ft iii J -.I paiSe rwq LGERS, BAD LE OLD WOUNDS & SORES Marvellously Healed by Zam-Buk. DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT V" BCIT1SII COLUMBIA Published" Every Afternoon,- Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert V Dally News, Limited, Third Avenu P. PULLEN . - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION' KATES city delivery, by mall Or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance . 5D0 For laser perttdw, paid in advance, per month SO By mall to all parte or Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advaat tor yearly period 3.00 .By mail to aH other parU of British Columbia, the British Em- l pire and United States, paid Jn advance, per year . $6.09 tBy mall to alLotber countries, per year , : . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising," per inch, per Insertion ' Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters Telephone , Advertising and Circulation Telephone J ' Member oi Aadlt Bureau of Circulations ..:.98 Friday. May 29, 1931 NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Black Sands of Graham Island Being Opcratcd-Neiv Kind of Diamond Drill Leave For Cariboo Gold Fields In ihe latest football encounter between the two communities, Bums Lake defeated Rose Lake by a score of 7 to 1. In th game Immediately previous, Rose Lake won 5 to 1. ; While exeavating last week at Imeson's Beach, Nohr Hauer and Sidney Godwin came upon a human skeleton. The bones were pretty well disintegrated but the skull was intact. Presence of arrow-beads nearby Indicate that it may nave been the remains of a prehis-Itoric man. They were found only a foot under the foil. Percy Kaler and Andrew Drew of Tchesinkut Lake have been working sixteen hours and. store a day bringing to their tie to ttee siding. About twenty name were added 9 to the voters' list at a court of re 1.40 vision oanouetea nere oy registrar J. D. Moore of Fort Fraser. A 3- T. Harvey, barrister and sol- ieKor of Smithers. was. a visitor here on prefctwfonal builneas re cently. !T:.r.".'-:"f "c iirxuy Aliard and Oueletto. . ,s ... ... ..... " i:vc. The irc mhui-i... . jocaleatMassett. The Gold Star a new kind of drilL the smallt . n'i W?! ".llalSSIOnarV 1 ea fMifltog Co, which has a crew at made. The drtil weighs only 40 lZT:! I IP f I iwork on the east coast, has made apounds and the rod. weigh an ad- 2fL22. fj siSTpeS IS SuCCeSSlUl UUlXCdMUI ;snHahmeflt of gold. It is repor- -dltlonal 70 pounds, it is operated ptTZJ' ted that gflcd values of platinum , by a gas enetee. The drill haTben PaHl Banak' I ,are also to be found In the gold- especially designed tor the use of i Ml vi, U J 'l!d."rc.h.J,'u "teartns sand. Visiting AMee Arm last week. O. 'st Wetfneaday night from Van- Aftersoon , . eouver. ; Five young men from Hacelton ... . . Wahistrom of Ihe well known Boyje and New Hazelton left last week by i una. auunona arunng concern, truck for the Carihno Batteries T T Agenu f jr the Tube lflcKae Bros. w Electro-Chromatic P1?mrrudak Reedonaton . . LIMITED pick-up THE DAILY KEWS WVU -May J8, la NORTHERN B. C NEWS BURNS LAKE I NEWHAZELTON With the largest attendance oa he grounds stnse railway construction days, the annual y$r torta Day celebration was heldj'te rw, Haselton on Monday. In,,th ports New Hazelton beat Hagwii-?et In baseball 11 to nil while local efeool boys won 9 to 8 over thovs jf Smithers. There were many tfeej sporting events and a big ance In the evening brought a successful day to a fitting closet, Albert Mercer returned to town 'n$t Saturday after spending sdm time on his. trap line on the south ork of Copper River. He brouh; n a satisfactory quantity of beaver and other skins Melodies Linger In the Mind From The Beauty Shop'j The usual musical comedy, oi comic opera, which has met with, ueeaae during the past few years Ltovd Wilson, who a few rears contains one. or possibly two, sing- ago was-a member of the local staff in numbers which developed Into of the Royal Bank of Canada, pas- r" mM- ana " P" sod through here by auto last f a very rare excepuon Thursday en route to the Oartboo xnu ruie is louna in -me ueauiy gold fields where he will engage irr bnov- e snappy musical eomeay prospecting. , which will be seen In the Capitol . ! Theatre on Tuesday, June 9 under Dr. Morrlsen. the well known den- lh auspice of the local Lodge of tist. Is visiting here and 'at OoUa BPO Elks. This piece can boast of Lake and Wistaria. 1 al iaMt eignt or ten musical num- i bers which linger in the mind long I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanyer. who seeing me penormance ana Wtt here last spring, have returned whten are at "whistly"" variety, to Burns Lake to resume rasidenoe. Among those which are bound to become noouimr. -and vhlrh are n. ;t . , j wc icarm vvj ic UjasvuiB r ' ' 7 I The blacked gold fields of Graham Island continue to'J S" ;attractTnuch attention. A party, headed by Austin Brown, mentioned i want to Look Like wen Known mining man, arrived recently at Massett and ir i vnrnnnnr !Mrjr Gare0-" Saturday Afternoon thas located at the Bluejacket mine where buildings are be-1 Y AIM iJLKiiU Ui4 ! 00 B"." au Dressed uP and ing constructed preparatory to bringing in machinery. F. ' , 2Ll,.1.,Iefa" M. Hicks, investigator engineer for a'southern firm, left: on Tuesday evening hat confir. wil--TwL i eSS i recently ;vith concentrate samples taken from represen-,natton wa conducted in the local , ULota M Quen and ttative claims. Mr. Hicks stated that the samples would be CaU5o!kl.ch"r!h .BUhop "Carissima." - :tstH nnH it if V,of ..i,J V .uY. - M- BunoE- aalst(l by Fathers E. i ue vvamcii s Missionary csocieiy Doctors Kins: and Rkhardson are at vtr nUmA riu.h ,.u . ..... ' ww VUUIVll iitiu cs Till gave a demonstration of drllllrf on where the hart infn.,i.n . ;F.'VM'" u.u.iry mw , succesftul tea and sale of home the Wolf mine, near the town with trood toirt RtntA hPino m. ,cnao Hote. cook a jwctorday afUrnoon at UjeJ i home of Mrs. Q. V.Wilkinson. Many 1 - The following are among changes Udies called during the afternoon anecung canooo prasoyiery whlen to lend their patronage to the af-have been made to the United fair. The hostess was'asslsted in re-Church ministry: Rev. David Don- cervine by Mrs. W. T. Kergln. nre- Udson. Glscome to 8mithers; Rev. WuUam McKenzie. Haselton to Queen Chariotte Islands; Rev. Adam Crisp to Qiacome. D. W. Donald, well known cattle breeder, had ft narrow escape from "riuj. injury last Thursday when hi horses started to bolt after a load of hay he was hauling becasae united by a spark from his pipe. Jwhn Boor stopped the horses, pregnane what might have been ser-iou.s unury for Mr. Donald. SMITHERS Under the auspices of the Smithers Branch of the British Chambar of Mima, a baaqui . The new Bmlthers band made i first public appearanoe last 6n-day afternoon in an open-air ten-cert which was much appreciated by all who heard It, the band giv ing u splendid performance. A softball series between CJ4.R. teams of Prln.ee George and Bmlthers was held here last Sunday. Prince George won both games. tne nrst Dy a score or 8 to 3 anr. the second by 19-7. W. H. Tobey, CNJl. division! superintendent, Prince Rupert, and R. F. McNaughton. district passenger agent, were here at the end of last week on official business. stdent of the Women's Missionary'' Society. During the afternoon there was.a delightful musical program which included vocal solos by Mrs. P. C. MlHer, Mrs. Arthur Halleran. Miss t-iina Vickers and Mrs. MacFie with Mis. Alfred Wilson, Mrs. Wall arid aeoompanists. There were violin and I ilano duets by Misses Ruth and' ''AWh Wilkinson, piano solos by Mhr I-abeJ Sinclair and readings by Mrs. Charles Lord. , Mrs. O. A. Bdgecumbe and Miss; i MMmun luHiuucK prmticu uv me yen . I table, the tea room convener being Mrs. James Krlkevsky. Assisting In rervmg were Mrs.' J. J. Payne. Mrs. 'W. B. Oorntah. Mrs. D. Santerbane' and Mrs. J. g. Irvine. The home. w:r tendered last Friday night ln .coofcint table was In charge oi Mrs. the Bulkley Valley hotel to James IJuh Killln and Mrs. Thomas and E Kirby. returning mining recor-: Mrs. O. F. Davey aeted as cashier. der here. James Wright presktelj - und among the speakers were Dr ' Dr Joseph T. Mandy, resident II r Wrlnch. MJA.. Douelas Lar fining engineer, is back from an resident mining engineer. A test!-inspection trip to the Queen Char montal of appreciation sotued to Mr. Kirby. was pre- lotte Islands. He visited a number of properties including Uie famous Southeaster at Skidegate on which development work is continuing. Uncle GA3AZUS Is coming! fStlFFNESSl mt4J i rB Hh mum vM fc(r SJ Vmi'II tn lmkw f I jl CoL Charles Lindberg and Wife On Test Flight Col. Charles Lindbergh and his wife in new Lockheed-Vega m nopl:me with retractlble land- r lhg gear before gomg aloft In test fl.iit Ph;ne attained cruising . va-u oi 220 miles an hour BANK OF MONTREAL Established l6l7 qI presentation, in easily understandable form, of the Bank's SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT 30th April, 1931 I . LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Deposits . , . . , PajtUe Jr9n4 snj fut tutiet. Notes of the Bank in Crculation Letters of Credit Outstanding . ! i . iiwiwu rtspnntilitiet Mdcrfaitii m MJJ tfnavwtrrt for ttm-mtrcUl ttmtsttimt (let pjf letting wwi( nj in Wnwfj. Other Liabilities Items "which Jo not rime unjrr the fttym heaJmef. Total Lubflitie to the Public . . . ' LIABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Oi Reserves tor Dividends . . . Thii irnuunt tefrttnlt the ihsrrhaljrh' intend in the Buhi, tier hUh UMJditi to the fniUe ule pmeJencf. Total Liabilities . RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has Cash In its Vaults and in the Central Gold Reserves Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks PrfMt in uih m freienutiam. Money on Deposit with Other Banks . AsiMt demand. Government Si Other Bonds and Debentures Gtl-edgt Securitiet pttctietBj tH tf which mature at early dam. Stocks f Kailmaf and Industrial and vther Mocit at or marlet falm. Call Loans outiide of Canada Secured hy hondi, ttodti and ether nefctiahle tecuritiet tf rrater uaUe than the taanl and trfrnentrnt noneyt quicily araUahle with M dtrhin c fleet en tondnioni in Canada. Call Loans in Canada . Payahlt em demand and, tecured hy hondt and troth ef fretter !u than the leant. TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal to 55.72 of all Uahillhei to the Public) Other Loans . Til manufacturer!, farmett, merehantt and eiherit en cenditteut ten tistenf with found hmtmf. Bank Premises ....... Three fntfertiet only art carried in the name), ef helimt temfanien the Wect and hondt if then- cempaniet art ennrelj eemeihy the Batik and atfeat em the laukt at Si. re in eath tote. Alt ether ef the Bank't fremim, the tatut ef ihkh largely etaetdt Stt,foetQa, appear umiet thit htadinf. Real Estate and Mortgages on Real Estate . . Aceuired in the ceant ef the Banlt't hutinttl and in pmeeu ef heme reauted upon. z Cuitomen Liability under Letters of Credit . , Pepreientf LahilitHi efcuttetnen en aaeeut ef Letrnrn ef Credit inutd hy the Banhf" Vir account. pdirr Aeti not included in the Foregoing , Making Total Assets of f . , r , la meet payment ef LiahHitiei te the PulRc. ef tearing an txctss of Assets over Liabilities to the Public PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Profit for th Klf ft nuling oih April, DivkImkU ptui pr fttytbU le Shirarraljcra . , ftwuion for Tun Dominion Guvtrnmcnt KcHtvuion for Cuik Pimini , , IUlnuof Profit and Lm Acrniat, Octuiwr )ik, 0o . BalvKl of Profit and Lou carril forward . . . IU6aooo.oo 280.000.00. 2oo.o66.oo i 665,750,090.45 33,6674J.(Xr . 8,973,9114 234,4911 f 710,726,4)7.10 76,17169.11 . 86,897,706.21 79,312,099.47 36,75928.49 16,937,790.32 216,329,624.76 J9902.H' 34,040,7687 lli347,!487.68' 39026,901.10 361,918,245.42 it 14,500,000)0 1,780,837.77 8,973,911.94 3,69709.98 . - 786,897,7061 ' 710,726,437.10 of 4 76,17169.11 nJ71.7Ji.7l X6 40,000 00 The strength of a bank is determined by its-history, it, policy, Us management and the extent of its resources, Fpr 11 ytars the Bank of Montreal has been in the forefroni of Canadian finance. I