PAGE SIX A Product of B.C NESTLE'S fApRonnrTnrrANAO tESTLS TALL. SIZE BABY SIZE I Nestles vaporateo MILK CANADIAN housewives have come to know that they can depend on Nestib's Evaporated Milk-r-a product of Canada. For this delicious, creamy milk never varies in quality. Pure cow's milk, uniformly rich'; made safe by sterilization; kept safe by sealing in airtight containers. NESTLE'S VTorWt Largest PnJuctrs and Sellers of Continued and Evapwattd Milk. AJ Our Prices Will Please You Come In and let us show you how little it costs to equip jour car with GOODRICH SILVER-TOWNS. A complete Garage Service Distributors Dodge Cars and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS Night Calls: Phone 1C1 Phone 566 250fl REDUCTION in SUIT VALUES Till Our Present Stock is Sold Choose your materials and style. We measure, fit and make up the goods on the premises. All Work Guaranteed Prices From $30.00 to $55.00 COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE LING, THE TAILOR S17 Second Ave. W. Telephone 619 SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM .......$3.25 No.l-5xatperM., $3.75 No. 2 at per M $2.75 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. GOAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City two dashes being approximately equal to that of the call signal twice. The transmission period consists of the repetition of the characteristic for one minutes and fifteen seconds followed by a silent interval of four minutes and forty-five seconds. The schedule of operation In the day time commences at four minutes and thirty seconds after every odd hour from 9 ajn. to 5 pjn. and. at night time, half-hourly commencing at four minutes and thirty seconds past the hour and thirty-four and a half minutes past the hour from 7 pm. to 7:30 a.m. At the week-end the schedule Is half hour ly as above from 7 p.m. Saturday Until 7:30 a.m. Monday. Ships de siring radio beacon signals for na vigation purposes may obtain same upon request without charge. Masters of vessels equipped to re ceive these signals are requested to listen In when In the vicinity of the station and report results of such reception to the radio service. - . . Capt. Ole Skog sends to the Dally News office a postcard from Nor way m which he indicates that he lahanng a good time' on his trip to the did Country. Incidentally, the THE DAILY NEWS Saturday j,me H 1 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Hard to Tell Frozen Fish Radio Beacon Established at Dead Tree Point Halibut Arrivals cleaning and painting. With price conditions so unsatisfactory, many of the skippers are not very keen upon going out Results of the efforts to remedy the situation are being awaltra with interest. Despite the so-called "strike." it is safe to say that a good many of the salmon trailers are still at work on the grounds though many have tied up owing to the low price situation. There is a large fleet operating at North Island. There 15, however, no denying the fact that that there must be either an Im provement in fish prices or a lowering of the cost of production, if the fleet is to operate with any measure of success whatever. r F, J. Kwapll, president of the United Pacific Fisheries, is evident ly continuing his efforts to line up the halibut boat owners and fishermen In a co-operative plan of marketing. A circular letter which has been posted on the local waterfront from Mr. Kwapll declares that United Pacific Fisheries handled 5,000,000 pounds of halibut during its efforts of the last spring at a profit of $100,000 to the fleet The line of action now urged upon the fishermen by Mr. Kwapll is for them to tie op for such a period as is necessary to consider and sign up n npw AirMmmt and turn over without reservation all first trips of boat in order to provide a working capital after which the company would be able to give prices that would permit of suc cessful operation of the boats. Mr. Kwapll urges that action be taken on his latest proposal this season Instead of watUng until next year. Halibut landings here during the past week were light at a total of 340,800 pounds of which 86,200 pounds was from Canadian boat and 254,000 from American. The tp tal for the season up to anu includ tng yesterday was 6,007,840 pounds made up of 2,630,000 pounds Cana dian and 3,277340 pounds Ameri can fish. Possibly tho lightnctis of landings was responsible for the fact that there was somewhat of an improvement in prices during the week. The high prices of the week was 7.8c and 3c paid the Minnie V. for 4,500 pounds while the low bid of the week was 6c and 3c which a few boats received. Top bid of the week for American, f l$h was I4c and 7c card he sends shows a pastoral 'which the Reliance received for 9,- sccne in Norway which Is entitled,! 000 pounds, the low price being 6c "Vlcw(f roni the Road to Hell." When and 3c which the Excel II was paid one hears, however, that "Hell" is for a small catch of 3,300 pounds, the name of a pretty little 'Norwe- glan town, it doesn't sound so bad. ; Fo the Canadian fleet, the Van-Ole was paying an extended visit couv?r boat Takla. bringing In 107,-there In the course of his tour of ' 000 pounds tn three trips, has lan-the Old Land. thr must halibut here for any jded boat so far this season. The boats Unome and Viking I have completed the most trips, namely seven, the former boat' bringing In 42,000 pounds of fish In all and the latter 43,000 pounds. Bringing in an aggregate of 67,- 850 pounds in, three trips, the schooner Attu has made the heav iest landings for the American fleet while the Eastern Point has landed Easv to tell fresh fish from a servin tr of frozen fish that ; 1 J?0? ! "f fX had been kept in cold storage for weeks before being pounds 0f fish. cooked? Perhaps some people would be sure that the ans-j wer is "Yes." Actually, the truth is that evert though it has j 4 nrrj iQr been kept in storace for a number of weeks, at least, rapid-! A If! I I ii I IM 1 1 irozen nsn cannot De aisunguisneu irom iresn iisu on uie dining table, and an experiment conducted at the Dominion's Fisheries Experimental Station at Halifax has brought new proof of the fact. Dr. A. H. Leim, Director of the station, describes the expert- ment briefly in a recent progress To Old Country nnnrl ciioi4 Ktj lh Ttlnlnrlif1 TxillU KlWHh nf thp Infill flshprtM ' Containing many scenes that nLA abound In thrftlli well in ..-.j 4u n m a,,,,,.. fnr , as as, ' -. '"TVia nAkane V - ..... 'The Cohens and ter of Fisheries. An extract from Dr. burgh, Scotland, where he wui taKe Leim's summary is given below, but up medical studies at the Univer- it may first be explained that "Ice alty of Edinburgh. Fillets." to which he refers, are pre- pared by the rapid-freezing process, ; The summer staff of the Prince a process In which f reeling is. ac-1 Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta- complished by means of low tem- i Uon is now complete. J. E. Dick of , and Kate Price. In addition ti perature brine mixtures. the University of Saskatchewan I the comedy of previous pictures of "Ice fillets of halibut, cod and has Joined the refrigeration depart- uils group, the latest picture is haddock were frozen from carefully ment, Peter Black Jr. the bacterio-l featured by many amazing ad- selected fresh fish," Dr. Lelm writes, logical department, and II. P. Moore ventures. "They were stored at zero Fahren- the chemistry department The story deals with a Cohro- heltt. At intervals samples were, iKe'ly expedition into the heart it cooked and tested by from six to! Completion of the interior of the the Dark Continent to hunt Ivor, ten individuals who were asked to new annex to the Prince Rupert to boost their needy piano mant record their preference as between Fisheries Experimental ' Station is facturing fortunes. The exped. two unknown pieces of fish preseri- now well under way and tne joo ton is led by a talkative but am-ted to them. One piece was from the should be completed In July. George ateur explorer who represents hlm- f rozen store, the other was fresh un- Scott, the contractor, being ill, the -f-w one of the world's greatest frozen. IJob Is being supervised by Leon authorities on on Africa The mrt- ine result 01 repcaiea test mat- uiain. cated that at the end of two months It was Impossible to distinguish the Is Doctor Now fresh and frozen haddock, but that Robert II. Bedford, chief of the the difference was sufficiently bacteriological department of the marked for distinction at the end Prince Rupert Fisheries Expert-of three, months. ; mental Station, returned to the city "For the cod and halibut there at the first of the week after no order In the choices at the In three weeks at Montreal where end of five months, Indicating that the degree 61 Doctor of Philosophy no marked changes had occurred In ! (PhD) was conferred upon him. the fish stored under these condl-1 Congratulations, Dr. Bedford! tions," and. as a matter of fact, , wme fillets of cod which were kept Many of the local halibut boats in storage at four degrees under 'are at present in port undergoing zero, In another of the station's experiments, were found to be quite suitable for use as food. ten months after they were first frozen. Wonderful progress In freezing and storage methods has been made In the past few years, and a good many of the forward steps stand to the credit of the fishing Industry. Canadian consumers .who patronize reliable dealers ' can be ;ure of good fish all the year round. The Department of Marine noti fies masters of vessels that all ships registered In Canada, both steam ships and sailing vessels, shall. whenever they sight aircraft in their vicinity, hoist the National dag or display It horizontally on the quarter deck or any other part if the vessel clearly visible from above. A Notice to Mariners announces that an automatic radio beacon has been established at Dead Tree Point coast wireless station on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The call signal is VOK and the wave 300 kilocycles. The transmission characteristic is the call signal VOK twice followed by two dashes, the duration of the PICTURE Thrills Also In "Cohens and Kelly In Africa" laughs, Kelly; In Africa." which opened last nigh' at the Capitol Theatre, exceed anything before attempted by tin quartette consisting of Omry Sid ney. Charlie Murray, Vera Oordon thus falls heir to many thrlllln and amusing escapades. There arc also, a number oi nrctty scenes Including one out standing one in an Arabian harem, j Ask Your Neighbors Why they deal at Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores. Because they BUY HERE B and ANK the art rnn Oalners Bacon by piece per lb Malkln's Best Coffee per lb 25c 45c White Flour 49's Q-f ffft rr sack Whole Wheat Flour 10's per sack Red Arrow Sodas $ size per box Rykrktp Original large pkg .-. Rowntree's Cocoa 's per tin Yacht Salmon It per tin Bartlett Pears 2'x per tin Masola Oil It per tin Crlsco 3t per Un Malkln's Best Asparagus Tips, picnic 2 Uim : Swift's Lard 3t per Un Swift's Lard 5t per tin Argood Pickles per 16-oz. Jar 43c 45c 45c 23c 10c 23c 32c 78c 45c 50c 80c 15c FRESH FRUITS Si VEGETABLES Head Lettuce ijp , Blng Cherries per lb Hothouse Tomatoes per lb . Green Onions 2 bunches Celery Large white heads per head 35c 25c 5c 25c New Potatoes O 4 lbs. fitjLi New Beets and Turnips 7 per bunch i ! Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores j "Where Dollars Have More Cents" ! rhone3C0 Phone 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave CESaSsTOsWsWItfBCsra ... .. - -rt, B v. priciay and Saturday ykx&mALdL, Two Shows' 7 & 9 p.m. .irSciii, (sflLttaESHE& N ew T ires SAVE TIME & WORRY Why depend on those old ones, wondering when thom going to blow. Summer time is here and tiro troubles develop without warning. De w'iso and avoid the annoyance of roadside changing by having us mount new tires for you. OUR SERVICE IS FREE THE CAAADIA.1 CU S. E. PARKER, LTD. Third Avenue East FORD DEALERS f They Are Here Ajaln George Sidney and Charlie Murray in "The Cohens and Kellys in Africa" WITH VERA GORDON and KATE PRICE Just one biff, Ions laugh just Imagine Cohen and Kelly hunt ing wild animals and wilder women In the darkest Jungles of Afri Comedy "FLY MY KITE" (Our Gang) Cartoon "THE COW'S HUSBAND" PARAMOUNT rw ADMISSION-i-ZOc & C5c Feature Starts at 7 10 i n! SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c Ic 40c Feature Starts all ! MONDAY & TUESDAY "TEN CENTS A DANCE" Telephone M CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ANU SHIPYARD OPERATING U. T. '. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKVDOt K fc.ngir.ecrs, MachlnlstH, Boilermakers, ItlarkomlUw, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES.43 AND 385 ZAM-BUK Used To-NlghtWIII Hoal Your nuinnm munn Cracked Lips unarrcu nAnuo orcomsores. vnmf -Mill t TfTflf fri l fisls If your paper does not arrive, telephone tlic otf,c?