v 3 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, September' 22. lm PAGE TWO ' THE DAILY NEWS. UNIFORM FfUNf.fi RUPERT - RRITJSII COLUMBIA published Eyery Afternoon, Ijj-fcfpt Sunday, by Prince Rupert -...HAW pally News. Limited, Third Avenu 7 'iW' 11 T, TVJMH - - .-r-fc?3naging-EdUor SUBSCRIPTION KATES PJty dellTfry, by mall or carrier, yearly period, pa advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per month - By mall to Jill parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, pad in advance for yearly period . By mail to all other parts ol prttlshColumbia, (he British, Empire and United States, paid In, advance, per year - By mall to all other countries, per year nr - ADVERTISJNG KATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word -.. Local readers, per Insertlpn, per line- ... v-r- r Legaj nqt'ces, each Insertion, per agate lne r - Contracl rate? pn application. Editor and Reporters' 'telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audt Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION THE CKJSIS IN BRITAIN. ...88 ..98 5 DO .50 3.0Q .15 SENATORS i AND YANKS $600 Are StllJ Tied for Second Place fa 9.00 American League as Jfesylt of 1.40 NEW YORK. Sent. 22. Washine Tuesday,, Sept. 22, 1931 Browns who dropped Into seventh TME TO DREAM AND DRIFT. : place, while the Detroit Tigers tools sixth by splitting a doublerjieader , with the champion Philadelphia Athletics. There were no chances In thp The one topic of conversation in Prince Rupert yes- National League-standings as a re, ' terday and this morning was the financial crisis in Great "fi resulU wnicn were as j allows. n.fi. i ii .-l 1.1 cet, si.. i- r,i nnt.ain anu wnat us prouauje ei-iei-'i. i nyiu k vmu'W. Everyone is piore or Jess in the darjc a? tp tlje meaning of it all, each person having his own interpretation. In many quarters there was a ieelin of pleasure expressed that France and United States might find their stock of gold , nt quite so good a bargain as they had anticipated. The hppe was also expressed that the change might affect the price of silver and thus improve conditions in Western Canada. . . All are agreed that the crisis must have been a very National Leafue PhUadelphla 9, Pittsburgh 4. Boston 2, Cinclnnafl 3. Brooklyn 10, St. Louis 11. New York 15, Chicago 7. American League Cleveland 5, New York 1. St. Louis 0, 2; Boston 2, 9. Detroit 2. 6; Yhlladelphla 3, 5. Chicago 3, Washington 5. important one or such drastc action would not have been ' taken, Future international financial developments will D..L,Jl CtJ be watphed with great interest: J DaSPball pending National League St Louis 98 New York 87 Chicago 82 Tlis is no time to dream gnd drift, as the writer in a Brooklyn 77 .VanQuver trad? journal suggests, It js the time when pLtf.tbHu7u,' 74 every peispn in business and every wage earner will do. " 7 his utmost to bring affairs back to normal. It is useless. Cincinnati UUIHUITOI 58 1 IJ l. J. tm. ......-. 1P ..- io live in me past, ine iuiure is Deore us. ... Marking time is sometimes necessary, but vhile doing American uajue so plans should be made for nrpgress. Standing still 13 uff elhla Mt rpIy losing ground. No one can afford to stand still g long. There is the danger of slipping. Every day we'lift Cleveland 73 our feet and replace them in the same place we are digging Boston 1 Z 1 ourselves in and making it more difficult to extricate our- Detroit. 60 spIvps. Thp nrpspnt. Ik n timp fnr fnrwnrrf mrvvompnt. tint St. Louis 59 necessarily oy spending more money but by making ex icttp au.. 1... ;:::' : ...u:v. Veep the wheels turning in the business machine. ? m AfiepuUAlon of l Cohtiriuous EB M1 Trading Jm i PiI?BTT7tTm7v! . ..!- Mcotnittit art may iro. r ThU advertlserjient Is not published or displayed by tne Liquor Control Board or by the Oovernment of British Columbia 55 44 58 58 75 87 88 89 93 VanderhoofGets FIGHT IS Ready iof Skate Season This Year VANDERHOOP, 6ept 22J. W. H. Day. H. V. Taylor A. A. Hutch- n.on and S. E. Daily have been re- 02 ton Sjen.atflrs and New Ypric Yanjcees appointed as a committee tq tako 25 ..,A K41r (n a 1n vcarrli v fnr rharon nf th 1.nl ckatlnir rinl" J.. I H U vmavIa-i tkla ntlnA. Oji h .Uh.hIiIa MnllA ' . i. i iL. rt. !.. iiruti " .kllA i. .. in . ..- I w,t irattu uie iiicugu vviiuc oua wiiiic iiiaue ueiure me nils can ur U5?u the Yankees dropped a decision to p grain. the Cleveland Indjans. Breaking up a three-way tie or the pqsitloq, Boston Red Sox took sole possession of fifth place by taking both ends of a double-header from St. Louis IS WINNER Prfrated Smith's Agtrpafion la lljjji Schojil Soft Ball Yesfdr I njly Uagshaw and l.lfnry pfeth fq et October 5 1 l Arrangements have Just been i completed between Owen Fisher. manager of Billy Bagshaw. Prince Rupert, and Henry Deeth of Ai)yof for a boxing bout to tajfe place on ' sfuu ytai-c uf wic tH ,.... k.Vu.ul .. "Hiy 0ctoh 15 01 t the np Emnress Social b0ClaI League. le Senators havfng de- and lmprovemeiU will have tp .oppr HCCE.NT j) py E l6 I.M ents in , MJWq IN THE UULKLEY VALLEY DISTIUCT .Continued from page one) M- Cf mpbpjl U lh charge pf devel- j opn)ei)t work- Puring the teason ai .arga number ci ppen cyts have tfif ? niadt on flyp (different veins ; opd this wprk Is st)U proceeding. A ti n eamo has been built ius. urn vance-s ton Dan team won pejow the Jilgh pjateu pn which from Carl Smith's by a score of 7 f itmW par ?Pd U the i i" f i.v.ii-.u fjOt mining camp m mis par. the High School on Monday. ,t t:;, pjvlncp. Survey work qn. j The early par$ of the gajne wa? tof uter jjalms hus dcmlnated by the losers, Aldefl by bce) carried out by the optionees good hits by Hanson and fisher, M weu ' ' iMojctey qiide ttje first run. In the Mln. ,t thm haart 'second inping thta team followed nSUf i? ,n e Pablne Ll lupby scorhigMoxley.-Hanson Klsh- b-produced some sens 'emoto. Christian. and The score ti0nal natlVe S,,Ver fnj 'Pens w. now f.v to tu'n in f.mr nf rec"1 work: a ch.olc,r Smith', team. f However. In the third' inning. WP iWTOIPHi 'enaj Vaoce's team got away., Walters. "u" " "ew u'l" "uw VV Wilson. Vance, Edgecumbe and J 7" '- , r . Unger all mide the circuit of the Mln. Development Is still btfng bases. That brought the score 7 to conducted on these properties Jar 5 In Vance's favor The remaining fft u., Won Lost Pet. innings went scoreless. the present pwnpr. J553! Smith's team: Moxlev. Hanson. WM VW or luraine pro-, Bettv Orchard. 11-vrar-old srahd Idauahter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallaee Prty nJ triey re fxpecietj to pay C. Orchard of this city, was the a "P s in tne near luture SKIDEGATE winner of the girls' championship 1 ipipeci recent wor aa to piui " , 'in the Vancouver Province swlm- llor tne future. Oood results are re- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colllson pf min raes at the Crystal Pool In ported Irom recent development. Prince Rupert have been visiting at Vancouver last week. j Individual prospectors in tle Skldeeate with Mr. - Colllscn'a Betty, who only started to swim Milk Creek 8ection, Telkwa River. brother, l, ppl.llspn. wh.) U agerjt two pionths ago. cpvered 25 yrds have beep working; in ST small wyl for the Imperial Oil Co. hsre. Mr. In the smart time of IB seconds. Bne.pnj up several nign-graae avi Colllson expresses himself as being U the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred promising silver-lead showings. JdeJlchted with the Islands. Orchard of Vancouver. . Without adequate capital they eanr SPORT NOTES I A Wtk WW buntln. tpMijd ro-f-HrHn? exponent, wa$ field cap-rently when a board-walk in FortitP f lb farqous team. WlllUm was torn up. brought bac, Qf a hij 4 o pami memories of the days when Ja-;n Canada, Winnipeg has what li ro?se h?14 way at the ).?kerhcad. j perhaps the most unique o one-When tlie wallc was rpftewed M th armed brigade. Organised five W W a number of war vet-j orner of Flnlayson and McMurr 7 . . ., , erans. It was made an lronTCian rav street,, a badge was discovered where it had aln for ?. ypar. for AmpUttlons" tew vnless Wondc fully well preserved, thp hj had Jqjt Ah arm fiyer,vi. Win-badge bore the wgrdin? "1002 Dor ning and losing "games all over hc mlnlpf) Pyff3iplnlstlqula Lr .province mostly winnings the Crosse Club." Old timers began rti-;teom became famous, locally. But t allq Dip fapvHH lwose cfy o( the strict rule was broken. Thcv that ypstr pn whoe ta$er werp took in Jack Peppln, who nuallflrd many celetrUJs flf the day. Includr In every way except that he had ing Hon. R. J. Manlon. Domlnlcn two arms. But Jack ha only on minuter f FAllway and cnalj leg. In 1M7 the most handicapped whp wlejdc4 4 trkHy stlfk t cover ball team In Canada played 46 , point- P- P. Mltlf Prominent th-- game and won 43 of them. The let of the time, fald tlie b.adSP "n"P W. Parrell. E. Bailey. I. was one of many sp!4 to gain f- Shlpman, II. Davis. Bill Wheeler. J. nanclal pupport fpr the "club., pep, U- McpaugU, W. Woods, Roy Sanr A. MacDonald, retired merchant dlson, Jack Peppln and L. John-and now one of Canada's greatest son. nuv ay uiusi), nwever greap trjo promise of their showings. Steamship Sailings Jof Vancouver- Sunday fij. Ur. oeprge .. .jo pn. Tuesday ss, patala ):30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. flype;t Q pjn. Frldays. Princess Mary 10 pjn. S3 Cardena, midnight. Sept 23 u. Prln. Louise 6:30 pm. Prom Vancouver PMi)day--s. patal a p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 o rn. frldy-as. PrJncess Mary 4 pjn, Frlday-si, -pariitna p.nj. Satyr. s. Pr. George 10.30 a.m. S.ept. 19-rss, Prln. Louise 9 a.pi. Sept. 3088. Prln. Loul.se 0 u.pn, For Naas Itlver and Port Simpson Sunday-. Catalt . 8 v'.pn. From Naas llivrr ii Tort 6lmpotv Tuesday ss. Catala .. .U:30 a.fn, 'or Stewart and Anyox- Bondav rti. 1 nw Wednesday-aa. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m, tjaturaay . pr. Oeorge ...A pn. From Stewart and Anyox Sunday s. Pr. Oeorge Ootn. Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 a.m, Thurs.-ss. Pr. Rupert ... & pjn, For Ocean Falls-Sunday ss Pr. Oeorge 10 pjn. as ife bottles ..i 1 . .-i i .... ... - . I The Utter Box I FISH TRAPS AGAIN 576 Fisher, Smith, Blake, Morrison, aJso hd Wme new, sditor, Daljy New: 539 Klshlmoto. Chrlstbion, Llndseth. wk don- tu8n the owners pf, It jpotb w qjiiept 513 Battery: Moxley and Klshlmoto. thu ery Jacking in funds. when the hardy perftnr 93i Klshlmoto turned in a good game Pnbo Qrovp. on the BulWf7 inta salmon fKhtfapsagln occupy-7 1 behind 'the plate. Hanson was Va?'?y & e Bablnc Ran?e jlpg spate In tlje (jaily press, arjd, 414 'notable In the field. CTfet e Dr,"wPP' Just to Inform the public that the ,3841 Vance's team: Santurbane. Obata, irffi and wth fourteen nlje pi nehermen are really alive to this jFuchero. Walters, Wilson, Vance. Sjnfthff. has ha further deyel-iperslstent topic. I wish to state that Edgecumbe, Unger, Allert. opment work carried out by thfc lo .mhermen. iher dependenU. whkh .'03 1 BAttery: Unger and Vance. cal yn"lcate owning It. This l nc!qde tlie jperchanU of thla city. .608 . Walters and Ohata wer th most acljlered notpworihy TPSUlU. ppen-l and anv sane thlnkine citizen are 8i valuable fielders. Old Country Soccer WINNER IN MONDAVS SCORES Engll$lj League First Division; , Blstckbsjrn Rovers 5, Blackpppl I. RraijUd-mfhter of Sir. find Mrs. W. Sheffield Wednesday 2, phelsea 2. P.. Qrt hard Pfpyps Jlersfjf Adept Westhgrn United 1, Sheffield U. ! Aquatic Pupil. English League, Second Division: Portvale 0,,'Swajisea Town 4. 495( officials: Umpire. Ted Smith; hitherto exposed and adding to the 412! base umpire, Julius Welle; score- Frpmi?9 pf this property. 405 . keeper, Oscar Fulton: reporter. Ron- Wright Is the head of the pqU 389 'aW Allen. syndicate. .372 . j TJie Cronln or Bablne Bonanza SWIM RACE Ing yp new sliver-copper ores npt!gun adamant In their attitude to- Mine pes stjadlly on with blocking out further sllver-lead-zlnc pre and preparing for the cxpan-ton jure to pope tp this prpvn mine when metal prices warrant the large expenditure that will be requlwx to overporne IW tunspor-tatton problem and equip the mine for operation. In July some of the principals pf the company Bablne Bonanza Mining and Milling Cp. Ltd. 'uhlch Is the company of the late Jas. Cronn vlsjted the pro ward the vexed question. The fishermen enn quit under-. PURf RICE CIGARETTIE . PAPERS Moit convrn'ent bfcavue pf their automatic packing, pacft tuoklct being UoubU (lotfftj to the papers can be extracted cither (rum the left, or right hand tide. Chanteclcr are crj alccyrnr here imdptso packed, frpe, with mch popular brpnJ of (igtfeiie tpbaccos at -i-Turrrt, Pgd)s, Res, PU Cluing, find Repeater, Tlie Ijigh quality, mellow flaypr pd inrigQirtiijg strength of iriile Beer ore as uniform ai the cize ppd shape pnd color pf its bottles. ou can depend oq i that the contents of t)ie Lotflp of Whife $eal"lieer yei bqy today will give ypu the same enjoyment a the fut bottle vpu ever tried. It is the purity of its ingredients and the painstaking supervision and long experience of our ept brewers that insures this fine reulL f jke a fjpitljfu) friend, White Seul liter is "Afways th(j same.' TJe Kiejvel Brewing Company Ltd. St Bonifice, Mia. 1I31K A Thi Advertisement U not published, prfayf tythe Uqupr Control Hoard or by thi Government of Dritisfi Columbia ii .-. und the fish buyers being dgiruiis 3i pbtainlng tl)e fishexmen's product for fts near to nothing sgj possible, (hat being cnsstent vlth all lurrper Procedure, but they wold never condone any government xhicto had the temerity to grant the request ( to the few, and Ignore the many ' Tha time Is far from opportune to rpvive the topic, but the onus uf .. introduction ilea -with the buyers and not wlh the producers. However, i shows they .nin true to form and iW-d not hesitate to take the bread . rom. . the children s mouths if this city and neighborhood, f oty moie unholy prufiw cat) be gajfred. Yours for a prosperpus citisenry. . CHARLES LORD. Secretary Nerthefn B. c. Salmpn FUlierme i)' famxUimn H .1 There is a lot of Beef Strength in a little BOVRIL Do you read the classified advertisements?