I Mail! - - 1 I 'i ' .air i b.i - 1 aw DAILY EDITION 7r ! at 3 Inf ! Covered With Boils on Arms, Back and Neck Mist erar." Marruat Hijftma, Drmeat, riUt; "I aa eorered with boil m r anus, faea and neck. I od laUrt ui otltr remedies with no raaulta. Mr attentioa ru draws to Bordotk Blood Vittors. so I decided to gri a bottla. Ti resoKs were mirTelloua, a la no time tit bolls bad completely disappeared, and akia u dearer and fresher thaa THE DAILY NEWS, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ,- Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenu ; - HI F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For leaser perHxfe, paid In advance, per month By mall to all parte of Northern and Central British Columbia paid in advance for yearly period - By man te all other parte of British Columbia, the British Em PORT WITH GREAT FUTURE 86 .Si Monday, June 1. 1931 BRITAIN AND THE EMPIRE For year We have been told that this is a port with a great future, but it is pleasant, to hear it again. Mabel Steedman, F.R.G.S., writing in "Canada," says that of Prince Rupert after a visit here. Her article is illustrated and tells in a concise form about the port and its fishing business. Beneath an air view of the city, used as the chief picture in the magazine is the caption: "The City of Prince Rupert, the Northern Port of British Columbia," and as a sub-heading: "It has a glorious setting between the sea and the hills, towards which the residential district straggles upwards." Mis Steedman and "Canada" deserve the thanks of the community for their splendid advertisement of the place. Betty Nuthan, holder of the American singles title, and Spent, with Whom she has been playing frequently in doubles, whose engagement is expected momentarily P D mixed DEATH OF I ! CARDINAL1 His Eminence Felix Raymond Marie Rouleau Passes Away on Sunday WAS IirKT LAST FALL Was Third Cardinal to be Appointed in Canada Born In Quebee pire and United States, paid in advance, per year $6.00 nronaise of being a rem ji kable man m an nfiwr cuuiiirics. ucr year - Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters Telephone - Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulation 5.00 SO 3.00 QUEBEC, June 1: Cardinal Raymond Rouleau, Canada's third Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, died on Sunday. He had been in ill-health since last summer when he was seriously Injured in an automobile accident. He was sixty years old and a native of Quebec. like his predecessor. Cardinal Begin, Cardinal Felix Raymond Marie Reofeatf was a son of a farmer and his early years were spent In the beau iful country side near the St. La ii nee at Isie Ven.c His IparenU wert Felix Rouleau arc his wife. Marie Irvine, and he w.i born on April I 186 As a Mule boy he scholar. He attracted the .mention I of Canon Honleau of Rimoaskt his I uncle, who undertook to superln-Itend bis edasatlon when the lad j was It ytM old. j Naturally young Raaieau gravi-jtated toward the ehareh ami after taking the ekastteal course at j RinMMUkl seminary he Joined the 'Dominican Order at St. Hyacinthe I in 1886. Six years later he was ordained priest at one of the enter Dominican etaWihmnts to Cor- , . . . . r, .. . , . . . Pubhc opinion in Great Britain does not seem to beslra to M8r HwrieftHfetttrned wholly in favor of trading within the Empire. The recent w st. Hyaetnthe where he fined trip of the Prince of Wales to Argentine has militated i various, rengioiM pea in a meat against the Bennett Imperial trade policy. Many newspa-we manner His outstanding abi-pers in England argue that it would be unwise to flout aj" 'X'SSm like excluding it from moat fa- country Argentine by any nltton he cbeswl Prter 0f VOred nation treaty. !uie Dominican Order in Canada The success of the British Empire exposition in the Ar-!and transferred t Ottawa. Far 20 gentine and the effect of the sending of the Prince of ye he was t be known to h Wales there as a trade emissary, has increased twsine3S ;?",Ilty J" " J' with that partof the world immensely for the British peo.,4 J,1 pie, chiefly for England. It is a market that has no such He conducted many m baton and! serious competitor as has Canada. This country on account 'was at home before any eengresa-of its nearness to United States is almost bound to do busi- tion. for he spoke French and Hng-1 ness with that country, whereas there is an even break for j"80 eiual noy-all in the Argentine. ' j Appointed Bishop It is pointed out by British publications that while aj uuie surprise was expressed in policy of protection may be possible for Great Britain, i Roman catholic cities when he they do not think the Bennett policy of Empire protection I??1 Those ta in m in f authority ValleyfieM. t, f:kt would be feasible at present. huren who had T. 1, , I watched his career knew that high promotion awaited him. The diocese of Valleyfield proved only a stepping stone te the greater office of Archbishop of Quebec, to which sec he was translated in 1930. It was well known at the time that still farther honors were in store for him and long before the official an nouncement was received from Rome Quebee papers stated that his grace was to be called to the Sacred rOaSege, and created a cardinal. The actual can eame In November. 1927. The cardinal returned to Quebec makes tor leadership. Deepened by Mirionfc study, broadened by world wide experience, hi; eminence 'tnows neither Jew nor Oentlle, neither race nor faction. His sole ambition is to be all things to all men. that he may lead all to Christ. He was Canada's third cardinal, I his predecessors being Cardinal Benin afTCl Cardinal Taschereau. All were Archbishops of Quebec. POLICE HUNT : FOR GUNNER Constable P. B. Smith, formerly) of Prince Rupert, Is among a party of provincial police officers, in charge of Sergeant Greenwood, which has set out from Attachle In the Peace River district In search of a man who shot at Constable A. J. Pomeroy while the latter was attempting to maxe his arrest. It Is believed that all avenues for the I wanted man's escape have been j closed. It Is also thought that he la out of ammunition. THE DAILY 10CW8 ' naBaVBaVBnBaBsa DoroUi? M.ct wears Oils evening dress dead-black lace over black slip Cape of btee and extreme Hares in skirt distinguish the creation. District News TERRACE WW Rabtaicm and WaHer Chapman were among the passenger; for the coast atr' Thursday. x i . ' After spending tfie" weekend t the "Croamrays" -with Mr. and Mr R. L. Mcintosh. C. V. EvtU returned to Prince Rupert Tuesday. Henry Halliwell paid a vMt to Rupert "on Tuesday. brie! A well attended and at Ume noisy meeting of Conservatives was held on Wednesday night to d lions local Issaes. O. T. Suadal presided. Mrs. C. V. Erm is spending a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Meln-tosh at th "Crosfcways." W10 Robinson and Walter Chap- wsm rfitafrMMl ttrtm a visit to to receive a notewortny welcome at oa Saturday's tralrr. the hands of the elergy and the laity of the ancient capital. A purse of gold amounting to $30,000 was subscribed far htoi. whkh donation the cardinal devoted to one of the Quebec eharttie. A eaaxaeter sketch of tfee cardinal was greets ay Father Maaelre. who represented the QaaAsK aaeak-ing section tf tn eatalnaft eterKy at his honeeoaitng froca Rome. Father Maartfrc said: "TtaUi and Rev. H. T. Allen retained on Sa 'urday fmn Vancanver where hei attended the United Church conference He reported having hod ' -uccessful trip. Mrs Robert Wehtter of Prmler hr left oi an extended vacation In th" firt stattea of which iho visited with Mrs. R. de Kergom-mr jnVfonneriv of Prenrter. now of. Justice form the groancrwarfc of hls -r... , . ,v,..r ftwroohfy ev-minf Dee's slritaat endowment It vtA .i stiy of several days. She, is OodV- way to rartah natural gift ertrtilnrd at Athol Grange r u iiliih order on him whom He Ik v M- t-(weii or Thurnday aw. le iseel to fovot. OMt? of mtad and ; expressed her eraat admtratten of heart, a coannaneHny jsrcRence, : (he beauties of Tarraee after a charm i mannar, case ot aaproach, ro -rrt Mrs. Webster con- torceful sneech everything thatjtinued hr tourney on Stturdi:- and Intends visiting her daugh to- in Edmonton, a sister whom r has not met foe forty years in Minaeaneite. md other friends In North Dakota. The Weather Triple Island dear, fresh west I erlj wind, moderate sea. I Langara Island Clear, moderate! north westerly, sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Clear, light 30:08; temperature, 58; light ehop.i The Dally News can be pur- ehased at Post Office News Stand, 325 Oranvllle St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince Oeorge, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. General Rtnre. Anyox. Smithers Drug Store, Smith- ers. B.C. - ,v Prince Rupert Lodge No. 46 B.P.O. ELKS Presents their Greatest of all ShouJ Successes "HI A uty George M. CohanV" Brilliant Musical Comedy One Night Only (With barjEain matinee for school pujiils) at the Capitol Theatre Tuesday, June 9 Matinee performance, 3:30 IM. K Evening performance, 8:15 YM. - CAST and CHORUS of 65 AdmifiUit at Burrain Prleeti MaUnee Public and High School Punil. 3c: Adults, "c Evening- Loge. si .35; All other seats. St.ee AVOID DISAPPOINTMEMT and act your tickets EAftLY from Bitt Harold, O'it. Tieket Office. Third Ave., or any member at toe Elks Lodge or the cast. Ticket exchange at Orme's Drug Store eomtnene-ing Noon, Thursday, Jane 4. Steamship Sailings , For Vancouver I Sunday as. Pr. George 10 pjn. Tuesday jl CaUla 1:30 pjn Thursday as. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn.' Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. SS. Card ena. midnight. , June 3 w. Prin. Alice 5 pjn. June 13 ss. Phln. Louise 5 pjn. , June 20 ss. Pr. CharloUe 5 pjn. , June 24 ss. Prin. Louise 5 pjn.' June 27es. Prin. Alice .. .5 pin. j rrunt VancanTcr I Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wednes. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 ajn. June 8 ss. Prin. Louise ajn. June IS ss. Pr. Charlotte am. June lft ss. Prin. Louise ajn. June 22 as. Prin. Alice ajn. June 26 si. Prin. CharloUe ajn. June- 29 ss. Prin. Louise a.ra. Monday. June i For Naas Klver and Port Simpson' Friday at. Cardena Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. 9atar. at. Pr. Oeoru"- it .i. From Naas River & Port Simpson For Queen Charlotte Inlands Tuesday as. Catala .11:30 a.m. June 13 a. Prlnee ji .i for Stewart and Artyox June 1sa Prince Sunday as. Catala 8 pjn. ' From Queen tiarltte Islamk Wednesdaf as. P. Ruoert 4 ojti. '. Jne 11 as. Prsnee J HatJirrlav aa. Pr rhmrue' 4 nm ! Jwte 38 9. Priftee J' Inm Kttwart and lremwr fTor Alaska Tuetdav as. Catala .11:30 sum. Thursday as. Pr. Oeorge S pin Sanday as. Pr. Oeorge . 8 pm 'or Any ox and Alice Arm-Sunday as. Catala 8 pjn Wednesday as. Pr. Oeorge 8 pjn Prom Anyox and Alire Arm Taaaaay as. Catala, U:M ajn. Friday as. Princess Mary 4 pjn. i Thuwday r-. Pr. Oeorge 8 run SS. Cardena pjn. ' For Ocean Falls Satur. sa. P. Charles 10:30 aja. Smaday as. Pi. Geerge ...40 pjn. Taasday ss. Oatala 1 .30 pjn. Thursday as. Pr. Rueert 10 pjn. Friday -sa. Prineeaa Mary 10 p.m. -tni Ocean Falls "'drm m. Pr. Gearge 10:30 ..m. Friday as. Princess Mary 4 run. .hi. ..hi; 11 June I sa. Prtneess i ou.se tone 8 as. Prin Chitriu- " u..:. Jane K ss. Pitaee.-- I iu-;e u,;: June? J at. Prlnees Aim " : June 20 a. Prin. Cluni' u. June 29 sa. Primes i From Alaska-Jane 3 M. Prtnces Alice r Jtme 13 as. Prtneess i.- June 20 as. Pr. Charl." i I -Jane 24 as. Prin. Louis .v ia Jane JT s Princess Alice ii -i. Hrwn Skeeaa Rrver Fikiay M. Cardena r"a Ilavt yu aaw your Edmonton Air Pilot and his Two Ca vmi.fniiiiiin ' V'.ir Captain W, R, May, well known for his rcieu flights In the Sub Arctle, with his new Ford Victoria and his famous plane. (mOP MAT, they call him In " Edmonton and tbe frigid BortUera wastes vaere be and bis airplane are familiar sights. More formally be is Captain W. R. May, chief pilot of Commercial Air-wars, operatlnc the farthest north air mall root in the world, between Edmonton and Aklarik. the trad I nr. post where t Mackenzie rlrer empties lute the Arctic orean. Captain May's fame In the North-weat la almost legendary. In 1K'9 ho was awarded the McRee trophy for having made the greatest contribution that rear to the progress of Canadian Aviation. On several occasions he Is credited with haTlnc flown throurh Impossible weather on rescue missions In the tar North. During the treat war, Captain May, an officer of the ll A. F., shot down IS planes, two in a etnde encounter. It was his doubtful pleasure to be on the reoairlng eiwl of Baron voa RUhtofen's funs uben thst greatest of Oermsn arcs his deujh. May, on hi frsl trip i' u Hues, was being pursued hr It'' tofeo. The guns of Mara in Jammed but a managed to acx!g through the Red Baron's t'1 unUl Captain A. noy Drow Toronto, May's aquadron Shot down the German and bit P Saptalu May was swardea DlaTnTgulahed riylng Cross for cos- spWueus couraie over AmM " 1911. a