t-J. . JIM ' IB 1 i B I B if I B B fit B c H 0 & H s 1 I SB9BBB BIBlBlBWBD '. tiBtlii 1 J 4ft FAOB BEE THE DAILY NKWS L A C E 'S HOUSEHOLD GOODS TEA TOWELS Blue or red check 6 for UNBLEACHED SHEETING 70 inches wide, nice even weave. 3 yards for SHEETS Fully bleached, 70x90. Very special, each ..... BATH TOWELS Large size, white with colored borders. 2 for . CURTAIN PANELS Lace with fringed ends. 2 for ,. SWISS NET CURTAIN PANELS Handsome designs, ecru color. Each CURTAIN NETS With new tailored edge, all new goods. 3 yards .. CUSHIONS For camp or boat, gay cretonne coverings. . 2 for - .. FEATHER PILLOWS Nice clean filling, art ticking covers. each ., CURTAINS With olored borders, complete with ties and valance, In various color combinations. Per set PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Colored stripe borders. each WINDOW SHADES Complete with fixtures, green or cream. Each .. . CRETONNES In pleasing patterns, values to 60c 4 yards NEW SEASON'S PRINTS In a pleasing assortment of colors. 5 yards FIGURED CRINKLE CREPES In blue, pink, peach or orchid. 6 for PILLOW SLIPS Fully bleached, nice even weave. 4 for LADIES' WEAR LADIES' BLOOMERS Famous super-rayon quality In a full range of colors. 2 pairs VEST & BLOOMER or BANDEAU & BLOOMER SETS Lace trimmed, per set RAYON BROCADED SLIPS Several shades each .' FANCY STRIPED SILK SCARVES Boll proof colorings full width and length and many designs. Each PORCH DRESSES In tub fast prints and broadcloths. each HOSIERY PURE SILK HOSE Full faslnoneu, Mercury make, semi-service weight, full range of sizes and shades. Per pair MtSN'S FANCY COTTON SOX In a full range of colors. 6 pairs " MEN'S ART SILK SOX In a nice range of patterns. 3 pairs MISSES' and LADIES' SPORT SOX Silk with fancy tops 6Vfe to 10, 2 pair for .. CHILDREN'S COTTON SOX In plain or fancy patterns. 4 pairs '. GIRLS' CASHMERE HOSE In sand shades and some blacks. 2 pairs 1..... QUILTED SILK BABY JACKETS each CHILDREN'S COVERALLS Blue with red trim. 2 for QUILTED SILK BABY BUGGY COVERS In blue or pink. each . CORSOLETTES and GIRDLES Pink brocade with four hose Q-f ff sunnorU. Each PAUU SILKS Brocaded rayon in a range of colorings. 3 yards PHONE 9 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. I. 20,000-TON FLOATING DHYDOCK bnginecrs, Machinlsta, noilermakere, ltlarksmlthH, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our I'lant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 SHINGLES! No.l 3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 - at per M $2.75 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 B n H n 9 m m R B a -I $1.00 ; THIRD AVE. Si FULTON ST. Necromancy Is Science Subject Ancient and Modern Mesmerism and Hypnotism Discussed The subject of the lesson-sermon In all Christian Science churches and societies on Sunday was "An cient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced. Among the Bible texts Included in the lesson-sermon was the follow ing from Revelation 12:0: "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which decelveth the whole world, he was cast out Into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." The lesson-sermon also Included the reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook. "Sci ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being as follows: "That false claim that ancient belief, that old serpent whose name Is devil (evil), claiming that there Is Intelligence In matter either to benefit or to Injure men Is pure delusion, the red dragon; and it Is cast out by Christ, Truth, the spiritual idea, and so proved to be powerless. The words 'cast unto the earth' show the dragon to be nothingness, dust to dust; and therefore', in his pretence of being a talker, he must be a He from the beginning. Three boys, Implicated In the it from a Chinaman's dcwlllng on Eleventh Avenue, were dealt with hv M.iplstrntp In rltv iinllr murt NEED RAIN nm TAD HAVQI AND WARM Tuesday and Wed'sday w j i Crop Condition Unsatisfactory in Most rarts of Prairies Soil Drifting Peace River in Good Shape With Grain Showing; Up Well WINNIPEG, June 1. High winds, cool cloudy days and a dearth of rain, have characterized the weather over the grain growing area of Western Canada during the past week. Wheat Is showing well above ground and most districts report plants sturdy and strong but growth a j is at a minimum and a general rain, iiouowea by warm, sunsniny wea-jther, Is necessary to insure rapid land satisfactory growth, according l to the weekly crop report issued by t ' the department of agriculture, Ca-' 'nadian National Railways. j I In Manitoba, seeding of all grains, j with the exception of a little flax, I has been completed. Cool days with nme frost at nights has made slow growth. Heavy winds have blown out seed where land Is light, necessitating reseedlng. This Is especially true on the Portage Plains. Late sown wheat and coarse grains are now showing uneven germination while some fields of wheat, which are up from three to four inches, are patchy. Summer fallowing la going on ipace as farmers are anxious to strong. Southern Saskatchewan Is suffering from lack of moisture and In some localities, if drought continues, the situation will be serious. Fields are' now showing effects of, ack of moisture and growing grain i becoming bleached and turning yellow as the result of high drying winds. , v il.. 1 j-, n in u ie AWflien, uienavun, ura-velbourg areas crop prospects are reported only fair and pastures are in poor shape. At some points water for livestock Is becoming scarce. Prom the Craik, Rose town. Con quest, Beechy, 'Elrose subdivisions come reports ot a disastrous dust storm which did considerable damage to crops. Rain Is badly, needed as crops are not making much headway and land is really too dry for effective summerfallowlng. Along the Miniota. Touchwood, Yorkton, Tonkin, Asqulth, Dodsland subdivisions wheat is showing well above ground but is rather patchy, due to blowing out and frost. Some receding will have to be done. Along the Prince Albert divisions rop conditions are fair to good but growth is slow due to cold weather and high winds. Wheat looks heal thy and rain would be an asset. Slight drifting hat done some dam age but varies as to the districts while one subdivision reports slight :utworm activity. Unsettled Weather Along the Opoee Lake line and on the SteUler. Three Hills, subdivisions, weather has been unsettled and was cloudy and cool with persistent high winds resulting In a revival of soli. drifting, which will necessitate reseedlng. Cutworms are working In some localities but so far their ravage Is not serious. North Central Alberta has suf ficient moisture for present needs with growth satisfactory and conditions fair to good but rain followed by warm weather would be beneficial. Satisfactory reports come from the Peace River country as weather conditions are ideal and moisture Is plentiful. Alljseeding Is completed and grain Is showing up nicely In most places. More general offerings on western stock yards resulted in a lowering of cattle prices from 25 cents to SO cents per hundred, and as the week advanced prices declined to a new low level for the season. Prospects for strengthening of prices are not bright. The hog market still remains somewhat unsettled. . r Free Hyacinths Harvest Offer of Giant Darwin.Tulips Order now a sample collection of our famous Tulips. 12 choice bulbs in six different varieties, prepaid 25c. If orders aro received before Ralnrrtnv nflfrnnnn Oni. ur t 30 We Will give free a Christ- to Industrial school for two yean ma "owning Hyacinth bulb. Please while the others were sentenced tol seven days' Imprisonment in thp city lock-up. do not send stamps. Vnllcntgocd Hull) Co. Auburn, Wash. broke up. If you have headaches, or suffer biliousness or indigestion -t: tt take ha v. .,imm.r falli hlaolrenaH JuliUS Welle. DellClOUS B21 Uteeclmntt (The Nation's Liutirc) I Ladies of Sons Of Norway Have Enjoyable Dance The ladies' Group of the Sons of Norway lodge staged an enjoyabV Ha danc In the Metropoie Hall Saturday night, about eighty oernani being present for the o:-caon. The. affair started at 8:30 nm. and closed at midnight. Ar-cordlan music was furnished by refresh tooimente were before the Prty fore weed growth becomes Mrs. Anton Dybhavn ws In gen eral charge of the affair, othr i ' members of the committee belni Mrs. T. Murvold. Mrs. Chris Jen sen. Mrs. Chris Johnson. Mrs. O Wtek. Mrs. A. Wick and Mrs. O Welle. John Storseth presided ai the door. Girl Guides Tea Was Successful Substantial Amount nf S3? .SO Rc alizrd at Affair In Roof Harden Saturday Afternoon Skylark Patrol of the First Com pany of Girl Guides held a successful tea and sale of home cook lng Saturday afternoon In Mr. Max Heilbroner's roof garden Weather was auspicious and thr roof was attractively decorata with bunting, flowers and plants The guests were received bv Mi- Lucille Brooksbank, patrol leader. Miss Maxtne Hellbronw and Mr Htllbroner. Mrs. C. E. Motte anC Mrs. Ernest Anderson poured an- "ervlteurs were Miss Kathleen KM back. MIm June Armour, Mi' Grace Watkinson and Miss Edit) Drewerton. Mrs. Chris Perry hn 1 charge of the home cooking tab1 Musk: was provided for the oc casion by a gramophone loaned by MacLaren's Music Store. In a bean guessing contest. Mrs. H. F. Pullen was the winner, her guess being 1087. As a result of the tea. the sub stantial sum of $37.80 was realized for the summer camp fund. Uncle OAZAZUS is coming! SUITS Made to Your Order $27.00 TOP NOTCH TAILORS One price throughout Canada Your measure taken by us. LING -THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 019 YOUR IJAUY Requires Milk of Quality Pure, Fresh, Raw Milk Handled in a most sanitary way. Come and see our modern plant. Genuine satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Red 608 for Free Sample No obligation whatever DOMINION DAIRY P. O. Uox 475 PROF. HILL- TOUT HEARD Lecture Sermons in the Anglican Churches Yesterday Proved of Much Interest Prof. Charles Hill-Tout, eminci: Vancouver archaclogist and an thropologlst, gave Interesting lcc i ture-sermons yesterday morniii!? ! at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathc-j dral in the evening and In S. Peter's Anglican Church, Seal Cove. Prof. Hill-Tout, who Is a stuncV believer In evolution, traced hij theories of the development of the mental, moral and spiritual altitude of man who, he declared, had a common life with all natur : from the cell up. Through processes of cducatjon. man had become the only creature to differentiate between himself and all nature around him. The speaker gave his Ideas of the gradual ffrnwfh nf tnntitltv anrl mnralt.u' just as a plant growing in a darc I place would turn toward the light. Out of mortality a spirituality ha 1 grown. Large congregations heard Prof. Hill-Tout's lecture in both chur ches. Uncle OAZAZUS Is coming! Strange Sights in Foreign Lands ! Monday june j 151! HEAR Monday and T two snows - 7 J TJ Constance Bennett in "SIN TAKES A HOLIDAY" With Kenneth MacK(..B Hasll Rathbone, niU-uS Louis IJartels A clever stenoKriph(r 2 never let her shorthand Z what her other hand u lng, A wise little merchant l the market of love. Comedy LAUREL & mRDl in "LAUGHING CUAVY PlCTOniAL Musical Number "SONG SEWICr ADMISSION - JOctfc, Feature Starts at 7 m & . WEDNESDAY & TlllttSDAl LAWRENCE TinnETT and GRACE MOOKE in "NEW MOON " ROBT. J. CROMIE Editor and Owner The Vancouver Sun Howihey Ivc In Asia. Their Modes, Outlook P sibilitirs, How Asiatic conditions affect the E omlc Future of British Columbia. Loam of the new trend of world thoiiRht A ; phlc. Interesting lecture spiced with drsnij and humorous narratives, given In an inn ' style. The Orient viewed In a new light, through eyes of a well-known Canadian editor. vyV. Saturday June 6th , " At 8M5P.M. . rniNGEj RurERT . FREE (No collection). The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Ily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Service Station CHEVROLET and nuICK Open Day and Night Phone 52 Third Avenue COAL Ituy the real Coal-"' J' iiious Edson and CsW Welllntton-ln any quantum Also nulkley Vallcj f W Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 ANUj"