For rent, for sale and a!) other small advertisements In thU section charged at the rate of 2 cents a wurd per Insertion with six Insertions for the prfce of four, By the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c, FOR KENT FOB RENT choice apartments. Westenhaver Bros. If FOR RENT Furnished f room flat with bath- Phone 547, j FLATS FOR RENT 5 and 6 rpomi Shid bath on Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 802. it : ' . .... . TO RENT furnished rooms two or three as desired. Light ant) Phone. Terms reasonable. Phone 283: 221 FOR RENT Pianos, phonography sewing machines and can. Walker's, cor. Second Avenue and Founh Street. tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnished two room suites, $10 per month, half-block from Post Office, 83.) Second Avenue West. Phone 290. FOR SALE Leather Chesterfield Suite, Sideboard: Rug 9x9. Monarch Stove, going cheap. Phon Black 518. 408 8th Ave., Wert, tf BARGAIN in Old Newspapers. Use ful for lighting fires, laying pe-, ncath carpets, wrapping parcels, packing furniture and many other purposes. Special for a short time, 2 bundles for 25c Da.lly News. tf SITUATIONS VACANT CHRISTMAS Monty easily earned taking orders now for our Beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Sell on sight. Tlairfll Art fn 01 flnilld Street. Toronto. ' s 18. 22, 28, 30 j EMPLOYMENT FULL and spare time workers making good Incomes selling "Imperial Art" "Made In Canada" Personal Christmas Cards. Write now for particulars while agencies still available. Sample Book free to responsible people. British Canadian Publishing Co., 51 West Wellington. Toronto. s30 HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER wanted fpr family out of town. Three chljdren good wages. Apply wUh refer ences to Phone Blue ?9U. in LOST LOST yellow and white kitten at McBrlde and Fourth Sunday ev enlne. Phone Blue 284. 2 AUCTION Having been asked to conduct an Important Auction Sale wlthti) tha m xt few weeks I wish to announce that l am Drenarcd to sell house ho'd r,j other goods by auction. Funds available tp ypur euects outright on short notice. 22 t. ROSS MacKAY Get quick results with a want aa WANTED Q1RL wants housework. Phone Black 900. 223 HIOH School Olrl wishes board in good home In return for l)gh. housework. Apply Box 109, Dally News or Telephone 93. 221 POSITION reaulrpd as hejp n Hotel or famljy, or as house-keeper to seyera) men, by capable educated woman. Experienced plain cook. References. Box 108 News. 230 Public Stenographer MIMEOORAPHINP, Muriel Morris, Phone 782. (O-l) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red B. tt R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moying. Phone 204. U NEWS AGENTS ANY Publications on Earth. News Stand. s 31 CORRESPONDENTS WANTEP LADIES and Gentlemen In South Africa, Europe, etc., seek Correspondents. Write Bonafide Corresr pondence Bureau, Postbox I66J, Johannesburg, S. Africa. tf PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Rlock. Phone Green 701 VIOLIN TUITION WORP has been received that Professor Pjyce will not resun-3 work here. Miss N. Lawrence is open to take several new putflli for similar work. Phone 177 tf SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do It." in.;r:. Snlvmro Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped Tor Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descrip tions for cnarier Row Boats and Canoes for Ilfre 1JAUOAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors rriMci Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywnere oy wv Phone liay or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 15G1 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. sfU or exchange any1 kind ol furniture or household goods, musical instruments ma . chinery, etc. General repairs., crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Biack 120 and we will call. O. J. PAWES, Auctioneer-Federal Block tf SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HdSPITAL, Shoes re-1 paired, Second Avenue West, if SHOE, REPAIRS Best materials-finest work prices reasonable. Sharrnan Co., opposite Post Office. If TAXI SERVICE TO RENT very comfortable fuljjr security. Phone C78. Stand lies furnished, steam heated suite.! CHIROPRACTIC ner Block. lmsJC hot water, electric range, etc.. . .... close in, $50 a month for the Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments 1 winter. Phone 459. ' tf Nervous, Female and Children mtcc C m A pcniV Diseases Specially Treated " noil FOR SALE y SL -MS 6 and 7 Exchange Block Harmony, Counterpoint. FOR 3ALE Good used cars, at t Green 211 Black 283 ' Telephone: Ifed 390 right prices. Kaien Motors Ltd. - - H TRANSFERS - - - - - FOR SALE Fourrhole Range and dining table cheap. Phone BJue 115. 221 FOR SALE fine Persian Lamb coat with collar and cuffs. In excellent condition. 513 8th Ave. E. 222 Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano , Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. TIJQMASSON Dressmaker ic Ladles' Tailor 415 Pren St, Phone piue 901 Miss Margaret McCaffery A.T.CM. TEACHER OF PIANO Tel. 585 Beginners Preferred Mrs. B. M. Hickey Beauty Parlor J21 Second Avenue Finger and Water Waving, Marcelling, Electric Faplals, Scalp Treatment for falling hair and dandruff. Phone Red 251 "TILL1E THE TOILER" Tuesday, September 22, 193f FAqe. jtvb The Daily News " Classified" is the Poor Man' s Advertising Column , ; A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching thg Mass of the People. ' - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 7 IMPORTANT NOTICE Manufacturers Advert 1 Vancouver, distant 500 miles Edmonton, distant 955 miles , Np papers published north or west lsers The industries in the district include - . . Halibut Fishing (largest in th$ AYPrldj -SaJmpn Fishing (largest in BG.) Lumbering, Logging and Mining. Paper Manufacturing. and if Advertising Agents jLbok at the Map of British Columbia shown herewith . 'and note that Prince Rupert is the centre of the largest grading area of any city in the Dominion of Canada. The Daily News Prince Rupert is the only daily newspaper attempting to 9 cover thjs-luge area, and the people in it look to thflt paper for information in regard to. possible markets. The nearest" Canadian daily rfewspaper3 to Prince Rupert ape i Map of British Columbia. v flviCToaus Now Influstries are being planned for the district, qnpuncement of which wjJl be njadp in the near future. A'neyf()rOfE;ectri(i'"PQWer Plant has been installed and is npyv In.PperAtion No advertising campaign is complete without including The Daily News Of Princp Rupert, B.C. ' - The only A.B.C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. A Severe Test R -THFM TAK.B rcx5t our sohe HttB, i?f ISO i-TS -ByWestover, Tiuwi - 'you ME VERV Much pp.?OM dfc fVJS To ill-