I sak NSO Commencing Monday December i, 1919 We will sel] fo CASH ONLY Prices Cut to Pieces ee ee {t will be necessary to PAY CASH jn driver on delivery or make a deposit + Store oy pa » cover pur chase. —.— =_ ~ — 4 . CASH SPECIALS Dried Priam, sue value 3 Ibs. for 50c Valkini = Best Coffee 1-1b. tit "™ ! 60c 2 for 1.15 Wolki Best Tea, 1-Ib, pi Ai ’ Malki 65c 2 for 1.25 Ml Best Baking Powe: 2 tins for 4506 Malki jest Custard Powds ) 20c i ns Best Lemonade Powd 12 . ty ’ ‘ 4 Brand Standard Pea 3 tins for 60c 3 tins for 656 9 tins for $1.00 er Brand Tomator Mill tall tin Special Milk, baby size, Sp pe 5c Brand Milk, 25e val 2 tins for 45c s Corn Flakes, 15¢ value, Spe fi 106 Flour, 49-Ib. sks, 83.25 va $2.90 Dp ‘rice's Baking Powder, pe 45e «s Sodas, tins only 70c One Shoe Black 2 tins for 25c Special, any size, per Ib 40c ited Cocoanut pe } 40c olled Oats 4 Ibs. for 25c Mea! 3 pkgs. for $1.00 feans, Special 3 lbs. for 25c Butter, Special, pe 30c see 2 for 25c¢ tel, per tis 10c Our Own Brand Butter—None Better—2 Pounds for $1.35 Selected — Eggs, per doz. ‘ 85c \ew Laid Eggs per doz see $1.10 Corn, See ALBERT © McCAFFERY | before you purchase Anything in the Building Line Prince Riikcit Sprace Co.’s Lumber B. C. Mill’s Fir Lime Cement Plaster Brick Shingles Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. R.W. Cameron & Co. Beg to announce that not being able to obtain their old corner on Second Avenu , at the head of what . j he used to be C-ntre Street, they have opened on fhird Avenue, No, 626, with a carefully selected Ok gi . Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re- Firm quisiles, Cutlery, Cut»Glass, etc. All fresh from the factories, and are now realty to Come weleome their new and old time patrons in their Back No. 626 Third Avenue T ft - Opposite Dominion Telegraph Office THE DAILY NEWS SCOTS ANNUAL BALL BIGGEST SUCCESS YET Arrangements Were in Perfect. Shape for St. Andrew's Most Successful Annual Ball. The annual ball beld under th Spice i the St. Andrew's So ely was held in their ball-room st night \ very large assen lage gathered = there for the allair and certainly no one wert away disappointed with the quality zest of the entertainment. Th d thronging the hall was no fined to Seots but the event | representative of the city e was a gathering of 400 per and expressions of pleasurs re heard on every hand. The Sf Andrew society ma ivs had the reputation tking | nlertainments go with swing and last evening was ne cception to hi rule ~'s erain Was carried out consist eh old favorites as the lar quadrilles and Highland schottisches, as well as mode ox trots, one steps and waltzes ihe Highland dances were play« characteristic manner by the yijres vin btiere Were even a few) kilties” noted in the assemblage gh thany of the guests pres ot initiated into the i acies of the Seottish eharac i vas probably as great a pleasure the actual dancing, as there many who had not forgot single step and went through the figures gracefully and fault lessty Decorations. The floor was in excellent eon dition and the hall was beautifully orated, The predominating feature in the scheme of adorm ment was the white diagonal cros St. Andrew on the blue field which was combined with colors of the Union Jack. All hangings were in the blue and white colors of the order. The music was provided by Harvey Orchestra which was augmented James Lee and D. M. Peyton tl Andrew s Society ore hes SeVeLa eV umbers we yjlaved and the enes enee of the usie was the cause of consider- favorable comment F ive sittings were requ d eommodate the dancers at the ipper tables and the fact that the attendance was much greater th the most hopeful of the eormmit tee cult to eater for all. The supper vas put up in a most tempting and appetizing manner. had anticipated made it difl Committees. The committee having arrange- ments in hand must be gratities with the success scored and the rnests, one and all, were delighted th the entertainment. This ball n i¢ dances still watehing them e PRINCESS MARY MAKES FIRST PUBLIC SPEECH (Special by G.T.P Tetegrapnhs LONDON, Nov 28,——Princess has made her debut as a ' speaker on the occasion of farewell rally of the Women's Army, which is being dis- speech, Her Royal High-¢ presented Distinguished Ser- : Bars to fifty women for wat ries Durham, the Usk hotel “VOIX DE VILLE” said Jean Chardavoine, a French musician; and thus came into being three hundred and fifty years ago what to-day we call “Vaudeville’’, Vaudeville is the melting pot of the dramatic and musical arts. In it nothing is out of place; it includes drama, comedy, tragedy, farce and burlesque; and every form of music from grand opera to jazz is heard upon its stage, Every city has its favorite vaudeville house. ata distance from the great cities—can have vaudeville right in your EDISON “The Phonograph with a Joul’’ home, with lhe NEW ] This marvellous instrument—that one—will Re-Create everything t! entire magic of the theatre stag in your parlor or living room Why not let the entertainment into your home? x “Edison and Music” is a b ask for it and “What the Crit Charles W. sili But you—who live y other instrument in icdeville has to offer—the © aniusement and pleasure, New Ldison bring this wondertul variety of I that you shou! 1 have. il pros *$ kdi: on superiority, Prince Rupert | Mrs. A. W. Clarke R. A. M. Lon. Eng. ee ee eal PR. FEED Co. PHONE 68 Presbyterian Ladies College, After making a most et- - PIANO, ORGAN, Has opened a Musie Studio, a a Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED a Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to Address Norfolk House Phone Biack 329. Wis committee McGregor, V. 1, W. Murray, Howard Steen, eid, and Wm. Keep Your Nails Well Manicured [*s A very easy matter if you have the proper manicure requisites to provide everything you need, Make up your minds now to preserve the beauty* of your hands and nails by daily manicur- ing The Prince Rupert Drug Co. FAMILY CHEMISTS Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. PHONE 134 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention P.0, BOX 215 Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 gt 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. ous bodily we Judge Yo elect for tte. #4.000 bail, $2,000 himself and $1,000 each Dy Don » both was re al \W afte big annual events soctety, Ss. b>. dent of the society, a rival for any of the held Macdonald acted ( rpably as floor manager, Paterson, secretary, Irvin on the door, was convened by Gi rrangements ‘llent shape nis were pros ary of Live { lappertot president yrations ttn | (Special via 6 VANCOUVER ries between the champio Pacitie Coast Hoek \aso and the Aiberta latest ‘toast puek circles that there ts staging a playoll oast magnates want clared in i Valpey, chargee : intent to « will come Monday shot-eun with Bradbury and the accused, t ders, sterday afternoon nis counsel, } made arrangements ne to the society HOCKEY SERIES Pacific Coast Association and Al- berta League May Arrange Meeting in Spring. proposal harm rhe ‘., assisted by Their floc kept thy ded by the socpely dies not Telewrank as heat dl and | next will ie is nev hems Joe Scicien's ; keeper, returned up-river this morning. He was in town sine¢ Thursday evening making ar- rahgements for the installation in connection with his hotel up the line. ‘ Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf James F. Marten LAND REGISTRY Aci SIGNWRITING 3 — FoR Soe P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. ~ Moter Transfer and —————| Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 t plication No, 93-1. Fu 072. fer enne . Sanne . I awe MNO TICE that ‘application hes ber u PAINTING made to register Jom Hh. MeMullin, ollictai administrator of the estate of 5, EB. Steb-; DECORATING bins, deceased, intestate, a5 oWher il fee . under two Tax Sale Deeds from the Col Phones 544 and Black 507 lector of the City of Prince Kupert, bear ing date the 28th day of November, 1917, P.O. Box 514 840 Second Avenue, West. of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel) as . of ee s c ” tract of land and premises situate, lying | Workshop: 329 Second Avenue * and being in the City of Vrinee Kupert a VEGETABLES more particularly known and deseribed as; Lot ten (10), Block sixteen (16), Section | , Wholesale and Retail elght 8, Map ¢23, and Lot thirty-one; . - a4 Block thirty-four (34), Seetior General Contractors and he 8), Map 023 You are required ti)! iene meesi the claim of the tax purchasc Labor, Exchange. within 35 days from the date of th service of this notice which may He el feeted by publication in a daily hewsapaper | unl your attention is called to seclion if the “Land Registry Act with amend ments, and to the following extract there Prince Rupert, B,C, Phone 547 — P.O. Box 720 3 trom and in default of a caveat or certil cate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the » r NOTICE OF CANCELLATION \ sun entitled under such tax sale, all OF RESERVE, SMITH & MALLETT persofis so served with te rtice, ‘ - and those claiming throug NUTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN thai the or under them, and all persons elaim windbreak Reserve covering the belt of ing any interest in the land by virtue {land ten chains in width and situate along of any unregistered tnstrument, and the north shore of Graham Island, notice ail px ns claiming any interest in : of which appeared in the “British Columbia PLUMBING AND HEATING ihe land by deseent whose ttle is Gagette’ of the 28th January, 1909, is ENGINEERS not registered under the provisions | Soe in so far a@& it relates Wo that of this Act, shall be for ever estopped portion tying between indian Reserve No. t Estimates furni and debarred from setting up any and Indian Reserve No, 3, f nished. claim to or in respect of the land G. R. NADEN, sold for taxes, and the Regist.ar } Deputy Minister of Lands shall register the person entitled up | Department of Lands, Address, 3rd Avenue, head der such tax sale as owner of the Victoria, B. C., Bec iand so sold for taxes.” ‘ : November i7th, 1919. of ond Street. AND WHEREAS application has been " Se aD made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Tith MINERAL ACT Phone 174 .. P. O. Box 274 to the above-mentioned lands, in the hame ‘ oUS-s of the said Official Administrato ‘ | es ; . ooote AND WHEREAS on ifVestisating CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS tittle [t appears that prior to the eo day | _—™ f Qetober, 1016 (the date on which the } . said lands were sold for overdue taxes),| “Mohawk,” “Mohawk No, 1," “Mohawk FOR ELECTRICAL WORK vou Were the registered and assessed own- | No, 2’ Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas ; er theroof, River Mining Division of Cassiar Distriet.g.) to FURTHER TAKE NOTICk that at the Where located Between Lime ana . same time | shall effect registration in| Roundy Creeks on south shore of Alice pursuanee of such application and issue a) Arm, Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden lands Im the name of the said Official Ad- | Pree Miner's Certifieate No, 25,555-C, im ° minisirator unless yen take and prowecu j bend, ointy ors from the date hereof, to the proper proceedings to establish yo apply to the ining Recorder for a Cerin claim, if any, to the said lands, or to pre my ite of Improvements, for the purpose of 336 2nd Ave. vent sueh proposed action on my part obtainine a Crown Orant of each of the DATED at the Land Registry (Offiee,| above claims Phones Prince Rupert, B. C., this @ist day of No And further take notice that action, un vember, A.D. 1048 der section 85, must be commenced before BLAOK 367 — GREEN 394 H. F. MACLEOD, the issuance of sueh Certificate of Im District Registrar of Titles. | provements Save Money in Lamps. Yo farfield & Silene, as to Lat tO: Dated this vird day of August, A. D Archibald MeKeehnie, a8 to Lot 91 1918