r :','.,- - 1 T IMS aaaaB, , t ... 1t- , 4 v. PAGE SEX THE DAILY NEW8 "Husband off to work, children off to school, how do you do it?' "Oh, that's easy if you serve Shredded Wheat. I just take the biscuits from the package and serve them with cream, or with hot milk on cold win ter days. My family never tire of it, and of course that pleases me, because Shredded Wheat is a great body-buildcr. The necessary vitamins and minerals arc there, and so is the bran which is so important to good health." WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLEWHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD; mm EDWAHDSBUIUl mm corn syrup Thl rim u Rrcip Book contain, ncarl) JM prist rrcipn chewn from 7S.IM ttttind from til parts of Canada. Thr art andortcd hy ' ' ' l ibada'a forrmoit food fjpert, B aura lo nicloaa 10 crnl to corrr mailing .i. TALK ABOUT HARD TIES A FAIR EXCHANGE TWO 50c PIECES FOR $1 NO. 1 ALRERTA EGG, Per Ton $11.00 COAL-CASH ONLY Also Nanainio-Wcllington Lump and Nut Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 116 Telephone 117 nmmuMimwmmitirmsi SAFE WINTER TIRES - SURE FOOTED Goodrich Silvertowns Get Them Now! Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Phone 5C6 (Night calls 161) DISTlllUUTOIlS: DODOE and PLYMOUTH CARS COAL Ituy (he real Coalour famous Edson and CasslJy-Weliincton In any qnantitles. Also Bulkier Valley Hay. Oraln and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co 1'IIONES 58 AND 558 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 PROSPERITY RETURNING T. II. Johnson Oives Cheerful Address Before Kotary Club i Sees Improvement Cold Storage Manager Tells of His Recent Trip East "The Impression I gained while on my recent trip to New York and Eastern Canada was that business conditions were likely to Improve in the near future," stated T. H. John son, manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. in an address before the Rotary Club at its weekly luncheon yesterday. Mr. Johnson stated that, when he left Prince Rupert last September, business conditions were very bad and everybody felt depressed. As he travelled east, and particularly on' the prairies, the depression was even more pronounced. Many of the farmers were getting government relief and orders were given, when purchasing fish for relief purposes, not to pay more than six cents a pound. This made it impossible for the Pacific Coast to supply any of it. East of the prairies, particularly in Ontario and Quebec, Mr. John- j"son found the people more optl-i mistic. The reasons for the change iwere Interesting. First there was i the change of government at Ot-I tawa which helped to Increase pros perity in Ontario and Quebec. Then Britain went off the gold standard and unemployment began to decrease in that country. The United States moratorium on war debts came next and, doubtless, had some effect. The election in Britain it is agreed was the greatest single event to create confidence when that country declared It would have no truck or trade with the Communists. The result was that a wave of confidence began creeping over this country as well as that. The price of wheat began to move up and he had been told, even before the move began, that the price would go so high in the near future that the farmers would be able to earn enough to live and a little to spend beyond that. The increase was warranted by world conditions such as the failure of production of fall wheat in the States; failure of the crop in the Argentine; Russia falling down on her deliveries and possibly the little argument between China and Japan. All these things made for Improvement. Take the price of wheat alone, every cent a bushel added about two and a half million dollars to the holders of Canadian wheat and many of the holders were the farmers. Turning then to purely Rotary matters, Mr. Johnson said he attended the Rotary Club dinner at Montreal when the club was addressed by Sidney W. Paschall. In ternational president, the subject of the address being International relations. There were about five! hundred persons present including many ladies. The consuls of many nations were guests that day. Visiting New York, Mr. Johnson saw the big new United States airship AJiron flying over the city and also the Los Angeles. When the Akron was in the air. a hole opened in the side of the huge ship and two airplanes flew out and alto soared over the city. Another interesting thing Mr. MUSSALLEM'S Sanitary MEAT MARKET Saturday Specials Leg of Fresh Killed Lamb, lb 23c Loin of Lamb, 5 lbs $1.00 Shoulders of Lamb, 7 lbs. Legs of Veal. 6 lbs $1.00 Shoulders of Veal, 7 lbs $1.00 Loins of Pork, 5 lbs .$1.00 Try InJia E. Pinkham'i VaietaWa Compound Mortified to Death Excrucutiu pal' ' hr uii couldn't go. Modern girls hnd Lrdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a wonderful help for headaches . backaches and crimps. Johnson saw was an exhibition of television as part of a theatre pro gram. Also he noticed that dealers in New York were selling radios with television attachment. He did not consider the pictures shown by television very successful as .they were not sufficiently clear. Later there doubtless would be improvements. At the close. President Munro thanked the speaker for his Interesting address Three visitors at the luncheon W. A. Found, deputy minister of fisheries, J. P. Babcoek, chairman of the fisheries commission and Df . F. W. Thompson, director of rsf search for the commission, caisy spoke briefly. Successful Tea And Sale HeF Funeilon Yesterday Afternoon It-Rupert East United Church 'Ladies' Aid The Ladles' Aid of Rupert East United Church held a very successful tea and sale in the Church hal! Yesterday. Many ladles called dtn-'ng the afternoon and the affai: iroved quite successful financially Mrs. Robert Murray, president o' 'ho Ladies Aid. received the guests Mrs. A. J. Squire was in charge o' 'he tea room and Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mrs J. W. Moorehousc wired. Servttcurs were Mrs. Frank Warne, Mrs. Frank Ellison and Mrs. Arthur Lelghton. Cashier wa- Mrs. R. O. Macauley. The candy sale was In charge of Mrs. J. R. ; Murray and Mrs A Oomez while Mrs. James Watt and Mrs. T. Ross Mackay had charge of the homeeooklng table. During the afternoon there was a very acceptable musical program which included vocal solos by Mrs A. R. Hunter and Mrs. P. C. Miller violin solos by Miss Alice Oomez olano solos by Miss Ethel Moore-house and sword dance and hlgh-'and fling by Miss Isabel Connery Accompanists for the afternoon were Mrs. J, S. Black and Mrs. A. H. Klelback. L. F. Chapman. Spokane pole dealer, who has been on his an nual visit to the central interior district, sailed last night on th Prince Rupert for Vancouver en-route home. GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT Wetners. small, 2 lbs. for 13c Royal Breakfast Bacon, sliced, per lb 51c Cottage Roll, per lb 19c Dry Salt Pork, per lb ...20c Eggs, No. 1 .Extras, 3 doz $1.00 Carnation Milk, per case $3.25 Carnation Milk, per tall tin 11c Carnation Milk, baby tins, 5 for 30c Fraser Valley Jam Strawberry, Raspberry, Black Currant, Lo ganberry, i per tin 50c Aylmer Corn, 2, 3 tins .39c I Malktn's Best Coffee, per lb 40c jMalkln's Best Tea, per lb 40c Malkin's Best Baking Powder 12 oz., 2 tins 43c Japanese Oranges, bundle $2.25 Japanese Oranges, box $1.15 .51.00 ' Our stock is fresh, and complete We solicit out of town patronage and assure service and quality I, pitiAiti steeimjeee iMussallem's Cash & Tender Sirloin Roasts, per lb. ...25c T-Bone Roasts, per lb 23c! I 3111 StfiFPC UIUIC3 Rolled Prime Ribs, per lb 23c CUIJ Rump Roasts, per lb. . 18c and 20c "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Pork Sausage. 2 lbs 35c n0. i Siore Fi(th Ave-Fhone 18-81 Fifth Avenue Phones 18 and 81 o. 2 Store 319 Third Av.-Pl.one 360 in o.j store 727 Thiru av rnone 375 PREMIERS 0NRADI0 Campaign" In Support of Dominion Loan Continued "This loan is a challenge to Canadian people to be more self-reliant financially," declared Premie S.!Ff Tolmle over the radio Wednesday, night in speaking with other Pre-' miers of Canadian provinces In the special broadcast in support of the Canadian national service loan. "I have no doubt that Caandlans will nore than meet the situation an ec-. onomic phase which I am pleased! o say appears to be passing. The horizon Is already brighter. I am sure that the people of Canada will demonstrate their faith In the fu-.ure of their country by subscribing generously to this loan." Other Premiers who were heard itressed the patriotic duty and ;ound Investment opportunity presented by the loan. It was desirable it was .agreed that Canadians mould show to the rest of the world the solidarity of their country financially and the Dominion's national spirit and loyalty. A sympathetic and generous response to he appeal was urged by the Premiers. As announced, Sir George Perley, ..tln? Premier of Canada, and the remiers of all nine provinces were tcard on the broadcast. All spoke rom their respective capitals with he exception of Premier Tolmle of '-ltlsh Columbia, who faced the Icrophone in Vancouver, and rcmler Pohn Bracken of Manl-iba. who was at Brandon. Premier .. A. Taschereau of Quebec spoke oth in French and English. The broadcast was brought to Prince Rupert by Vancouver and Calgary stations. The carillon bells f the Ottawa Peace Tower were heard in "O Canada" at the start if ihe program and in "God Save the King" at the close. , JAP ARMY GOING ON MUKDEN, Nov. 27: -Japanese troops are continuing their movement toward Chinchow, railway centre, which the Chinese have stubbornly refused to evacuate. Wednesday's military engagement occurred during the march toward Chinchow. Week-End Specials Swift's Picnic Ham- Average 5 lbs., each Swift's Sliced Bacon per lb Roman Meal per pkg Malkin's Best Honey per 4-lb. tin Mixed Vegetables 25 lbs. for Eggs Fresh Extras per doz Eggs Storage firsts 3 doz. Malkin's Best Extracts Qp 35c 1 hnHlaw OOV Remo Gold Coin Potatoes, best grade, sack Royal City Sweet Corn 2's 2 tins Malkin's Best Orange Marmalade. per Jar Soda Biscuits' Large wooden box Cherries Royal Ann, 2's per tin Assorted a urn Drops per lb Aylmer Tomato Juice 2 tins Pearl White Naptha Soap 6 bars Jap Oranges Just In per box $1.15 25c 30c 75c 50c 50c 1.00 $1.75 25c 35c 50c 20c 20c 25c 25c $1.15 ! Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20H Friday November ana SATURDAY TWO SHOWS - 7 and 9 Dln Feature Starts at 7:55 & Admission j0c fc M . Sa-Matinee at? jo Feature Starts 3:2515C & 40c HER FACE IS HER FORTUNE WINNIE LIOHTNEK l.N "GOLD DUST GERTIE" With a splendid cast. She makes pay-boys out of plav-bo dough-boys out of slow-hoys. What fun' ' Comedy "BEACH PAJAMAS" PARAMOUNT nf, Adventures In Africa Spears of Death Mickey Mouse "THE MOOSE HUNT" ADMISSION 20c & G3c Feature Starts at 7:55 and SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 13c & 40c Feature Startv i" H MONDAY & TUESDAY "THE PUnLIC DEFENDER" TJ 1 loalui ALALT in beer contains THE vitamins A, U and C. ft a natural food - bevorugo. rich in nmscle-buildinR properties wlii h are easily assimilated and aid tlo digestion. Pure beer is recommended as a tonic for tired now s. sucli ns mav be caused bv bus'n s worries or bard physical exert tii, Aik for THeie Britiih Columbia Malt Products Ttns ulv'ir'iwm!)' is not ptillHhel ir ! oilnw Control Board or by the j vri.mMit of Urn : IhraWaihaWa TheFish which made Prince RupertFamoM "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK C Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump ... $12 00 Pembina Peerless Egg. . . . $11-50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE Early Ad. Copy is appreciated