home of Mrs. Max Hetlbron?r. vember 5. , Third Avenue. There was a good attendance of members and Mrs. Moose Carnival and Dance Nor. J. W. McAulev. vice-regent, was In '2 and 13. the chair In the absence of Mrs. it. B. Rochester, regent. Business had Baptist sale of work. .Nov. 17. principally to do with the fortn- -omfntr . Hallowe'en brldgs party 'Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, No- and dance. vember 19. 10c. a week! KEEP IN TOUCH V With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the hoy will call and collect J. if' si. al ' " v S ,Sfe - ft.