Saturday, June 13, 1931 Why THfi DAILY NEWS PAOB FIVE Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, ecure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS rent, for sale and all For other small advertisements In this section charted at the rate of 2 cents a word per Insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT CHOICE Apartments for rent. ' Westenhaver Bros. if FOR RENT Four-roomed flat. Aj-ply Smith tt Mallett. V FOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat . V asm wun uain. riione of. ,j FOR RENT two flats, 5-room and 6-room. Sixth Ave. West. Phone 543. if -I FOR RENT Furnished apartments by day, week or month, phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Five-roomed furnished apartment. Apply Mussal-lem's Phone 18. tf FOR RENT Small Cottage nett door to Dally News. Apply to Pullen, Daily News. ( FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern apartment. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. FOR RENT Clean, furnished two-roomed apartments, $10 per month 35 Second Ave. Phone 290. 139 FOR RENT Modern five-roomed furnished house for July ana August. Phone Green 785 evenings. 133 FOR RENT Pianos, phonographs, sewlnjr machines and can, Walker's, cor. Second. Avenue and Fourth Street tf FOR RENTEuthlihed. fully mo- dern n 3-roomed BoukS centrally located, for July, August and September. Phone Red 108 ev-140 enlngs. FOR SALE BABY Buggy for sale cheap. Phone 840 tf ALL kinds of cabbage plants for sale Phone Orcen 718. tt FOR SALE Deatty Electric Washer. $49. Parkin tt Ward. 14 FOR SALE Round extension tabV kit hen table, kitchen chairs, lin oleum run. double bed. Call 415 Eighth Avenue West. 13 FOR SALE Chesterfield and din mK suites, kitchen range and furniture, stride SImmonds bed , w-ilers kp.ucts. etr cic, 324 i Second occuiiu menu Avenue Phone Black 53. J BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. tf PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK. Palmistry und Crystal Reading. Wallac-Block. Telephone Black 637. IV THE M TTKR ,r TIIK "NOTARIES ACT" - '! ' IV TIIK MATTKII Ol1 TIIK APPI.IPA-TION tlf Hll Hilt T. KF.NNKV 1 irjjr appoint Wednenday the lltth ' i.f Julv. 1931. before the prraldm ; J i In Chanthi-r at 10:30 In tlw 1 mi.h.ii or ao vjon thereafter a ooun ' n conveniently be heard at the 1 i lloue. Vancouver. DC, ai th '" and place uf lwarlng of the appll ''-ii of Edward T. Kenney for enrol k a Notary Public pureuant ' 'Not ark Act." ChaDter 49 of th ' 'ute of the Province of British O '"Milt IBM A id I hereby direct that thU appoint. " h, all be nublUhed once a week for L" conawutir weeka In the -Prince K n Dally New" being a newapspir "li'tina In the d'ntrlct In which the i leant aetka to praetke. IMTED thto lat dvy of June. J9J1. "If. BROWN." p District Registrar of Supreme Ootirt BDi A, PINK ROSE. COPPER CUFr. KV LAaT CHANCE Of THE PINK Hose oroup op mineral claims. Win.. :d m .tb Opat, Hkeen Mlnhfg t vi,.i,,n at head of klekane Ulet. TAKE NOTICE ve W. H. Maaon. free (H-rtlflcate 4707. rtancea NMoU. J miner certificate 35UD. Aleran. J" M.tod, free miner certlttcate 34-J." R A Honeyman. free mlner'a cct-34754D.. intend, aiity dey turn hereof to apply to the mining re. Wdtr tot certlllcatea ol lmproin"lt e jiurpone of obUlnlng crown r"'- tor the uhove clafma. ' further take notice that Mtlon Win act0n as of the Mineral Act be ''mmenc4 before the iMiiance w ' a ;rtifn:atea of improrement. D! thU 17U oif Ol April. 19Jt. WANTED TENDERS TENDERS, addressed to the under-1 signed, marked "Tender" will be received ior the sale for calh; of a model 1930 Plymouth S&lan until June 22, 1931. at 5 o'clock p.m. The lowest ox any tender not necessarily accepted. M. Al. Stephens. tf HELP" WANTED DEATHS, resignations, etc., cause constant vacancies fpr Postmen. Postal 1 Clerks, Customs Clerks arid Stenographers, etc. Information free from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd., 401 Kensing- ton Bldg Winnipeg. tf SITUATIONS VACANT SALESMEN to sell to stores Country agents wonted Immediately, goods manufactured at our fac tory. Write Canadian Specialty,! 501 Alexander Avenue, Wlnnl peg, Man. 13S SA1.VAGF. ANP TOWING If It's on or under the water we do If Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully! Equipped .for-Divlng and 1 General Salvage Work - Agents tor EASTHOPE EN GINKS Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C Dlstrioutors CoAlidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity, delivered nywhere by water Phone. Day ir Night 564 P O Box 1564 MIVKKAI. ACT Ortlflratr of improvement NOTICE Polygon FrMtlonal Mtari Claim, lr-uatc In th AUIn Minim Dtvtalon ol C Malar Dlatrlct. Wtwre located: About on mll !orU-rlT tram the Eaglsccr Mint uid adjoining the Speculation Sweepstakt and Iron Uaak Mliwral Claim. TAKE NOTICE Ult I. Jonn trannam uiMfi certtneat No sm D. . , d aixtv dara from th. data hera.'l to apply to the Mlnlnc Recorder ior a CertlfleUe of Improvement. Ior the purport of obtaining a Crown Ornnt u: the above claim. And further le notice vnai action under ecU0D 84, muat be commencea betere the IMuance or ucn irmirca: et Inaprorementa Dated thla lat day oi My. n.u iwi 11. McN. FRASEa. A tent MACHINERY CUine Tncwra, Traltan, lef Bumnura. MackM, Slump Pullan. Submlwi, Mol IlnunOTt, Und Ullf. Bulldiam, UtckMbn. Koad Ortilira, M.louirwt, UlMt. Rlwwn, W"". Kollw, Sitiwii, Kock (?rudm. Unit lulmiMn, Illtohera, i:.lin. iil IMmI EnfliiM, Kohlw Etattri Plt Uwnjetle yitn. Pow8hovh, Rotating Mtcbia. er. Air l onipfo. aad Plutw UUm. Rrtt 8twt, rlymuuth mo- j notlrn, fcamrmui Einntm Ull M Hullm. Mi rhlnmr , lor or purpti. BROWN, FRASER & Co. Ltd. ; 1150 Homer St Vancouver B.C. "TILLIE THE CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Ked Kay Treatments Nervous, reuuUe and Chlldrrns' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASl'INAlX (Chiropractor I'hone (ireen 241 tt 1 Exchange Blk. iOpp. Orme'ai CARPENTRY R. GREENFIELD, Carpenter. Alterations, repairs, first class practical experience. Phone Black 414 325 2nd Avenue. SHOE REPAIRS FOR Finest Work try Louis Shlbltf. 331 Second Avenue West, Box 30, Prince Rupert. B.C. tl TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine tf B. tt R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tl TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE PHONE fi7C, Promptness and security. Bert St Mac. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. srll or exchange any kind ol .'urnlture or household goods, musical Instruments ma rhlnery. etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Blacx 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Fedeiul Block tf 329.50 SPECIAL $29.50 Walnut Panel Bed Premier Coll Spring, White Cotton Mattress. This Its manufacturers' special. If you want a bed Us your chance. IQQ.50 Bed Complete MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 773 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue f The Dally News can be pur- f chased at Post Office News Stand, 825 t- Granville 8t.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince Oeorec. B.C. 10 R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.O. deneral Store, Anyox. , Smlthers Drug Btore, Smith- ers. B.C. - ' - TOILER" :fJl'r7i3CRffy -ABOVvT THAT HMOKS FROM THE EVHAOST P1 mil-ll-g r 5rrvf7 "SOMG CAV I'M GOMMA CpABOLA U A. S RACE JLl.U'JM"r Wonderful TIell Queen Charlotte Islands The Home Farm Fine Beach and Meadows for Children's Playgrounds Salmon, and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine Parties can be met at 8kldp-ateg or Port Clements. Wireless for Reservations. MADAME RAJAtT Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 GEORGE MACKLIN Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STUCCp, BRICK, CEMENT, ETC. TL Red 132 4 Emad BIk. INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. Easy Terms JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave. W QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices; No. 1 5xperM. . $3.75 No. I 3x per M. 3.25 No. 2 per M. i 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 Steamship Sailings for Vancouver-Monday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjr Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Pr. Henry, 9 air. Thursday ss. Pr. Charles, 2 p.m. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. Saturday ss. Pr. George 7 p.m SS. Cardena. midnight. June 15 ss. Prln. Louise 5 pm. June 20 ss. Pr. Charlotte 5 pm. June 34 ss. Prln. Louise . 9 pm I June 27 ss. Prln. Alice ....5 pjn. Prom Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Monday Pr. Charles 1130 ajn Wed.--ss. Pr. Oeorge 11:50 a.m Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 p.m. Frl. ss. Pr. Oeorge, 11:50 ajn. Friday ss. Cardena p.m. Satur.-ss. Pr. Henry, 11:50 a m. June 15 ss. Pr. Charlotte .. .ajn. June 19 ss. Prln. Louise ajn. June 22 ss. Prln. Alice ajn. June 20 ss. Prln.t Charlotte a.m. June 29 ss. Prln. Louise ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala B pm. From Naas River Si Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. for Stewart and Ariynx : Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. i Monday ss. Pr. Charles, 8 p.m Friday ss. Pr. Oeorge, 3 pjn. A Sure HONAJ. I -THRlLl.rJG Take The DAILY NEWS with yon When Going on Summer Holidays Nearly everybody likes to Keep in touch with Prince Rupert when away for their holidays. The best way to do this is to order the paper sent during that time. If it is only for two weeks, the News is a welcome visitor and the mails during the summer months are carried almost daily to most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up the local fishing for thesum-mer and gone on an extended visit to'tnelr former homes. In almost'every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away. Several subscribed for a year, others for shorter periods. , - No time is too short for us to look after our patrons. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. i mi From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 am, Thurs. Pr. Charles, 10:30 am. Sat. ss. Pr. Oeorge 6 pm. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Pr. Rupert, 4 pjr. . Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. Satur. ss. Princess Mary 9 am. Sat so. Prince Oeorge, 7 p.m From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge. 10:30 axi Friday ss. Pr. Oeorge. 11:30 a.m . Friday- as. Cardena pm Sat ss. Pr. Henry, 11:30 am For South Queen Charlotte Islands ' June 22 ss. Prince John4 10 p.m From South Queen Charlotte Islands- June 17 ss. Prince John For North Queen Charlott Mon. s. Prince Charles; 8 p.m t From Norlh Queen Charlottes Thurs. ss. Pr. Charles 11:30am. For Alaska-Wed. ss. Prince Oeorge. .... 3 p.w. hh. Pr. Henry 3 pm. Winner une 8 ss. Prln. Charlotte am. June 15 ss. Princess Louise am. June 19 ss. Princess Alice am. June 25 ss. Prln. Charlotte am. June 29 ss. Princess Louise ail From Alaska . Mon. ss. Pr. Rupert 7 o.m Wed. ss. Prince Rupert 7 am. June 20 ss. Pr. Charlotte .5 pm. June 24 ss. Prln. Louise 5 pm June 27 ss. Princess Alice 5 pm. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena pm f t4trtf tt t t ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE. IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- f mcnts should be In the hands f of the printers not later than 3 p.m. Ue day prior to publl- cation. This Is necessary to en- able best positions to be se- f cured. Subscription Department Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10.31 ijii. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and: Thursday .3.30 p.m. For Vancouver V Sunday o pm. Tuesday i 12:S0no6n Thursday . 9 p m. Friday . li pm. June 3, 13, 20, 24, and 27 pm. From Vancottvei- Sunday 4 pm Wednesday ...T...... 10.30 p rh. Friday . pm: Saturday 10:30 a.m. June 8, 15. 19, 22. 28 andr29 ... am. For Stewart and Anyov v : Thursdays 8 pm. Sunday i. 7 pm. Wednesday u 3 pm By Westover. C300D MIGHT IfY -TWNKi- 1 mf W&UU VAIIMp; '7L)jiT MAC. 1 MICE f fcCM'TVOOlW, I AMY lCB, jJSs CAersrnrr - ik.b?s . it.- bov. ttdssyf'f