AOi.THl PARKE-DAVIS & CO. Pure Vanilla Extract Special At Bargain Prices 3 -ounce Pint 50c T 90c SINGER SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED For Sale and for Rent McKAE KUOS., LTD. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J, rilUDIIOMMF.. Trop. Cor. of Frascr and Fifth Sts SAVOY Mr. and Mrs. S. Bennett, Port Simpson. New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot tt Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. TF.U DAY AND DP 3. Zarelll HUGH L. DICKEY, M.D. SPECIALIST Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladles' & Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE COMPANY 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone C63 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR 8 KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City $2.00 Ormes Ltd. Phones 81 & 82 "Jiitt Pioneer Drtutaists TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOR RENT Five room house with bath. Apply 891 Borden St. 223 LOST part of glasses In case between High School and McBrlde and Sixth. Finder please Phone 585. 221 IMPROVED FARM for sale or. trade. 120 acres. Clear title. Can be divided Into 60 acre lots, one with all necessary building. Burns Lake District Apply owner W. E. Funncll, Prince Rupert 226 Third Ave. & Fulton St. LOCAUTEMS Mrs. M. A. Dupuls of Haysport is a visitor to the city, having arrived from the Skcena River on this afternoon's train. Harry Thrupp of the Canadian National district 'freight agent's staff returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a business trip to the Interior. A. R. Nichols and B. E. Valdc, who Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 11:30 am. From the East Sunday. Tuesday and Thurs day -1:30 pm. For Vancouver Sunday 9 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 noon Wednesday, 4:30 pa Thursday 9 pjn. . Friday .. U pm Saturday i 4:30 pm From Vancouver-Sunday , 4 pm. Wednesday i 1.1 30 am Friday - pm Saturday 10:30 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday 7 pm. Wednesday 4 p.m. Saturday 4 pm. From Stewart and Premier-Sunday 8 p.m Tuesday ...11.30 am Thursday 8 pm Saturday 6 For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday 7 7Pm pm From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 am. From North Queen Charlottes-Thursday 10:30 am. For Queen Charlottes Sept. 10 and 24 10 pm. From Queen Charlottes- Sept. 8 and 22 ... For Alaska-Sept. 10. 19,30 ... From Alaska Sept. 2. 5. 14, 23 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Rteamrra irate Trine Uopert f or Vancouver: Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T... L'AKDF.NA EVIRV FHWAY MIDMtJIIT. Arriving Vancouver Bunday midnight approx. Weeklv Mlllnia to Port SUnpnon, Allc Arm. Anyox. Btewart and Naa River poiata. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. IMrther Intormatlon regarding all aalllnga Jtd ticket, at -TRISCr RUPERT AOF.NCY: are mid Aeniif. Phone g am. 10 pm. 4:30 pm, C. N. TRAIN For the East Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays, 12:30 noon. From the East-Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays, 1:30 pm. TO TAXPAYERS Local Improvement Taxes ait due and payable at City Hall Oct J, 1931. To avoid added penalty. D. J. MATHBSON 222 City Treasurer & Colectcr , WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Lemon Pie Heady Hy Noon 25c The Electric Ilakcry Wc Deliver Phone GG7 Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ilcilbroner's store. Anglican W. A. Tea' and Sale o! home cooking at Mrs. J. C. McLen-nan's Borden Street on Thursday next, 3 to 6. 221 Judge F. McB. Young left yester day for Smlthcrs where he wlil preside over a session of County Court. Mrs. O. H. Arnold will receive at her home on Borden St. on Satur day, September 26 from 4 to 6 o'clock. 221 I "Swedish Wedding Bells" was a number played by radio station K JR .of Seattle for O. A. Johnson of i Prince Rupert at request of fricndi In the south. Doris Larsen, found guilty c( creating a disturbance was sentenced to twenty-four hours' Imprisonment by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday af ternoon Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypoints. Monty Robert, editor of the pro vincial page of the magazine sec- nave occn on a grouse nunung vnp Xion of Vancouver Sunday pro- to tne .Topicy cismci, reiurnea home on this afternoon's train, bringing some game with them. with Oeorge Smith In charge. 0 r pow has five niiiinDCM I I Vttvi W bad a mUcarriagc and felt perfectly miserable. . "I took three bottles of Lydia E. Piokham'i Vegetable Com-pound and later gavt birth to a fine baby boy. "I now hare five children. I always take the Vegetable Compound during pregnancy and it help me. It benefits my aiatex a-in-law too." Mr. V. J. Zinton, R. R. No. 2, LaVcfieM, Ontario. VEGETABLE COMPOUND QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prlcjrs: No. 1 Sx per M ...$3.73 No. 1 3x per M 3.25 No. 2 per M 2.75 ROrtEKThON & SIMPSON Massctt. B.C Arent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up IS Years Experience' All Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, iepte'mber 22, 1C31 GlLLETI'S Flake Lye yesterday. Cleans SINKS DRAINS Dinncrwarc, china, crockery glassware; Ilcilbroner's store. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Edwards of Lowe.Inlet are visitors In the city. 15 this morning from Anyox. Stew-I"""6 " w tvv""' art and other northern points and Misses Ethel Marshal and Edmcc Erlckson of Port' Simpson arrived In the city yesterday for an overnight visit. Mrs. R. J. Ford, who has been vlnce, was a passenger aboard the siting at Anyox. returned to the 4Satala this morning returning city from the smelter town on the! home alter having made the round catala this morning, trip north on the vessel. j Dr. Albert Edward Bott Perry ol Union Oil Co.'s tanker Uncana.'port Simpson has been appointed Capt. Powers, arrived In port thU justice of the peace and coroner, morning from Alaska. On leaving he b.c. Oazette announces, for Vancouver, the vessel had In ' tow the barge service station which' Mrs. M M. O'Brien, who has been has been located at wortn island visiting at Stewart for the past during the salmon trolling season week, "was a passenger aboard the Catala today returning to Varicou-j ver. Rev. Frank Bnshfleld, United Church pastor at Anyox, is a visitor in the 'city, " having arrived from the smelter tbwn on the Catala this morning.'" ",r ':; ' At request of friends In Vancouver 'Sweedlsh Wedding Bells w" played last night by radio station KJR of SeatUe for Miss Blanch Harte of Prince Rupert. Merely routine matters were dealt with last evening when the Prince Rupert Shrine Club held Its regular monthly dinner in the Commodore Cafe. President O. H. Munro was in the chair. W. T. Reavley has been appointed deputy mining recorder for Uie Queen Charlotte Islands with sub-recording office at Jedway in place of Ike Thompson, deceased, the B. C. Oazette announces. Northland Navigation CoVs mo-torship freighter Norcq. Capt. Eck-holm. arrived In port at 6 o'clock 'this morning from Ketchikan with two carloads of frozen fish for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. Miss Dorothy and Bill Patmore with Bill Gwyer have arrived' Iron; I Prince Rupert to attend the Uni versity. Miss Irene Mitchell and Jim Stewart also numbered among j the Prince Rupert students at the i University Ihli term. Vancouver Sun. CITY TAX SALE A Tax Sale of dellnqueit lots will be held ln the City Hallt 10 am. Wednesday. Sept. 30th. 1931. List of lots may be had on application at City Hall. D. J. MATHESUM. 222 City Treasurer tt Collector Announcements Eagles' Social Dance, Friday, October 2, ' United Church Supper, Oct. 5. Gyro Fall Hoedown. Octpber 16. Moose Hall. Hill 60 i,O.D.E. Bridge and dance October 30. i Moose Carnival and Dance No'. 12 and 13. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, November 19. IJzSlntMn and the FulUtrensth for Sink Drains Full strength for the toilet bowl In solution for all general cleaning GlLLETT'S Lye "Eats Dirt" TERRACE Miss Mildred Klrkpatrlck has returned from -a lengthened stay In Vancouver district and was heartily greeted by her many friends. Mrs. Sam Hauderschlld of Prince Rupert has been spending a vaca tion in Terrace, Gendron and Couture are building a flume for their placer operations on Douglas Creek. Several Terrace fcLye Aould nevat be dissolved in hot water. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS UsE full strensth Gillette Lye' to keep all your drains clean and free-running. A small quantity poured down your sinks and toilet bowl each week, will t rid them of all dirt accumulations and-', save you costly repair bills. . For all household cleaning, one table-spoonful of Gillett's Lye dissolved In a . gallon of cold water provides a' Jafe solution for washing floors, tiling, refrigerators, etc. .' The new FREE Gillett's Lye 'booklet describes many other ways this handy product can help you with all your cleaning. Send for it men have played ,1"B raPid,y( n Islan,ds- T,hCy : McDonald's Landing on Sunday. Xtelvinareh:bl?med wl h the destn,cUon I There was a . good good program program of of sports. sports. the role of Excelsior lately In search of goat meat, but most of them-re- tumcd empty handed. One had to bo careful "not to get their goat" when discussing the trip. Miss Esther Moore of Vancouver is on a visit to her parents In Terrace. J VANDERHOQF Samuel W. Cocker, Frank Bowman, Stephen Holmes and J. M. Johnstop have been called from here to Prince George for service on the grand Jury at the Supreme Court assizes there this week. Robert J. Redmond, B. LeR. Pearson, LquIs J. Preston, William R. Lee, Oeorge II. Klrkland. Ernest Lamb, Elijah Harareave. William Hone. Arthur A. Goodwin. Myrle O. Hartman and Emlle Brlndamour have been sum-money from here for petit. Jury service. A. M. Manson. K. C MX.-A. for Omlneca. was here early last week In the course of a tour of His constituency. He Is now in the western part of the riding. SKIDEGATE California geese, which migrate south six weeks earlier than usual this fall. Several large flocks have been seen here flying south. Robins are also flying south, considerably ahead of the usual time. Queen Charlotte Islands are again urging that the bag limit for black bear be Increased from three animals per teason. Bear are lncreas- salmon each year. 10c. a week! Sportsmen who wish to shoot bear. than visit the Queen Charlotte; Islands during the hunting season. At Tlell and Queen Charlotte City there arc up-to-date stopping places tend mo'orboats can be hired at any point. Dale L. Pitt, manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co, gave a : BURNS LAKE Burns Lake defeated Smlthers in a recent baseball game here by a. score of 9 to 3. Two carloads of' fans accompanied the visiting team here. ' A third room has been established in the Burns Lake school. The new to the Mackenzie. River delta from 'teacher Is Miss Adair, otheF mem-Callfomla each spring, are flying bers of the staff being R.-W. Mc- Oowan, principal, and Miss I. M. Marshall The Great Circle Lodge on White-sail Lake has been closed for' the winter although two guides, have been left there to accommodate an; hunters who may visit the district. A successful picnic was held at John Berg, formerly on the. staff of Phil Brunell's store, is opening ducks and greese could do no better !a caih and ln lhe Brown A total of $500 was collected In connection with the field day held recently for the i benefit of Uie Queen aowanbank wcte ?l3ltor5 m town unarioiie uuy uospiiai. Amonc vne , jaj wec)C contrlbutbrs were O. D. Beattle, O. ; , H. Jolllffe. H. R. Beaven. R. Schuf-fer, J. R. Morgan Logging Co. and Dr. O. A. Roberts (Vancouver). STEWART i P. V. Tallon is taking a holiday In the Whltcsall Lake region and W. a Morrison . is relieving as station agent here during his absence. JI. D. MacNcll has returned to his duties at the Government Telegraph office here after a two months vacation. . highly Interesting address before a"1 dinner of the Stewart Board of j W. M. Fcrrier, fisheries officer in trade last Tuesday night, his sub- charge of the Nechako watershed, Ject being In connection with mln- returned last Tuesday to his head ing affairs. A total of 223 have been registered here as unemployed. Relief work ln the district is now getting under way and construction of camps for the men is being rushed. quarters ln Prince Gcocge alter a week's visit to this district. Mr. Fcrrier expressed the belief , that the salmon run will be restored to Nechako watershed due .to the planting of eggs over a number of years. 10c. a week! KEEP IN TOUCH With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the boy. will , call and collect v V'1 Block, opposite the railway station. Frank Carroll made a business trip to Prince Rupert last week. William Carroll looked after his' Shell Oil distributing agency while .' he was gone. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gowans of u. . 5.