Sold by The Canadian Credit M en's CARD TABLES. Reg. Price 6.50 Sale Price $3.95 Association A SALE STARTS Wednes day Tomorrow, 9 sum, MATJPrt Here is lha story in a. nut shell. L U 1 1L JQI The entire stock of Rarric's, Prince Rupert was taken over by the Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association, trustees, fpr the, creditors, and, sold by .the trustees to us, which simpiy means, folks, that it is up to us to clear out sell out! close out! the entire stock and fixtures to the bare yalls, There will be absolutely no reserve. We promise you the bargains of a lifetime. They'll be spectacular, thrilling in the extreme! Think of it! Realize the scoop! Closing out of a bnkrupt stock, b.ought at only a few cents on the dollar. CHESTERFIELD SUITES In Tapestry and Mohair Regular Price $155.00 Sale Price $87,45 Regylar Price $100.00 Sale Price $97,35 Regular Price 185.00 Sale Price $107.00 Regular Price $175.00 Sale Price $117.00 ALL THREE-PIECE SETS We have sold a good number of furniture stocks in our day, and take pleasure in stating that we personally believe the quality of Barrie's stock of furniture would be a, credit tQ qiy city. CEDAR CHESTS Uegluar Price $25.00 Sale Price $15,65 WALNUT FINISH SIMMONS BEDS Regular Price I7.50 Sale Price $11,75 Liquidators M. L. GREENE A. M. SILVERSON ifl ijJJS Genuine 3 and Wi Point BLANKETS! 3 Point Khaki, Reg. Price $11.50, Sale Price . , . . 7.?5 3 Point Grey, Reg. Price $9.75, Sale Price . . . . $6.25 3'2 Point White, Reg, P'rice $17.00, Sale Price . . $10.15 312 Point Duffle, Reg. Price $17.50, Sale Price LIMITED NUMBER TWO ONLY TO A CUSTOMER I CARPETS WILTONS STAIR RUNNERS FLOOR MATS m a Large Assortment , -Of - PICTURES Regular Price $3.00 Sale Price $1.25 LINOLEUM CONGOLEUM RUGS COCOA MATS 14x23, Reg. $1.00, Sale 55c 16x2G, Keg. n.50. Sale 6.5c TABLE LAMPS BRIDGE LAMP STANDARDS WITH OR WITHOUT SHADES FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS LAMPS TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! GOOD TIME TO SAVE ON CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN AEROPLANES, Regular Price $1,00, Sale Price, , ,G5c SLEIGHS, ideal for bobs, Regular Price 51.25, Sale Price . . ; 75c KIDDIE KARS, Regular Price $3.50, Sa'c Pricp $1.95 TRICYCLES, Regular Price Sale Price $3.50 AUTOMOBILES, Regular Price SllOO, S Ac Price .$7.85 RUHRER-TIRED WAGONS, Regular Pace $6.50, Sale Price $3.85 BABY ROCKERS, Regular Price $2,95. S?V Price $1.50 ifMfTin-TTnTmraTrniirTir 1 , . win iimnnii aiiiMu FIXTURES FOR SAliE - 1 PaltQn Cash Register . . .'. , . $110,00 ICarySafe...,, ,...$65.00 1 Oak Roll Top Desk , $25,00 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT m NLVER BEFORE have the peo-pie of Prince Rijpert hd a better opportunity tp obtain Better Class Fwnitijre at these Prices. Share In It ! Folks, this sale calls for drastic action. Our order are tp sell everything in the shortest possible time, and I want to state right here that this close out sal? of Carrie's Bankrupt Stock, will be the most sensational sale ever in this city, Qpr prices v. ill cause people to become excited, pver thjs Uig event fired with an. impulse to overcome the strenuous problems of life. He ono of the crowd and get your share of the wonderful bargain DINING ROOM SUITES By McLagan and Restmore Sale Price $143.85 Regular Price $299.00 Sale Price $19450 9-IMCCE SETS Curtains It Will Pay Draperies, You to fomp from, all Vri Kirsh Rods "nd riTlV' share In thU blj wllln - - out salf. $1.00 will bu Bed j jpreads $Miio and no worUi pt rood- tw: VOmtOrterS ST()UK roinavr Kitchen- Springs ST Mattresses Window Blinds Bafcy SPS Bath Towels Cots NqCWs - No Muntk No Changes - No Deliveries NOTHING BUT BARGAINS