in TBBK1 NOW n Oar iVeiJ Store Ormes 1M. Dtfie Pioneer Druggists . Phones 81 Si 82 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Tit AIL IIUITI.hII COLtMIIIA ELEPHANT (MIMICAL I KKTlI IZKItS V , i .! it Iitners of TADANAC Ilruml ELECTROLYTIC cAre ijoii biiijing? the Package or fhe POWER inside? T N SIZE, other radio batteries may riwrable Evcrcady Laverbilts, But. inside llim'l a trt undout ditfermcc. And in oprauon, thins a Mill greater distinction, for Evereatljr Laycrbill employ 4 new construction that puki far morr porr into every battery. That apelli longer life, greater dependability, far greater economy. Choose a battery (or what it will d, and you'll find the tnott tot your money in Ewready Layerbilt. Your dealer hat it in thret nzei. Sold at Radio $tertt ttnyhttt. EVEl UNION STEAMSIHI'S LIMITED Simmers b;m Prlnre ttuert f nr Vancouver; T S.S CATAI A ri'EMV Tt Tn,(V, t.W P.M. Arriving Vancouver, Thi rsdsy Morning. Ta (,nit:N tVEiiv ritiD.w miiinhhit Arriving- Vancouver Bund tuidMitiht upprox Wkly aallmgi to Port "lUnpxon, Alio Arm. Anvuv. Stewart and Naal River polnU Sunday. 8:00 p.m, f T'hrr mrnrmatlon regaining Ml tailings and tloketa at I'HIMT III l'i:HT AIIKNOV: Kremid Avenue, riione SfiS 'f vnur nanor dtc not OPEN! Third Ave. & Fulton St. A31.11U.MUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH CANADIAN NATIONAL CARSON CO, LIMITED Cel.ry Vancouver TORONTO Montreal Winniptf Radio Batteries RB 9 mm TO GREAT BRITAIN and back SPECIAL REDUCED third class fare froniMontreal to Belfast, Glas gow, Liverpool, riymouiii or London and back. Good going from Aug. 1st to Oct. 15th Return portion valid for 2 years. Round trip rate to Continental polut reduced proportionately. Two sailing a week, tot full Information wy (3'NARO LINK ililln RtreejW, a (I'hon Srjrmour JS4II , J I Vancouver , u " ' Gil or any $itnuhit afnt CUNARD ANCHOR - DONALDSON arrivt. telephone the ofHr- . I I L ,, , , I -B-J-gg-t Local Items Baseball tonight Old Empress vs. Native Sons. DInncrware, clilna, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner'i Store. W. Harrison of Pprt Esslngton came Into the city lor the week end. W. C. King, of Prince George arrived In the city yesterday and is at the Royal Hotel. . R. O. Johnston came in pester day fiom Klemtu cannery and went out to Inverness. A. E. Carlson of Cedarvale arrl vedNin the city yesterday and Is Registered at the Savoy Hotel. Archie Mclnnes of North Bulkley Is a visitor in the city making headquarters at the Savoy Hotel Mrs. C. O. Anderson of Petersburg. Alaska, Is In the city and is registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. Miss Flossie Funnell of Prince Rupert is visiting at Francois Lake the guest of her sister, Mrs. Verne Taylor. i ii i t Steamer Prince Rupert arrived in port this mornlnUg southbound and the tourists had time to inspect the city in the sunshine. Tax Payers please note that the last day to avoid additional .penalty on General Taxes Is Saturday, August 1. After that date 10 penalty will be added. On the Catala making the round trip to Portland Canal and back to Victoria were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tay. Mr Jay is 'the well known police magistrate of the B. C. capita!. Simon Fowler, a native, was tried it the week-end at Port Emg-lon before Dr. Large, J.P., and J. A. Brand. J.P.. and convicted of theft and fined $25 and costs or 33 days. E. J. O'Brien, who arrived tn the city yesterday left CA. this Mil morn UUUJl trig on Lhav Rrincena 1 wranjrrtf erF rout treek, Mr. O'Brien Is a membsr o! fh provincial works staff at On Saturday Mayor Orme and the chairman of the public works committee drove through the new ly conrtructed Eleventh Avenue this being the first car to go over the road. While it Is not completed the work is getting near that stage The Stewart Newt says that ome thirty-five members of the tetrkm of the I ojral Order of Moose of Prince Rupert arrived aboard the Salvage Prince) on Friday -l"ht last for the celebration, among' those of the party were Mes-rs. Davy Eastman. James Sturgeon. Joe Slaggard. Emll Hudema. Walter Howart. George Brochu. Thomas Johnston, Blaine, Henry Dlrksns. Charles BIggart. Sam HaudenschUd. MrCallum. Richard l ong. Robert Reld. Robert Otlker. William Stuart Premo Varrher Frank Dcrry, James Bacon, Robert Ortenflfld. band master of Moos? iand: Thomas Clevering. O. A -ivi' of the Rupert Empire and or.. Louis Astoria Fred Scadden, Fred Hardy. Olllls Royer. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Furnished bouse containing S or 4 bedrooms and all rnodrn convrnencles. In renly stale' rent. Box 92. 174 SAILINGS FKOM PHINCE KUl'ERT To Krtrl.ivn. Wranircll, Ju-ncau and Skas way-July 27. 31, August 3. 7. To Vam-ourrr, Victoria and Seattle. July 29, August 1, 5, 8. For Uuiccule, Ocean Falls Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River Vancouver, Victoria 4- Friday, 10 p.m. Full Information from WV.C. Orchard, General Aiccnt Cor. 3rd Ave. tt 4th St. Thone 31 , JLW. THE DAILY NEWS Navy Man Suffered Had Terrific Backaches. Says Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) did the trick. "During the war," "Not a Pain writes Albert E. Fletcher, now of R. or Ache R. No. 1, Burford, Ontario, "I was In Since." the navy doing heavy duty and sleeping in a hammock. Sometimes my back troubled me very much. ... A good friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which I did. . . . I became completely well, and I have not had a pain or ache since." ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain iron and other elements which increase the amount of haemoglobin, or oxygen-carrying agent In the blood. That is the secret of the benefits which result from this famous remedy. If you suffer from Indigestion, anaemia, nervousness, backache or rheumatism, get a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 50 cents a package at any druggist's, fie sure to say "Dr. Williams' ". "J G. Skinner of Copper River is a visitor In the city. Dr. R. G. Large of Port Simpaou was in the city yesterday. Glasses fitted 0 registered' optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Furs remodelled, cleaned . and repaired. An experienced cutter Goldbloom's Fur Shop. tl Tom Steen, who went to Stewart for the celebratibri?returned home Saturday evening. T. Kay of the Union Oil Com pany was on the Catala last evening going as far as Arrandale. Miss Victoria Krikevsky returned Saturday from Stewart where she was visiting during the recent cel ebration, v Mr. and Mrs. O. A .Hunter and family are making the round trio toAnyox. Alice Arm and Stewart on the steamer Catala. Princess Charlotte northbound arrived in port at 9 ajn. today While she was in port the tour-tolls invaded the city for an hour or two. f VtILsetEorlebmbe of Orade II. MaTtricufationwhose name was not given in the passed list Satur day has received her certificate for paamg.lhrsanqrning. Glen GullckiafJhSiU Cln - dian Compan$ind'Eddie?Smith of O. W. Nlckerroh Company ars making the round Ulp qn the Catala tq Portland' Canal points. J. P. Babeoek. chairman of Uv International halibut commission arrived in the city last evening on the Catala and left this morning on the train for Skeena River points and is expected to arrive back tomorrow. "BUILD U. C. PAYROLLS" The SI Excellence jr i t It Adds . tYAmKEIL ' Irr -essed by the excellence of the ... j 1UUU WtlCIl KUin uo. Its preoamtlon letters nave been written tolling of the splendid results obtained. Some have asked how to account for its -quality. It is exceptionally rich; its purity Is preserved; and, packed close to your home, It arrives at each kitchen fresh. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Ahhotsford, lt.C. 100 II.C. Owned and Controlled S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Oas St Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 Dr. and Mrs. AsDlnall returned today after a holiday spent In Victoria. ', tf . Have you picked out what you want at Bulger's Sale, It only runs tnis week. Hurry up and decide. -Putting i off means "never get-it." Bulger's are sure giving bargains this week. ' W. C. Brand, customs pfflcer at Stewart, who came in at the wcrk end. returned on the Catala laut evening. , Robert Hunter, the Santa Bar bara sportsman, who made the trip to Alaska on the yacht Winnlfred left today for the south on the steamer Prince Rupert. Miss Bessie Moore, who recently won the gold medal at the provln clal Normal School, is in the city vlsltlng with Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant for a few days before pro ceeding to Terrace. Jim Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs George Bryant, returned home this morning after completing his first year at the University of Washington. He will spend the summer at home and returns to Seattle hi the fall. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday ss. Pr. George ....4 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala .1:30 p.m. Wednesday Pr. Henry,.... 9 Thursday ss. Pr. Charles. 2 p.m, Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. SS. Cardena. midnight. Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert. 7 p.m. July 22 ss. Prln. Charlotte July 25 ss. Prlnj Louise 5:30 pm July 29 ss. Prln. Alice 5:30 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday s. Catala 4 pjn. Monday Pr. Charles 11:30 a m Wed n. Pr Rupert 11:30 a.m. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Fit ss. Pr. George, 11:30 a.m. Friday ss. Cardena pjn, Satur. ss. Pr. Henry, 11:30 a.m July 24 ss. prln. Alice...... 9 am. July 27 . Prln. Charlotte e ' - , Eagles' Dance,) Friday. Aug. 14. Ladies refreshments. Gents. 50c. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel i'rtnce Runert's leading family hotel. Hot tnd cold water In all roomi A. J. PRUI)il'MME. Pron. Uor. of Fraser wnd Fifth Sts. SAVOY A. McGlnnes, N. Bulkley; P. J Carmony, Anyox; A. E. Carlson, Cedarvale. New Royal Hotel 1. Zjirflll. vrop Tllr. IMItn. VtOKTII HIIII.E Hot & OiH Water; Steam Heat 75 PER DAY AND IIP Trlri,nr SKI ROYAL W. C. Klnu. Prince George; Jung Chong, Haysport. Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Guests Say They Arc. Cook with guaranteed pure OLIVE OIL Will cure your sick stomach and you will enjoy life. Direct from the Old Country. Only $2.23 a Gallon Phone Red 720 for information Mind Your Health and Brink Bally Pure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red C08 P.O. Box 1 i Visitors Welcome More Passes In District Schools Matrix Exam The following passed the matric. exams last week: GRANBY BAY CENTRE Granby Bay High School Grade XI. Alfred Calderonl, Barbara V. Lee. HAZELTON CENTRE Hazelton Superior School Grade XL Richard W. Sargent, Ethel M. Tomllnson. QUEEN CHARLOTTE CENTRE Queen Charlotte Superior School Grade XL Evelyn E. Fairbalrn. OCEAN FALLS CENTRE Ocean Falls High School Grade XII.Harvey A. Kelley. Grade XI. Jean Bird. Royden M. Camobell. Leslie F. Clark. Ro bert J. Hill. William T. Hodson Cyril W. Baker. CENTRE Kitsumgallum High School Grade XL Margaret K. Glass, Janet W. Young. PRINCE GEORGE CENTRE Prince George High School Grade XL Marion E. Ferry Sydney H. Perry. Lois H. Stonchouse Mary D. Wilson. VANDERHOOF CENTRE High School Correspondence Grade XL Helen H. Bond. S.MITIIERS CENTRE Smithers High School Grade XI. Fred Giraud, Dou?- la G. Krr. Hrhert W. Iach. Lu- Ua M. Llewellyn, Frederick Small. Private Study Grade XI Alma G. Warner. STEWART CENTRE Stewart Superior School . Grade XL Mae Campbell, Margaret E. Shute. Whatever Your Skin Trouble-Get Well This Magic Way Many Sufferers Relieved by Famous Herbal Healer Whether it be a disfiguring rath, or an outbreak of pimples, no re thapped hand, front bite, or any cut, burn, or aeald dreaa the place at onto with this grand herbal oint-rueat, Zam Uuk. It ia beautifully oothing, swiftly henfUg, and highly antiseptic. Even in ehronie troubles like externa, salt rheum, alters, and poisoned sores, 'Zam-Bak eradicates disease and grows new akin. You can "rub it in" for eold-on-the-(hest, bodily chills, stiffness, sprains, museular pains, etc. In fart, there are a hundred usee for Zani-Buk. Be sure to keep a box at home. ALL SPEAK WELL OF 2AM. BUK "SSam-Buk rid me of Ivy rolaonlns and completelr hale4 my festered flncer." Mrs. S. Cray, 8t Iloae Du Lac, Manitoba. "A bad attack of lUrber's Itch ylalded to Zam-Jfuk In two weeks. My skin la now fine and healthy." Mr. D. II. Vox 417.. Humboldt. Saak. to vorkbij. E9 BAKING t dusting . , cleaning . . sewing . . ironing . . every moment, your eyes art busy! Guard your eyes' . . and avoid wrinkles, headaches and "nerves." Fill your sockets with Edison Mazda Lamps . . for their soft, restful light helps you to do your work faster, and more comfortably. Ullt EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL iviiiriti; v. .1 1 1 1 v i iM.ti PUPILS OF ST. JOSEPH SUCCESSFUL it'oronto Conservatory Results For Lunvcm now just Announced From Toronto In the Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations held here in June, the following pupils of St. Joseph's Academy were successful. The names are given in order of merit. Intermediate Piano Pass, Marie Balagno. Primary Piano First class honors, Mary Ellen Moore. Honors Margaret Beattle. Pass Daphne Hemmel. Antoinette Blaln, Margaret Christiansen. Elementary Piano First class honors, Mary Macdonald. Honors Frances Moore. Pass Genevieve Waugh, Gladys Mellish, Maizle Cameron. Introductory Piano First class honors, June Hankinson, Freda Mussallem. Honors Margaret Dougherty. Pass Hadley Hankinson. Junior History First class honors, Mary O'Brien. Junior Counterpoint PJss, Mary O'Brien. Gwendolyn Palmer (equal). Primary Theory First class honors, Marie Balagno. Honors Mary E. Moore. Elementary Theory First class honors, Grace Wlscnden, Freda Mussallem, Margaret Macdonald, Nancy Brown. Honors Audrey Parkin, Margaret Beattle, Maizle Cameron, Gladys Mellish, Edna Gillies. Pass Daphne Hemmel. Bulger's Sale now on. Don't miss it. "When I suffered from painful mattery lolls. Zam-Buk w&s the only eftettlve rrmedy." liasel B. Beck. Newhurn, Lunenburt. Nora Bcotta. "Zam-Huk Ointment and Soap soon cleared ray akin at a dlataurki lash," Mr H. brawn. St. John T. a Bos. pltal. St. John. N.H "I couldn't And anythinc to reltere a liurn on my arm until my Mother awll.'d Za m-B u k." Mrs. B. U. Oroteuu, Waterloo, Jue. The unparallrled success of Zam Buk as a healer of skin troubles lies Lu its oripiuaJ and raluable formula. Zam Bak is compounded from certain extracts of herbal origin, so reAned that they soak through the tiny porea iuto underlying t issue a. Zam liuk heals from below aa well as on the surface. It kills poisonous germs, stops pain and itching, and erowa new skin. Zam-Buk ia also a splendid remedy ror piles and a floe dreesing for Injuries. Zam-Buk Ointment 50c box, Zam-Buk Uedieina! Soap SSe. cake. I r' ELECTRIC PRODUCT mm i.-.-rr g P WIT it.-K?J Y.n kG TITI .".nilno -ui t Tn ii i:iu; ..... 1.11 t7 ......;.i. -,r . . r , T ".'JJ'fflB ... . . . .-,.. iv art I 1 1 i I ttteti i. ni .:' :i T.U 09'11'Ml. .J, mil -! rt-J . i f ..iM u i 'inrr . .14 ii, mi ylih Iff. In tfTO-lftni v iulUll j'.im im Wtn-r ;' P1V4 , ii ... 1 ftf!. Jri.MIl .1 j.Im .n 3TI3 . .. - -4 "...ill ."it ..:.f;.J.. mti .i : -: '.it;o .:arn :.-n - i . 1 r 3 X im Wf. .noiJ