October 14. 1931 Wednr-- TBS DAILY NEWS FAQs? SVtl The Daily News "Classified is the Poor Man's Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. " : CLASSIFIED rw n. for .ale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cent , word per Intertlon with six Insertions for the, price of four. By the month the charge Is ZSe a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR KENT FOR choice apartment'. - Bros. W Furnished 4 room flat Phone 547. tf FOB REN'T two famished houjs tf. j,,'.,L' rooms, 609 3rd Avenue, (Boats Ph'.n. Black 62S. U j FtJB RKNT Furnished apartments i bvri.: wi ck or month. 725 Third i Aw :c w. st, Phone Red C07. tf FOR SALE fX)R .i Albright Good used cars at. prices. Kaien Motors Ltd. Fua sai K Wicker baby buggy, dr . cleaned and repainted since iwsd Dally News. FOH SA1K- McLaughlln-Buick 6-imufi rar. excellent running le: OOO Phone Oreen 272. tf WANTED VaSTH) roal range, reasonabk price Fi.oue Green 517. (241) TINTED Girt to help vHh how vert and hUdren. Phone 840. 239( SITUATIONS WANTED T0UAN joK WanU Job in hotel. ine. good references, ! . vu Mrs. W. Bigg. 141 Ijujj Avenue East, Vancouver EC 9i C. TOOMBS Radio Service Ra4io Sales and Repairs A. n. ikes of radio work cutranteed. PsoneBlueWl 508 Ith Av. E. Silversides Bros. PAINTS vYALLPAPKKS - GLASS Third Avenue TAXIDERMY iy Made Up IB Team' Experience All Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George Guide to Correspondents Tb' Dally News welcomes Pondence on Jive topics 01 1 1 day or any other eub- ri : public interest, but let. ' ' n.st. be brief and to the The long-winded cor "-'i'-acnt has no place In Ery letter must be signed writer, not necessarily Z "'Wlention but as a mat-" ' f xood faith and courtesy. u"simed documents go to R tKte paper basket. Let-tZL'l n caustlc character priul, (1 'or publication, fitter should be written on jnnndenU must avoid mia be such as would be al-Ocbat1" lhe ord,na,T ru,es of ADVERTISEMENTS SALVAGE & TOWING "If it's on or under the water wr doit-Pacific Salvage Co. Lid. Fully Equipped for Diving awl General Salvage Work Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES I and Scows of all dtserir tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern BC. Distributors Cooiidge Propellers i Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night S61 P.O. Box 15G1 PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Green 701. HOUSE DECORATING J. P. MOLLER, Phone Red 802. SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoe repaired. Second Avenue West, tf OVERSHOES, OumbooU resoled and leaks repaired. T. Balltngcr. Third Avenue. 0-29 SHOE. REPAIRS Best materlals- flnect work prices reasonable. Sharman Co, opposite Post Office, tf TAXI SERVICE BERTS TAXI Promptness and w rarity. Phone C78. Stand Bes-ner Block. lmslC BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD Phone Red 129. 'f AUCTIONEER J ttINC& RIPEPT AUCTION MART We tmr sll ur range anyj fctnd of Airnlture or househoij goods, musical instrumwU ma ehlnery. ete General repairs, crating packing and shtpplnu : Workmanship guaranteed Just, plww Biacs 120 and we will calL G. 1. DAWES. Atwtloneer. Fedenl Blw tf MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. AssocUte Too cher of Miss "Way Teacher of Ptano, Theory, Harmony. Counterpoint. Telephone : Bed 35 Typewriters for Rent by day. week or month Rose, Cowan & Latia Phone 334 CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. AS PIN ALL Graduate .Chiropractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Black M3 T. W. HOLLAND Palmer Graduate Chiropractor 15 Resner Block Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8 Sunday 2 to 4 Closed Wednesday and Friday Evenings Phone 857 HOB'S HANDY SHOP Plumbing repairs. General repairs. Window cleaning, etc. ROBERTSON & ROBERTSON 501 Sixth Avenue West Phone Blue 937 TRANSFERS B. & R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. ti CAMERON8 Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Bircn, Cedar and Jack Pine. tl QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M 53.75 No. 1 3x per hL Z25 No. 2 per M. 2.75 ROBERTSON It SIMPSON Massett. BC Aeent: Hyde Transfer. Fhone 581 Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10:30 am From the Eist Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 pm For Vancouver Sunday 9 pm Tuesday - 12:30 noon Thursday 9 pm. Friday 11 pm. October 4, 14 and 25 4:30 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday 4 pm. Wednesday 10:30 am. Friday pjn. , Saturday - 10:30 am. October 10 and 22 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday Sunday - - " p pm m Saturday From Stewart and Premier- Sunday - 8 pjn. Tuesday 11;30 am. Thursday - -8 pm. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ...7 pm From Naas Klver and Port Simpson Tuisday - - 11:30 am. For Queen Charlottes-October 8 and 22 .10 pm. From Queen Charlottes-October 6 and 20 am For Alaska Oct 10 and 22 am From Alaska-October 4, 16 and 26 pm . IF lZfZs J tMOU ' WAS 1 5s& n4 iict MTILL1E THE TOILER" vow A-5 T KtOt AsiO Yovie i Ltice to i i :r wvamff v ft j Steamship Sailings t-qr Vancouver , Sunday ss. Pr. George ..10 pm i Tuesday ss. Catala ..... ..li3Q pm. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pm 1 Friday is. Princess Mary 10 pm SS. Cardena. midnight. ; October 4 &s. Px. Louise 5 :30 pm i Oct. 14 ss. Princess Loulse....pm j Oct. 28 ss. princess Norah....pm 'Prom Vancouver . Sundayss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. pa. Pr. Rupert ..10:30 am VrMav c Princes Mnrv 4 n m THE MARKET Market prices current today are as follows: Vegetables B. C. Potatoes, 12-15 lbs ,25 sack $1.45 to J. ' .., B. C. Beets, bulk, 6 lbs. Parsley, bunch : B. C. Celery, head : j! Vegetable Marrow. Jo. . 05! Spinach, B. C lb. .10 Oar lie, imported, per lb .40! Friday-ss. Cardena imiWij"e Skiing Onions, 2 lbs Satur.-ss. Pr. George ,.10:30 am " n.f ia . DHn Tiii q am Oct. 22 ss. Princess .oraham. For Naas Rtrer and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala A pjn. From Naas Rlvi-r 'Si Port Simpson Tuecday s. Catala -.11:30 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday s. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. ft. Rupert 4 p.m. Saturday ss. Pr, George ...A pan. From Stewart and Anyox Sunday as. Pr. George 8 pm. Tuesday ss. Catala . ..11:30 ajn Thurs-ss. Pr. Rapert ..-. . pm. For Ocean Fans-Sunday ss. Pr. George ...10 p m. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. Thursday 68. Pfc Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn From Ocean FaRs-Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ...10:30 am Friday- ts. Cardena pm ss". Princess Mary 4 pj. Sat. ss. Pr. George ...10:30 a jr. For Queen Charlottes Oct. 8 ss. PrincerJohn 10 pjn. Oct 22 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. From Queen Chariofle Oct. 6 ss. Prince John ...ajn. Oct 20 ss. Prince John ajn. For Alaska Oct 10ss. Prtn. Louise H am. Oct 22 ss. Prtneess TJorah..ajn ' From Alaska ' Oct 4 ss. Prln. Couise 4 pjn. Oct. 14 ss. Princess Loulse....p.m Oct 26 ss. Princess Norah ..pm From Skrena River-Fridays . Cardena pm SCALE OF CHARGES The following Is the scale of charges made for reading notices: . Marriage ai.d Engagement onnouncrnenu $2. Birth Notices 60c. . Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, IZ Funeral Flowers 10c per name. SiMONDS rXt SAWS CA1AC if i Specially tempered alloys of Simonds steel ensure the even of Simonds Hack-Saw auality laiif. They ait fatter, easier and resist wear longer. TRULX ECONOMICAL SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MOMTRCAi. TORONTO VANCOUVER MKT MM H i The Question i Brown Pickling Onions 10 55 .05 ncaa uetwice, neaa .15 Victoria hothouse tomatoes .. --Ib. 2, basket M Field Tomatoes, lb .10 basket .40 Oreen Peppers, lb. .15 Red Peppers, lb 2S Egg Plant lb 5 BC. Cauliflower. hd 15c to n r nr,v, -o.rof. Outdoor cucumbers, each 5c to .10 Hothouse Cucumbers, 15c and .CO Pumpkin, lb ; M Hubbard Squash, lb .05 Sweet Potatoes. 2 lbs. - 5! Savoy Cabbage, head, 10c to. .20 Scotch Kale, lb .07 Onions, 8 lbs. 2 Bulk Turnips, 8 lbs. 2s Carrots. 8 lbs 3 Parsnips, lb 5 Imported Spanish Onions, lb.. Apples B. C. Oravensteins; 2 lbs. .25 The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of the city, or $3.00 a year to those who live outside the city, but in Northern or Central B. C. Put yourself in line for happiness and good cheer by subscribing today, if you are not alre'adtaking-the paper. . .' , Be optimistic. Read the Daily News of Prince Rupert and advertisements. Then buy at home. Buy the home paper. Have faith in the city. Work hard and smile. That's the way , to keep yourself happy. There is nothing like Optimism to cheer yourself up and ban the blues. Make a start at once and give the plan a good trial. The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of Prince Rupert or $3.00 a year to residents of the district outside the city. Keep yourself in good standing and on the road to happiness by subscribing to the Daily News today. of the Hour i Mcintosh Reds, household box ......... 4 lbs. .. C Grade, large box Fancy large box Medium 8raaU, box Extra Fancy, box 285 Mr Ului ... ....V j .Lemons. California, large - jCal'fornia Ora'pefruit ....T&c to '"iRarnnflJ 1VV I California Tokay Grapes, lb. .. ! Canteloupes, Oliver 18c. to ; Fears, doz. 35c to Crabapple .slarge, 4 lbs. box Pomegranate 10c to Concord Grapes, basket Dried trutu Extracted honey, per Jar ... Comb honey . Oatej. bulk. lb. Lemon and Orange Peel .. Black cooking lies. fb. . Currants, lb. - CUron Peel AmlM rfrlPd' "" .;KLdf2eJ .-"acnes, peejea i Apricots, lb. Prunes, 60-70, lb. Prunes 30-40, lb. Prunes, 40-50. lb. .12 Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb Roasting Chicken, lb Ham, sliced, first grade Cottaee. rolls, lb. 'Ham, picnic, first grade ' Bacon, side, sliced, best grade Tork. shoulder iOipork, loin i Pork, dry salt Pork, leg Ayrshire bacon, lb. .35C to Veal, shoulder ,23 VaL loin, 2.H,Bee. Pt roast M;r.. 15c. to 2.4J)Bee boiling .10c to 2i!Bee I"0- printejTib 20c to temb, thoulder; . .... 25c. to IV,. n:Lamb, . leg , ..35c to r.n ' ...... -i "I Ftsh- ' 15 Smoked kliipers. ib. -a Salmon, fresh, lb. 1J Halibut, fresh, lb. 45 EgTS- js BJ3. fresh pullets, doe. liO'B.C. fresh, firsts, dot . .14 R-c- Ish extras, loz 1.00 i Local, new laid, Bncter-25, Fancy cantoned, lb, 3i 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. . 12'j Alberta Creamery, lb. .13 Flour ,15 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat .15 Pastry .Flour. 10 lbs. .30 Sujr .15 miow. loo lbs. 50, White, 100 lbs. . Lard- .20 ; Pure - 13c to .lA Compound 13c to 16,' Feti- wneat, no. 3 Alberta No. 5 Alberta : JO Oats .40 Bran .45 8horts JWi Middlings IV Barley .t1 Laying Mash 18 Oyster Shell 3Z -Beef Scrap JO Ground Oil Cake M Fine oat chops By Westove. rw A 5TA cheer up. Keep in touch with the district. Read all the u-s. wmvn wm ttsxvBtm m .50 .25 .35 20 .14 Xs 22 .35 'h .38 .40 SO .15 7 20 45 31 AO .43 JO 0 2h l.tfO .30 5.10 ieo IS 15 173 1X5 1,40 1) 1.9U 1.65 2.V) 1Q 3,73 3.45 1.75 4 -rf V1' 1 & -1