, oa fi oe re ea Page 2 THE DALLY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. fH. F. PULLEN, MANacine Eprror, ‘SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great [ritain, in advance, per year $6.00, [o United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ALVERTISING — 75 cents per incu. Contract Rates on application, ao Spe: Saturday, Nov, 29, 1919. DAILY EDITION. Chinese Demands Right or Wrong? Are the Chinese right or wrong in asking for the same pay and treatment as British subjects who fought in the war? On the face of it there seems no good reason to say that they should be paid less or denied any of the other privileges which have been granted to men who served the Empire. it must be femembered, however, that China was at war wilh Germany just as much ag was Britain. She did not do very much fighting, jut had she lost there would have been an immense bill for them to pay. They would have been taxed almost out of existence and they would certainly have lost much territory. Germans would have been in power at Hongkong, Shanghai, Shantung and other places and practically the whole country would have been subsidiary to the Teuton empire. If the Ghinese soldiers are to be rewarded for fighting in France, and no one would deny them that right, it shouid be the Chinese Government that would reward them. They are the gainers from the winning of the war. They gain much more than does Japan. British Soldiers Coming to Country. Many British soldiers are being sent to ths country to re- cuperate following the war. We have a climate that is good tor men with chest and lung trouble, so a colony is to be formed at some suitable point. We are told also that many women are coming to Canada who have for several years been engaged in war work. We should welcome all these people. We have so many undeveloped resources that it should not be difficult to provide for half a million or a million men and women. It will be part of our contribution to the war, that we can look after some of those who have been fighting. Need of Wharf At Stewart. ; A wharf is needed at Stewart just now. Both the Dominion and British Columbia Governments are fully aware of the facts and have expressed themselves as ready to do their part in pro viding it. Unfortunately, however, there is a disagreement over some detail. We do not know which is at fault. We do not care which it is. What we know is that there is a great need and the work has already been held up many months while the red tape is being unwound. While Stewart is waiting, Hyder is having a boom. ‘The Americans are taking advantage of the situation. They are, with their usual energy, building up the American border town while the,Canadian town is asleep. At a time like this and under the peculiar conditions that exist it is to be hoped the Governments will get together quickly and see that a suitable wharf is erected at once and that everything is done to give Stewart a chance in the fight for existence as a mining town and supply centre for the Salmon River and other mining points up Portland Canal. eater. PRIZE COMPETITION ist Prize $200 Cash. 2nd Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash. These prizes go to those who secure the largest number o new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decide: by points which are earned o1 new subseriptions as follows: City Circulation. i Cut of Town Circulation. 4 Month, 75e...... 75 pointx | aclidiesliintal 6 Months, $4 ..... 450 points | 1! Month, 50c. ...... 50 points 7 ee 1,009 point O Mowe Ces 2245 «ss 350 points DS TOMS See cise +2 2,000 points S: Mae G6