jjoaaay. Juna 1. 1831 w TECS DXET NEWS PCQS FT73 hy Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. CLASSIFIED ADVERT rent, for sale and all for other .mall advertisement i this section chared at the rate of 2 cent, a .rd per insertion will, si, insertions for K. the price of four. By the month the chare is 25c a JSo advertisement taken for less than 50e. FOR RENT CHOICE Apartments for rent. Westenbaver Bros. M fOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat i with bath. Phone 547. if i I FOR BENT- Five-roomed furn- l-si apartment. Apply Mussal-lem'. on tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern apartment. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. j FOR RENT Pianos, phonograph?, sewing machine and cars, Waiter's, cor. Second Avenue and Fourth Street. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Remington Typewrite4 Phone Red 195. 130 HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale Phone Black 405. UP, FOR fiALE thoroughbred Cocker and Springer Spaniel Puppies. Phone; 943. 127 FOR SALE Speedy outboard hul 13 fret, good shape. Snap $20 rU. Phone Red 557 between 0 and 5. 127 FOR SALE cheap, 18-foot open bunch, lifeboat style, 4 horse power Easthope engine, moveable I rmvas cover. Apply Dally News, Phone 98. tt FOR SALE 8-tube Super-Hetero-riyne Radio, 4-tube Short Ware Bet Both battery. "Make me an offer 343 Cor. Eight Avenue' I and Cotton Street. 127 MINER U. ACT frrtlflrale of mprofnnt NOTICE r n Fraction! Mineral Claim, alt-1 ' n tiw A tlln Mining Dlvlalon ol I 'it District. W'ltr. located: About one mile K - ,friy from th Stf Mine and acj i ti u the Speculation SweepaUke i-' 1: Uaak Mineral Claim TAKE NOTICX that I. John Dunham Ttre Ulwfi CtrMIleate No, 1S44S tt mtr ii ntxlj days trom tbe date hereof, ! i:y 10 the Mlnmi Reeorder for a Ce: -vi'iite of Improvement, for the P'ir Uf obtaining a Crown Oram ol A;n turther take rwjU that aettot aertion 84, "must be oommeecea the laauance of auoh Certificate if I i pr.ivrnwlv. L' xi thli iat day of May. A.D. IM1. H. MN. FRA8-R, ARt BflA PINK ROSE, COPPER OUPf 1 K: V LAST CUAKCE OF TUB FINK ( R(1B OllODP OF MINEItAL CLAIMS (i :n the OOm Wffl M!n-' I' i ii at bad of Klekutte Il-t ; Al NOTICE we V. It Maqn lr 2"!l" 'riifint FraH HK. "t miner", ccrttftealv M1lt Afcim i i v.,', .( .rt mlier'a certitKat 'll "'l' B. A lIotveyHMH tr !' ! 147 AO., intend. .-.my dy- Im . rei I to apply Ui the inlninii i lot rertifH-aiee of napn.v.iu. ni ' Mirtr-ev f eMaliMntt . r i '" ri.i the boA rllni 1 'ti-Mxr (i.Ke i, T that i i "''r flwtioii (K f tlie Mi ii-r.il 1, ' i uiuienivd nefoitt i f - iwmn ' rlf loitea nr Anariwnit'ir 1 ' M.K. i-th do m A I 1 Ql KEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES . BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices t N: !5xperM $3.75 Ni 1 3x per M 3-5 No 2 per M 2.73 KOHERTSON & SIMPSON Masse tt,.. B.C. Alnt: Hyde Transfer, Phone 580 "4 scale or CHAUUKS . Th folfuwtnir, fs' the Bcale ' charges made for reading bntices; ' , Murrlage 'ami EngaVemeut -unouncements tZ I Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1. I Cards of Thanks, $2. . Funeral Flowers 10c per WANTED EXPERIENCED waitress wanttjs.imhli. and Ited Ray Treatments ...work. Apply 934 SecondAve. 134 Nervons; Female and Chiforens" WANTED girl for housework. Ap-f Diseases Specially Treated ply Mrs. Pullen, Graham At. ofiW- C. ASFINALL (Chiropractor) Phone nine oit I ....... ... . .., EXPERIENCED woman wantowon: by day or hour. Apply 934 sec-1 ond Avenue. 132 SITUATIONS WANTED "ITT?T. Wants VlAllaAnrAb U. t- month. Phone- Black 441. 127 EXPERIENCED woman wants wot home or hotel, $15 a month. Phone Green 243. 123 PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK. Palmistry ."and Crystal Reading. Wallace Block. Telephone Black 037. SAI.VAOK ANO TOWING "It it's on or under the. water we do it," Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. FuPy Equipped tor Diving and General Salvage Work Ajents lor EASTHOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter Row. Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In'Gas'Ehlines Northerp B.C. Distributors Coolldje Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water rhone, bay or Mint 564 P.O Box 5C4 FURRIER MRS. G. FOWLER, 501 Sixth Av- enue West. Phone Blue 153. ti , SHOE REPAIRS FOR Finest Work try Louis shlbte 331 Second Avenue West. Box 3C. Prince Rupert, B.C. i tt BRINGING UP rrfe kiot R ESTALkRAMT, FOOd IS i i3Nr our Maw 1 '"' 1 H'lWI ttnn Swrttt. t.. Omm Btkmi H(M wml ' ' ' , 1 - "' 1 -r AKJD COMVUIKAEMT HBR ONTMB COOKIWG WE COK1T WAKTT TO t-OSC. HER ISEMENTS CHIROPRACTIC . 1'iinn I rpr n ii & 7 Exchange Blk. Opp. Orme's) DRESSMAKER MISS N. ROGERS. Phone Blach 236. , HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Reri 129. t; AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEHT AUCTION MART I We buy. srll or exchange anyi kind of furniture or household! Roods, musical Instruments ma j ehlnery. etc. General repairs ' 1 crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just! phone BiacK 120 and we will rail. G. J. DAWES. Auctioneer.. Federal Block. tf, TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone IT? Dry Birth. Cedar and Jack Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. t? BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue FATHER a gooo-lookkks BUT THH. GOOD J cook wowdhrfojl? i i c jzn Frank H. Coon PALMER GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office Hours: 11 to 12 2 to 5 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Consultation free. Phone 857 Room 15 Bcsner Blk. House; Blue 529 Wonderful TIcll Queen Charlotte Islands The Home Farm Fine Beach and Meadows for Children's Playgrounds Salmon and Trout Fishinc River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine Parties can be met at Skide-ateg or Port Clements. Wireless for Reservations. MADA.ME RAJAUT Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cneaper to tuy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McItAE BROS. I TD. INTERIOR DECORATING. PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate price. Easy 'Terms JOERCEN. P. MOLLER Painter and. Decosater Phone Red 802. 7W Ave. W. oosmsoeissBBxa GEORGE "MACKLIN Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STCCCO, BRICK, CEMENT. ETC. Tel. Red 832 4 Emad Blk. FURNITURE Simmons Day Couches Makes up to full size bed. 6 only. The quality is still maintained al- $-j ffjfl : though low in price MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 75 i"Ll,trv rr ooce, I I -nvcr was pt?tty ) I that wa'S nl AMVVV IHBaHI GOOD. WHAT WAS 60t . MOW DO VOU VERV WBLU I DO, MR JK3(3 ? AKJO THLL ME , I J HOW DO VOU y ilKB rr MCRE ? The Mail Schedule ar the East Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10.31 lilt Prom the East-Sunday. Tuesday and Thurt ay 3.30 pjn Fr Vancouver-Sunday ', 9 pm. Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 9 pjn. Friday .- . 11 run June 3, 13, 20, 24, and 27 pm. Prom Vancoovei Sunday ,-, 4 pjn ah!th6 is -the. AKIO PlMET JOQ I hwwerb Eveif had wrrw TMH EXCEPTION OP OJ THlKlQ I r - tmatt? Census of 1931 Canada In the opening weeks of June esyery family and every home in Canada will be visited by a representative of tbe Government for the great national purpose of taking tbe seventh census of Canada. Tbe census is really a stocktaking. That is, it provides tbe information to enable tbe Govern xn:nt and others interested in tbe development of tbe country to formulate progressive policies for tbe happiness, comfort and prosperity of our people. All the information supplied is strictly confidential, and the officers of the Government are subject to severe penalty if they disclose any of the information which is given to them by residents in the country, to any other than the Government Furthermore, it has nothing whatever to do with taxation, or military service, or compulsory school attendance, or immigration, or any such matter; and the Government itself cannot use it except for statistical totals. The Government representative will put the same questions to alL and it is your duty as a resident of this country to answer promptly and truthfully. Tbe Government is very anxious to avoid forcing anyone to answer these questions, but it is empowered to do so in the few cases where individuals may refuse. Issued by HON. H. H. STEVENS, Minister DEPARTMETsT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE PTTATA Wednesday 10 JO Friday , Saturday 10:30 June 8, 15, 19. 22, 26 and 29 ....am. For Stewart and Anyox Thursdays 8 Sunday 7 Wednesday . 3 Saturday 3 From Stewart and Premier Sunday 8 Tuesday 11:30 . Thursday 8 For Naas River and I Port Simpson-Sunday i 7 pm. By pm From Naas River pjn. and Port Simpson am Tuesday 11.30 For Queen Charlottes-May 2, 16 and 30. From Queen Charlottes Jane 13 and 27. Jane ll and 26. For Alaska Jane 8, 16, 19, 22, 26 and 29 ....am. From Alaska-June 3, 13, 20, 24,and 27 pm. pm. pm. pm pm. pm. am. pm. A DiUy News want-ad wnir rVftults. George McMamis J wow! am. mm rill