Toda) I ather DIgby Islan a .5 light north westerly winta 5 tcr, 38:12; temperature, Vn- w chop. ' 61 t- VaL XXII.. No. 121 -i g PREMIER Stevens Says It Is Only Temporary Expedient and That Advantages Will Be Restored to Canadian Goods Under New Understanding WELLINGTON. New Zealand. June 1: The New Zea land povernment today decided that the entire' range of f anadian imports, with the exception of gumboots and ri riain classes of paper and wire, shall be placed on the mitral tariff list. This action is taken as a consequence of uiiuro to reach an agreement with Canada regarding re- i t..1 tarUfs. TTAWA. June 1: Hon. H. H. . v n. minuter of trade and com- "" "T1 U!C NW ZOa" ! CANADIAN Alii MAIL miui acuuu u u.ujr icwpui- ; rnM.sure. pending tne signing now treaty which would re-' tir advantages of the British - nc' on Canadian goods. WEATHER FOR MAY 4 Only Halt Sunshine and Twice Rainfall As Same Month Last Year nice Rupert in the month of Mr. t in.s year had only about halt .ut'h sunshine as in the same pvn! Mi last year while there was us much rain. In the month nded there was a total predion of 8.42 inches as compared Jour inches in May. 1930. Sun-for i-,n this May totalled 91.1 ux against 183.4 hours. I ir this year there has been a ol 210 S hours of sunshine as irod with 577.1 hours in the I ivr months of 1930. Preeiplta-' far tlili year has aggregated inches as against 28.14 inches ' corresponding period of last : i' weather summary for May 1 - cur, as announced this morn-1 in R. o. Emmereon, Dlgby 11-1 Dominion meteorologist, was i billows: U gliest barometer reading, 30.60 i M.iy 10. j '.west barometer rending. 2059 I i M iy 23. I)i ,:hcst temperature, 71 on May L"'am temperature, 32 on May 10. M .in temperature, 48. r '!' ipltatlon, 8.42 lnchos. Tinsiune. 01.1 hours. I urty Men Go Out For Road Work on Far Side of Rapids A rcw of forty men left this !l '"'iiiiir to be employed pn Skecna r '' highway construction work ' H"' other side of Oalloway Un-i 11 hi order to provide work for ' inpinycd, tho system of chang-!; k'ws periodically Is being con- TKOLLKRS LOSING MONKY, TYING UP "w price conditions, It la ''ured, may force a number of "i"1 irollcrs Into port soon. It Is ''' ' Urcd that they cannot op-' 1 uo under present prices and "'it they must stop fishing In ' i that they may pot lose '"'wy further. v SERVICES WILL HE ENTIRELY CUT OUT OTTAWA. June 1: All air mall service In Canada will be 4 4- cancelled at an early date. The decision of Premier R. B. Ben- nett to abandon the senrle was made known last night .Hciy deficits in postal opeja- 4 lions are understood to be the reason for the curtailment. Halibut Sale: Summary American 180.000 pound. 6.7c and 3c to 8.4c and 4c; left port. 87,- 1000 pounds: holding over. 2,GO0 pounds. Canadian 105.000 pounos, ac ana 3c to 6.2c and 3c. American Eclipse. 28.000, offered 6c and 3c. holding over. Akutan. 36.000: North, 27,000, and Kanaga. 24.000. refused fic and 3c and left for Ketchikan. Radio. 21.000. Royal. 0.7o and 3c. Sea Bird. 15.000, Cold Storage. 7.8c and 4c. Bollnda. 14.000. Booth, 7.8c ana 4c. Bonanaa. 16,000. Booth, 8.4c and Reliance. 1200. Booth, 8.2c and Tyee, 10.000. Royal 8c and 4e. Zarembo, 10,000. Paelfle. 7.4e and Nancy. 11000. Pacific. 8Jc and 4c. Augusta. 15.000. AUm, 83c and 4c. Urania, 17.000. Atlln, 6.9e and 3c. Orayllng. 18.000. Cold Storage. 7.1c and 4c. Onah, 13.000. Atlln. 7-flc ana c Canadian Ottpe Beale. 35.000, Cold BtonMte. 5o and 3c. Melville. 15,000. Royal. 6.1c and 3o. Royal III, 8.500. Atlln, 6c and 3C. Johanna. 12,000. Atlln. 65 and 3c. Southend. 14.000. refused 6.1c and 3c holding over. Drott, 7,000, Booth. Oc ana x. Prosperity A.. 9.000. Cold Storage. 6.1c and 3c. Ingrld H.. 5.000; Nuba. woo. ana Aiken, 3.000, Cold Storage, 6c and 3c. OPEN SALE OF WHEAT Is Approved By Manitoba Wheat Pool and Goes Inlo Lffcct Today WINNIPEO. June I: Open market selling of wheat and other grains has been opprovoa w 'Manitoba Wheat Pool and goes Into 'effect today. foe NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1931 BENNETT PRESE NEW ZEALAND CUTS CANADA OFF PREFERENTIAL Southern Dominion Has Taken Action Because No Agreement Reached Hon. Lord Carnegie Inspecting Hon lord Carole accompanieJ by Master Archie Erskine. inspect opening of the Episcopal Youn-s People's mission sale at the Musi? shows: Loitf Carn'-gic. iccompu led by Master Archie Erskine. tns.i,; His First To Dominion; Deficit Announced Kcvcnuc For Fiscal Year Ending in March 'Was $75,000,-000 Less Than Expenditure Conditions Are Reviewed By Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett OTTAWA, June 1: Before a packed house and crowded galleries, Premier R,. B. Bennett today presented his first budget to the House of Commons, announcing a deficit of slightly more than $75,000,000 for the fiscal year ending March 31. Subscriptions to the recently floated conversion loan were placed at $027,000,000. Net debt of Canada, the Premier announced. Is FLIGHT IS ABANDONED Thomas Ash Unable to Take Plane on With Sufficient Load of Gas For Hop TOKYO, June 1: Thomas Ash, for the third time, was forced today to postpone his proposed nonstop trans-Pacific flight and it was then announced that he had abandoned the attempt owing to the plane's failure to perform satisfactorily, lie was unable to take the cumbersome machine off with sufficient load or gasoline. The plane in which Ash has been making the attempt to span the Pacific Ocean is the "City of Tncnnia," the same machine In which Harold Itrnmley last year failed to cross the ocean. Home of Mrs. Paul Aivazoff Is Burglarized The home of Mr. P. Alvamtf. 1681 Wt Twenty-eight Avenue. Vancouver, was broken into and looted of Jewelry and clothing to the value of several hundred dollar, last week. Financial Statement $2,260,000,000. Total expenditures iare placed at $440,000,000 with re-! venues of $356,000,000. The Premier I explained that $8,000,000 advanced as loans on soldiers' settlement hud I not been considered in arriving at the deficit. Reviewing condlUons, Premier Bennett stated that customs revenue! were down $48,000,000 and the ales tax was lea than half that collected last year. The Income tax revenue was up by $2,000,000 to $71.-000,000. War pension cost $65,000,-000. Lighthouse and coast service had Increased by $500,000. No Tariff Changes Premier Bennett announced that the budget did not provide for general revision of the tariff. Only those Items which required to be changed and which would assist in meeting unemployment had been dealt with. He announced that the government would absorb five eente a bushel on the cost of wheat expyrted. Sales -Tax lip Increase of income tax from eight to ten per cent applicable this year on corporations and Joint stock companies was announced. The sales tax has been Increased from one to four per cent. To meet the defiett of $0,000,000 in the postal department, the war tax of one cent Is relmposed except on elty letters, the new rate being three cents. This is the most important of a number of postal revisions. The income tax exemption is raised from $3,000 to $3,500. Girl Guides 1 Oirl Guides and Scouts at the "all Aberdeen, recently. Phpto ing the Oirl Ouides and Scouts. Premier Bennett 4 ' 19 Introduces ln.s U:.-i budget In House oi Commons today. THREE ARE DROWNED Powell River Has Picnic Tragedy Gasboat Upsets in Lake POWELL RIVER, June 1: Three residents of Powell River were drowned near Caasiar Point In Powell Lake last evening and three others were rescued after a motor-boat, returning from a plcnio, cap-steed. The dead are Mr. and Mrs. Mtllert Johnson and Harold Skorberg. Sivert Slvertson and his mother, Mrs. Slvertson, and Gus Callebcrg are in hospital suffering from shock after three hours of exposure in the water. Bach generation revolts against its father and makes friends with its grandfther. Lewis Mumford. Tomorrow's Tides Tuesday, June 2, 1931 High ... 1:50 ajn. 22:8 It. 15:00 p.m. 19:1 ft. Low ... 8:42 am. 1:9 It. 20:42 p.m. 7:9 It. -UL.U 1J".J NTS BUDGET DeHaviland Gypsy Moth Seaplane, First Unit of Local Air Fleet, Is On Way Kere From Vancouver First unit of the aerial fleet of the newly formed Northern British Columbia Airways, a DeHaviland Gypsy moth seaplane equipped with a British DeHaviland engine arid with all other up-to-date fittings, piloted by D. Murphy and with Ole Rollag on board as air engineer, hopped off at-.7 o'clock this morning from Vancouver for Prince Rupert. COURT IN SESSION June Cases Set This Morning Some Actions Are Disposed of ! r,imfv rnnrt in ,.i,, sion before Judge F. McB. Young I this morning for setting of June cases. With the summer vacation starting next month, efforts will be made to clean several of the cases . off the docket meantime while others will he held nver until Kn. tember. Cases were set today as fol- lows: . V. S. Moore vs. J.TH. Thomasijset) tied. Angus McArthur vs. Chatham Sound Fishing St Packing Co dismissed without costs by consent. L. Uuboff vs. N. Veregin et al, stands. J. J. Hepson vs. Mayou Gold Cop per Mining Co. Ltd., stands until September. Fred Garner vs. Oeorge Bolen, stands until September. Herman Frlckman vs. Andrew McDonald, June 19. J. D. Fraser vs. National Airplane Lumber Co., June 12. Tony Hniclla vs. Andy Kontra, dismissed with order that moneys In court be paid to defendant. Stecns Ltd. vs. H. G. Helgerson Ltd . date to be fixed. Gus Pekos vs. Killas St Christopher. June 9. Appeals Rex vs Joseph Rose, to be fixed. Rex vs. Christian, to be fixed. One application for naturalization was approved and another was adjourned. Vancouver Stocks ICcurten S. D. Johnitou Co. ) Big Missouri. 21, 23. Duthie Mines, 4, 5. Grandvlew, 3, nil. Independence, nil. 1. , Indian Mines, I, 1ft. Kootenay King, nil, Hi. Lucky Jim. 1V. nil. Morton Woolsey, nit, 3. Marmot Metals, nil National Silver, nlf. 2. Noble Five, 4, nil. Oregon Copper, 4, 5. Premier. 70, nil. Porter-Idaho, 5, C. Reeves Macdonald, 20, 25. Snowflake, 2. 21fc. Toplcy Richfield. 1. Hi. Whitewater. 4. nil. Woodbine, 4, 1. OILS Hargal, 6, nil. A. P. Con., 16, 18. Home, 50, 55. Royallte, nil, 8.00. Mercury. 17Vk. 18V. ! Mcrland. 8, nil. Eastern Stocks Noranda, 16.00, nil. Int. Nickel, 10.00, 10.50. C. P. R.. 25.50, 26.00. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. June 1 Wheat was quoted at 56Vic. on the local exchange today. PRICE FIVE CENTS TARIFF u me snip arrivea safely at Alert Bay and will break the hop there for re- fuelling. If all goes well, the ma chine should arrive here tomorrow, stopping en route at Swanson Bay. The plane has two scats in open cockpits and Is well fitted for passenger and freight service in which it would be operated out of here. Pilot Murphy is both a navigator and air engineer. He will be in lull charge of the plane in the service out of here. The plane is the same athat hLch J!? I" c ' from England 10 Australia last summer- " " !fi l nmc PannmiA VfUDlUlUD UCVCllUC .Shows Decrease Every month''tTlih Year is Down From Last While Aggregate shows Ninety Per Cent Drop Customs and excise collections at the port of Prince Rupert for tho month of May totalled $21,574 as compared with $26,661.01 In thj same month last year. For the first five months of this year customs revenue has amounted to $51,417.80 as against $99,511.91 for a corres-, ponding period In 1930, every? month this year having shown &! decrease from last. Motored Across Continent; Will ; Visit Simpson Having motored from Toronto to Hazclton. Stanley Wilson and Miss Margaret Wilson, brother and si ter of Mrs. R. O. Large of Port Simpson, arrived in the city from, the interior on yesterday after noon's train. They will pay a vls't at Port Simpson and. with Dr. an.1 Mrs. Large and will visit elsewhere on the coast. " NO FIRE LOSS HERE IN MAY Damage So Far This Year Totals 1,388 as Against $10,355 There was no damage from fire In Prince Rupert during the month of May. There were five alarms during the month, three being for bush fires, one for a smoke scare and one false alarm-Fire damage in Prince Rupert so far this year has totalled $1388 as compared with $10,355 In the first five months o' 1030. There have been a total of 31 alarms this year as compared with 37 In the same period last year. Police Court Fines Arc Lower This Year Fines collected In city police court during the month of May Just ended totalled $265 as against $340 in the same month last year. So far this year fines have totalled $2,533.50 as compared with $2,-878 in the first five months of 193.0, mm If Hi i- I. i