Defeated Canadian Lesion Last Night For Third Straight Soccer Win Merchants, by beating the Legion by three clea rgoals. won their third straight game In the Gllrnily Cup Football competition last evening and thereby won their first trophy of the season. TheXegten had the advantage of sun and hill and. after S. Dickens had shot part, they attacked with W. turtle dropping a couple of hint) shots that might have been successful with the sun in Menzies eyes butane Merchants' goalie was safe The Merchants forwards combined nicely but Skinner cleared Smith save dfinely from S. Dickers and then Legion forced corners that BiUsanWh tfcak well but they were cleared. Menzies was very lucky to clear from Hadden's header. Following a splendid clearance from S. Dickens at full length, Smith was betten when the ball was crossed back into goal and S. Dickens beat him from a very evident offside po-; sitlon.. Later a doubtful penalty; against Murray was converted by A. Dickens to give the Merchants a two-goal lead. Hadden again went ; very close following a free kick ta- , ken by Woodside but the Legion had i ho good luck. The Merchants, had the better of the opening Exchanges In the second half but Logien defence was safe and Hadedn'tfRrj Hodgklnson got away, Merale clearing from Bussanlch. Jack was clever in defence but Amor beat him and gave McKay a lovely chance in the goal mouth for the latter to miss. Play became ragged with the players getting out -of hand, Woodside beteg the worst offender and lnvtlng retaliation when the referee did not check him up. Then Douglas and Skinner did some big kicking into touch which did not help the game. The Merchants were shooting most and Skinner handled in the pen alty area, H. Dickens scoring from the resulting penalty. P. Kodgkin-son crossed a beauty tha Menzies did well to clear and then a claim for a penalty against Douglas was refused. W. M array headed past and J. Currie had hard luck In, not scoring. Fifll time found the Merchants, winning by three goals ta nil. Legion J. Smith; Skinner, Jack; W. Murray, W. Murray. Woodside; F, Hodgklnson, Parmenter. J. Currie, Hadden, Bussanlch. Merchants Memtas; A. Hardy, Douglas; HBt, 3. Currie, O. Mitchell; Amor, H. Dickens, a. Dickens, Mc Kay, SDickens. l Referee. Barton: linesmen. A. Cftpperton, C. Barker. Have you paw your suoserlptkwi tb he bally News this year? Mrs, Edna Flint, wife of Honolulu attorney, school teacher and socially prominent, coaching her former pupil, Henry Kudo, young Japanese-American flyweight whom the Territorial Boxing Commission recently licensed her to manage. Dinner Given For Visitors! Recently Appointed Head of Coast' Steamships and Associates 1 Guests Last Evening , .v. k Station defeated ?, fbreofatSilnarf :il of the- ...... National" i,i i Recreation n i Last evening' members cotRieu and the council chamber of commerce were hosts at a quiet little dinner given tb Colonel J. C. Brown. B. T. Chappell and other railway and'Mmship officials in lhe!bmrflo'ddre'Mfe, Mayor Orme presiding. Speeches were very brief and nothing of outstanding Importance was said. BIG SIX SfANDING AB H. Pet. Frteeell 8. 2 7 4 .571 J. Coattdfm s. 2 7 3 .429 Amenaau s Z 7 3 .429 Howe 8. 2 7 3 .429 A. Mitchell E. 2 5 2 .400 Roberts S. 3 ' 9 3 .333 Smith M 3 9 3 .333 Zarelli M 3 9 3 .333 Redman M. .....2 6 2 .333 Golf class t "Whmgi on Unlveislty Bi Louis Mo start their dally prai'tse to fit tht-nut-lv ; ., .-., mn ei.Kn. When they oiw,t to make victorious sen- t ;he links These- co-da look upon golf as major sport and also an exercise which perfects their posture STATION WINNER Offices Defeated 6 to 4 n Canadian National Softball League Last Night Of flees bv a reeular Canadian League snfthall THE DAlLt NEW3 fixture last nfght The game was ' Beverldge, Lillian Weymouth, fast and both teams played excel- j Boys shoe race, 8 and under-lent ball. John Little, Jim McCulloch. John Station held the Offices scoreless ' Beverldge. for the-first six innings while Col i Girls broad Jump, 11 and underletting their six runs but In the j Lilian Grant $' 3". Marlon Mc-last two innings Offices managed to! Leod. Rutn Little, bring in four runs, giving a final Boys relay. 14 and under--Skln-score of 6 to 4. ner, Nash, JlHlpp.Thpmas; T. Hipp. Wbbard and Nelson were best for'Eadle. W. McLeod, Weymouth; Attn Offices while Stiles and Astort 1 tree, Williams, Downing. McCul- excelled for the Station. Batteries were: Station Tobey and Skatte-bol; Offices Boulter and Geddes. i The next league fixture will be on Tuesday night next between Station and Round House. A game will be played tonight between Biological Station team and the C.N.R.A. Big League Scores National League New York 8. Pittsburg 2. Philadelphia 4, Chicago 7. Brooklyn 3, Cincinnati 0. Boston 3, St. Louis 5. American League Chicago 2,. New York 11. Detroit i, Boston 3. . Louis 2. Philadelphia 6. Cleveland 1, Washington 7. PLANE IS KEPT BUSY Returns From Trip Down Coast With Dr. Mandy and Leaves For Wreck on Islands After making sixteen inspections along the coast south of here and 'don Little-Ken. Attree, Ed Cole-coverlng a great deal of territory i Henry Desjardines. during eight hours of actual flying, Girls high Jump. 14 and under ; Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mln- Theresa Desjardines 3' 8"), Edith jlng engineer, was back In the city Kohne, Jennie Ytlng. jat 10:30 this morning aboard the! Boys 220 yards, open Stuart Mc- Moth seaplane -of the Northern B. Leod, Ralph Skinner, Tohy Hipp, iC. Airways piloted by D. Murphy.: Boys wheelb&rfiw 11 and under Dr. Mandy was hlghlv pleased with A. McColman-M. Elder, Norman the much greater efficiency made Smith-Jack Smith, Jack Durron-Ed. possible by plane travel as compar- Wlllson. ed with boat travel. Hie plane; Girls high Jump, open Edith would have been back sooner but K'lhne 3' d". Theresa Desjardines, was held up by -unfavorable flying Marjorle Llewellyn, weather, j Girls sack Wee.. 11 and under ' About an hour after returning i Maxlne Llewellyn, Ruth Little, Mar-iwlth Dr. Mandy, the plane was In! Ion McLexi. the air again, leaving for Massett ' Boys thot-nut. open Stuart Me- Inlet with Capt. W. P. Armour on board. The manager of the Pacific Balvage Co. here Investigate salvage possibilities In connection with the local halibut boat Emblem I. owned by Peter Bruno of this city, which has been burned to the water's edge on the Islands. Keen Interest Taken In Big Program of Field Sjrtrts TERRACE, June 13:--A very successful school sports meet was held in Terrb.ce recently. The meet was organized and the events were run off on' time, a good number of testants being entered In all events. Competition was very keen, especially In the fourteen years and under groups. In class competition Grade IX was victorious with a total of 135 points followed by Grade VI with 112 points. In the open events Stuart McLeod led the boys with 43 polnt-s and Mary Smith, the gltls with eipht. In the 14 and under divisions. Ralph Skinner won the boys' with 42 points followed by Tony Hipp with 30 and Rita Taft won the girls' with 34 points followed by Theresa Desjardines with 27 and Edith Kohne with 22. Arthur ; McColman led the boys' 11 and un- der group with 25 points and Ruth Little the girls with 36 points. In the eight and under section John Little made eight points while Lillian Weymouth made six. i Following is a list of events with winners: j Boys, 50 yards, 8 and under 1, I Henry Desjardines; 2, John Little; 3, Roger Walsh. Girls, 50 yards, 8 and undef Lillian Weymouth, Mildred McCol-man, Mabel Weymouth. Boys 75 yards, 11 and under Arthur McColman, Kenneth Attree, Gordon Little. Girls, 75 yards, 11 and under Ruth Little, Lillian Grant. Maxlne Llewellyn. Boys 1D0 "yards 14 and 'under-Tony Hipp, 'Ralph Skinner, Ernest Weymouth. Girls lfjO 'yards. 14 and under Ruth Little, Edith Kohne. Theresa Desjardines Boys 100 yards open StuaVt Mc- Leoa, Rarprr Skinner, Tony Hipp. lOlrls broad Jump 8 and under ' Margaret McColman (7' 5"), Jean loch. Girls broad Jump, 14 and under Theresa Desjardines 10' 11"). Rita Taft, Jennie King. Boys shoUput, 14 and under T. Hipp (27' 5"), Ernest Weymouth. Ralph Skinner. Girls broad Jump, open Rita Taft ill' 7", Theresa Desjardines, Marjorle Llewellyn. Girls shoe race, 8 and under Kathleen Smith. Theresa Newhau-ser, Jean Beverldge. Girls 100 yards, open Ruth Lit tle, Frances Dover, Rita Taft. Boys broad Jiimp, 11 and under Arthur McColman (10' 5"), Kenneth Attree, Jackie Smith. Girls relay,' 14 and under F. Dover. R. tittle, J. Doll. E. Taft; Kohne, R. Taft, M. Maxam. M Smith; T. Desjardines, J. Cole, V Oreig, J. King. Boys broad Jump, 14 and under- Tony Hipp 13. Ralph Skinner, Lloyd Thomas. Girls 3-legged, 11 and under Rosa Cote-Ella France, Maxlme Llewellyn-Marion McLeod, Ruth Llttlb-ilelen Beverldge. Boys, broad Jump, open Stuart McLeod 15), Frank OrCsn, Tony Hipp. Boys 3-legged race, 11 and under Arthur McColman-R. Cole, G6r- , Leod 32" l"f, Frank Green, Ttalph Skinner. Boys high Jump. 14 and under Ernest Weymouth (4' 4"). Ralph Skinner. Tony Hipp. Girls 220 yards opfcn Ruth Little. Frances Dover. Rita taft. Girls 3-legged, 14 and under - News and Views in World of Sport from Far andN MERCHANTS ! Fighter Has Lady Manager TRACK MEET ! PIPE TESTED by an ENGINEER WIN CUP AT TERRACE ear "In regard to your Turret pipe tobacco, it is one of the best blended tobaccos that u Raihtay Locomotive Engineer could smoke. It lasts longer . does not hum the tongue . . and is ahcays exxd ami mild.- I am a heavy sitwker , . . alicay.i with my pipe in my mouth and you can bet, your lfe that I enjoy Turret pipe tobacco . . it's a pije tobacco that satisfies. Try Turret pipe tobacco. Notice what difference in facte and fraf raure the careful blending of arlrclcU tobacco make. TURRET A good, cool smoke Rita Taft-Edlth Kohne. Eileen Taft-Jennle. King,. Frances Dover-Riith Little. Boys high Jump, open Stuart McLeod ' 6"), Ernest Weymouth. Ralph Bklnner. Girls sack rate, open Rita Taft, Theresa Desjardines, Maxlne Llew ellyn. Olrk potato race, 11 and under Maxlne Llewellyn, Marion McLeod, atsy McPhee. Boys pole vault, 14 and under Ralph Skinner (6' 4"), Bill DOwn-ng, Jlmmle Smith. Girls sack race, 14 and under Maxlne Llewellyn. Rita Taft. Mar-orte Llewellyn. Oirls softball throw, open Mary Smith 192' 2"), Theresa Desjardines foyce Cole. Boys pole vault, open StUart .vtcLeod (7). Frank Oreen, August Lips. Bqys sack race, 11 and under Arthur McOolman, Ronald Oole. John Desjardines. Boys relay open Thorn, Skinner, Nash, Llewellyn; Attree, Green. (Imp. S McLeod; Downing, Hadle. Williams, W. McLeod. Girls relay, open Dover. Little, Doll, E. Taft: Desjardines, King. R. Taft, Kohne: MePhete, tJ. Nelson, E Nelson, a rant. Boys 223 yards, 14 and under Ralph Sklnher, Tony Ilipp Lloyd Thomas. Boys hop-step-jump, open Stuart McLeod 128' 4" , Lloyd Thomas. Ralph skinner. Girls hop-step-jump, open Rita Taft (23 C"), Cissy Richmond, Jennie King. Boys half-mile, open Stuart McLeod, Ralph Skinner, Tony Hipp. Mrs. D. Zarelll, wno has been visiting for the past couple of months In Vancouver, and Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Henry this morning. point, ,OfV SiMONDS SAW BITS Alloys of special SI morula ttrel tempered to give best polble cuttlngcdgrsglveSlmonJsSuW Bits their wonderful capacity and long life. They speed up the work and reduce coitt. SI MONOS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MOMTDCAI IWONTO VANCOUVI 'kml JHN, H b. D-M Turret fine rut for tho$e fhm rail fclr own EXPORT OF LOGS HERE frontinupi) XjOXa uge 1) whole of Central British Columbia ' will sutfer. i Relaxation of regulations agalnctj I log export offers the readiest I jrnearis'of relief. Dire necessity nl I the Inhabitants overwtighs in tlu' present ' emergency- the standar.1 arguments against export of raw ogsl Boat, to China Prompt action the govern nent will enable Prince Rupert 'ake advantage of a monthly bo. ervlce tb Japan and "China, cam ng xlxed cargoes of fish, whe; nd logs. The permission asked is not tin Imlted in scope. It would appl-nly to hemlock and"cedar. The.-s a surplus of the former even in outhem British Columbia. Ther s no market for either In th lorth. The cedar Is of a grade th 't is unprofitable to ship to th southern British Columbia mllh Out a market for both grades har been found In the Orient. The Interior settlers wish to b illowed to ship their light sprue in cord-wood shape to the pul- mills of New England, whel market awaits them. No depletion if resources li Involved, since th rate ot grpwth Is greater than an" reasonably te'gulaied cut. Government regulations, proper enough lit normal limes, stand in the way of Northern British Co lumbla seizing these opportunities to earn ft livelihood. When othur Industries return to normal activity, the regulations can gradually be tightened again. The 6hly issue jbefore the government' Is whether to save people or logs. That issue should bi met at once. SOFTBALL Juno 10-Roundltnuse vs. Station June IP -Drvdock v. Roundhouse. June 23 Drydock vs. Station. June 28-aSlatlpn Vs. Rdundhaus" June 30 Roundhouse v. Drydock "Some laundries do use up linen don't they?" said King .George at me unen Trade Exhibition In London. And he added: "But I suppose It's good for trade."-Manchester Guardian. 15c. porkmgr content 2 poker harult 20c. package rim taint 3 poker fuxndt U-pou'nl tin contains it fokcr hand PIPE T O R A C C O Pipe tested BASEBALL June 15 Elks vs. S O C June 18 MUilonalrs vs E1U. June 22 Mlllionairs vs 8 oc Jlfhe 25-B.O.C vs Elb June Elks vs. MiliMin.rt July 2-.O.C vs. Elks July 6 Elks vs. HO C July 9 Mlllionairs vs Elks NEURALGIA 3 ft wVxnH I 1 1 txiW Hm ft' Im'i -4 getwondsrfulrstlall j iu imvm i ii t r " Dr. J. F. Maguire Dentist Will be out or town fnm June lOlh to July lrti For Information Phone 845 ESJPSUH SAVE VOl'tt SOLES Shot Repairs of Ail Ki AH Work Guaranteed TJharges Mode ra it-Mat Shoe Hospital Westholme Theatre MURDOCH McAttTlUB