PAQE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Naws, Limited, Third Avenu , H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or cartler, yearly period, paid in advance ... 5.0c Tor lesser perteds, paid In advance, per month .. 5C By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Colombia, paid in advance for yearly period .'. 300 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year - $6.0- By mall to all other countries, per year . 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word .02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line 25 Legal notHces, each Insertion, per agate line 15 ' Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters Telephone , ., ... .. Advertising and Circulation Telephone , Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION 86 ...98 Saturday, June 13. 1931 SELL THE P. G. E. BY ALL MEANS statesmen of the Tolmie government. We are inclined tn think that -this may be bad news for Mr. Pattullo if he doesn't watch out. For in old times they used the methods of divination for all sorts of purposes, and especially when the more usual processes had failed. They used them to discover gold and silver and iron and Conner, and they even used them for tracking criminals and heretics. Suppose the Tolmie government should extend this process in its administration of British Columbia! Of course we know that Hon. Finance Minister Jones, how that he has got his universal income tax, doesn't need the services of a lady or anv other dowser to discover new sources of revenue. But think how useful it would be to have a really infallible lady dowser about when it came to the decision for or against a general election. If the forked twig, as we are told, "moves with sudden and often violent motion," in the charmed hands of the water divner, what might it not do, in the hands of a staunch Tory dowser, in the presence of a secret and unsuspected deposit of Pattullo supporters? If there are any such, still extant anywhere, the Tolmie government will discover them by divination. And then, it strikes us, no matter how many speeches Mr. Pattullo insists upon mak-ng, he had better watch out. Vancouver Province. I friHlNafoi FilFititiii 01 The Neirt Nerves Were All Gone UIh Kom 0 riff la, Ai.r, Win., writei:-"Abuut in jMiri mo I u troubled witk p!pl. UUm f Ik kMt, tu4 by k ihock. u4 at arm ww ill font, tad I could not ilep. I Wl IBlWi Utut lad Nmo Pillt md AoeSdod U try tW Ahi I id Ukc-i thrro In I wm r4i fl. 0ia. j thlBk rye w a jrondorfnl twy. md witk 3 ,tkm wko Suffered si I did would girt them t triU." Bold U ill drug tad reoenl ttorei. , mk direct ca melpt of prUe by TU T. MUbum Co-Ltl Twwite. Out, New Pacific Coast Steamship Manager Kt 'lasssssvv' vavsssss aawswT 4Baasasi Basali Basssssssn BSSSBJV 2- dBWBasssWi flb'! ' sK .bbbw SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBV vIB7 aBSsSBS ssassasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV. la C :sssBal C : J C dde-on Br wtj who !.- y.i.ais I'us i irst inspection visit ; i north coast He and his party left on -he Prince Henry this afternoon for Skagway. 'r Sell, yes sell, by all means sell. That is what we are eager iikcilv fn to say in connection with the proposal to turn the P. G. E. : wUUMUj KJll 6ver to an American syndicate. We want badly to get rid of that railway but of course we do not expect the government to give the whole of the Peace River Block to sweeten the plum. We understand that' neither of the big Canadian rail- ii .t.ti.. d r c ti . i ii l i i: Canadian Halibut Continued from raee One - . 'it had shown the first Inclination a yd wctiiLs me it. u. j. i e v i-auuui iee uieiurcn es Jiaiiui-: to cm oa an inrirwnrtnt t i capped permanently by the possession of something they tion for the benefit of the fisher-! must operate but which cannot work in with the rest of at North island where, it was j the system. The only interest the C. P. R. would take in it stated- imperial on Co.. by ar-i would be to divert part of it to Ashcroft and run into Van- TtZlrT .1" couver on their mam line. iized the supply. We strongly urge Upon Premier Tolmie that if he can- Discussion of ways and means to! ren tames at which Mr. Johnson was declared to have told the fishermen who were threatening to' strike, that the company had ample fish and did not really require more. There was criticism of action of the .local newspapers, particularly the Dally News, In publishing propaganda allegedly detrimental to the fishermen. There was a hote of facetlousness in a resolution which oassedthe meeting "heartily thank-n? the Daily News for having published the names of scabs.." Fishermen's Press The sugvestlon was advanced at the meeting that the fishermen night think about getting a press1 )f their own to publish views which it was claimed the "capitalistic )ress" would not publish. The meeting, which lasted for nearly three hours, closed after It had been decided that expenses ln-volvd In holding It would be borne equally by the Northern D. C. Salmon Fishermen's Union, the Deep Sea FLshermen's Union and the Canadian Hullbut Vessel Owners' Association. THE DAILY NEWS Samuel Jabour Congratulated Made Fine Showing in Leading Western Canada r or Sun Lite Policy Writin Sam Jabour. local agent of the Sun Life Assurance Co has been advlred that his net club total of Insurance writing led Western Can-',. m.. rnotith. A telegram from the head office of the oomucnv congratulates Mr. Jabour on the fine rhowing which Qualifies him for the company's "Fifteen Club.' Academy Reunioii Pleasant Affair Graduating Commercial Class Entertains Former Pupils On Thursday af'ernoon the graduating commercial class of the St Joseph's Academy entertained the (farmer pupils. About thirty young ladies attended and enjoyed a very pleasant reunion. Misses Olive Mun- i ra and Amelia Pillsbury poured tea and Misses Mabel Ivarson and Grace LeDuke assisted In receiving the guests. All expressed the hope that the reunion would become an annual event Eagles' Dance h ! Enjoyable Affair Hundred Couples Present Function Last Night In Aerie Hall at not do business with the bier railways he make the best reduce the Pri resulted in' a verv eniovabie dane wa h-w possible deal with the other concern, as long as the plans of iJe "lutln pledging support to jiast night in the Aerie Hail by the the new company do not interfere with the western outlet oSvf ZeS about one hW 1 plans of the joint railways now planning to build west-StZ moved T'ZSSSISS ward. Iderson. was adopted In preference from j 9 pjn. until 3 ajn. Peppy mu- m , to one-moved by J.F.Murray, pro-; slc was provkle4 by the Premier1 DIVINATION AT VICTORIA- ' f08 th ! ; a commltt represent-1 orchestra and. at midnight, dellc- We hone that everybody has noted with our owh great 5T2SS5. EF5JSS? 2 intprPst.nnwthpTnlmioornvornrrioritiQfirif1infritTcrifoi.fni. , ...... . ' urwrge btooks was master of Oil the farmers of the Okanagan. The government isn't doing regard to high prices m almost aiitTe SSr other memb? of ?hJ that itself; that is it doesn't send HonvMinister of Agri- iines semmodities in Prince Ru-iCommlttee m cnarse were Angel0 culture Atkinson or" Hon. Minister of Finance Jones into ww!Tcem made i -1. R- scM and Thomas the Okanagan to find waler for th fnrmprs Rnt it sonrk "'c r""ce """.'""'iciough. ..... yj ; , ' eiiiieii uo-operauve Associauon a diviner, one of those famous persons for whom the was aireadv savi. it. mpmhpn divining rod of Willow or Witchhazel Will tum over in their considerable money. In connection hands, when they stand above the waters in the earth be- wlth the Purcnase 8e- An ap- rjoafl " peal was made for more support of It seems that. the water-diviner in ordinary to the Tol-'SSS mie government or "dowser ".as thp mnrp hnmplv fnrm had itis a lady "an Englishwoman who claims extra- m,ht tone be open to aiit MPiir ij 7nt TAXt ordinary powers." And it stems that she is discovering "t8 ?wage eftrner and not! llH if nALLL 1 UIl on, to the central interior and the Peace country, to find water for the farmers there. ) sockeye Exportation ,..??J?.ur;.Mtu,!',??,,?a',er.' ? ?p'I?.. yM&XZZS"? X1 uc uiuiBtuiiuuiauouv an mis, antl no UOUDine Will maKe embargo on exportaUon of raw, a lot of speeches about it. But suppose the lady dowser in Uockeye was moved by Milce Ander-I ordinary to the Tolmie government really is finding water ' 300 tnd 64 ""' without extensive for the distressed farmers of the Okanagan! We have had! d,!!SlfMton-.1 ..... the curkxntv to look this Question un in th rpfprpnopi..!.u.n d.ded. wnd a j .;. ... .. . t . - telegram 10 Rtwninn ironeri Dac- books, and wc find that the divining rod is by no means an! iing them up m their ttrike for exploded superstition of an elder day. We are told that it I higher prices and auo conveying is iii even uy intrn 01 science in me iwentiein , liai Centurv." Cprtninlv f Ami it la oiMlontltf V.olioi.f.fl ; U v. 1 There vu some dbuion of the . , V. v I IIIWIIblT 1 C14 ill UV V LIIC J .......... .t . . . t .f ii rA i . . .. . . Present "strike" situation n affprt local fishermen. In spite of "jolt roap and propaganda, resolve was expressed to continue the "strike" untU something had been done to improve the prices. Charles Lord read to the meeting a telegram purported to have been sent from T. II. Johnson, manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., to the company's packers at North Island urging them to get as much fish as possible, this. It was stated, having been sent on the same day Miat a conference had been held between Mr. Johnson and fishermen's repre- District News Smithers and Hazelton played baseball at Harelton last Sunday and Smithers won the game by the decisive score of 19, to 4. James H. Oroat of Smithers visited here last Sunday. It was the first thne he had been in this district for several years and he was agreeably surprised with all he saw. An automobile with Florida licence plate has been In Hazelton for the past few dayt The owner 1 an enthusiastic angler and he has been visiting various streams hereabouts, accompanied by C. W. Dawson. There was a large attendance at benefit dance held in the New Hazelton community hall last After one of the longest dry spells the district has experienced In years, rain came on Tuesday. night uf this week and Into Wednesday fell copiously. It was very welcome for the country was badly in need of moisture. Crops were greatly benefitted. 'O IMPROVE YOUR APPETITE Feeling Indifferent to twdf Out of eorul DrireMtU Stimuli your dlgeMlv tract with Dt. Carter! LlnW liver PilUi Alt t rirtabU. Gentle but thorough. They'll (el rtd of boJf potni thtt came InJIfeMton, Gat, etc and (lr you a new In tercet In fend. 25o & 5c red pacltc A .1- I-..-.!.. f ( your uiajjin rw LITERS HiiPIlXS WHY? Use Kllm, when Now you can Set the real Fresh Milk? Try It Today Our Milk Speaks for Itself DOMINION DAIRY Phone Krd 608 P.O, Itoi 474 SUMMER IN THE MARITIMES of the Tint rfnim lottl, Dlftbr. N.S.i and toiowt iha AUonquIn Haul at St. Andrew -by-tbe-Sa. Inxtia I r pica I MiUfled Junior parraa of Martlaaa aca, aan4 and unahla. Suntiln and tlcsra-inr sands! The laughter of acaraper-Inf childhood mingled with the organ-twell of the Atlantic breakers as the cream onto tat ihorca of the Bay of Fundyl Here is holiday; health and happiness. All alone th beautiful coaat of Nova Scotia art countless watering place), whose) namea bare become) household words among lovers of tha aeailde. Eicellent hotels ara at th diapoial of visitors and th ahoreward scans la bo leas lovely than Its raarlna companion. Tht Annapolis Valley needs no introduction to Canadian or to it countless American viiitors. It hub ton rightly called Canada's Deron, with lta flour ishine ortnarda and pasture landa and 5rfjasieaTaV4ki. I , AlSt IHEyW 0&- .tM Battai iffH Its countl cm picturesque farms ' and hamlet. A few hours journey by palatini steamer from Saint John, Nil., Dig by, with it Fines Tlotel as th hsb of activity, rivals Kentille with ita CornwlIis Inn, and Yarmouth with it new Lakeside Inn, in extending hospitality to the holiday-seeker. Golf, tennis, bathing, fishing, yachting and innumerable beautiful rnnor drives are only a few of the recreations available. On th New Brunswick mainland, father, u it were to this stalwart family, the Algonquin Hotel, at St. Andrew-by-the-&ea, ets a standard of summering unrivalled anywhere on th continent. The luxurious hotel, with ita many attached cottages, 1 th centre of one ot th most eidualr colon! ot the Dominion. The golf links, known throughout the length and breadth of th country as on of th finest championship coursea available, are meet namesake of the home of th royal and ancient gam In old Scotland. Th Canadian Pacific Railway place all these resort within easy acccsa of their many devotee. a -stTS-T- J F h.auits you better to do so, All' . xi. xuu are near a Jrost nov ?vj You are in Touch with wou may do your, banking by mail. Your money is safer in the bank than, at home. Send it, ' in any shape most convenient for, you, to a Branch of the Bink of MontreaL . . .) Cash should be sent by registered maiL- Write to any Branch for our booklet "Banking by Mail." It may save you many a trip to town. BANK OF MONTREAL Established lBlT TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF f00r000,000 Frank H. Coon PALMEIl GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office Hours: 11 to 12 2 to 5 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Consultation free. Phone 837 Room 15 liesner Rlk, House, Blue 529 NATURAL 1'URE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Orade A certificate Health and Banlta tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Ilox 895 phone 287 4 ll a Kaien Motors Limited (Jeneral Oarage and Service Station CHEVROLET and IUJ1CK Open Day and Night Phone 52 Third Avrnu.