LOCAL NEWS THE MARKET William King of the electrical department of the Canadian National Railways arrived in the city from the interior on today's train L 11 Haworth will sail tonlgh1 fin the Prince George for Esqul-malt where ho will take a naval officer's course. Mrs. Haworth Jeit on today's train for Calgary where die will visit while Mr. Haworth li In the south. Robert C. Oossc sailed' by the Cardena last night on his return ti Vancouver after a brief visit In the city. It Is understood that Mr. Go.e. who was formerly managing director of the D. C. Packers a now contemplating the estao-ii.hment of an Independent can-try at Prince Rupert. :i PA Seattle Wash.' Union Station ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose picnic, Dlgby Island, June Moose Hard Time Dance Friday June 2G. Canadian Legion Picnic July 13 Presbyterian Bazaar November 154 Tfr MAY 22 TO OCT. 15 RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31 LIBERAL STOPOVERS Summer excursion forei eatt daily on Union Pacific i wonderful Portland Rose end other fln Iroint. Scenic route. Short tide trips enable you o viiit... Oni4 Canyon, Zion, Iryt Canysn. k)r Mowttdln, Oread Ttton uni Tllwitn National farli. Informs, ana" rorai.'on booklet! on raqutit. Via Portland Thru world-famous COLUMBIA RlV:R GORGE Direct to SALT LAKE CITY, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, THICACO UNION CI FIG Market prices current today arc as follows: Vegetables o 1 1 i ... vamumia New potatoes, lb 7 Potatoes, netted Jems, 10 bs... .25 -- , 2.25 rarsiegrbunch jo California Celery, headJOand !as Spinach, D.C. 3 lbs 5 uanis, imported, per lb ' .40 Leeks, bunch in Carrots. S lbs Cabbage, green .o Onions, 4 lbs is B.C. head lettuce, head io Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb .3.1 Green peas, lb , n "Uiubarb. outdoor lb. or .... '. Bulk Turnips lb os Sunch Turnips 2 bunches ".. IS Cauliflower, Wash, hd. 25c to .35 Victoria hothouse cucumbers 15 and .20 California bunch carrots 10 Apple Yenow Newton, fancy box .:,...$3.M Wlnesap, extra fancy 3.50 Fruits Valencia Oranges 20c to .60 Lemons. Sunlclst, Uoz 40 norwa arapcfrult .,.120 to ."A California Orapefrult ...7Hc to .10 Bananas, 2 lbs. .33 Australian Almelra Orapes, lb. .40 B. O. Strawberries, 2 boxes .... .33 Cantdoupes. Cal 20c. and 2J Byng Cherries .35 Dried fruits-extracted honey, per Jar ,, "omb honey Oatoj. bulk. lb. ilalslns, bulk, lb. . .. , '.cnion and orange peel . (Hack cooking figs. lb. currants, id. .. Jltron pe IJL'hlt. llrrm II. .valine ir., ,u. , Apples, dried Peaches, peeled ... Apricots, lb. Prunes, 60-70, lb. Prunes, 30-40. lb. Prunes. 40-50, lb. .35 .12 W .15 JO .15 .15 .35 .15 .20 .20 ' .20 .10 .15 12& Meats-Fowl NO. 1. lb 3$ Roasting Chicken, lb 45 Broilers .45 Ham. lillced, first grade .56 Ham, picnic, first grade 25 Cottage rolls, lb. .32 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .50 Pork, shoulder 22 Pork, loin 35 Pork, dry salt 20 Pork. leg 30 Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c to ,50 Venl, shoulder 25 Veal, loin. 35 Turkey A Beef, pot roast 18c to 20 Beef, boiling 10c to .14 Beef, roast, prime rib 25c and .30 unmb, shoulder 25 Beef, steak 30c to .40 Lamb, leg 38 Lamb, chops 35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder 20 Fish-Smoked klDDers. lb 15 Salmon, fresh, lb - .35 Halibut, fresh, lb 20 n.C. fresh pullets, dot .30 B.C. fresh first, dos M B.C. fresh extras, dog Local, new laid .45 DU. Illicit I. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For Glasses At St. Elmo Hotel UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fllramrr lrve ITInoe Itupfrl t r Vmou: T-M. CATAI.A r.VKRV Tt r.SH.W. 1.10 P.M. Arriving Vancouver, rlt Ocean rail. Thuriday Noon approx. I'ARIlKNA KVKIIY IKIHIV MIHMOIIT , Arriving Vancouver Sunday midninht appro. wly aalllngi to Port Blmpaon. Alice Arm. Anyox. Btewart and Naai River point Sunday 8 00 p.m. '""her Information regardlns all aallinm and tickets at PKINlX Iltl'tltT AOtN'CV; Ret- uml Avenue. Phoim IO Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroncr's Store. pin, Jabou'r, who has been on a brief business trip to Vancouver, returnee! from the south on the Prince Henry this morning. The. fire department had a call at 8 o'clock last evening to the home of James Redpath, Fifth Av enue West, where fire had started in a wood box. Paper on the wall was burned but there was no very serious damage. II. W. Taylor, ccncral manaeer of the W. H.;Malkln Co. Ltd., ar rived in the city on the ss. Prince Henry this morning from Vancouver to pay one of his rccular ln- spectjon visits to the local branch of the company. H. R. McMillan, owner of the Big Bay Lumber Co., prominent timber exporter and director of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, ar rived In the city on the ss. Prince Henrjrthls morning from Vancouver. After a brief visit here, he will proceed East' on business. 3. B. Woodworth, well known mining man, who Is prominently Identified with the Surf Point mine on Porcher Island, was a passenger aboard the ss. Prince Henry today bound from Vancouver to Juneeu whence he will proceed into the Taku River country. Mrs. James Wagner and Mrs. David Gray of Santa Barbara, California, were passengers aboard the Prince Henry this morning bound for Skagway whence they will proceed to AUln Lake for a week's vlcit. returning south on' the s. Henry' on the trip after the present. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. Andrew Johnstone, after having spent since early yesterday morning in the Skeena River unloading cannery supplies and loading can ned salmon, arrived in port at 11: IS last night from the south and sailed an hour tatter on her Return to Vancouver and waypolntl B. T. Chappell. general superintendent. Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, left on thu morning's train for Jasper Parte enroute to Vancouver. The rest of the qfflclal party, including Col. J C. Drown, Pacific Coast manage: Canadjata National Steamships which arrived from Vancouver yes terday, sailed this afternoon on the Prince Henry to make the rouno trip to Alaska and back to Van couvcr. See Prince Rupert From the Air Northern B. C. Airwitys Motti Seaplane will take passengers foi 10 15-mlnute hops over the etc, Saturday afternoon and all dav Sunday, $5.00 a trip. From Paclfk Salvage Co Float. TTniTiM FROM MONTREAL Cil.ASfiOW - BELFAST-LIVER POOL Juiw 17, July 1U MlnticdnsH June 1U. July 17. Duchess i f Richmond Junr JS . 1 DiU'hoan ol Ativil Ji-- 27 'JmIv 34. Hell a June 30. nix. 1 Ducbcw of Bedford July 4 Oucheaa rf York xNot riilling nl Uverpool. 'Callr.K at Olaxgow only. To Cherbourg-Southampton Antwerp Juno IB Montroi- To CHEItl'.OURC.-SOUTHAMlTON HAMBURG July 3 Montcalm To Havrc-London-Antwcrp July 0 MontaUrr July 16 Montrose FROM QUEBEC to ciiffltuouita-soirriiAMPTON Jum- 20 July 11. Empree or Auetrnlla June 37. 4,uly IB . . . Emprew of BrlUln July 4. Jjuly SB. . . .BiApre or Frani FROM VANCOUVER To IUw'Mll-JjMiiiCliliia.t'lilllpilnra LOW ROUND TRIP FARES TO ORIENT Aotlv to Aifenia evervwliere or J J tOll.HTKn 8teRin.-iui Ofiii Pw Airent t v ii station. .Vancouver. J-l.j,:...;.t Triiiltj 1151 Hemorrhoids Or pllti ire quickly relieved by Dr. Chtie'j Ointment It Is a serious matter to have piles and one person In (our has them at one time or another. The annoyance and distress la great. Ifla' difficult to obtain laatlng relief. So much 10 that a surgical operation may be. considered necessary. That is unleaa your physician is familiar with Dr. Chase s Ointment for many doctor recommend tkls treatment to their patients. For nearly half a century Dr. Chase's Ointment haa been the never failing relief for itching, bleeding and protruding piles. It is now very generally lcn,own by the medical profession, and the public generally, as the standard treatment, for this torturing ailment. Aik your friends about Dr. Chase's Ointment for "user are booaters'Mn this case. Relief comes quickly and you can obtain the ointment at any drug store. r Corp. T. E. E. , Greenfield, R.C. M.P., will sail toplght on tne 8, Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Joan Eyolfson, who underwent an operation for appendicitis Tuesday morning. Is now doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Jack Joy, who has been on trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, returned -to the city on the prince Henry this mornlnrr. T. J. Shcnton, Inspector of mines who has been on a' trip to Bella Bella and Ocean .Falls district on official duties, returned to Vne city on the Prince Henry this ' morning. J. W. McKlnley.' returned to tho city on the Prinbe Henry this nornlng from Vancouver where he attended an Oddfellow's Grand Lodge convention as delegate Iron the local lodge. , 'ii G. A. McNlcholl., general passenger agent, Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, and J. M. Macrae general freight agent and Mrs. Macrae were passengers aboard the Prince Henry, today going north to make the round, trip to Skag- way. ,h lende er TENDERS will be received for the erection of a Bishop's " Resldericf on 4th Avenue. Plains and Specifications, can be, seek at' .'thpil ofjpt' of O. P. Tlnlcer, Esq.. Besric! Building. City. The lowest or. any . tender not necessarily accepd Tenders wl;' "lose at o p.m. on June 24th and are to be addressed to The Secretary. Bishop's House Building Com mittee, c-o O. P. Tinker, Esq. 141 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel Hot unff cold water In all room 1 A. J. I'lllMilIOMME. rrop. Cor of Fraser und Fifth 8ts. New Royal Hotel I. Tarrlll. Top TIIC IKltKL MOKTIl WHILE Hot A C"ld Watr: Stvim Heat 75c PER DAY AND VP Trlrplmnr Ml Royal A. Boydcn, Kltscote. Alta.: A HJortrn, city; C. D. Bollva. city. Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Oood? Our Quests Say They Arc. SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangeil, Juneau and Skagway June 15, 19. 2226 To Vancouver, Victoria and 13, 20, 24, 27. For Hulrdalf, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Hay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, I9,n.m. Full Information from XV. C. Orchard, General Acnt Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 Baptist Tea Tuesday June 23. Glasses fitted t registered optometrist at Ileilbroncr's store. Sergeant Andrew Fairbalrn, provincial police, Smithers, arrived in the city from the Interior ,on today's train, having a prisoner In his custody. Inspector John Macdonald provincial police, returned to -the city on today's train from a trip to Smithers and elsewhere in the, in-terlor on inspection duties! Miss Oral Ross of the Prince Rupert General Hospital nurses' training school returned to itfe.pity on today's train from Smithers where she has b?en spending her vacation, . ' ; . CPJt. steamer Princess LOuHe, Capt. Arthur Slater Is due In port atat 3:45 this afternoon feom Skagway and other Alaska points and will sail at 5:30 for Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Geschclt of Vancouver ami Mrs. Rlpsteln of Montreal are vis iting here with their father, Wil liam Goldbloom, having arrived In the city from the south on the Prince Henry this morning. Mrs. H. T. Allen ;wife of the United Church pastor ait Terrace, who hac been Davlne a visit to Vancouver, Victoria and elsewhere In the south, arrived In the city on the Prince Henry this morning en-route to the interior. TARIFF REVISIONS Will Result in Higher Prices BUY NOW At These Prices Corn Flakes Quaker per pkg Raisins Seedless per 2-lb. pkg .. Soap Pearl White Naptha 0 bars . Canada Corn Starch per pkg Rowntree8 Cocoa per -lb. tin Toilet Tissue 9 rolls Chocolate Eclairs National Fresh stock, per lb. 9c 26c 23c 10c 13c 31c 32c Pure Lard Swift's or Oalners 3-lb rnn 5-lb OOn tins LEVER RROS. COMIJINATION I)EiL 1 pkr. Rlnso, 1 bar Lifebuoy, 1 nkg. Lux, 1 bar Lux Snap, 1 Hums Bread Knife, serrated All for MOK, Oranges Family size Q00 5 doa wL Chateau Cheese For spreading or slicing, S-lb. boxes' QOn per lb Cut . QJp per lb Kellogg's All-Dran 91 per pkg A MA French Dressing Chantl- OQp clecr. per bottle uOX, Sliced' Pineapples Libby's S)n Hawaiian 2's, per tin ..:. x Fresh Strawberries Arriving Friday and Saturday -i Pp 0, per basket Watts' Grocery l'IIONK55 1M10NE56 "Till; REST FOR LESS" Saturday, June 13, 1931 JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's latest and original designs. Keep the curl in and the water out Price: 15c to $1.25 OrmesLtd. 37tQ Pioneer DrtiQ&isLs Phones 81 & 82 . Third A & g. g THREE GRADUATE PIIArJicISTS - r CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, II. A. Morning worship at II o'clock. Subject, "THE RACE THAT CALLS FOR MORE THAN STRENGTH AND SPEED." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, ',TIIE GOOD GIFT THAT LEAVES NO BITTER TASTE." " FfRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, JUL Sunday School at 10 ajn. Morning nervice at 11 o'clock. -Subject, "THE SESSION, ITS PRIVILEGES AND RESPONSIBILITIES." A special ordination and induction of elders will take place at this service. Those elected to this high office are: Messrs, W. W. C. O'Neill. II. C. Fraser. B. Massey and D. B. McDougall. Chorus by Junior Choir. Evening service at 7:30. 8ubject. "THE CANADA OF THE FUTURE." Subject suggested by lecture of Robert J. Cromie, editor of. the Vancouver Sun. Male voice quartet. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue West) This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday service at 11 ajn. Subject, "GOD, THE PRESERVER OF MAN." School at 12:15.'Testlmonial meeting, Wednesday at 8 pjn. Reading Room, 215 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 2 to 5. sleep HAT a depressing state is slccplcss-vv ness! Minutes seem hours hours seem endless. Back of it usually arc nerves-strained, raw and fagged out. Nerves that are starved for nourishment to replace exhaustion caused by over-work, worry, or social effort. If you arc bothered with sleeplessness, feed your nerves with Ovaltinc. You will find that they will calm down, digestive unrest will stop 'and you will sleep soundly and naturallj?. Ovaltinc at bed-time is the world's best night -cap. Millions of people have found this to be true. The natural nourishment in Ovaltinc restores mental and physical poise almost immediately. i Ovaltinc is prepared scientifically from ripe barley malt, fresh cges and creamy milic. Nature's finest tonic foods. It contains all the , essential vitamins and other food OVALTINE RUSKS art txctlltnt for tttth and turns ana aim irt a delightful ligkt food. Tktj.art madt from Jtntit Canadian ukcat'en four to u kick Ovaltinc is added, malting then mart easily di netted and muek mart nourishing than tht aixraft rus or biscuit. Delicious uhen served witk chetst. elements in correct proportions. It not only soothes and feeds the nerves but completely rebuilds vour exhausted body cells ana tissues while you sleep. You wake up wonderfully refreshed. Try the world's best "night--cap" tonight. Sold at all good stores, in $oc, 75c, $1.25 and special $f.$o family size tins; also served at soda fountains. in OWI LTI N E' TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE &nsuftS Sound, NcduhaL Steep A. Wander Limited - 455 King Street West Toronto, Oft. (Jet the habit of reading the advertisements In this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you.