till V Ij f I: i J SPORT JEWS j canadiens fiveway i WIN AGAIN: DRAW NOW Eastern Stock Sherrilt-Gordon 02, 03. Miranda. 14.75. 1525. int. Nickel. 8.75. 10.25. 6. P. R. 1620. 16.75. . Tt 'nventions of tfiflnlH tliwjii 1 are Mid ta kefp piprdxlrrlitely, 1.000.000 neonl? stefldlly employed. Insist on "GRANTS BEST PMOCUrABLE" The Orlgihll For Sale at Vendor or tilrtet froiu "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control li.fard. Victoria, B.C. jii5L !m RiCHEBT,lM HESt I MM tft HIGMUiKiO MALT, iuUXLii Vm Bottled tnd furntwl hV WUlitm I f1ZLfj VaV Oraat & Son Umitrd Glonutljirh ini Blvnl-!lMilivrl Dinullfrtr UuS- IJJ tB A GImow, Scutlinil. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the I-Hm'o'f Control Doard or the Government of British Columbia. HALIBUT INQUIRY frontinuf-d from ijre 1) massed. j Expects Order's j For Poles During j Coming Year "We are at present trying tb mdve iff the poles that we hive already purchased and they are going rather slowly but after the new year ve are expecting things tb change ind we look forward td doing a I "bed deal of business ih this part of i t)e country rosSxt year," declared L. T. Chapman, pole tieaier of Spo-jt4ne, who ntos in trie city Visiting Jtth Olof HjftiMn MP yesterday. tr. dhapmah z&li he looked tor in improvement In the business cry soon. lie ild he had bought a great many poles from the lian-on Company. Early In the year the olg companies are in the habit of booking their orders and then it is expected they will be looking to the !keena and Bulkley Valleys td sup-nly part of thelf hee'ds.' "We have had a quiet time in our i business." Mr.'. Chapman stated, i but things cannot always remain ; hat way. The turn for the better j has commenced and we all expect improvement very soon," Uittri to Gtritttl Ekctrk Vagabond! every Juttity Evtnlng over Camdi'bidt fittwotk t ... . PAflTt fTttrH THE tfAttY MTWi 5E4H- 3 Defeated Maple Leafs to Consolidate Hold on First Place in International Section CHICAGO LOSES F1KST MONTREAL, Nov. 27: Montreal Canadiens increased their margin of leadership In the interfigtlonal section of the National Hockey Ledgue last night by defeating Toronto Maple Leafs 3 to 2. The Montreal Maroons dropped two points behind their townsmen by tying one all with New York Americans in overtime at York Grotto, Oddfellows, Moose. MufcUe-teers and Sons of Norway Tied in Whist Whist League scores last nlgHt were as follows: Grotto 6, Empress 3. Musketeers 6, Totem Park 3. Legion 1 1 b. 6. i$. , " . . Seai Cove 6, Sons' of Norway 3.w Moose 5, Fish Packers 4. Whist League Standing w. l: Grotto 4 New1- O O. F 4 1 Moose 4 Boston Brums ot thto wlnrilhe Sons of Norway stride by defeating Chicago Black Musketeers Hawks one to nothing and moved Empress into third place ahead of Detroit Legion Falcdns. It was the first defeat of Seal Cove file uuvin Mr tfut tiWtlr TTotrVa irhn Fish Packers arestfll in second pUwehi the Am- Totem Park 1 erican section but with a margin of but oil ptrtnt oter the Bruins. , JQQp 1G3II1S Hockey Standings ; International Division w. r3. l. p. Canadlena 3 i 2 7 Maroons 2 13 5 Americans 1 2 14 Maple Leafs , 0 2 3 2 American Division W. D. L. P. Rangers 5 1 1 11 Chicago 2 3 1 7 Boston 3 0 3 6 Oetrdft 2 0 4 4 Badminton Club Tournament Is Very Successful Cathedral Club Member Guests of I'rioe ltuprt Raiminton Club Last Evenliic The nafhedral Bidmlnton Club members wrr Ht evntair iruests of the Prints Ruoert Bidmlnton Club st an Am-rtean tournament on the courts of the latter. Sixteen couplet tdok feart arid Uiere was some fvt olv. final round he CRiBBAGE November 30 Soil Cove t. Elks. Musketeers vs Batlsa. Moe vs. Swift's. 0. 0fto vs. J. ft. OVF. K 0 s Vs. Pftnce hoTrf Hotel. December " Swlff'3 vs. rhv Rufert Hotel. Miis!:cte"rs vs. Ornttri Mf?e vi fctti! Cove. Enz'e v Hits 1. O. O. F vs. K. C OILS A. P. Con., 10, nil. Cttlrrfcfit, d. nil. rtUhetisft. 20, fill. Dev.nish, 1. nil. Fabyan Pete, 3, 3V. Royatite. Uo, ido. Mercury. 9. nil. tMtecf. ntl, 10. 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 r Imr wn Mr Rannie Allen And MU uSS, IJi Vancouver Stocks ri l the we Wetaa 15-5. 18-14. A ft it oHV .was eoneTndiS fe-frefhnfnt were served in charge of Ml Mrrrtonia nd prizes were pre? n ted by Eric Oee. For Tonight's Gaines Named Tonieht's basketball line-ups ale announced as follows: Juniors Boy Scouts V. Miller. E. Sait-turbane. G. Vlerick, W. Smith. L. Wilson. J. Lindsay. League of Nations E. AntonellL A. Dominate, J. 011-lier, J. Yaegar, B. Tobey. D. Arney Intermediates High School A. Walters, B. Uri-r. O. Wlhgham. B. Vance,- R. Forbes and O. Hanson. Merchants' E. Dlngwell, J. Plere J. McNulty. J. Currle, Fred Dlngwell and J. Comadina. Ladies' League Cardinals!.. Lowe, C. Irvine, P Ston. A. Gilchrist E. Rlvett, and V. Krikevsky. Comts-E. Steen, J. Robe'rts, P. macOulre. P. Harvey, A. Connexy and B. Jitk. Seniors' League Panthers'. A. drdsS. R Irvine T. Kelsey. H. Macdonald, J. McNulty and H. Lyon. 32 Taxi D. Gurvich, D. Frfuell, Vic Menzles. D. Stalker, W Pretrial and S. Gurvich. . set the fish that were being taken . W. NickersQn cild not believe that the smaller American and Canadian boats would have an equal break with the large American boats if the.re were division into areas. The larger boats would be able td fish hi the ope'n areas which could be used by the smaller bodt and would have; the advantage of being able to proceed to the farther off banks' where the small boats cfaUia n6t g8 affer the closeMri areas had beeri fished out. Under siicH a systerii, the Canadiati boats p might be "broke' ih a Single sfca-4'!ion. Mr. Nickersoh asked why the fetlo df the catch of the last few 4: seasons could not be ascertained 4 J arid the American and Canadian Boat fee limited to their proper .' portions. Air. rouna disagreed wun some oi Mr. Nickerson's suggestions along: this line. Capt. Charles Edwards suggested that toning gear might be standardized. Small hooks could be done away with and that would help to preserve the small fish. Both the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union and the Canadian Halibut j Vessel Owners' Association expres sed themselves as betflg favorable to the closing of the Massett and Timbered Island so-called "chicken" areas to. fishing. The boat owners, however, felt that the area thereabouts to be closed need not necessarily be so extensive as set out. Capt. Dan Larsen presented the views of the boat owners. Both boat owners and fishermen Joined in the suggestion that something should be done along the line of providing penalties .for the landing and buying of hallbiit under five pburids In weight. This, it I was felt, woiild fib hluch toward the aiseohtlurilng 6f the taking of immature fish. Capt. Leon Sandvar rriadd the statement that about 60 of such fish after being caught would revive and live If thrown back Into the sea. it was pointed but that the! commission had no dtithorltj tb set or impose such penalties. f . : Matter of Duly Capt. Ledn Sandvar Inquired from the commission as to what was being done toward bringing about 9 fehiovSl of th'6 2e diit? on Canadian fish entering the United States. Mr. Found pointed out that it wai entirely a rrtattef for tltt government. However, both :he ds-partfhent and the Hovernment wer" fully alive to the situation and we-seeking to bring about some satisfactory and definite solution. He v?as hopeful that steps with that end in view woulU .soon be taken. Mr. Babcock stated that President Herbert Hoover of the United States had told him personally that it was His (Mr. Hoover's! ci&ire thUt trie flsh'ehes of United States and Canada should be tin art equal ' footing, i(Eef6re the close of tlie rrieetlng. ,T'. Hiohri.h moved a vbte of vthanks 6 Mr Bibcock -Mr. Found and Dt; ThiiinTJsdh for tlie time, efforts and iHW they had expended in the valuable work they were doing in" eotirieetlon with the international Fifhe'rles Cohtmssibni It was only men of such proven ability as these who could tackle the Important problems presented. The vote of thahlja was seconded by Capt; J. D. Thurber and carried enthushmidallv. In clttstng the meeting, Wr. Babcock Invited all present when, In Seattle, to visit commission headquarters there And inspect the wbrk that was being done, the case of the Pacific halibut fishery he likened to that of a sick patient on whom the performing of an operation was necessary. The operation might involve some palh but It; would be of ultima 16 benefit and' wis necessary to preserve life. He I fctyed that the halibut fishing in-1 terests would take the "doctor's" advice" and permit of the neces-! sary operation being performed and t a permanent remedy, as was hoped for, effected. Mr. Babcock, in con-1 elusion, expressed aopreciatlon for the vote 6f thanks which had been Mi : ij'i t . it 111 H0f POCKET PACK OF FIVF ( WRAPPED ARABELA cigars by fay the greatest value II1MNESST THREE STAR BtiTtf LED IN fcOGNAC, FRANCE Si (Pwenb CDlstort'm TONE EQUALIZER C)i xclm'we Feature of lite General Electric 0ull Hanqc RADIO UN addltldti (oTorie Control, General Electric liaillo now offcra the "Tone Eijuallier" a new development or Cent ral Electric research a feature frblcb. elilnlnates cahlnet rcMinanco and Its restiltliig distortion of tone. Hear the' C.fe. Popular Console and you h ill notice what a surprising difference the Tone Euallwr makes. Note liow It iirings out all the tone! loW, diddle ahd lilgli with equal volume. Booming, unnatural lia'is notes Ire properly balanced you enjoy superb Full Range Tone. RenSfmbeT iliat General Electric U the radio that has Wdd com. petitlve1 tone teita by decisive thalorltles over other weil-Lnowu make. Itlvtlgafe the Tone Equalizer and other advanced features' of these" General Electric Stiperdleirrodynes. Prices are retnarkabl low and 6il clh buy on easy terms. M A b t IN CANADA Northern British Columbia Power Conlpaiiy Limited kit Thin iidvertisemi-Ht is not publitthed or d I. 4 n hi rail by the Linuor Control Hoard or by the IJovernmcM df Brltlnt. CdlUmbla IHB jPy LrVj. Ay -aH CAN A Dl AN utNbRAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED