' Faos ers Tins DAILY NKWS Table Damask, 70 inches wide, new designs extra heavy quality Q-f ft ft 91.UU 14 yards for WONDERFUL VALUE IN TOWELS All white Turkish with colored stripes and borders. A special purchase away below market Yalue. -Stec 20" x 45," 4 for-Size 21" x 4V 3 for O-fl Aft X. VVF Size 24" x 48," 2 for Silk Underwear Special 35 Down NON-RUN Ladies' Rayon Silk Bloomers. This is a wonderful quality. 7 shades, all sizes. 6100 0.UU 2 pair for Our riant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of . MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 Nb.l-5xatperM .$3.75 No. 2 - at per M : $2.75 SUrPOItT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Because it doesn't pay to advertise popr products, It does pay to buy those advertised. 1 HnMX DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY at FRASER and PAYNE'S Outstanding Values for Dollar Day Only 300 Yards Rayon Brocade in 8 shades, good designs, finest quality -f AA 34 yards for JA.UU Polka Dot Broadcloths, Wabasso make, fast colors'. In a complete range of colors and dots, 15 patterns to choose Q-i ( from, 36 In. wide. 3 yards for y1,UU Wabasso Unbleached Sheets, best quality, free from filling or dressing, Q-j A A full bed size. Each ?J.UU Rayon Silk Ginghams, 7 good designs, good wearing and fast washing Q-f A A colors, 32 in. wide. 1 yards for Beet Quality Japanese Crepe in 15 shades, splendid washing and wear- C-f A A ing cloth. 8 yard for t?XUU 150 Pair Nottingham Net Curtains, full size, finished ready to hang. J QQ 6 Dozen Rayon Silk Blouses, assorted self colors, assorted styles, sizes Q-g A A 16 to 42. Extra Special ?iVU 150 Women's Beach and Porch Dresses. A big range of patterns, voiles, flared skirts, organdie trim, short sleeves and sleeveless styles, prints, short sleeve and Q4 Aj sleeveless styles. Each iJHeUU Girls' Sweaters, Silk and Wool, coat and pullover styles, odd sizes up to CI ftfl 34. Reg. up to $3.95. Each tpl.UU Boys' Blue Denim Coveralls, extra heavy red back denim, red trim, sizes Q-f A A 2 to 8. Each Vi.UU Boys' Wolsey Sweaters, made in England, extra good wearing quality with Polo collar and tie, in shades of navy, steel and putty, sizes 4 to 8 years Each $1.00 Children's Silk Bloomers, extra good quality tailored styles, assorted shades Q-i A A sizes 4 to 14 years, z pairs for ?lvU 15 Dozen Kayser Pure Thread Silk Hose, full fashioned service weight, new shades just arrived. Slendo heel, all sizes J QQ Wabasso Pillow Cotton, extra good quality, free from filling or dressing. Q4 A A full wftth. ryaYdsfor tfA.VU Rayon Gowns, assorted styles-French Combinations, new cut style Princess Slips, built up shoulders-Opera Top and lace trimmed styles Vest and Bloomer Sets Brassier and Bloomer Sets $1.00 Boys' Pure Wool Sweaters, sizes 22, 24. 26 only, in shades of brown, fawn and heather mixtures. Extra Special, 2 for $1.00 Was Winner of Five Dollars Lady Llring at Tort Clements Lucky One Yesterday Morning Yesterday morning Mrs. D. Croc ker of Port Clements, won the five'! dollars for being the twenty-fifth person to pay a full year's subscrip- i tlon to the Daily News. Several sub- I scrlptlons have come in since that time and at least one more five dollars should be given away by tomorrow night. Uncle GAZAZU8 te coming! SATURDAY SPECIAL Two-Layer Devil's Food Cake, 30c The Electric Ilakcry We Deliver Phone GG7 Rupert Motors DODGE DEALERS Oarage and Service Station All Modern Equipment 12-Hour Battery Charger OUR TOWING it WRECKING CAR- WILL HANDLE ANY JOB Phone 5C6 i Night Calls Phonr 161 SOFT TIMES ARE PASSING Speaker at Rotary Club Deals With Silver Question Briefly in Address "It's useless to talk about hard times coming. It s soft times passing." declared W. O. Webstej, member of the Rotary Club of Vancouver, in briefly addressing the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at the luncheon yesterday. Mr. Webster spoke Interestingly of the silver question and mentldned-j the desirability of stabilizing the( value of the metal not only from the ! point of view of the miner on this . coast but particularly so that the! people of China and Japan ana in-!dia, all of which have a silver cur rency, may be able to trade with Canada. At present the silver dollar has so little purchasing power that business is badly handicapped. Mr Webster is manager of the United Typewriters in Vancouver. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert May 29. 1911 The contractors on this end o 'the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway construction are having difficulty! in getting enough laborers. For good axemen $2 per day an-1 board is being offered and for excavators, $2J2S per day and boara The Oraod Trunk Pacific Rail-! way has presented SSOQ. which j will cover half the cost of purch-j asing an ambulance for the Prints Rupert General Hospital. j After having been missing since '.Tannarv 1A rVr ha am! alima vwiw.ij . n Mbi. . - ova m . . . iv from Port Bsslngton to much to the rock quarry, "the dead body of Oeo ; McLeod was discovered this morn-ins: on the (rail. The body was crouched in a crevice as though protection from a storm had been sought. Albert Nicholson, local long dis-1 tance runner, has accepted Holm- : quist's challenge for a 10-mlle race , on Dominion Day. Dave Watson has ; also expressed his intention of entering the race. Early yesterday morning the fine new launch Lakanian, built at H. Johnston's yard in Hay Cove for A. W. Agnew, was launched. Have you nam your suoacripUon to the Daily News this year? , . CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING U. T. I. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK bnglneers. Machinists, Boilermakers, IMarksmlths, Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc EI.ECTK1C AND ACETYLENE WELDING Week-End Specials Malkin's Best Coffee 1-lb. tin Malkin's Best Teal-lb. pkg Malkin's Best Plum Jam 4-lb. tin B. & K. Pastry Flour 18-lb. sack Riedell Pure Clover Honey- i4b. tin , McCormick Jersey Cream Sodas in lunch pafl Seedless Raisins 4-lb. pkg Nabob Red Plums Tt 2 tins - ' Nabob Tomato Juice l's I per tin Del Mais Com s 2 tins yvtta Crisp Bread I per pkg. Edam Cheese Full cream ; l-tb. pkg. Frascr Valley Appl and i Pineapple Jelly. 2Vk-lb. jar P. GAMULA. I ifth Slrett 45c 45c 45c Napoleon Pure Olive Oil Ct) nr 1-gal. Un v v Napoleon Pure Olive Oil 1 -quart tin : 8weet Sunklst Oranges 5 doz. OFFICERS ASSIGNED Captains, Chief Engineers, Pursers and Chief Stewards of C.N.tt. Boats For Summer Named Following is the assignment of officers for the coming summer to vessels of the Canadian National Coast Steamships fleet: SS. Prince Henry (Alaska run) Captain, H. E. Ncdden; chief engineer, A. S. Monroe; purser, J. A. Crawford; chief steward, J. Webb. SS. Prince David (tri-city) Captain. Edward Mabbs; chief engineer, P. H. Palmer; purser, A. E. Evans; chief steward, A. Drummond. SS. Prince Robert Captain, A. J. ailbert; chief engineer. W. E. Ball-lie; purser, T. O. Gllliland; chief steward, A. Cole. SS. Prince Rupert Captain.. Dan Donald; chief engineer, George Davidson; purser, N. A. McLean; chief steward, S. McMann. j 88. Prince George Captain. Nell McLean; chief engineer. C. F. Davis; I purser, A. H. Robson; chief steward. Adam Ramsay. SS. Prince Charles Captain. Dn McKtnnon; chief engineer. H. D. Cochrane; purser, Joseph Barrs-clough; chief steward. Frank Bray. 88. Prinee John Captain, David K. Bins; chief engineer. D. Todd; purser, o. C. Foolc; chief steward, S. Bums. M. A. Burbank, divisional engineer. Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. I 1 a. M1 SAVE MONEY lly Dealing at Our Stores Lux Toilet Soap -4 cakes for Corned Beef Armour's No. 1 tins, per tin per pint tta Cheese Chateau. Veiveeta Krsft. Vk-ib. pkg Ontario Cheese Mild per lb. No. 1 Japan Rice ! 6 lbs 45CMalk,n'8 Best, Florida Orapef ruit, No. 2 tins, 2 for 45C ireanut Butter Bulk 1 2 lbs. for 45C Aylmer Bonejess Clucken j '2-lb. Un 50 C ! Wholc Wht Fl8 Bar Bis-I cuits. 2 lbs 25C j Com Flakes 3 P j. fi 1UC Rolled Oats-Bulk 6 lbs 35C 30c 40c 35c Alberta Market 23-oz.. bottle Del Monte Peaches Halves 2-lb. tin Singapore Pineapple Ts 3 tins Llbby's Olives-r- 18-o. Jar Malkin's Best Jelly Powder All flavors, S for f Jt a, w tut 7Kp . . 25c 18c Mai kin's Best Fancy HawMan Pineapple sliced or crushed Oi kfW Nn 9 tin Mr tin v. w f wma ....... Creamettes 3 packages for Eggs. Fresh Extras In cartons, 3 doz.t 25c 70c i The market Is advancing, now is the time to put down la water glass) Mai kin's Best Water Glass 4Cn 18c 20c 25c 45c 25c 38c 35c 25c 25c i Dutch Maid Salad Dressing Q 25c 25c 25c 25c 95c Mussallem's Cash and Proprietor Phone 208 tarry Mores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 315 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. Telephones 3G0 snd 18 fflisWiMBMsraBI - rillliiy Uiiu uuiuiuu; 3 Two Shows 7 & 9 p.m. " " G S Do You Kcmcmbcr "Reducing?" Friday Ma, y Here Is Marie Dressier again and Wallace Beery the i, Ur g "The Big House," in " trii tat o dii i S III I ll (V 111 I.I. A Laugh and Thrill Hit Two Great Stars In a Drama of Sunshi and Shadow, Romance and Tense Situations 3 Comedy CHARLIE CHASE In TIP FROM riTTSBirr 5 Dog Comedy "THE BIG DOG HOUSE" PAIlA.MOt "N'T vnr. B Musical Number -AROUND THE SAMOVAR J ADMISSION 20c & C5c Feature Starts at ? jj - SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 40c Feature Start at t i MONDAY & TUESDAY "SIN TAKES A HOLIDAY pjvsmBjrsTOBimHEan: The Fish which made Prince RupeftFamom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK CO! Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. EVEREA LayerhUjt .ssWikv-7 i ll mm 9DNLY thirty you need r Know . . .. -.-! TP VOU buy rdio bittrnri on wt mm m X ihrr kiit oa thine yu ritta io ui": ikr r.arK lavrrbilt. Thru VOU will b rrr -9. tt more drptBdibU power, cltirrr rtpoon nJ u longer lift. Due to th ecluve flit4r "nru a. Liyerbilt Bineriel conuin nerlr twite much : rjower-produring mterUt ft A butrU of rqujl tin. Tor tu i fcV CIVLrtUT nude on r br Everetdy. the w .l n ii. n t lareeil lireen builder builder of of dry dry bt bettenei. 5M 4t Ri Slotei ttrrvkcrt' CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO.. t,IM1TI LUf't Vitifwvet TORONTO Momrril W n t't Omin SrtmO fitf Hull CKHi Toir - RB 2 WHO to N If iTfe would let their thisivaiK Your prulc prompt 5 to keep jour lia"' UroomwI... then for the same reason smarlcn your iliill.- tinHiifhea shiH-n regularly ii gloy NupRfl" hlne wnlerprM)fs llic MA shoesasItrMiIislies. p HWSCE SHOE POLISH ..; (Ik NUGOET TIN ckati mlh a tntil I